USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Sojourn (Part 2 of 2)
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Sojourn (Part 2 of 2)

Posted on 19 Oct 2014 @ 4:16pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant JG Wakeham Paul Alasia Ph.D. & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Commander Norvi Stace & Lieutenant Min Zhao & Commander Scarlet Blake & Ensign Jaana Voutilainen & Commander Luke Wyatt & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Alexion Wylde & Lieutenant Teth Miir & Jonah Chaparral M.D. & Verity Thorne & Lieutenant JG Dorian West

1,795 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: USS Galileo - Various
Timeline: MD 01 - 1525 hrs

Previously, on Sojourn (Part 1)...

As Gyce had served on a stardock before, the coming and going of ships were not such a big deal to her. But she made her way to the observations decks of the station, if only to see what her new posting looked like.

The Trill turned and saw the Bajoran woman, Gyce, and he waved with a smile on his face, "There she is! Can you believe it?" He was obviously very excited to see the ship.

"It looks nice," Gyce smiled. Though that was only to be polite. Cyrin clearly had not seen many ships coming in and out of a stardock before.

And Now, the Conclusion...


USS Galileo

Paul Alasia felt his fingernails digging deeper and deeper into the console in front of him as he clenched his teeth so tightly his cheeks swelled. "I swear to God, we hurl one enormous object at another in the vacuum of space." He muttered ostensibly to the pilot but really to no one in particular. "I don't know how you all do this."

Precise techniques and protocols were requires when docking a starship. Dea kept a close eye on speed, distance, alignment and on the overall alignment vector that guided them in. "All stop, impulse engines offline. Flight control docking complete."

"Very nice work Helm. All engines to station keeping, begin power down procedures." John acknowledged with a nod, taking a moment to enjoy the fact that the ship was no longer having to look after her own affairs, and was now safely tethered to the starbase.

Stace turned her attention down to the console in front of her, the glare of the readout illuminating her face as the dark spots that ran down the side of her brow melted into a solid shadow. She checked that all of the science labs had reported their readiness to power down, and all active experiments and research had independent power before switching over to the starbases'. With a swipe of her hand, and the input of her authorisation code, the information on the screen began to fall away and minimise. "All sensor arrays are shutting down, Captain," she said as she noticed Kohl's readouts do the same. "Going into standby."

Min watched the final approach from her vantage at Ops. Power rerouting during docking was mostly automated, Ops just monitored the process and made changes as needed. She could see each of the umbilical feeds blink green on her system as the ship connected to shore power, drawing EPS power from the station's reactors. Confirming everything was okay, Min began rerouting ship systems to draw from external power. "Ship is connected to Starbase power Captain. We're docked."

The comm indicator chirped from Min's console signifying another incoming transmission. "USS Galileo, be advised your vessel will be under quarantine," came the voice of the dockmaster loud and clear across the bridge's speakers. "All crew are to depart and proceed to Decontamination Facility Two. All personal belongings and possessions are to remain aboard Galileo until decon is complete."

John listened for a moment before looking across to the arm of his chair and tapping the comm controls with his thumb.

=^=Dockmaster this is Captain Holliday - confirming your quarantine order. We will await further instructions. Galileo out. =^=

"That sounds... ominous." Paul remarked before turning to Luke he raised his eyebrows.

The CO looked visibly annoyed as he contended with the fact that he would be staying aboard the ship a little longer than might have originally been intended whilst his crew was evacuated. After the recent tribble incident however, he found it difficult to think he would have done anything different if he was in the dockmaster's shoes.

=^=All hands this is the Captain - I have just been informed that the Galileo has been placed under quarantine. All crew are to proceed to Decontamination Facility 2 upon leaving the ship - take nothing with you. =^=

Closing the channel with his thumb once again, he sighed before looking towards his XO.

"Commander Blake if you would be so kind as to have Security arrange teams to control the airlocks? Make sure nobody tries to take anything off this ship without my specific authorisation."

From Astrometrics Jaana chuckled at the notice of the Quarantine. Poor Gilbert.

Blake nodded to Holliday with a slight frown of her own. Inconvenient, but at least they wouldn't be hosed down. A small smile quirked at the corner of her lips at the brief image that brought. "Security, weapon systems lockdown. We need security teams at all access points to ensure quarantine measures are followed to the letter. Once your people are in place, we can open airlocks."

Luke looked up from his console which he had been relaying information back and forth from main security. The quarantine didn't come as a surprise to him as tribbles were a series thing they were lucky to be able to dispose of them properly but thinking of the implications of having a tribble outbreak on the station was frightening. "Weapon system's are offline" He said tapping his console and then turned to Blake "Security teams are moving into position and will be ready shortly Commander" He gave a slight smile before fixing his eyes onto the main view screen.

Blake gave a firm nod, feeling the muscles loosen up a touch in her shoulders already. "Very good, Lieutenant...once they're in place, they can start overseeing the transfer..." cocktails in the sun. Well. Cocktails in the stars at least.

Dea had been securing her station when she heard the announcement. Glancing in Blake's direction Mialin reported, "Flight Control is now in docked operations mode." All engines were offline now she just had to wait for clearance to disembark once that order was given.

Deck 3 - Sickbay

As per before, Allyndra had the big monitor over the main surgical biobed up and going. Everything seemed to be normal and it was boring to her and she sat in the office thinking on the past mission. Thus it was a surprise when the Captain said that all personnel would be decontaminated. Her words were, "For what? Tribble hypersalivation disease?"

"Huh?" Olsam said, looking up toward the office. He'd been checking and rechecking medcarts A through D to make sure everything was in its correct place. He was on his third run through because he didn't really have much else to do. 'Docking procedures' for Sickbay didn't seem to really entail very much, aside from securing patients. But there were no patients to secure, so he'd started securing the medical tricorders and dermal regenerators and the like.

"Just what Earther's call a joke Mott. Decontamination? I think they are more afraid of a bunch of furballs then a full Borg onslaught backed by the Dominion with Klingon allies. Or at least I am assuming that is what all this decontamination is about."

Tuula didn't like the sound of that. "But what about Gilbert?" she asked, joining the conversation.

"Gilbert?" Alexion frowned with confusion where he was looking down over a PADD, comparing the figures with the secured unit in front of him. "A boyfriend? Just make sure he's not smuggling tribbles, and they should let him live..."

"Gilbert is my pet tribble," explained Tuula.

"You might want to indicate he is a neutered pet. Easy enough for them to scan and we can supply records." Allyndra noted.

"Okay. And if that doesn't work, I'm just going to have to hide him in a sample container." Tuula glanced over at the storeroom. "I don't think anyone would look inside a container marked 'Argellian Plague Tissue Samples'."

Jonah, who'd already packed and was ready to leave, had been finishing up some paperwork and groaned at the announcement. "Unbelievable," he grumbled, "Just one more needless delay. How typical of Star Fleet."

Allyndra turned her head, "Agreed, I guess tribbles must be the threat to the galaxy more than I ever thought." She turned her attention back to Tuula, "Let's hope it does not come down to something like that. I think the Executive Officer would put us all out the airlock if that was found out."

Deck 2 - Mess Hall

Lt. Miir's beet soup was growing colder by the second, but this fact was only met with indifference. His recent case of meningitis had left him with the appearance some sort of gaunt and ethereal specter. But he did sip his catnip tea from his thermos, staring intently out of the window.

The Galileo had made it's final approach and the counselor felt as if he had slept through the entire mission. It seemed as if he had only been on shore leave a week before, but so much more time had passed. He couldn't quite place where it had all gone.

"Good to see you, Lieutenant," Verity smiled as he moved over, taking a chair close, but not at his actual table. The chaplain looked out at the view, a small smile coming to him. It had been a torrid couple of weeks. He had to admit, he was pretty sure that some shoreleave would do them all good. "I can't wait," he said out loud without really realising he'd said it.

"First round is on you then," Dorian West chuckled as he moved up behind the chaplain's chair, resting a hand on the back of it as he looked out. The counsellor was just as eager to find a bar or a beach, or both.

"Another day, another Starbase." Counselor Miir mused before sipping his now sickly cold soup. He was too distracted by his newfound company to really care. "I wonder who will get robbed or otherwise traumatized this shoreleave."

Mostly the Caitian just hoped it wouldn't be him.



CDRE Lirha Saalm
Mission Advisor
USS Galileo

CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo

LCDR Dea Mialin
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

LT Norvi Stace
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

LT Min Zhao
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo

ENS Janna Voutilainen
Stellar Cartographer
USS Galileo

LTJG Wakeham Paul Alasia
Diplomatic Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Luke Wyatt
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo

LCDR Allyndra Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LT Olsam Mott
Asst. Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LT Teth Miir
USS Galileo

SWO Alexion Wylde
Medical Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

Jonah Caparral M.D.
USS Galileo
[PNPC Nicholas]

PO1 Verity Thorne
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

LTJG Dorian West
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]


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