USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Field Trip (Part 3 of 4)
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Field Trip (Part 3 of 4)

Posted on 03 Nov 2017 @ 1:19pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Scarlet Blake & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Lieutenant Amaranai Franklin & Commander Marisa Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols PhD & Lieutenant JG Olivia Matthews & Lieutenant Lake ir-Llantrisant & Ensign Mimi & Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Alexion Wylde
Edited on on 03 Nov 2017 @ 1:32pm

3,347 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: Earth Orbit - Starbase 001, Dock 30
Timeline: MD 92, 0555 hrs

Previously, on Field Trip (Part 2)...

Jasper wasn't entirely sure he would need a 'relief' except when he needed to personally relieve himself. However, the gesture was nice enough, he wasn't nervous or anything, but this was a much bigger deal. "Thanks, much appreciated," he said.

"We have more than one shift on this shift," Miraj reminded them, "And you can't stay awake twenty four hours a day. You'll both get b=plenty of shots at conn." And she wanted a shift s well. She needed to accrue official flight hours. She was behind where she wanted to be if she was ever going to get on the test pilot program for Project Dauntless. "But for now, Thasiv, can you join the warrant officer in the hangar bay to make sure we're all secure down there."

And Now, the Continuation...


Science Lab, Deck 9

Oci marveled at the old Constellation design. It was like out of a history book and yet just as technologically sound as the newer designs of the fleet. Of course, to her, having grown up on Bajor, most Starfleet designed ships were amazing. Her History classes had given her more insight into them and they were different than Bajoran designs, of course, but still fascinating.

Making her way to Deck 9, Oci was directed toward the Science Labs. Entering, she saw a few other cadets and ship's crew. Standing off to the side, she waited for instructions.

"Come on..." Zoie had taken a quick hold of Acer's arm as they headed to Deck 9, her good eye shining, the other the same artificial look as always. But her lips were stretched in a genuine smile. She was excited. The sort of excited she hadn't felt since she had passed her first exam. "We can't be the last ones there," she added quickly to the Cardassian and there was humour in it.

Acer glanced down to where Zoie squeezed his arm, swallowing hard. He didn't have good memories of starships. He had known when joining up that getting over that would be one of his biggest hurdles. Still, he could hope for an assignment to a station or planet instead. The Cardassian's jaw was held tight though, to keep his features still and aloof as he looked around the science lab.

Jemima hurried to deck 9 so she wasn't late reporting to the science department. She slowed several times to have a good look around. She loved old things, and while the Hathaway wasn't that old, it was old enough to catch her interest. Or was it that since this was her first real experience working on a starship, she wanted to take in as much of it as she could? It didn't really matter. She tried to keep the happy tune playing in her head from coming out. It would NOT look good to be humming, singing, or worse, whistling, as she made her way down the various corridors to her temporary assignment.

Zoie glanced at Acer and then at Jemima. Science. She shifted her weight awkwardly as she looked around in what was without any doubt not her domain. Science. With...soft, lovely scientists. She kept herself from crossing her arms though as she stood there, waiting. She was willing to bet they were going to end up looking at numbers. Which was okay, she could do numbers. wasn't really what she was passionate about.

Oci had seen the others come in and instead of staying off to the side like she normally did, Oci placed a smile on her face and moved closer to the others. She recognized their faces but had not met them, but considering the size of her fourth year class, that was to be expected. Seeing their faces was one thing but really knowing them was something entirely different.

"Hi," she said to the others. "I'm Oci Hafu,"

"Hi!" Jemima replied. "I'm Jemima de la Cour. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Zoie looked at them before she smiled weakly. "Cadet Herianto," she said and looked over at Acer, her eyes gentle.

"Vito," Acer replied gruffly as he looked around with a slight frown. He'd seen the science cadets in passing of course, but he hadn't worked this closely with them before.

Oci was about to say something but when an officer entered the room, she simply smiled at her classmates and focused her attention to the would-be instructor.

Marisa Sandoval walked into Main Science and smiled. "Hello, everyone. My name is Marisa Sandoval. I will be your Chief Science Officer for this tour. Welcome aboard. While I have your CVs, I would like you each to introduce yourself. State your name, your field of science, and what you hope to get out of the next five days."

Jemima looked at the others, then decided to go first. "Hello! My name's Jemima de la Cour. I'm studying history and anthropology. I'm here to get experience so I can get assigned to a starship and see first hand what I've been reading about."

"Curiosity is one of the reasons many go into space. To seek out new life and new civilizations. Even if those civilizations have been gone for millennia," Marisa replied. "Welcome aboard."

Zoie let out a breath and tilted her head. "Cadet Zoie Herianto. Intelligence," she said and there was suddenly a wry smile on her face as the Martian drawl thickened. She couldn't resist. Once a colonist, always a colonist. "I am not sure what I hope to get out of this. The taste of what the future might be I suppose." Although how realistic she wasn't sure. She was stuck here in a Science lab with starry eyed scientists.

Marisa tried to remain stoic on the outside. "You never know when you might need to have a little science experience when you work Intel. You are welcome here."

"You mean, ma'am...Science sometimes need to utilise all brains available, even us having some familiarity with a science station helps?" Zoie asked as she met her eyes, her green one shining with warmth and humour, the false one not changing at all.

"Everyone can benefit from a little intelligence." Marisa smiled, appreciating Zoie's humor. "You never know where you might be needed. Take the opportunity on this trip to learn science, but make sure you are familiar with other bridge stations as well."

"I'll remember that for my next hostile takeover..." Zoie said before she chuckled warmly. "For the record, that was a joke. I wouldn't be able to fly the ship and get myself out of harm's way."

Marisa's eyes twinkled. "Duly noted."

"Cadet Acer Vito," the young Cardassian replied when a moment of silence stretched. He clasped his hands lightly behind his back as he looked around the lab with an arched brow. "Like Herianto I'm not Science, I'm Intelligence. And my aim is to have the ship remain in one piece for my time here."

"Keeping the ship in one piece is always a good aim,' Marisa agreed. "I look forward to seeing what you contribute."

"Cadet Oci Hafu," she said. "I am a Science student. Astrophysics is my specialty." She paused. "As far as what I want to get out of this experience?" Another pause. "I just want to keep travelling the stars and finding new things to explore."

Marisa smiled. "Excellent. Astrophysics is a fascinating field of study. I still learn a lot when I spend time in that lab. I hope you will feel comfortable bringing up ideas on this cruise. The ship is older and might benefit from a few tweaks."

Olivia had uncharacteristically pulled her long wavy hair into a ponytail today and struggled to keep her handsfrom fidgeting up to it for completely unnecessary adjustments. Instead, she tried to focus and observe each of the cadets as they introduced themselves. After all, that was currently the main reason she was here. She noted that none of them shared her specialty. Perhaps Cadet Oci came the closest. She shrugged mentally as she thought back to her own Cadet cruise that now seemed much too far in the past.

When everyone was done with the introductions, Marisa nodded. "It's important to know who you'll be working with for the next five days. Now, if you'll follow me, I'll show you around science."

Gideon Nicols wasn't sure how he felt about this temporary assignment. He had taught before, so he certainly didn't mind the teaching aspect, he was just hoping for something, well... different. However, he never argued or complained about such things so he just went with it. Besides, in a way, he was looking forward to teaching cadets again, especially in research methodology. Plus, he was happy to just be on a starship again, even if it was an archaic ship used for training purposes. He had a lot to teach, he hadn't been a cadet in a number of years, and his experience spoke volumes now. It was also his hope that there would be some of the science cadets that would want to continue their education. If that were the case, he could offer advice in that as well.

He had been in one of the earth sciences research labs when the doors parted to allow entrance of Lieutenant Sandoval and the cadets. He turned to face them and offered a small smile to the lieutenant. "Good morning, everyone," he said, in his signature soft but deep voice, "welcome to one of three earth sciences lab."

Marisa nodded to Gideon. "This is Lieutenant JG Gideon Nichols. Those of you not studying to be a science officer may not realize that we start with a general understanding of science, but each cadet has a field of expertise. For instance, mine is history and archaeology."

"Lieutenant, I'll let you tell them about planetary science."

"Thank you for the introduction, Lieutenant," Gideon said, a smile crossing his lips. "My speciality and doctorate are in geophysics but I also have the broad training concerning the earth sciences." He wasn't sure how much more to tell without sounding redundant, all of these cadets had basic science courses. "Basically, we will be studying anything that has to do with the a planet, from its formation, to the soil, to the land/water masses, to the atmosphere. "Another part of planetary sciences, which happens to be one of my specialties is research methodology. One of the areas I will be looking at is research methodology on a starship. There are a rules and protocols that you will find on starships that you won't necessarily find at the Academy." His smile broadened. "It's our hope that while you are on your cadet cruise, that you will have cemented in your mind what you want to do once you graduate."

Jemima gave a happy little wiggle at the idea of learning research methodology. It was very small, and hopefully, because she was near the back, unnoticed.

Sickbay, Deck 13

Allyndra looked around the sickbay. It was bigger than on the old Galileo, but also heart-wrenchingly not very up to date either. She figured there was no reason to keep an old ship like this in the forefront of the medical devices.

With regards to medical devices, the doorways to the passageway whished open to herald the entrance of an entire stockpile of medical tools based on regenerator-field technology. Pushing the anti-grav crate from behind was one Romulan medical officer, moving his body at a languid pace. Like Allyndra, Lake ir-Llantrisant's dark eyes became captivated by the architectural stylings of the Constellation-class interiors. The biobeds were lacking many of the ergonomic learnings from the past decade, and the dramatic ribbing was most noticeable in this sickbay's vaulted structure. Lake's attention was so entirely snatched by his macro-vision of his environment that he nearly plowed down his senior officer in medical teal with his crate-o-healing tools.

Allyndra heard the sound and turned just in time to avoid being hit. "Hello, not much to look at is it? Reminds me a bit of a Klingon ship, functional on the most basic level."

"Good morning, Doctor Allyndra," Lake replied, recognizing the Chief Medical Officer's name from his transfer orders. As soon as he said it, he was quick to add a, "(My apologies)," for almost running her down with his anti-grav crate. His eyebrows raised in curiosity, Lake pivoted his neck to take in another look of Sickbay from Allyndra's perspective. "Tell me more about when you last enjoyed the hospitality of the Klingon medical system?" he asked.

"On the way from a rogue planet called Kreanus. We were on a Klingon battle cruiser....." she trailed off not knowing if he knew about the fate of the admiral. "I am not sure if you heard about Lirha Saalm's trial."

Shrugging vaguely, Lake admitted, "Only as much as Command shares in their FNN press releases. I didn't realize it was all related." He shook his head to express how little he had learned about it through the news. During his tour aboard Starbase Seventy-Four, Lake hadn't taken much notice of Lirha Saalm's USS Galileo more than a couple of times through its illustrious history. Lake chuckled to himself darkly, saying, "Last time I met Saalm, she appeared to have learned everything from Klingon medical science."

"Indeed, unfortunately, she is not going to be commanding anything for a bit. Shall we just say it was a bit of nasty business that we should put behind for now....Ah looks like we have a cadet already."

Waiting for a few seconds outside the door Debbie took a few deep breaths steadying herself, she was looking forward to the cruise but was a little nervous now any patients she could have would be real flesh and blood and any mistake could make things worse. She stepped through the doors and looked around for the unusual form of the Chief medical officer on the cruise. Spotting her she walked over and stood at attention. "Commander Warraquim, Cadet Debbie Larson reporting for duty."

"Well Cadet Larson, at ease and welcome. Take a look around and check supplies if you do not mind. I seriously doubt we are going to get much more then a few bumps, bruises and minor burns. These cruises are generally not expected to run into Borg or the like."

"I hope not." Debbie said then stood at ease, the Borg were the one thing she never wanted to encounter. "This is a lot more primitive than we're used to at the Academy." She remarked after a brief walk around.

Tilting his head in Debbie's direction, Lake took on a quizzical tone when he asked, "How does the Academy train Cadets, these days, to behave in primitive environments?" He swept a hand out to indicate everything and everyone around Debbie.

"Exactly the same way we would behave in our usual environment Sir." Debbie answered Lake. "To behave accordingly and do our jobs."

"Oh," was all Lake said at first. He nodded at Debbie's answer, all the way his eyes narrowed in study of her. "Okay." Lake took a step back and folded his arms over his chest. "Okay," he said, "That doesn't really tell me much about you, as ice breakers go."

"I am told that 'appearances can be deceiving'..." Alexion Wylde mused quietly to himself as he looked around the Sickbay, taking it in. Along with a new and somewhat stark work environment, they would be working with cadets. It seemed his days teaching medical cadets weren't as far behind him as he had thought. He could feel the 'tsk' sound close to his lips already.

Watching Alexion come in, Lake waved him over to the gathered medical officers and their solo cadet. That way they out-numbered her, Debbie was about to get her fill of on-the-job training, that was for certain. "Debbie," Lake asked, "what can you tell us about calibrating a biobed's overhead sensor cluster?"

"To be able to undertake the most in depth full spectrum scan of deep tissue the sensor must be calibrated to a frequency range of 1.2 to 1.244 kilohertz, anything less than that will not be as accurate." Debbie explained.

"I think that is all well and good but right now let us see if we have been stocked up on the basics," Allyndra interjected. "And then how about cadet you do a medical check in on each of us for practice. I would imagine you have not had much chance to ever scan an Akkadian."

"Oooh, then do me," interjected Tuula, having just entered sickbay. She was less than enthused at the prospect of having her vacation time cut short right after she had booked a spa day, but the prospect of training new cadets intrigued her, not in the least because she was in their shoes not too long ago.

"You must be the one of the new cadets," she added, rolling towards Debbie to introduce herself. Her hair today was somewhat conservative by her standards; no bright, unnatural colours, with just a streak of white in her hair. Of course, she had an undercut going on one side, and her latest tattoo was visible, poking out from her collar area. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Tuula."

"Nice you meet you too Lieutenant, I'm Debbie Larson." Debbie replied.

Marching into Sickbay from the corridor, her posture most formal, an Arcadian cadet saluted at whomever's wandering eyes might observe it. "Cadet Yuulik reporting for duty," she said at the top of her lungs. Shouting somewhat less, Yuulik asked, "How may I be of service?"

"First off by not sounding so much like an emergency medical hologram with the sound level turned up so high," Allyndra responded. "As to service, while this is a cadet cruise, none the less protocols are the same for any star ship. We have medical check ins to do."

From the very first of Allyndra's recommendations, Yuulik nodded back at her with a bobbing motion of her head. Even when Allyndra's words became descriptive, rather than directive, Yuulik continued to nod, and she continued to nod afterwards too. "Thank you for your feedback, Doctor Allyndra," Yuulik replied. Using her personal version of an inside voice, Yuulik was still loud by Human standards, but she wasn't declaring herself any longer. "I shall treasure it most jealously and strive to grow myself from your experience."

Allyndra smiled. This one need a bit of work on beside manner yet. It would come in time she thought. "Well let's start getting others called on in and get the process going. I shall go first, you and Larson here should find it interesting as not many get a chance to do a scan on an Akkadain."

"Will you come and sit on the bio bed please Ma'am." Debbie said to Allyndra then went to fetch a medical tricorder.

"Of course, come cadet Yuulik shall we begin?" Allyndra did as asked and got to the biobed.

"Hmmmm," was the only vocalization Yuulik offered initially. She pivoted her head from side to side, her crystalline eyes studying Allyndra, Debbie, the biobed and then her own medical tricorder in turn. "Hmmm," Yuulik said some more, considering Allyndra's question. Finally, Yuulik said, "Hmmm... Yes. Yes, we may begin."

To Be Continued...



Cadet Jemima de la Cour
Acting Science Officer
Starfleet Academy
[NPC Sandoval]

Cadet Debbie Larson
Medical Officer
Starfleet Academy
[NPC Mimi]

Cadet Yuulik
Medical Officer
Starfleet Academy
[NPC ir-Llantrisant]

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Hathaway

Lieutenant JG Gideon Nicols
Chief Research Officer
USS Hathaway

Cadet Oci Hafu
Science Officer
Starfleet Academy
[PNPC Franklin]

Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Lake ir-Llantrisant
Chief Counselor
USS Hathaway

CWO2 Alexion Wylde
Medical Officer
USS Hathaway
[PNPC Blake]

LT Tuula Voutilainen
USS Hathaway

LTJG Olivia Matthews
Science Officer
USS Hathaway

Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval
Chief Science Officer/Instructor
USS Hathaway


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