USS Galileo :: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi - Search and Rescue (Part 4 of 4)
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Search and Rescue (Part 4 of 4)

Posted on 20 Jun 2016 @ 1:03am by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Commander Andreus Kohl & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Randolf Eklund & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Greg Mitchell & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Anthony Duval & Chief Petty Officer Torgeir Naes & Chief Petty Officer Crispin Snow & Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri RN & Josephine Lemieux Ph.D.
Edited on on 20 Jun 2016 @ 2:21am

3,019 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Location: Celes III - Landing Site Alpha, Grid 10-298-001-20
Timeline: MD 13 - 0150 hours

Previously, on Search and Rescue (Part 3)...

"Get him up on here," replied Tuula as she reached for a vascular regenerator and some other tools, placing what she would need on the tray attached to the bed. "Come on, don't die on me..."

Greg moved the wounded person to where Tuula ordered, then stood up and turned around. He brought his rifle around to check. He made his way parallel with the others to make a perimeter. "Sir, I'm up. I've got nothing on my scopes." The wind had picked up immensely, so he had to kneel down on one knee while he swept his rifle around.

Putting his size to good use, Terje helped with cutting and lifting away obscuring pieces of debris. Ideally he would have been keeping an eye out for threats, but between the work and the weather, his attention was tethered to the task at hand. Hearing a groan near his feet, he peered down. "I have an injured here." As carefully as possible, he set his present load to the side and knelt down to assess the situation. The man - he assumed it was a man - had been caught across his thigh, just above the knee. Though he couldn't say for sure, at first glance Terje feared he would likely lose the leg. He knelt down, murmuring what comfort he could while setting about applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

"Tie a cord on the artery above the bleed," Veri shouted as she nearly crawled to the scene, given it was easier to see the ground than far ahead. "If we can't get a shuttle in here, we may need to let the outside elements do the cauterizing for us - at least until we get back to the ship."

And Now, the Conclusion...


Artery above the bleed. Checking himself, Terje felt down the leg until he found the pulsing point and affixed the tourniquet there instead, tightening it down until he could see a slowing of the flow.

"Good," Veri spoke promisingly as she began to focus on the injury on the knee. The main was unconscious so she gave him four cee-cees of Morep for the pain.

Her medical tricorder showed a ruptured vain. Not serious, given Starfleet Medical's surgical tools. But still fairly serious. Enough to warrant Veri setting up a hypo drip of Genericillin before she used a sonic presser to halt the bleeding.

After her patient was set for his next stage in treatment, Veri shouted, "I need a blanket and I need this one tagged for immediate evac."

The nurse hopped that order reached the right people who the had supplies and ability to make it happen.

Duval's voice came back, sounding like a gravel truck. "Yeah... I'm already on it." he sounded more annoyed then anything else. "Take them to Semnes One... Its the most stable..." he then moved into Semnes one to ensure that all was indeed well.

Crispin Snow was working his way through the Interior of the module. If they tried to anything with the power, the exposed conduits would fry anyone near them if they were isolated. With most of the engineers at the rear, he took the front, assessing the damage. "The hull integrity field emitters are still good," he called out. "If we can get power on and repair the outed EPS, we can get a barrier up against the storm that can cover this half of the module."

Duval's voice came back. "The reactor in this module is good.." he called back. "I need to go check two and three.." he looked over at Snow. "You good here?"

Snow nodded. "Just need to get those Conduits isolated, then I'll come join you. see if we can do the same on the others." he opened the duffel bag of tools he had brought with him and got to work.

"Alright... Lets split up... You take two and I'll take Three... " Duval explained as he went over to the reactor, before he started to check it over, after a few minutes he nodded. "Duval to Away Team Lead. Semnes One is fit for habitation. Petty Officer Snow is handling the last of the issues in here.... bring your wounded in here... this one is safe. I'm going over to Semnes Three... Snow is heading over to Two."

Commander Kohl's voice came over the comms to acknowledge, "Understood."

Luke had mostly been watching his limited view of their surrounding's, making up quick actions on if they were attacked, took casualties, lost comms and other possible situation. Coming up to Gyce he nodded "Everything seems to be going along we've found a few dead and the doctors are tending to the injured. It' a shit storm alright."

"We should probably see if the engineers can rig transport enhancers or possibly set to putting fires around a designated LZ to get some shuttles here," Gyce told to Luke while at the same time, opening her comm to Kohl. "We don't have the manpower to get these wounded back to base on foot before hypothermia kills them."

Nodding "I'll get to work on somefire, even if the spotters cant see them they will help keep us warm while we wait and a little moral back into the situation. He moved off and began making an improvised fire behind some wreckage which made a lean-too shack of sorts offereing both protection from the weather and a great insulator for the heat. The shack itself wasn't completely covered so people could see them and to make certain Luke attached the infra-red Cylumes around its perimeter.

Semmes Colony Module

Dr. Josephine Lemieux was still in her seat, but her seat was not still in its designated position. Instead, it was somewhere on the other side of the colony module, face down, giving her a view of the bulkhead and nothing else when she finally regained consciousness. There were voices behind her and to her right, unfamiliar voices speaking Federation standard, which seemed to be good news. The sharp pain in her leg was another matter.

It was dark, difficult to see. The interior was occasionally further illuminated by bright blue flashes of light and, during one such episode, she managed to catch sight of one of the slick gray bulkhead reinforcement rods piercing her right calf. Once she laid eyes on it, the pain seemed to intensify. Instead of scream - and she did want to scream - she focused on fumbling with the straps holding her into the seat they were all told to take prior to landing. Eventually, she freed herself, rushing forward must faster than she'd anticipated, to collide with the bulkhead. The flash of pain in her leg solicited a groan, accompanied by another one as she sought to drag herself out from under the chair and into the open.

Greg was holding perimeter outside when his motion sensor pinged a contact at his 5 o'clock position behind him. He whirled around and aimed his rifle. "Heads up, I got a contact coming from one of those modules. I can't see squat. Anyone have eyes on?"

Randy opened his comm to respond. "Negative. You've got point, Mitchell. It may be another injured colonist, but it may not. Move in if you can to confirm. I'm helping get an injured colonist to shelter. I'll be there to back you up in five, maybe less."

"Copy that." Greg replied.

Turning to Veri, Randy said, "There may be more injured at the other module. Can you finish getting this one to shelter? I need to go help secure that site. "

Veri gave a confident nod. She had returned to her hypothermic patient not too long ago, to see if his vitals were normalizing. Unconscious and slowly unthawing thanks to the fiery rocks near him that Greg had shot? Veri did not know many of the security brutes, so she had a hard time tracking who was who.

Greg made his way to the module, it's structure slowly appearing out of the storm. As he slugged forward, rifle at the ready, he began to pick out a shape on the ground near it. The shape was moving. Quickly, he changed his vision to thermal. The heat signature was faint due to the storm, but it was definitely there. Approaching closer, he saw that it was humanoid. "Sir, I've got eyes on the contact. It's an injured personnel. I need medical here now."

He slung his rifle behind him and approached as quickly as he could. He saw now that it was a female. "Ma'am. Ma'am, can you hear me. Are you alright?"

Josephine laughed. For some reason, it suddenly struck her as funny that people always asked you that when you were very obviously in distress. She motioned to the bulkhead reinforcement rod sticking out of her calf as she spoke, "I've sustained an injury, I don't think it's wise for me to place any weight on this leg. I'll need your assistance to stand, if you don't mind."

Greg, now seeing the rod for the first time, nodded at her request and helped the woman up. "Let's get you to the docs, ma'am. I'm sure they'll prioritise you." Greg reassured the woman, while keeping an eye on her for signs of shock that would soon possibly set in. He also made sure to check if she was losing a high amount of blood.

Luke had moved with the second team that had split of towards the contact remaining mostly a ghost in the win... the howling blizzard wind but a ghost none the less, taking a knee next to Greg he looked at the casualty and to Greg "What have we got here? Medical is on its way."

"She's hurt bad. I'm taking her to see them. I didn't get a chance to check for anyone else. See if you can find anyone, sir." Greg answered

He nodded, "Once she is stabilised come back and help with the search I have a feeling she wont be the last one out here." Luke moved of with a gracefulness which was beyond him and began searching for other survivors.

"If I may," Josephine interjected, leaning heavily on the security officer, "I believe we would be better off evacuating as this portion of the colony module is likely to collapse soon." She offered a smile and sounded remarkably calm given what she was saying. For emphasis, she pointed toward a missing key structural support and then toward some of the bulkhead reinforcement rods that were scattered on the floor. "The ion storm is likely to further compromise its integrity."

"Damn it, how can we helping these conditions!" Luke said sounding frustrated as he returned shaking his head "I don't think there's anyone else but most of this section in crumbling already we should leave, I've made a shelter with a fire we should start setting down people there"

Greg sighed. "Crap, alright. We need to find a way to locate others. See if..."

From out of the darkness, and with a shrill shriek, a man burst out from behind the pair. He was heavy set and his eyes were wide with panic. He collided with the side of Greg and attempted to push passed him. His skin was sweaty and as his hand clawed at the fabric of Greg's sleeve he pleaded, "Vesicles, side-stepping giraffes apartment fish shuttles." The incoherent and nonsensical words spilled out of him like he was retching.

Greg let out a grunt through gritted teeth as he lost balance. He made sure to drop the woman in a way that she didn't land on her injury. In one swift move, Greg laneed on the ground, rolled to the side, pushed up onto one knee, and pulled his hand phaser. "Contact!" He yelled into the comms before adressing the man. "Do not move. Federation security. Keep your hand where I can see them."

The head wound was obvious on the man now. Blood poured from an avulsion on his forehead, a slight flapping of the skin shook as he grabbed at Greg's outstretched arm. "Purple pigs. Granite lilies settled farms!" The man pleaded, grasping at Greg for help. The aphasia he suffered from caused by the head wound seemed to intensify from the phaser thrust at him. The man began to scream, and didn't stop. "Silos! Green shoulders fall bones." He retreated from the security officer before suddenly going pale. He then grasped at his chest suddenly as the violence of the first responder gripped him with even more fear than before.

"Oh damn, alright partner. Easy, easy. Just calm down." Greg lowered his phaser to his side, still aiming it in case the man tried anything. He held his other hand in a non threatening palm out position. "Listen to me, I don't understand what you are saying. No one is going to hurt you." Greg looked at the wound on the man. "What happened to you ?" He mumbled to himself before calling on Luke to comment. "Lieutenant?"

Studying the man Luke shook his helmet "Definite head trauma, he's clearly trying to tell us something, "Sir, please try and think about what it is you're saying and talk slowly. We cant understand you" Luke already could feel the situation was not good and the man needed medical attention immediately.

The portly man grasped at his mouth as if he too didn't understand the words coming out. They didn't connect with what he intended to say, which made him even paler. His large eyes continued to look at the phaser as if drawn to it out of fear. His hand went to his head. When his hand came back with blood his eyes rolled to the back of his skull and then promptly passed out. His body made a sickening thud as it landed to the deck.

Dr. Lemieux hobbled on to the scene about the moment the man hit the floor. Never one to sit around and wait for some man to save her, after she'd been dropped by Mitchell she worked to fashion a crutch for herself out of a broken portion of bulkhead and the armrest of one of the many chairs now upturned and scattered about the floor of the wrecked colony module. Leaning heavily on it, she gestured first to the body and then to the weapon in the warrant officer's hand.

"Delirious from the head wound, I'd say, though he wasn't entirely all there before the landing, truth be told. Grab him and drag him out, I can manage on my own. And keep that thing put away," Josie said, sounding awfully bossy for being both wounded and a mere colonist. "There's nothing to shoot here. We're Federation citizens, not Breen invaders, and I'll not be having a phaser waved 'round in my face like we're under martial law."

Greg, still in shock by the events that unfolded near him, was just about to check the man's condition when he began to here what he could only describe as an annoying nagging in his ear, Oh, this is just gonna be friggen terrific., he thought. He rolled his eyes and turned around. "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. I've only been a cop long enough to be a little dicey when someone jumps out of the shadows." He motioned while putting his phaser away. "And, before I proceed to comply with your request, who are you exactly again?"

The first response that came to her mind didn't leave her lips (thankfully). "Dr. Josephine Lemieux, the colony's nanotechnology expert, and a civilian asking you to put that weapon away as there's clearly no danger here aside from the ion storm. And you people, of course, wandering around with your weapons out like we're in the middle of the Dominion War."

"Really? That's terrific. Maybe next time, Ill just leave you in the collapsing...."

"Chief" Luke said sternly "Lets not turn this situation into a battle of will" Now turning to the doctor "It is standard away team procedure to carry and if necessary use phasers, they are set to stun and will not cause any permanent damage and Please doctor I would not tell you how to do your job so don't tell my officer how to do theirs."

Suddenly there was a loud screaming like noise as a bright light shot up into the sky from one of the colonies shield emitters, the surge continued for about ten seconds before it stopped suddenly. "Duval to... all personnel... the reactor threat has... ceased.. repeat... reactor is now safe....."

Smiling "I believe that is our queue to start heading back" He turned to the rambling man and gestured as plainly as possible "Follow me" He moved his firstly pointing towards him and then to him in a walking gesture. "Chief take rear, I'll lead us out." At the he turned walking slowly to make sure everyone was following.

"Copy sir." Greg said, and turned to head to the rear of the group. Just before he got there he turned around to the Doctor. "And one more thing ma'am......" He was interrupted by the debris of the shifting module falling behind him. "......which can wait till we get back. Ready Lieutenant!"



RADM Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

[NPC Qureshi]

WO2 Anthony Duval
USS Galileo

PO2 Crispin Snow
Operations officer
USS Galileo
[NPC Derani]

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Commander Andreus Kohl
Second Officer
USS Galileo

CWO2 Greg Mitchell
Security Officer
USS Galileo

Dr. Josephine Lemieux
Colony Nanotechnologist
USS Semmes
[ PNPC - Mott ]

CPO Torgier Naess
Security Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security
USS Galileo

PO3 Veri
Surgical Nurse
USS Galileo
[PNPC Gyce]

Lieutenant Luke Wyatt
Chief Strategic Operations Office
USS Galileo

and other Galileans...


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