USS Galileo :: USS Galileo NCC-80010-A Specifications

USS Galileo NCC-80010-A Specifications

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Starship Overview

USS Galileo-A is a Nova-class Mark II vessel, a Federation science and scout starship in service during the late 24th century first entering service in 2391 and currently in its initial production phase. The class is designed for short-range and limited-duration research missions such as nebula, planetary, and system surveys. The Mark II is also tasked with executing extensive in-depth research and analysis on a chosen region after a larger explorer vessel has made the initial discovery. The Mark II is the successor to the Nova-class Mark I, now referred to as the 'legacy' Nova, and incorporates the latest Starfleet technological advances to further its scientific mission capability.

Notable improvements in the Mark II design compared to the legacy Nova-class include a streamlined internal configuration allowing for a reduced crew compliment; an improved matter/anti-matter warp core and fusion drive; and bio-neural gel pack integration necessary to support an improved computer core assembly. In addition, heuristic analysis of legacy Nova-class deployments and operations has led to a decreased torpedo compliment. In place of many of the quantum and photon warheads, the ordinance casings have been reconfigured to allow an increased probe compliment more suitable to mission profiles requiring sustained scientific investigation. Upgraded phaser arrays (Type X) and EWAR fleet support capabilities have also been added, allowing the Mark II to serve as a front-line support vessel during times of hostilities.

Nova II Project Details

Development Project Start Date: 2388
Production Start Date: 2391
Production End Date: In Production
Current Status: In Service
Construction Locations: Avondale Production Facility, Rigel II
San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth

General Overview

Hull Classification: Frigate (FF)
Primary Starfleet Role: Survey
Secondary Starfleet Role: Scout
Expected Service Life: 75 years
Time Between Refits: 10 years
Time Between Resupply: 3 months

Hull Dimensions

Length: 180 meters
Beam: 43 meters
Draft: 35 meters
Displacement: 2.1 x 105 tons
Decks: 8

Crew Compliment

Officers: 20
Enlisted Crew: 32
Civilians: 8
Skeleton Crew: 6
Emergency Capacity: 200

Sublight Propulsion

Impulse Reactor Type: T2-16A Fusion Reactor Drive
Reactor Manufacturer: Toyota Propulsion
Cruise Impulse: 0.20c
Maximum Impulse: 0.25c
RCS Modules: 4 Version-III gas-fusion quads
RCS Output: 3.9 million N/quad

Warp Propulsion

Warp Reactor Type: F2-Type Enhanced M/AM Drive
Reactor Manufacturer: Ceries Industries
Cruise Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 8.75
Burst Velocity: Warp 9.09 (30 minutes)
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9.01 (12 hours)

Computer Mainframe

Computer Core Type: V-110 Primary Assembly
Core Manufacturer: Viscosity Computing
Number of Cores: 2
Core Memory: 5,040 Megaquads
Memory Speed: 4,600 Kiloquads/sec
Subprocessors: 76

Science Systems

Long-Range Deflector Arrays: 2 (1 primary, 1 secondary)
Lateral Sensor Arrays: 11
Dedicated Sensor Suites: 8 (2 fore, 6 ventral)
Multi-purpose Laboratories: 4
Dedicated Laboratories: 5
Probe Complement: 30

Utility/Aux Systems

Personnel Transporters: 4 (2 primary, 2 emergency)
Cargo Transporters: 1
Cargo Bays: 2 (1 main, 1 aux)
Total Cargo Capacity: 11,750 mT
Tractor Beams: 2 (ventral)
Personnel Airlocks: 3
Escape Pods: 20

Personnel Facilities

Crew Berths: 27
Administrative Offices: 9
Holodecks: 2
Food Service: 1 Mess Hall
1 Bar/Lounge
Recreation: 1 Workout Room
1 Observation Lounge
1 Arboretum

Internal Security

Brig Cells: 2
Brig Capacity: 4 (10 max)
Armories: 1
Armory Inventory: 60 Type II Phaser pistols
15 Type IIIc Phaser rifles

Support Craft

Shuttlebays: 2 (1 main, 1 aux)
Primary Bay Complement: 2 Type 6 Shuttlecraft
Cargo Bay Complement: 1 Brunel-class Workbee
1 Type 15A Shuttlepod
Specialized Auxiliary Craft: 1 Waverider-class Shuttlecraft

Weapons Systems

Phaser Arrays: 11 Type X arrays
Torpedo Launchers: 2 Type 6 Pulse-fire (fore)
Torpedo Complement: 16 Photon torpedoes
8 Quantum torpedoes
Torpedo Ordinance: Mark XXV (photon)
Mark Q-II (quantum)
Offensive ECM: 2 Mark IV Threat Jammers

Defensive Systems

Deflector Shields: Auto-Modulating Shield System
Metaphasic Shielding
Shield Grids: 11
Combined Shield Strength: 1,670 MW
Hull Plating: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Defensive ECM: Mark V Self-Protection Jammer
ECM Burnthrough: 100 km