USS Galileo :: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life - New Orders (Part 1 of 2)
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New Orders (Part 1 of 2)

Posted on 16 Dec 2018 @ 6:23pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Scarlet Blake & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Lake ir-Llantrisant & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Azra Ghoc & Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver & Cadet Senior Grade Jemima de la Coeur
Edited on on 07 Jan 2019 @ 1:49pm

3,565 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 1, Various
Timeline: MD -61, 1506 hrs


Three months had passed since Galileo-A departed Avondale shipyards and now life for the crew and its captain were very different from their most optimistic expectations. Their transit so far had been uneventful yet monotonous, so much so that the highlight of the daily staff briefings was gossip about who was flirting with who in the mess halls during late night hours and who'd drank the last of the Romulan ale reserves. Crew morale was questionable and each duty shift seemed to blend into the next. It was Groundhog day for the elite crew, but the sudden arrival of a new transmission from Starfleet command prompted the bridge officers into action.

"Evening XO" Matt said in greeting and acknowledgement to the Executive Officer and then went to his duty station. The time was now 1550 hours and Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri was just getting debriefed on his duty station for the next eight hours, Science Station One. After getting caught up, he relieved the science officer with a pat on the back, "Good work! I relieve you." As he sat down, he noticed that some communication had been received but nothing that had impacted the science stations. So, he logged into the LCARS terminal and began his shift a little early. He checked the duty roster and the beta shift science co-worker was cadet de la Cour. He looked over at the Science Two spot and nodded. "I'm early; Cadet de la Cour will be here on time. I'm just checking out this class D asteroid you all found. Very interesting...if only asteroids could talk ay? I wonder what stories this one would tell?" He said more to himself and keeping an ear open to the other comm activity on the bridge.

The door to the bridge opened and Jemima practically ran through them, then stopped, straightened her uniform, and grinned at no one in particular before sauntering over to her station.

She exchanged a few soft-spoken words to the scientist she replaced and logged in. She noticed Matthew and grinned. "Hi!"

He smiled as she took her station and said, "Welcome to the beta shift Senior Cadet de la Cour. This isn't the first time you've been on the bridge is it?" he asked. He knew that while she may have physically been on the bridge before for some other reason, this was probably the first time she was assigned a duty station on the bridge roster. He pretended to play it 'ho-hum' but he was a terrible fake - and his Cheshire grin wore on his face.

"First time outside a holodeck," she admitted, grinning back.

The primary Ops console began to chirp with the distinctive tone of an incoming hail.

Three months hadn't been too bad for Vansen. At least not from his point of view. And his view was amazing, he was allowed to be on the Bridge a lot, he had made friends. All in all, except the tension around him from people who hadn't spent the majority of their life stuck on a ship with routines, he was coping well. Except the fact he was in need of a haircut. Some standards had apparently slipped just a tiny bit. And now there was a sound and...

Wait. There was a sound.

Vansen frowned at the sound that originated from his console, his fingers moving to check the strength of the signal, what the signal was...because apart from the escort ships, there had not been any incoming hails. He looked over at Blake, clearing his throat. "Commander, there is an incoming hail from Admiral Jurgis at Starfleet HQ. Audio only." And that suddenly seemed to clear his mind in a way a cold shower did. They were a long way from Earth so if anyone sent them a message it had been to somewhat serious. Unless they were checking up and making sure the crew hadn't murdered each other. Yet he somehow doubted that was the reason.

Scarlet literally straightened up in her chair at hearing the news. After so long of the same thing day in and day out, something as simple as a hail, audio only or not, was more than enough to pique the ex-marine's interest. "Put it through."

The audio-only message, necessary for long-range comms from Earth, began to play across the bridge's audio speakers.

"Galileo, this is Admiral Jurgis. We have new tasking orders, priority Alpha One," came the voice, indicating a most urgent request. Almost in conjunction with the hail, the bridge's mission operations console began to light up with several data downloads pending authentication.

Azra was taking her turn on the bridge. It wasn't the most important of tasks, until it was. One flashing notice after another popped up on the screen, highlighted with the yellow of a coded transmission. The sender was identified only as Starfleet Intelligence. "We've received three, no seven coded data downloads. All of them are from Starfleet Intelligence. I've saved them to the bridge log, but my clearance is insufficient to open the files."

Jemima's eyes grew wide at the events unfolding. She couldn't believe she was right here, in the middle of it. Well, to the side of it, but still. She remained calm and professional from the waist up, but she couldn't help her knees and hips doing a little wiggle of excitement.

The console lit up and Luke began working the authentication program against the data packets. It only took a few moments to do each one and one at a time they cleared the check "Authentication Complete Commander" Luke said eventually before adding, "Looks genuine, straight from Starfleet."

Blake nodded firmly, a slight tingle running up the back of her neck as she opened up a comm link to Saalm. Maybe it was just that it had been too long of the same old thing that made her react to it, but either way, the news had an effect. "Blake to Saalm, please report to the bridge. We have a transmission from Admiral Jurgis."

The captain's duty shift had ended just two hours prior and she'd finally managed to make her way to the holodeck with Snuffles to run one of his hunting enrichment simulations. Then the call came in. The Orion reached to the breast of her red/gray Starfleet vest then tapped the device. "On my way."

About one minute later, the door to the bridge hissed open and in stepped Saalm with her creature companion on a tight leash. She looked across the small command center at the different stations to note who was present, then turned to Scarlet. "Report. When was it received?"

"Just a few minutes ago, but we can factor in a comm delay of...." Blake paused to glance at the small screen at the arm of her chair to check. "...8 hours."

Matt looked over at Senior Cadet de la Cour and quietly cleared his throat, "Ahem!" he said. He looked at her and then with his eyes he indicated the arrival of Captain Saalm. Again, he indicated with his eyes and a slight nod of the head in the Captain's direction and then mouthed silently to Jemima, "Captain-on-the-bridge". Nodding his head to her again that she it.

Jemima knew that it wasn't technically her responsibility to announce that the captain had arrived. In fact, it was the job of the first officer who saw the captain, which clearly wasn't her. But, as no one else had done it, and for some reason Plumeri didn't want to, she announced, "Captain on the bridge."

Plumeri grinned and teased, "Haaaa! Got you! Louder next time cadet?!" he said in a low-voice so as not to disturb the others and nudged her.

Jemima didn't respond, preferring to maintain an outward air of professionalism with the captain on the bridge.

The captain heard the brief announcement but it fell on deaf ears while she contemplated the news her XO had just relayed. "Eight hours," she repeated with a shake of her head. Priority Alpha One communications were of the utmost importance and even the slightest delay or hesitation to respond to such orders could have life-or-death results. "Play the message."

"Yes Captain," Vansen said and frowned as he brought up the secure audio transmission, making sure it only went to the ship's speakers. No one wanted that across the entire ship after all.

The coded transmission commenced and an elderly and throaty male voice spoke. "Captain Saalm. This is Admiral Jurgis, Seventh Fleet Command. We have new tasking orders being relayed to your convoy. You're to alter course to transit to the Latari system in sector four-nine-eight. We lost contact with two colonies near the Tholian border three months ago and the search-and-rescue vessel we dispatched is now one week overdue to report. We...fear for the worst.

"I know it's three months in the wrong direction but your task group are the closest starships Starfleet has available to investigate. We have over ten-thousand colonists in that star system and I want you to make sure every one of them are accounted for." The voice paused for a short moment before resuming. "I've attached our most recent scientific and intelligence files to help. Maybe there's something your group of think-tanks can see that we haven't.. But make no mistake, you will be on your own out there. I trust you can get the job done? Jurgis out."

Listening to Jurgis' voice gave Plumeri the creeps. His skin crawled just listening to the way the Admiral was talking; he was like death-warmed-over. Matt typed in a command and his LCARS screen changed to a data terminal display. He said in a clear, confident voice, "Captain, the scientific and intelligence files are coming in now. Estimate three-minutes fifteen-seconds before all files have been downloaded and received into the main computer; it's a lot of data, they must have sent us everything they have?"

Azra nodded. "The files are code-locked, but we've received and stored them. I've linked them on your console, captain." She was more than a little nervous about this detour. Something that could prevent entire colonies from contacting Starfleet would probably make short work of a Nova class, even this more advanced model.

Luke had moved from the executive officer's seat in lieu of the Captain's arrival and towards the temporary security station. Signalling whoever was on duty to begin prepping any information about the Tholians and their capabilities as well as any other tactical information about the colonies. Looking around at the bridge crew he could see them become nervous. "Captain, Security is already notified and preparing plans upon our arrival I suggest other departments make the same efforts. Especially Medical and Science in case there is a scientific reason behind this."

Jemima agreed that there could be a scientific reason for this. She forwarded the data to Sandoval and flagged her personal computer so she'd be sure to see it right away.

Plumeri sat at his console and ran an algorithm to verify the time index and that the message was unadulterated. He wasn't surprised when everything checked out. The magic of sub-space, he thought to himself. He typed in a series of commands and reoriented the Galileo's scientific instrument array towards the projected new course. It would take a few minutes for the data to be analysed and so he said, "If we change course and it looks like we have too, there go the crystal growing experiments in Lab III. Y'know? On our present course and speed those lindo crystals would grow maybe two, three times their size. But on this new heading...look...pulsars two...three. A black hole and microgravity fissures. Ah well...what can you do ay?" he said to Jemima as he let his science lab crewmates know that some of their experiments would have to wait.

Jemima shrugged. "There's always time. Maybe someone else will share their lab space?" She, as well as the others, knew that their personal projects had to take a back seat to mission-specific tasks. She'd met the team working on the crystals and didn't think they'd mind so much. Or they'd share quarters and grow the crystals in one of their rooms. That could prove interesting.

The new activity on the bridge coming from the different stations was being processed by the captain who now turned back to look at the Ops console. "Signal our acknowledgement on the same coded channel," the Orion ordered. "Tell Starfleet we are altering course at once and have received their data streams." She then looked to both Scarlet and Luke with a sense of urgency in her eyes. "Report to astrometrics at once and wait for me there. Summon the other senior officers on duty and wake up anyone who is sleeping.

"Yes ma'am," Vansen said and nodded, taking a deeper breath as his fingers moved to send the message back. Just an acknowledgement, orders received. And that was that.

Luke's hand was first to his comms badge the cool metal tingling at his touch. Taking in a short breath he quickly told the other senior officer's when and how soon to meet them. Turning to Scarlet he nodded towards the turbo lift. "Ladies first."

Blake gave a slight nod as she led the way into the turbolift, her mind already working the problem. And the possible severity of it. She couldn't convince herself to like the odds of an innocent explanation. The silence of the ship sent to investigate was a grim omen.

=^=Acknowledged,=^= came the simple reply from Allydnra.

Similarly, Lieutenant Lake ir-Llantrisant offered a response over the communication system. He confirmed that he would be in attendance at the briefing, although he wasn’t quite as brief as Allyndra had been. He made a comment that implied he would arrive in his own time, and that time may not be in a hurry.

Plumeri took a breath in and let it out slowly. He said softly to Cadet de la Cour, "Hours of tedium, study and observation, cataloging and analysis. Followed by three minutes of sheer terror." He glanced over at Jemima, "You still feel that adrenaline rush cadet? Still feel the butterflies in your tummy?" he asked as he downloaded the last hours worth of scientific data to the ship's log.

"Sure do!" She grinned at Matt. "Don't you?"

He smiled broadly, "Every time I'm here. Got's to roll with the punches and let up on serious every now and again. You can't be all 'red alert' all the day all the time. At least - that's the way I see it." He looked back at his console and checked on the data stream, the sensor array and the log files as he continued, "I mean...bridge duty is stressful enough and if one doesn't bend a little; you'll crack. See? Now, we could get ourselves all worked up over the Admiral's message, the change of course, the sudden shift of priorities. Or...roll with it." He said with an easy grin.

Saalm had observed her CO and XO depart the bridge and now took note of the remaining personnel. Sylver and Ghoc were both chief warrants and seasoned veterans, and they were accompanied by the senior-most officer, Plumeri, and the senior-cadet, de la Cour. A strong bridge crew, she noted to herself with private satisfaction.

"Chief Ghoc," Lirha began to the Cardassian hybrid, "Send a message to the Lagrange. Verify their receipt of the same transmission."

"Already done, sir," Azra said, "Lagrange confirms they've received their orders and are proceeding to brief their senior officers." As soon as she had noted that their travelling companions had been included in the orders she had checked with the other bridge crew.

"Captain, we have orders from the Lagrange to change our course to the Latari System," Vansen said as he looked over at Lirha for a moment. "

Listening to the verbal exchanges on the bridge, Matthew waited for an opportunity. His report was important but he didn't need a priority announcement. He queried the computer for more details on the Latari system. As he did so, the long range sensors beeped at him with that annoying short-long, short-long negative sounding alert. The long range sensors were alerting him that the Voxhal stellar nursery was thirty-seven light years off to port. He acknowledged the sensor data and the alert receded onto his LCARS display. He stated, "Data stream incoming from the Lagrange. One-point-one gigaquad of data....received to the buffer. I am acknowledging our receipt of the data now."

Saalm took notice of both Plumeri and Vansen's reports then attempted to coordinate their efforts with the conn. "Helm, do you have new course telemetry?"

"Yes Captain," Sylver frowned, reading over the course telemetry and checking that there was nothing amiss. Like a black hole or anything that showed up.

"Synchronize our new course then engage," the captain ordered.

Oliver gave a small nod, his fingers already moving to plot the course in, his eyes as well as the computer verifying each steps. "Yes Captain, course to the Latari system plotted in. Engaging," he said, his voice matter of fact and loud enough for everyone on the bridge to hear.

In space at warp speed, the Federation convoy of five silver-hulled vessels slowly began to bank in unison towards their new destination. The surrounding star field continued to streak by in the distance, but now at a rotating angle as the warp trajectory adjusted. From the bridge of Galileo, the maneuver was simple enough that it looked effortless when seen through the main viewscreen, but the captain nevertheless did her due diligence and kept a close eye on the small navigational display embedded into the command station's central console.

Oliver let out a soft breath, his eyes focused on what he was doing. Once they were underway he took a deeper breath and smiled. "Captain, we are en route to the Latari System."

"Good." The Orion then turned and scanned the bridge to find the senior-most officer remaining alongside her. With the departure of her XO and security chief, the only other one aside from Lirha was Matthew, the new junior science officer.

"Mister Plumeri," she quickly chirped to the blond Human colonist while rising to her feet, "you have the bridge. I'll be in astrometrics." Saalm then vacated the command station and proceeded to the turbolift.

Standing from the chair, he logged off the Science I terminal and he met the Captain's gaze and acknowledged, "Aye Captain, I have the bridge."

The computer transferred primary Science I station duties to Jemima automatically and her station was slightly reconfigured to accommodate more of the primary science officer functions. Matthew said in a confident and encouraging tone, "You got this cadet. No problem; it's a walk in the park."

Jemima just nodded. But she did do a very discrete happy hip wiggle at this new challenge.

Briskly, Matt took the seat at the command station and entered in his security code on the right hand arm rest of the station. The console beeped in compliance and the computer activated the command codes that he was granted. He took a moment to familiarize himself with the command layout and then sat back in the chair a moment. In front of him the viewscreen showed their forward motion course. On his left, a smaller version of the master situation display and on his right, ship's status and a steady stream of operational data.

He did have a professional yet relaxed attitude. Matt had learned the skill of how to balance his duty shifts out. Everyone eventually figured out something; this was his. Somehow he balanced the bridge chatter, not missing a beat with one ear open and yet he kept it light and still had an air of wonder and excitement about the whole thing. He is one of those people that had found his 'center'. And it helped make stressful situations; not so tough.

After a few minutes, Matt stood up from the command station to stretch his legs, "Cadet, tell me? Your observations of the last ten minutes? What are your thoughts?"

"I think we're gonna be looking into this. Why?" Jemima shrugged. "We don't really know enough to make guesses, do we?"

He glanced back, "Sometimes guesses, hopefully educated ones, are all you have. He looked to Chief Ghoc and then to the CONN station. Ain't that right Chief? Sylver, or Ghoc?"

To Be Continued...



CAPT Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo-A

LTJG Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Galileo-A

Cadet First Class Jemima de la Coeur
Science Cadet
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Sandoval]

PO3 Constantin Vansen
Operations Officer
USS Galileo-A

CDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo-A

CWO3 Azra Ghoc
USS Galileo-A

Lt Cmdr Luke Wyatt
Security Chief
USS Galileo-A

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Second and Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A

Lieutenant Lake ir-Llantrisant
Chief Counselor
USS Galileo-A

CWO2 Oliver Sylver
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vansen]


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