Episode 21 - Helix
Post Count: 2Stardate: 69407.1
Location: Enus V, Enus System
A Federation research team investigating a newly-discovered pelagic world requires assistance to further their subaquatic investigations. USS Galileo-A is deployed to conduct additional survey and analysis, and examination of the world's underwater ecosystem reveals a prominent discovery. Local flora and fauna express interest in the Nova-class' sudden appearance and the crew must work to navigate the complexities of first contact while also conducting ongoing studies in a challenging environment.
Mission Focus: Science, Exploration
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 4 - Southern Stars
No missions found
Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Post Count: 328Stardate: 69375.0
Location: Regula I, Remidia System
USS Galileo-A returns to Regula I following a routine systems test and the crew begin to experience temporal hallucinations. The ship's company attempts to ascertain the source of the phenomenon with assistance from Regula I's scientists. Meanwhile, a heavy transport vessel arrives to replenish stores and personnel, and Galileo's crew is granted a week-long shore leave on the primitive uninhabited world known as Remidia.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 4 - Southern Stars
Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo
Post Count: 511Stardate: 94371.4
Location: Pleiades Cluster
While performing a routine systems test following the perilous investigation of Cold Station 31, USS Galileo-A suddenly finds herself entering a temporal vortex. The crew arrive two decades in the future and are forced to answer for their past decisions surrounding the handling of sensitive scientific information. The foundation of the Federation — across all timelines — now hangs in the balance. Old acquaintances reunite in a desperate effort to alter the future by correcting the past.
Mission Focus: Time Travel, Temporal Science
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 4 - Southern Stars
Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Post Count: 1001Stardate: 69272.5
Location: Cold Station 31, Pleiades Cluster
USS Galileo finally arrives at starbase Regula I, her new home port and base of operations. Resupply operations begin and the crew enjoys a brief period of shore leave before being recalled to address an urgent local intelligence report. A Federation science station has gone dark and Galileo is promptly dispatched to a nearby asteroid field to investigate the status of the secretive research facility — designated Cold Station 31. Its crew and research are unknown, as are the circumstances surrounding its peril.
Mission Focus: Mystery, Horror
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 4 - Southern Stars
Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Post Count: 1197Stardate: 68593.2
Location: Latari System, Pleiades Cluster
Nine months have passed following the destruction of USS Galileo and now Starfleet has commissioned Galileo-A at Avondale Shipyards. A modified and improved version of the original Nova-class starship, the newest Galileo is the pinnacle of Starfleet science technology, engineering and innovation. The time for celebration is short, however, and recent intelligence reports from the Pleiades Cluster are concerning. Two Federation colonies near the Tholian border have ceased all transmissions and their fate is currently unknown. Galileo is rerouted in the middle of a long six-month ferry to the southern border and is ordered to determine the fate of over ten thousand colonists.
Mission Focus: Science, Adventure, Horror
Mission Length: Long
Part of Season 4 - Southern Stars
Episode 16 - A Far Sun
Post Count: 166Stardate: 68480.9
Location: USS Schofield, Pleonie System
Scientists at the Daystrom Institute have discovered a star which seems to be in the initial stages of becoming a Cepheid variable. The scientists wish to have a field study of the star, and an old science ship, USS Schofield, is coming into Avondale Shipyards for decommissioning. Starfleet Command decides that with an aging vessel on hand and a seasoned starship crew, that a prime opportunity exists to utilize both. The majority of USS Galileo's crew are transferred to the Schofield and sent to investigate the stellar phenomenon. Upon arrival, the crew discovers a pre-warp civilization along with a highly advanced alien artifact that was keeping the star stable.
Mission Focus: Exploration, Rescue
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 15 - Emanation
Post Count: 1059Stardate: 68070.0
Location: Earth, Starfleet Headquarters
After being coerced by the commanders of Kreanus Colony to infiltrate the Klingon Neutral Zone in order to deliver a disgraced Klingon general to the High Council, the surviving crew of USS Galileo is ferried back to Federation space to be held accountable for its actions. The subsequent journey back to Earth via Starbase 234 is long, and upon their arrival, the crew is subjected to an intense series of formal inquiries. With no official starship or captain remaining, the crew is disbanded and given extended shore leave to allow them to grieve and reunite with their companions.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Long
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 14 - Statecraft
Post Count: 331Stardate: 68037.5
Location: IKS DuJa'Q, Beta Quadrant
Stranded on Kreanus Colony for the past sixteen days, the surviving crew of USS Galileo is approached by colony administrators with a call for assistance. Due to increasing Klingon incursions into the Paulson Nebula, the sovereignty of Kreanus is now at stake and the former Federation crew must act to protect the colony's interests. Without a starship of their own, the Galileo survivors are given an old K't'inga-class battlecruiser and instructions to proceed to Qo'noS under cloak in order to negotiate with the High Council.
Mission Focus: Action, Politics
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 13 - Rogue
Post Count: 220Stardate: 67991.2
Location: Kreanus I, Paulson Nebula
Held captive within the newly-discovered world of Kreanus, the survivors of USS Galileo find themselves stranded inside a remote subterranean colony with little hope of contacting the Federation. Both Kreanus' fleet commander and colony administrator have made an unorthodox request for aid from the Galileo crew which would take them to the heart of the Klingon Empire to conduct treaty negotiations. The Starfleet survivors must use the next fourteen days to mourn, consolidate, and determine their next course of action. The fate of future KDF and Starfleet relations lays in the balance.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 12 - Recluse
Post Count: 628Stardate: 67958.0
Location: Paulson Nebula
While en route to Starbase 234 for stores replenishment following her recent mission on Celes III, USS Galileo receives a low-band distress call from the nearby Paulson Nebula. The transmission is heavily degraded due to nebulous interference, however the transponder appears to be from the SS Recluse -- an Antares-class dilithium freighter presumed destroyed over 40 years ago. With no other starships in the immediate vicinity, Galileo investigates the source of the signal in an attempt to locate the stranded starship and its crew...if they are still alive.
Mission Focus: Adventure, Exploration
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Post Count: 508Stardate: 67837.5
Location: Celes System
USS Galileo is currently finishing the last of her repair and resupply operations at Jupiter Station when she and her crew are summoned to assist in the settling and development of a new Federation colony at Celes III. A unique planet within a trinary star system, Celes III's elliptical orbit drags the world outside of the solar system's habitable zone for several months of the year making colonization efforts extremely difficult due to the variable ecosystem.
Dr. Sable Iroh, a prominent robotics and computer expert within Starfleet's Applied Sciences Division, has recently developed a new humanoid artificial intelligence prototype which shows much promise. SFASD and Starfleet Operations have both authorized Dr. Iroh to begin practical test trials, and the colony at Celes III provides an optimal test bed for the new android. Galileo's mission is to escort the colony ship, the doctor, and her prototype to Celes III, then assist with colonial establishment and observation before reporting their findings back to Starfleet.
Mission Focus: Science, Exploration
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 3 - Emperical Practice
Episode 10 - Symposium
Post Count: 732Stardate: 67576.5
Location: Jupiter Station
USS Galileo returns from the Mirror Universe almost two weeks after mysteriously disappearing during Starfleet's annual NIMBUS training exercise. Initially presumed destroyed with all hands lost, the starship is quickly rescued and towed to the nearest port where some of the crew reunite with their families and receive medical treatment. Galileo is then promptly dispatched to Jupiter Station to undergo further repairs and to fully debrief Starfleet Command's senior staff, and several members of the crew are invited to the Federation's premier annual science symposium to share their most current adventures and discoveries with the rest of the scientific community.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 2 - Scientific Method
Episode 09 - Empires
Post Count: 834Stardate: 67552.3
Location: Nimbus Asteroid Belt
Following the completion of the NIMBUS joint-venture war games, USS Galileo has experienced a technical malfunction in its prototype secondary deflector array. As a result of being unable to correctly discharge excess power stored in the capacitors, the unstable deflector generated a graviton beam of sufficient strength and modulation to pierce the veil between realities, and pull the Nova-class starship into the Mirror Universe.
Finding themselves in an asteroid field -- the remains of the planet Nimbus -- surrounded by nothing other than empty space, and with damaged warp engines, Galileo is unable to leave her immediate surroundings. In order to survive, the crew must work together to repair the ship, keep themselves alive, and most importantly, get home.
Mission Focus: Science, Exploration
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 2 - Scientific Method
Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Post Count: 661Stardate: 67547.4
Location: Chi'Dan Sector
Well-rested and fresh off a 30-day shore leave, the crew of USS Galileo assembles back at Starbase 84 for their upcoming deployment. NIMBUS -- the annual joint Starfleet-KDF military training exercises -- is scheduled to commence in five days in the neighboring Chi'Dan sector, and Galileo has been detached from Task Force 72.2 and reassigned as the flagship of Task Force 21. The Nova-class will be joined by four other starships to represent the Federation in the pending war games. Starfleet Intelligence reports the possibility of the KDF debuting a new Bird-of-Prey design and a new battle cloak, and Starfleet's Corps of Engineers has installed a new prototype secondary deflector array with improved electronic warfare capabilities aboard Galileo in an attempt to counter. With Starfleet's top military brass closely eying the NIMBUS exercises, newly-appointed Rear-Admiral Saalm leads her task group into simulated combat against the Klingon Defense Force's most competent captains.
Mission Focus: Action, Adventure, Diplomacy
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 2 - Scientific Method
Episode 07 - Sojourn
Post Count: 1126Stardate: 67333.2
Location: Starbase 84 System
After completing her investigation at the Lyshan III mining facility, Galileo is ordered to Starbase 84 for tribble decontamination, maintenance, and a much-needed resupply. The crew is granted an extended 45-day shore leave for rest and relaxation while the command staff and several senior officers oversee the implementation of a new deflector array, and the details of a new pending assignment are revealed.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 2 - Scientific Method
Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Post Count: 1702Stardate: 67289.1
Location: Lyshan System
Following her yearly maintenance refit at San Francisco Fleet Yards, USS Galileo is ordered to the Federation-Cardassian border to investigate a labor disruption on Lyshan III, a joint venture mining colony which exports rare uridium ore used for starship construction. Reports of strange geological occurrences and metaphysical manifestations have been disturbing the colonists, and Galileo's planetary science teams must investigate the mines to find the true cause behind the disruptions.
Mission Focus: Science, Mystery, Horror
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 2 - Scientific Method
Episode 05 - Solstice
Post Count: 636Stardate: 67053.3
Location: San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
After her first operational year in space, USS Galileo returns home to Earth for the first time since her original launch from San Fransisco Fleet Yards in early 2389. The ship is put into dry dock for repairs and refits, and the crew is granted a 60-day shore leave. With many stories to tell and much stress to relieve, the ship's personnel indulge themselves throughout the sector while new orders are delegated to the command staff by Starfleet's admiralty.
Note: San Francisco Fleet Yards is a planetary dry dock
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Episode 04 - Exodus
Post Count: 1180Stardate: 66927.4
Location: Setisar Nebula
USS Galileo continues her ongoing mission: to explore celestial phenomena and chart new planets in the unexplored northern Beta Quadrant. After successfully surveying the Rojar system and finding evidence of an ancient civilization once decimated by the Borg Collective, Galileo receives a distress call from USS Venture, the Galaxy Class starship tasked with exploring the nearby Setisar Nebula. Details are scarce, tension and mystery permeate the crew, and a new world is found - but their biggest discovery will change the face of Federation science for years to come...
Mission Focus: Action, Adventure
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Episode 03 - Frontier
Post Count: 1667Stardate: 66872.5
Location: Rojar System
A new star has been discovered in the northern Beta quadrant near the edge of Federation space. Initial probe reconnaissance has revealed the star supports a mid-sized solar system which could potentially sustain humanoid life. As a precursor to possible colonization, Starfleet requires further in-depth analysis of the system and its composition. With authorization from Starfleet’s Planetary Sciences Division, Galileo has been dispatched to the Rojar system to conduct a system survey. USS Venture, the Galaxy Class which originally discovered the star, will provide overwatch during the operation.
Mission Focus: Science, Exploration
Mission Length: Long
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Episode 02 - Resupply
Post Count: 901Stardate: 66681.8
Location: Vega System
Forced to use Project Sienna to avoid destruction by the Klingon Empire, Galileo and her crew are transported through space-time using the experimental device. They arrive back in the Alpha Quadrant but off-course and damaged from her previous engagements. With her power systems crippled from using the prototype, the ship is rescued by a passing freighter and towed to the safety of Vega Colony. The crew contacts Starfleet, and Task Group 72-C arrives in orbit to retrieve and deliver the experiment to Starbase 001, Starfleet's primary research and development facility located in the nearby Sol system. Meanwhile, engineering and resupply teams are shuttled down to Vega Colony, and the crew enjoys a brief 10-day shore leave while Galileo undergoes repairs and is restored to operational status.
Note: USS Galileo is on the surface of Vega IX while she is repaired, resupplied and re-crewed.
Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Post Count: 1188Stardate: 66230.1
Location: Beta Quadrant
Project Sienna, an experimental propulsion technology, has been arousing the suspicion of the Klingon Empire. Though the experiment is located inside of Federation territory, Starfleet sensor nets have reported increased Klingon activity along the nearby Neutral Zone. USS Galileo has just been commissioned and is sent to safely retrieve the technology and its development personnel. Due to a hasty departure, the ship must deploy from Earth without an official shakedown cruise and manned by only a skeleton crew. Once in the Beta Quadrant, Galileo will dock briefly at Starbase 234 to resupply and take on new crew before heading into Klingon space. Once inside the Klingon Neutral Zone, Galileo will be escorted across Klingon territory until she reaches Federation space and then proceed to Starbase 152, the secret location of the experiment. Project Sienna must be recovered safely at all costs.
Mission Focus: Science, Adventure
Mission Length: Medium
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Episode 00 - Pre-Deployment
Post Count: 237Stardate: 66163.8
Location: San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
As construction of Starfleet's newest Nova Class starship nears completion, drydock crews and engineering personnel work throughout the night to finish installing the last of USS Galileo's systems. Starfleet Command issues hasty deployment orders and the ship's new crew must scramble to San Francisco and report for duty. With only a matter of days before pre-launch, officers and enlisted personnel must familiarize themselves with Galileo's systems and prepare her for launch.
Note: San Francisco Fleet Yards is a planetary drydock. All crew must report to Starfleet HQ in San Francisco to check in with their senior officers.
Mission Focus: Character Development
Mission Length: Short
Part of Season 1 - Tough Little Ship