USS Galileo :: Missions - Episode 01 - Project Sienna

Episode 01 - Project Sienna

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Stardate: 66230.1
Location: Beta Quadrant

Project Sienna, an experimental propulsion technology, has been arousing the suspicion of the Klingon Empire. Though the experiment is located inside of Federation territory, Starfleet sensor nets have reported increased Klingon activity along the nearby Neutral Zone. USS Galileo has just been commissioned and is sent to safely retrieve the technology and its development personnel. Due to a hasty departure, the ship must deploy from Earth without an official shakedown cruise and manned by only a skeleton crew. Once in the Beta Quadrant, Galileo will dock briefly at Starbase 234 to resupply and take on new crew before heading into Klingon space. Once inside the Klingon Neutral Zone, Galileo will be escorted across Klingon territory until she reaches Federation space and then proceed to Starbase 152, the secret location of the experiment. Project Sienna must be recovered safely at all costs.

Mission Focus: Science, Adventure
Mission Length: Medium

Mission Group Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Start Date 22 Mar 2012 @ 8:59am
End Date 06 Oct 2012 @ 8:59am

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Title Timeline Location
All The Best Hiding Places Are Taken
by Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D.
MD10 - 1200 hrs USS Galileo - Deck 4, Planetary Development Lab
Survival Instinct (Part 2 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Aria Rice & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Amril & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Commander Andreus Kohl & Commander Scarlet Blake & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D.
MD 11 - 1240 hrs USS Galileo - Main Bridge, Various
Survival Instinct (Part 1 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Aria Rice & Commander Andreus Kohl & Commander Scarlet Blake & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Amril & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D. & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D.
MD 11 - 1230 hrs USS Galileo - Main Bridge, Various
A Meeting of Minds
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Aria Rice & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Amril & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D.
MD10 - 1650hrs USS Galileo - Main Engineering
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Amril
MD10 - 1630hrs USS Galileo - Secure Quarters
A Matter of the Mind
by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Ensign Im'er Mor'an
MD08 0430 USS Galileo - Sickbay
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Commander Andreus Kohl
MD 10 - 2000 hours USS Galileo - Deck 4, Chief Science Officers Office; Deck 2, Observation Lounge
by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver & Verity Thorne
MD 10: 14:00 USS Galileo: Deck 2, Mess
Hand on Heart
by Lieutenant Aria Rice & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm
MD 11 - 0115 hrs USS Galileo - Captain's Quarters
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
MD 10 - 2200 hrs USS Galileo - Captain's Quarters
Recovery (Part 2 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D.
MD 10 - 1415 hrs USS Galileo - Sickbay
Recovery (Part 1 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle
MD 10 - 1400 hrs USS Galileo - Sickbay
Sensors for Sienna
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D. & Captain Jonathan Holliday
MD 10 - 0615 hrs USS Galileo - Deck One - Bridge
If I Can't Dance Then I Don't Want Any Part Of Your Revolution
by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Commander Andreus Kohl
MD 11 - 0247 hours USS Galileo - Deck 4, Sickbay
Dominion Recon
by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Amril
MD 10 - 0830 hours USS Galileo - Guest Quarters
When I Drink Her Medicine, It Makes Me Sicker
by Commander Andreus Kohl & Verity Thorne
MD 09 - 0957 hours USS Galileo - Deck 7, Main Engineering
Checking In With the Chief
by Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn
MD08 - 1020 hrs USS Galileo - Deck 4, Sickbay
Stressed Out (Part 2 of 2) [18+]
by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren
MD 09 - 0255 hrs USS Galileo - Peers' Quarters
Let the Moon Cry and the Bricks Crumble Down
by Commander Andreus Kohl & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle
MD 08 - 1025 hours USS Galileo - Deck 4, Sickbay
Schauberger Vortex
by Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Aria Rice
MD 10 06:30 hours USS Galileo - Security Office
Executive Decision (Part 2 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D. & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D.
MD 10 - 0615 hrs USS Galileo - Observation Lounge
Executive Decision (Part 1 of 2)
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D. & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D. & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 10 - 0600 hrs USS Galileo - Observation Lounge
The Folly Of Youth
by Captain Jonathan Holliday
MD 10 - 0345hrs USS Galileo - XO's Quarters
All As It Once Was
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
MD10 - 0025hrs USS Galileo - Lt Coleman's Quarters
Beyond The Storm - Part 2
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & EMH Mark X-C "Shirley" & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Commander Andreus Kohl & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
MD09 - 2345hrs USS Galileo - Sickbay

Mission Summary

The year is 2389 and USS Galileo is finishing construction at San Francisco Naval Yards. Equipped with the latest sensor arrays and science equipment, she is a small yet capable survey vessel designed to replace the few remaining Oberth Class starships in the fleet. Throughout the past few years, the Federation has expanded and finally recovered its losses from the Dominion War almost 15 years ago. New species and governments, even entire sectors in the Beta Quadrant have joined the United Federation of Planets. The Klingon Empire, a valuable ally during the war, has maintained ties with the Federation and has also grown in strength and number, expanding and taking control over several sectors of the recently-shattered Romulan Empire. Conflicts of interest still arise on occasion yet both the Federation and Klingons honor the terms of their alliance.

Unfortunately, despite their mutual cooperation, each government still maintains skepticism of one another and takes the necessary precautions to protect their respective areas of interest. One such area, Federation Starbase 152, is located inside the Beta Quadrant near Klingon space. It houses a secret Research and Development facility disguised as a planetary and spacial observatory. Equipped with the latest holographic and sensor technology, the facility masks its true intentions by refracting sensor and energy readings and projecting false information. The true nature of the starbase is ground-breaking. The Federation has recently started experimenting with alternate methods of faster-than-light travel. The standard warp drive, though reliable and capable, has been in existence for hundreds of years and a new, possibly more efficient technology has emerged. Dubbed 'Project Sienna', it is a new propulsion system which utilizes a magnetic core drive (MCD), capable of folding space-time and allowing ships to pass instantaneously from one point in space to another. It's specific method of operation is classified but the technology is very promising and the practical applications are unlimited.

In order to keep the project going, Starfleet maintains a standing crew of twenty scientists and additional support personnel aboard the station at all times and resupplies them every two months. Recently, Starfleet has been concerned that the facility has been drawing too much attention. Local sensor readings over the last sixteen weeks have revealed an increase in Klingon activity in the sector and standard Federation resupply ships have been frequently stopped and inspected by their Klingon counterparts. With such a promising technology on the near horizon, Starfleet has decided to discretely evacuate the facility and move the project to a location closer to the Alpha Quadrant and farther away from the Klingon Empire. USS Galileo is dispatched on short notice to retrieve Project Sienna along with the scientists and transfer them back to Starbase 001.