USS Galileo :: Episode 15 - Emanation - Suspicions (Part 1 of 3)
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Suspicions (Part 1 of 3)

Posted on 20 May 2017 @ 4:09pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Medara t'Keras & Commander Aren Ban & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Amaranai Franklin & Commander Marisa Wyatt & Ensign Miraj Derani & Ensign Mimi & Ambassador Soral Varro & Lieutenant Min Zhao
Edited on on 20 May 2017 @ 4:21pm

2,446 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - Emanation
Location: IRW Ganelax / USS Chaka - Neutral Zone Border
Timeline: MD -45, 0513 hrs


After spending the last five hours aboard the Kreanan warbird IRW Ganelax, the survivors of USS Galileo now waited to be transferred to the nearest Starfleet vessel in the spatial vicinity. Said vessel, as detected on long-range sensors by the Romulan dreadnought, was USS Chaka, a Saber-class border patrol frigate that'd been assigned to police the current sector. It had initially picked up DuJa'Q 'distraction' consisting of a plethora of chroniton emissions released to simulate a fake wormhole; And now traveling at high warp, Chaka was less than five minutes from the probal anomaly. It had not detected Ganelax due to its cloaked presence, which meant the eventual encounter between the two vessels would be tense, to say the least.

Aboard Ganelax's bridge, Commander Medara had just finished sending a summons to all of the Galilean officers requesting for them to join her in the warbird's command center. It would no doubt help ease tensions and build trust between the two vessels if the captain of USS Chaka could see another Federation crew in person through the viewscreen aboard her flagship.

Luke, despite his medical treatment, was still in bad shape. He had to be basically carried to the bridge by two Romulan medical staff and was left sitting at an unused science station. He hated the way he was being treated, not that he was being treated badly but he couldn't do things himself such as walking, eating and all the other normal human functions. He sat patiently staring at the viewscreen awaiting the rest of the crew to arrive.

Amaranai decided that it was better for she and Lirha to leave the room separately, still not ready for the rest of the crew to see their relationship in full. Was she ashamed already? No. She wanted people to respect Lirha and what she had to deal with over the past several weeks. The crew would learn about it eventually.

Making her way to the bridge as requested, Amaranai noted that Luke was already there, seated, and still looking in bad shape. She was glad that he was alive, but also hoped that the medical facilities on a Starfleet vessel would be able to heal him a lot quicker than what he had been offered here.

Marisa was mostly back to health after a trip to sickbay and a clean uniform. She was still sore and needed to be careful with her arm, but she was pleased to be mobile. She walked onto the bridge and found a place to stand at the back where she could have a better view of everything. She couldn't help looking for Commander Ban and Admiral Saalm to make sure they were well. Nor could she help lingering over the commander. She gave herself a mental shake and continued to look around the room to see how everyone else fared.

Allyndra really did not want to be here. There was just too much worry over the injured though the Romulans had proven to be much more helpful than the Klingons. The medical personnel had been efficient and surprisingly cooperative, more of the need of the patient before anything else. Derani's condition still puzzled her and she needed to investigate that further but scans had shown damaged but at least no further damage was occurring.

She wondered for a moment when the last time she had managed to change her uniform and realized she could not remember. Right now she felt as if the entire ocean of Akkadia might not be quite enough to rinse the dirt and cares away. She nodded to people and went to stand with Ban. She had been correct the blade had hit the scapula and had turned. It was a painful injury but better than a pierced lung.

He nodded to Allyndra as she stood next to him. Aren had been on the bridge for a little while, and had had time to watch as everyone entered. Aren could see the feelings on every one's faces. The looks of uncertainty and something that could almost be considered borderline depression. He did his best to keep his face neutral, but he him self was more than a little frustrated at having his left arm in a sling. This was actually the first time he had ever had limited movement of an appendage, and he often found himself trying to reach for something with his left hand, which resulted in pretty significant pain. However, it was important that he put on a stoic exterior and extrude confidence, at least as best he could all things considering.

Min walked onto the Romulan bridge, a bit surprised, and a bit amused at the collection of staff already present. Glancing around she could see a few Romulan officers looking distinctly concerned, the old prejudices were still there, even after the largest war ever fought as allies. She saw the XO and nodded to him as she mingled quietly, joining the crowd.

Mimi wasn't far behind, she noticed a lot of the senior crew were there already though she was surprised to see both Luke and Aren there considering the injuries they had received fighting the Klingons. Standing near her boss she mingled while she waited for whatever was about to happen.

Miraj had been examining the roof of the cell in the brig in minute detail, when one of the Remans appeared at the forcefield. He'd issued a curt order to follow, and she'd expected to go back to the infirmary, or maybe even confined to quarters. Instead she was led to to the bridge, where a count of species and pips on collars added up to all the other senior staff bar the Admiral herself, even if she didn't see a single faced she recognised, however hard she looked. The Reman didn't let her join them, kept her to one side, hand resting heavily on his disruptor.

Varro entered to find a lot of the crew there. He walked over and found an empty spot near the doctor and sat down. "Doctor," he said by way of acknowledgement.

The entrance to the warbird's bridge hissed open, and in stepped Lirha looking much improved. After a shower, a brief meal, and some personal grooming, her Orion presence radiated a much more calm and collected version of a Starfleet captain. With some assistance, she'd managed to crop her hair back down to shoulder-length and now wore a fresh, pressed Starfleet uniform with her signature rear admiral rank pips. A Starfleet PADD was clasped in one of her hands as she walked forward between the other Galileo survivors. She gave each one of them a look-over and a grateful nod accompanied by a small smile. It was time for them to go home.

Aren nodded to Lirha as she entered. It's about time He thought to himself as she moved onto the bridge. He had initially been a bit irked that she had chosen to forgo the rank of admiral while on the Klingon ship and bare the rank of general. Though he had seen her point, he hadn't agreed with it. While he wouldn't say that he was happy to see that she decided that now was convenient to be admiral again, he was glad to see her in a Starfleet uniform.

Luke came to attention, "Admiral" He said smiling glad she had decided to wear her given rank "We are awaiting your orders." Luke was in no shape to be on the bridge but so see Lirha back to her normal self was worth the pain.

Allyndra noted the change but said nothing. She mostly just envied that the general now admiral again had the time to get changed and cleaned up. While she did not sweat to get rid of heat, none the less it seemed like she had worn this outfit way too long.

Marisa moved over to get a better view of Saalm, pleased to see that Saalm was back to being an Admiral. She was careful not to look at the commander.

"Admiral," said the Romulan commander to the Orion Starfleet captain, "we have detected one of your vessels approaching our position. They are already within communications range and will shortly be within visual detection parameters."

Saalm slowly walked forward and took up a position next to Medara's command chair. She felt comforted by the presence of the rest of her officers, especially among the presence of the rest of the Romulan and Reman bridge crew. "Have you ident--"

"USS Chaka, Saber-class, a short-range patrol vessel with minimal weapons and crew compliment," Medara interjected in order to answer Lirha's question before she'd finished. "They pose no threat to us," she added with stereotypical Romulan arrogance.

"..I see.." Saalm replied, subtly rolling her eyes while trying to ignore the slight. "Since we're in Federation space, Captain Kyjek won't take kindly to your intrusion. He might be Vulcan and by-the-book, but that creates a problem. Of all the captains to arrive and rescue them... the Orion mused while shaking her head at the fates. "You must open a channel and let me..." she paused to look back behind her at the rest of her crew, "us, speak with him." While it would be difficult to appeal to the man's pathos, perhaps an appeal to logos would be more successful.

Luke took his rightful place next to the admiral his crutches rigid under his arms. Though appearing weak and vulnerable he radiated pride and power. "I think a Federation presence will persuade his logic" He said nodding to the admiral.

Part of Aren wanted to hang back and let the remainder of the crew of the Galileo take care of this. Officially he wasn't part of the Galileo, though much of the last few months was unorthodox to say the least. Not only that but hadn't the universe dealt them all a bad enough hand, did they still have to keep jumping hurdles? He shook his head, more out of frustration for the situation than anything else. "We wont know how he will take any of the coming revelation. Being blunt, informative, and concise should expedite our transfer." Aren offered.

"I agree," Allyndra replied. "Still not too many Akkadians around and the few that are off planet have not been known to associate with anything other then the Federation."

Marisa moved closer to the front in case she had a chance to speak. She wasn't part of the Galileo crew before Kreanus and might be able to add credence to what Admiral Saalm said.

Though it wasn't normal protocol for a Romulan -- or Kreanan -- commander to compromise their stealth by hailing a vessel, Medara was prudent enough to understand that the successful transfer of Galileo's crew could only be achieved without hostilities if one side took the initiative to talk. And so, with a gesture of her fingers towards the bridge's operations station, she indicated for open comm channel to be activated. "Hail the Federation starship," she ordered.

An audible yet distinctly Romulan chirp sounded from the console which indicated that the broadcast was now initiated. Medara spoke first. "Starfleet vessel, my name is Commander Medara t'Keras, captain of the warbird Ganelax," she began. "Your vessel is approaching our position -- slow to impulse at the following coordinates so we may...discuss my presence within your territory." Medara gestured once again to her Reman operations officer to indicate for him to transmit their exact coordinated. Now, they waited for a reply.

Silence ensued over the comm channel for close to thirty seconds while USS Chaka continued on its present course. Then suddenly, a distinctly male voice replied. "Ganelax, I am Captain Kyjek of the Federation starship Chaka," he pointedly announced. "Your presence within Federation space is unauthorized and your transmission appears to be emanating from a cloaked vessel. Cease your actions at one and reveal yourselves."

Medara turned to look at Saalm and the Orion gave her a simple nod to comply. "Decloak our vessel and assume priority alert," the Romulan ordered. The overhead lighting on the bridge suddenly darkened when the vessel went to battle stations, and several repeating alert tones sounded throughout the ship. In space, the presence of the hulking green D'deridex-class' hull shimmered into existence.

"Commander," the Reman tactical officer said in a deep, raspy, and bass-filled voice, "the Federation starship has altered course to intercept us and slowed to impulse. They will be within weapons range in forty-two seconds."

"Standby disruptors and plasma torpedoes," Medara calmly acknowledged.

Saalm was the first to interject, and very adamantly. "No, you must not posture yourself," she countered. "Stand down your weapons. As you have noted, they are no threat to your starship."

Skeptically and with a good deal of hidden supercilious attitude, Medara reluctantly agreed after a couple seconds of pondering. "As you wish, admiral," she replied. "Stand down weapons. For now," she ordered.

In open space, the small Saber-class frigate dropped out of warp and slowed as it approached the Romulan warbird. It finally came to a dead stop to the dorsal-starboard quarter, a standard tactical position when facing a superior-armed opponent with heavy forward weaponry.

"Ganelax, you are in violation of numerous Federation treaty accords with the Romulan Republic," Captain Kyjek authoritatively stated. "State your intentions immediately."

It was Saalm's turn to speak to the Starfleet captain, and when she did, she wanted it to be of a personal nature. "Activate the main viewer," she instructed, which Medara approved with another nod to her operations officer.

To Be Continued...



RADM Lirha Saalm
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Commander Aren Ban
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

Ambassador Soral Varro
USS Galileo

Lt. JG Amaranai Franklin
Assistant Chief Tactical / Security
USS Galileo

Ensign Mimi
Operations Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Miraj Derani
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Second and Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Marisa Sandoval
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Paren
Chief of Operations
USS Chaka
[NPC Saalm]

CMDR Medara t'Keras
Commanding Officer
IRW Ganelax
[PNPC Saalm]

LCDR Luke Wyatt
Strategic Operations Officer
USS Galileo

ENS Abbey St. James
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC Wyatt]

LT Min Zhao
Chief Operations Officer
USS Galileo


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