USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Hide & Seek
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Hide & Seek

Posted on 31 Aug 2012 @ 3:50am by Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Ensign Im'er Mor'an & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Petty Officer 1st Class Gabriel Stark & Lieutenant Aria Rice
Edited on on 31 Aug 2012 @ 3:51am

5,585 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: USS Galileo - Main Bridge
Timeline: MD09 2300hrs


For hours the nebula had played as the protector to the crippled Galileo, shielding her from the Klingon forces that would quickly eliminate her the moment she came into weapons range. The haze of stellar gases had managed to stop the Klingon's sensors from picking up the damaged Nova-class, but the slight hint of an explosion within the nebula had given them a starting point, the mighty predator hunting it's wounded prey.

Galileo was indeed wounded. Some of her systems were still under repair, others has been patched up, and a few hadn't even had work started on them yet. For now their orders had been to survive. To prepare themselves for the inevitable onslaught that would come with the attempt at rescuing their fellow crew members, but the Klingons it seemed, were not content to simply watch and wait.

Ens. Rhodes stood at the Tactical station trying very hard to make sense of things. His thoughts moved from crew members lost or missing, the ship operating below expected power needs, a very odd stranger in the Brig, then he spoke softly and frustratedly, "and this blasted console will not interface with the sensors correctly." and slams his fist onto the console. He straightens up and looks around the room realizing his action may have brought unwanted attention.

With the tactical station over beside the view screen, smiling gently, Pola caught Rhodes' eye as he looked around. With the tension on the bridge being so high, she was surprised more people weren't managing to vent their temper. If she had the energy herself, she might try kick something given the few days she had had.

Dea was back at her station on the bridge. So far it had been a quiet shift which allowed her some time to catch up after the previous day's Scout mission. Currently she was just reviewing data and other routine reports that came to her console.

As calm as ever, Mor'an sat in front of her console. A clear head leads to fewer mistakes and a better control over your environment. The words from one of her first lessons floated back to her as she looked around the Bridge. Everyone was so flustered and annoyed -- with good reason -- that they were in very grave danger of not performing to the utmost of their abilities. And now was the time they were needed most.

Her work on the sensors done and having made her report to the Acting captain Kiri took her seat at the science station. Trying to cut through the purple mist of the Z'Tarnis nebula was almost entirely futile, almost every scan would be cut to pieces and provide nothing. Her release from the tension was her solution to any situation, working harder. What the Ensign said got through to her, given all the hard work she'd done it cut rather deep. Before she could respond though she almost jumped out of her seat, it was something she hadn't even thought to look for. Active sensor sweeps from another vessel were showing up on the edge of sensor range. Cutting her own scans and moving to passive sensors she sounded rather panicked, "Possible sensor scans, at bearing three-ten mark twelve." While there was no proof, she could make only one assumption, Klingons.

Turning in her chair, Pola looked at Kiri with a concerned look on her face. Stifling a yawn, she focused on what the young scientist was saying, the yawn having been induced from not having had much sleep herself. "Can you see where the scans are originating from?"

Slightly frantically Kiri was trying to do just that though yet without much success. The signals were so scrambled she couldn't pick up a definitive signature of any known culture. Until they were closer it wasn't possible, still she could tell roughly where they were coming from, "With what our maximum sensor range is, then it is less than two mega meters roughly along that bearing sir." She wanted to provide more than that, but that would require them to make their position just as obvious to the other ship.

Rubbing her hand across her forehead, Pola realised that this could only mean one thing, the Klingons had started to probe deeper into the nebula and where on their tail. "Ok everyone...we are moving to red alert." At the klaxon rang out around them and the lighting darkened to an eerily red, the Doctor vacated her seat, knowing it wouldn't take long before Jonathan arrived to take back his command.

From the Ready Room, even buried in mountains of paperwork, there was no way that the XO would be able to forget or ignore the sound of the red alert klaxon. Having almost leapt over the desk on his way to the Bridge, Holliday appeared through the doorway travelling at almost warp speed as he moved towards his familiar chair.

"Report Doctor."

Casually side stepping before she was run over, Pola moved towards the XO's chair, sitting herself as she tried to get comfortable. Despite being temporary XO, it was actually her first time in this chair and it felt...weird? "We have detected active sensor sweeps. At our current distance we are unable to confirm their exact source, nor are we able to move closer or they will detect us."

Considering the situation for a moment, Holliday knew that they were going to have more than a little difficulty if that turned out to be a hostile contact, which, based on recent history was more than likely.

"Miss Cho....what's your best guess on that sensor contact?"

Since the first unexpected sweep Kiri had several more with which to work with. Though each was scrambled she was starting to build up a more complete picture. Even with that the profile was still rather vague, she didn't like making guesses but, "It is likely a medium range Klingon vessel, or a Gorn short range, maybe." Of course the former was more likely but she couldn't be sure, she wasn't able to see a ship to make anything better than a guess.

"Very well, Miss Mialin, back us off, one quarter impulse, course heading 180 mark 0."

Dea checked their flight path to be sure nothing would interfere, "Backing off one quarter impulse. Course as designated. We have a clear flight vector in that direction." Carefully piloting Galileo and keeping a close eye on the data being fed to her console.

Looking down at the status console in between the central chair and the XO's now-occupied one, John wasn't overly pleased with the situation, between their damaged systems and reduced crew, combat effectiveness wasn't their best result right now.

"Mr Rhodes what's our tactical situation? Do we have shields and weapons?"

Ens. Rhodes touched the tactical console to bring up the most current stats on the offensive and defensive weapons. He spoke without turning from his readout, "Sir, Phasers are online, however the two arrays on the port side are damaged. We may only be able to fire them once. Forward torpedo launchers are functional. The rear launcher is not functioning, but the repair team last reported they expect it to be reassembled in about 2 hours." Rhodes turned to the Commander continuing sounding frustrated, "Shields will still not activate due to the interference from the Nebula."

Hearing that weapons were operational were at least a little improvement over the situation a few hours ago. Granted there were rather substantial gaps in their weapons arcs that meant they would essentially have combat blindspots, in this nebula, for Holliday it meant that there was a much greater chance of an even fight.

"With the nebula disrupting sensors and disabling shields hopefully we won't need to worry about charging the shield grid until we need to leave the nebula...."

Quinn walked onto the Bridge and made a beeline to the MSD, located directly behind the Command Chair. He gave a nod to a young Petty Officer manning the station. "How about we launch a couple Class-Two probes into the nebula and calibrate them to show our Warp signature. That could be the bait we need to lure them out."

Turning to greet the arrival of another seasoned officer on the Bridge, Holliday was more than a little grateful that Quinn had managed to get himself released from Sickbay and back on duty.

"Good to see you on the Bridge Mr Quinn...I like the way you're thinking, would you do the honours and assist Miss Mor'an at Ops to prepare the probes? Launch when ready and we'll see what happens."

Mor'an nodded as Quinn approached her. They had never officially met, but now was not the time for formalities.

Quinn knelt next to Mor'an and gave a quick smirk. "Afternoon Cadet. The fastest way to prep a Class-Two probe with our Warp signature to to select the Class-Two-A probe selection off to the side screen, and then add on to it a basic emergency log buoy program package."

"Ensign Cho - be ready to watch for any changes in that contact - if they start heading after the probes...we know we have our target."

Kiri couldn't tell exactly where the ship was, it was moving slowly towards them but not directly. She could now be mostly sure that it was a Klingon ship, eyes fixed on the streams of data in front of her. Once the probes were launched her heart sunk somewhat, the ship was moving away, roughly towards the first probe. Once they picked up the other probes though, they must realise it was a trap. They'd be fighting soon, they'd be ready for them. She just wanted to run and hide again, they didn't need to fight here.

Thumping the arm of the command chair in satisfaction, Holliday couldn't help but let a grin spread across his face as he heard the news coming in from the Science station. It seemed the Klingons' sensors were not as accurate as the advanced sensor palettes deployed on the Galileo, and had managed to mistake a small probe for a full sized starship.

"Now it's our turn....Helm lay in a pursuit course for that contact, Mr Rhodes stand by weapons - when I give the signal unleash everything we have."

"Roger that," Dea replied as she programmed in a course that would allow them to pursue the contact. "Pursuit course ready. We're vectoring to intercept our new flight vector now."

Rhodes activated phasers and prepped them. All were charged, except those two on the port side. He felt a little uncertain, but said, "Phasers standing-by Sir."

There was no turning back now, in a few moments they would be right on top of what was hopefully their target, and the Galileo would once again have to prove that she was able to defend herself and her mission objective. There was unlikely to be another chance where both ships would be in the same poor condition, and both able to engage each other on an equal footing thanks to the properties of this nebula.

Leaning on the arm of the command chair, Holliday opened up the comm line to the entire ship.

=^=All hands this is Commander Holliday. We are preparing to engage a hostile target. Due to the interference from this nebula, shields are non-operational as long as we stay within it, but thankfully so are sensors, meaning enemy weapons locks will be guesswork at best. However, it does mean that should we take a direct hit, the damage will be more extreme than we would expect with the shields in place. Damage control teams stand by. Holliday out. =^=

Staying where she was, Pola split her own monitor in order to keep an eye on sickbay as she also monitored each of the other departments who were reporting back readiness. With the condition of the ship right now, she realised that there was bound to be more casualties but she recognised that right now she needed to be on the bridge. Jonathan had already advised that he would lead a team to save their CO and chief of intelligence, if this attack gave them the opportunity to launch then she would need to slide back into the seat which she had just vacated.

Theron focused on the sensor readings coming to the tactical station. The phaser targeting sensors were, also, not working any better than the ship's sensors. So, this attack may be a very hands-on operation. It may be necessary to manually point and fire the phasers to where he would expect the target to be. His other concern was the ship's trajectory in comparison to the opponent. If the helm did not keep the enemy to our starboard, their odds of surviving this encounter would be reduced.

The corridors were dimly lit and flooded with red emergency lighting as the commander's announcement came bellowing over the comm. For some people, the imminent threat of battle was unnerving, but for Lamar, it was simply a routine reaction, one which he had spent many years mastering in the Corps. Already close to the nearby weapons locker, he quickly walked up to it and input his security codes, then the large gray panel unfolded from the top to reveal a set of Type-IIIC phaser rifles. As some of the crew began to run to their stations, he quickly checked and distributed the weapons to any gold-collared personnel who happened to pass by, then slung the last one over his shoulder and began a slow jog to the turbolift.

When an additional security crewman walking onto the bridge, Rhodes took a moment to check on the status of ship's security. All teams had reported to be on station. With the current state of injuries and lost crewmen after the last attack, distribution of the remaining security personnel could be characterized as thin at best.

Outside the ship, the nebula gases slowly parted as the bow of the Galileo made her way towards her target, stalking, hunting down the Bird of Prey like a wild animal. It would have been easy to almost miss each other with such a vast area of space to move around in, but this time, the Federation starship was prepared. Battle-ready and patched up, she moved in for the kill.

From the command chair, Holliday watched as the swirling gases continued to obscure their line of sight, the viewscreen flickering with static as the nebula gases continued to play havoc with sensors, and making a shield bubble impossible. Leaning forward, as if trying to see through the haze, a dark shadow began to form, slowly coalescing in front of them, until it revealed itself.

The Bird of Prey....yet...not the rear angle that they had expected to find, but instead, the glowing torpedo launcher of their enemy, heading straight towards them. It took a moment for John to make out the picture forming in front of him, but the one thing his eyes could not mistake was the photon torpedo the Klingons had fired heading straight towards them.

"Hard to port" He yelled towards the helm, knowing that without their shields for protection, the impact of a photon torpedo would be enough to cripple whichever section of their hull it hit.

Dea responded by immediately changing Galileo's course. "Hard to port." They just avoided the torpedo strike barely. It had been too close of a call for Mialin's comfort.

Unable to even breathe a sigh of relief as the confirmation came that they had avoided the torpedo strike, Holliday steadied himself in the chair, watching the sensor readouts as the Bird of Prey again adjusted it's course to try and keep up with them.

"Mister Rhodes - return fire! Target their weapons systems as best you can!"

"Aye Sir!" Rhodes called out while activating the starboard phaser arrays. the first two shots missed, but the third struck their starboard wing-mounted disruptor. "A HIT Sir!" He exclaimed, but was still very upset that the targeting sensors were not as accurate as he would like.

With one weapon gone, the Klingons were hurt, but not crippled, and soon made their presence felt. Firing with their remaining disruptor, bursts of luminous green energy whizzed past the hull of the Galileo, most shots easily missing their target, but one or two managed to find the saucer section of the Nova-class too tempting a target to miss - liquifying the hull plating into metal debris as soon as they hit.

Dea felt the ship shake. Trying to pilot a starship in battle was not an easy task by any means. Doing her best not to lose concentration or her grip. She did her best to compensate and to keep Galileo out of enemies firing path as much as possible.

After the impact the entire weapons control board seemed to be lighting up. Theron felt just a touch overwhelmed and wished Lt . Orexil was there to back him up. He tried to make sense of the conflicting data. He had to know what was and what was not functional.

Just like the battle before Kiri gripped her console as hard as she possibly could. Trying to map anything she could from the sensors as she readings flickers. Fighting against instinct she didn't recoil, this time she wasn't burned, not even bruised. The static was still in the way of anything reasonable, she needed a way to have the sensors cut though the nebula, or.

"Damage Report!" Holliday bellowed over the noise around him, holding onto the chair as if his life depended on it as a ceiling panel threw itself loose, and thick white gas began to flood onto the Bridge.

"Mr Quinn seal that conduit!"

Quinn ran his left hand across his console as fast as he could to shut off the primary oxygen inflow. The white gas stopped streaming onto the Bridge. "Just what I thought." He then opened the secondary valve with a few more keystrokes. "Primary Oxygen valve for Deck-One and Two has been damaged. Structural Integrity Field for Decks Six and Four are down to eighty-six percent....but holding, sir. Port nacelle strut has sustained mild structural damage, nothing some epoxy can't fix."

"Thank you Mr Quinn - hold her together for now and I promise we can have as long in port as you deem necessary!" Holliday replied, smirking over his shoulder at the experienced engineer as the conduit above his head finally stopped belching white fog onto the already dimmed Bridge.

"Doctor - I need you in Sickbay - get down there!" Holliday turned to Pola, knowing that however much she might have wanted to spend her time serving alongside the Bridge crew in her capacity of First Officer, John needed his best doctors on duty. Without the shields, there was going to be more than one more casualty in this battle.

Pola tapped her fingertips against the arm of the chair. She really did want to get back to sickbay, she was nervy knowing how short staffed they were and knowing it would literally be a case of all hands on deck to get the injuries looked after, especially given the numbers already being reported. As her eyes were revitted to the viewscreen and what was happening beyond, she realised that part of her pulled to want to stay on the bridge. She felt she needed to experience this, otherwise how would she be able to command this ship when it fell back on her. Raising her hand, she ran it across her hair in frustration, looking around at the people on the bridge, feeling the building tension. "Ok....but if you get yourself injured I will never let you hear the end of it." Getting to her feet, the Doctor took one last look around the bridge before turning for the turbolift.

"Sir." Ens. Rhodes called out and turned to the Commander. "That hit took out two of the three phaser arrays on the starboard side." He thought for a moment, then added, "I recommend that we send a volley of photon torpedoes to our starboard of them, causing them to move away, while we come in from the port side using our forward phasers and a couple torpedoes for good measure."

"Very well - Miss Mialin adjust our heading accordingly - increase our pitch as well, that way it should keep our damaged sections out of their line of sight. Tactical - fire when ready - watch your aim though, I want them disabled not destroyed.

Looking back Rhodes replied, "Understood Sir." Turning back to the tactical station, he rerouted all power to the forward phaser arrays. He sure wished the shields worked in the nebula. He had the power, but that was just wishful thinking. But if this tactic was going to work, now was the best time.

"Copy that Sir. Pitching up and adjusting heading," Dea reported. This would be a tricky maneuver, but it was something all Flight Control personnel trained to perfect. She also had a few other tricks up her sleeve if needed.

Rhodes glanced over to the helm station. He gave Dea a encouraging nod. Looking back at his station, everything was set. "Forward torpedo tubes loaded. Ready at your command, Sir."


As soon as the command was issued, the yellow/orange glow of photon torpedoes threw themselves from the belly of the Galileo, streaking through space ahead of them, slowly enough that the Bird of Prey couldn't help but notice, changing their own course to move them away from the incoming path of the weapons which detonated off their port quarter, forcing the Klingons straight into the path of the oncoming Galileo.

"Nice job Mr. Rhodes." The XO called out as he approved of the change in the bearing of their opponent.

Rhodes was greatful for the encouragement, but he knew that what happened next was even more important. He readied the targeting of the forward phasers.

Quinn took a step next to the Command Chair and rested his left arm on the back of it. "Sir, if we can get close enough, just long enough to get a fix on their environmental controls, we could beam over a micro-photon torpedo and blow the hell out of it. It won't kill them, but it will leave them at a severe disadvantage, and put us in a position of holding all the aces." the seasoned sailor smiled with a cock-eyed grin, "..and I do love holding all the aces."

"Mr. Quinn that's one I'm going to have to remember. Prepare the torpedo." The XO smirked once again at the suggestion.

"But we need a way to get a transporter lock...hmm....Miss Cho you're our sensor expert - recommendations?"

Kiri was already working on the idea, though transporting something onto the Klingon ship was completely new. She'd just planed to make enough of an opening for a weapons lock, focused on her task rather than the battle, she seemed calmer though spoke extremely fast, "I've almost remodulated the tractor beam emitter to produce a repulsor beam wide and far enough to push a hole in the nebula for a few seconds." Her fingers flew even faster than her words, pausing for breath, "I don't know if it will be clear long enough for transport," Her brow furrowed, "If you cut the safeties?" What she wasn't was a transporter technician, she only knew the basics. One more flurry followed, "The beam is ready, I think." It wasn't something that had been done before as far as she was aware.

Dea was doing her best to keep her nerves under control. Grateful she had duty to occupy her mind while they were stuck waiting to carry out the rest of their plan. Various data streamed across her console screen. It gave her a better idea of what flight control systems needed to be rerouted around other damaged systems or conduits. Mialin's main priority focused on keeping Galileo flight capable and maneuverable.

Rhodes used what sensor data he could, but also tied in nebula sensor compression data from Astrometrics and believed he had the klingon vessel targeted. The trick was to only hit engines and weapons. His targeting would not be that accurate. Not here not now. He was ready for the order to fire.

"Well...its now or never I guess....Miss Cho - engage tractor beam. Mr Rhodes - as soon as you get a clear shot on their primary power matrix, take it. I want that ship disabled."

"Understood Sir." was Rhodes' reply without looking away from his display.

Taking a breath, the XO sat back in his chair and waited to see whether or not their idea would work. Success meant an easier time for the rest of his plan, failure meant the Klingons would have the next shot with Galileo perfectly within weapons range.

"Engaging," Her breath catching Kiri targeted the Klingon ship with the beam and fired. Praying that her calculations were right, that her idea was right. The tractor beam generator whined with a sound that echoed though the hull. The impressive part was on the view screen. What once was a flickering purple static was now blue. Dancing lines of gravitons aligned outward, pushing a wake though the nebula and growing in size until the wave broke over the Klingon ship. It drifted from the force, for a few seconds at least the space between the two was clear, until the beam started to break down.

Frustration!!! Everything seemed to change on the Tactical display. With the tractor beam now engaged, all the motion vectors that Rhodes had planned to depend on just changed. "Keskoff", he cursed under his breath as he made changes to the program. He was not going to wait for the order to fire or even look back to the Commander. He actually used the motion of the graviton particles as a baseline and angled the phaser arrays with the other data . . . and fired forward phasers, two bursts.

Keeping the damaged areas out of range was tricky. it required all of Dea's skill a a pilot to accomplish that goal. She kept a close eye on activity surrounding the battle so she could adjust Galileo's flight path as necessary.

With the nebula gases parted, Galileo wasted no time in letting go of her phaser energy, which moved through the now-vacant space with frightening accuracy. The Klingons aboard the Bird of Prey probably had no idea what was going on, only that their sensors had failed to detect the Starfleet plan, and now they were paying the price.

As soon as the phasers struck the Bird of Prey, ribbons of energy coarsen through the hull as their primary power grid ruptured under the strain, disabling systems across the vessel as they began to drift, plasma leaking from their warp system, like the blood from a wounded animal.

On Galileo's Bridge, John could do nothing but leap from his chair and punch the air, watching victoriously at his prey on the viewscreen as it's weapons fell silent for the first time since the two vessels had first met near the Starbase.

"Ensign Cho - confirm that the vessel is disabled?"

The XO didn't want to move in too soon. He had a plan, but the last thing he would want to happen was for the Klingons to simply be playing dead rather than actually being helpless.

With the tractor beam breaking down there wasn't much of an answer she could give, "Sir, their active scans have stopped, power levels dropping and leaking plasma and atmosphere." That wasn't what was asked of her but it was all she could give, it would be appropriately ten minutes before the tractor beam generator elements were cooled enough to repeat that trick. Looking uncomfortable she went on, "They aren't adjusting course, it seems likely." One thing Kiri didn't like to do was attempt to give confidence answers when she could only give guesses.

"Very well....ladies and gentlemen here is the plan." Holliday turned to face his Bridge crew, finally feeling like something was going their way after days of hiding and trying to outwit an enemy that wanted nothing else than their deaths.

"I will be leading a boarding party onto the Klingon vessel. Once there we will locate and retrieve the Captain and Lieutenant Coleman and return to Galileo, at which time we will promptly get the hell out of here."

Tugging on the bottom of his uniform top to straighten it out again like so many captain's through the ages of Starfleet had done, John began to make his way towards the turbolift. pacing slowly as he continued to address his officers.

"Your orders are to stay within transporter range and maintain a lock on us - as soon as we retrieve our crew the last thing I want to do is outstay my welcome on board that vessel. Miss Mialin, take us to within transporter range."

"Aye Sir," Dea replied piloting Galileo into transporter range. "Entering transporter range in 3 seconds."

"Chief Quinn - the Bridge is yours, but before that would you be so kind as to ask Miss Peers to meet me in the transporter room?"

"Aye-aye, sir. I have the Bridge. Ops, note the transfer in the ships log." Quinn tapped his combadge. =^=Miss Peers, to the transporter room immediately.=^=

"Very good...and Mr Rhodes...I will be needing your expertise here at Tactical in case the Klingons suddenly wake up...please have a security team meet me and Peers in the transporter room - with phaser rifles."

With a nod of confirmation, "Understood Sir." Rhodes replied confidently. The possibility of a boarding party had already been mentioned and Security had prepared awaiting instruction.

"Any questions? I know you will all do your duty. When we left starbase we were a green crew with some of us having never been in deep space before. But now, we are a family....and I trust each of you with my don't make me lose that faith."

Commander Holliday had such confidence in them, it made her heart swell a little but Kiri had to ask. He hasn't said and it needed to be done, it was something she didn't want to hear but, "Sir, if the mission fails?" She would do everything she could to follow her orders but, even the best plans could fail. Boarding a Klingon ship was one that didn't seem the best to her.

"If the mission fails? Well I guess I'll be in for a rough morning. Keep a constant transporter lock on us...the minute you see our lifesigns destabilise, or you hear the word from any of us, beam the whole team back to Galileo then get the hell out of here."

Kiri nodded in acknowledgement, she would do just that. Keeping a transporter lock would be hard though, they'd have to remain very close, maybe then she could keep the nebula out of the way long enough to maintain a transporter lock. Turning back to her terminal she started to work on a shorter range longer duration beam.

Quinn stood next to the Command Chair and gave a boyish grin, and a tip of his fingers from his brow in a joking salute to Holliday, "Don't worry, dad. I won't get a scratch on her, and I'll fill her up after I'm done."

As the Commander turned toward the turbolift, Rhodes touched the comm, =^= Bridge to Security. Ensign Rice, your Tactical team is needed in the transporter room. =^=

Gabriel Stark looked across to Rice with mild surprise where he was already stationed with her. He shifted and started forward down the corridor, turning to walk backwards so he could still watch for her to give the affirmative and catch up, leaving no doubt that he was ready to go as part of her team.

Rice looked at Stark with the same surprise before nodding, taking a deeper breath. "Well we go," she said and smiled weakly.

As the doors closed in front of him, Holliday smirked for a minute, he knew that his crew would get the job done, no matter what the obstacle.

Markum watched the doors of the turbolift close with some animosity, and concern. He wouldn't let it show. After 31 years of service in Starfleet, the old sailor knew better than to show anything but confidence in times of crisis. He turned and sat down in the Command Chair and settled in. "Helm, keep us close enough to maintain transporter lock, coordinate with Ensign Cho. Let's show these bastards what real courage is made of....and give the Commander time to bring back the Skipper. We hold position, no matter the cost."



Lt Cmdr Jonathan Holliday
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

Ens. Theron Rhodes
USS Galileo

Ensign Kiri Cho
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Lt (JG) Dea Mialin
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Chief Warrant Officer Markum Quinn
Chief Engineer
USS Galileo

Lt JG Pola Ni Dhuinn
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

MCPO Lamar Darius
Chief of the Boat
USS Galileo
NPC'd by Lirha Saalm

PO2 Gabriel Stark
USS Galileo
NPC'd by Scarlet Blake

Ensign Aria Rice
USS Galileo

Cadet Senior Grade Im'er Mor'an
Red Squad Intern
USS Galileo


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