USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Science and Medicine...We Love to Talk
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Science and Medicine...We Love to Talk

Posted on 19 Jan 2016 @ 8:35pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant Wilhelm Von Haeften
Edited on on 22 Jan 2016 @ 7:50pm

2,848 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Sickbay
Timeline: MD 31 - 1322 hours


Allyndra was going over the new personnel check ins and noted a name that had not been a Vulcan desert and about as interesting; the distraction was welcomed with open arms.

<>On my way Doctor<> he said into the air after tapping his own badge.

The german made his way through the turbolift to the medical deck. Finding the appropriate door, he hit the chime for admittance.

Allyndra was still in the office and had the blinds closed to the sickbay for privacy. It helped her concentrate. Still one almost never missed the sound of the sickbay doors and she heard those open and just seconds later the chime to the office rang. It gave her time to put a blank on the records.

“Please come in,” she called and straightened in her chair.

Once given the go-ahead, Von Haeften stepped into the door frame and stood at attention.

“Leftenant Von haeften reporting as ordered Frau Doktor.”

“Please, Allyndra here in my sickbay. I do not use rank or surnames. Please have a seat.” She waved toward the chair opposite the desk.

Wil relaxed and walked forward a few paces towards the Doctor.

“You are Akkadian, yes?” the CSO asked.

“Last I checked,” Allyndra laughed lightly.

“[May you and your guild know the joy of a full egg clutch returned from the sea].” Wilhelm said in his best Akkadian. The German, being the son of a linguist, enjoyed learning languages. His talent, unfortunately, was not in replicating grammar and speech but in imitating accents, and was told that he could do passing imitations of Klingon, Romulan, and even Ferengi accents. he would never replace a proper communications officer, but liked to keep up with pleasantries of various languages when he could.

The Akkadian he spoke was mildly out of place; it was spoke in the most formal tone, and would have been more appropriate if he had been addressing a Hive Mother or Guild Queen. Fact was, it was one of the few Akkadian phrases he knew, and was able to reproduce; Akkadians differed in the configuration of their larynx and diaphragm, and so many of their words Humans had difficulty reproducing. Even with practice of that particular phrase, Wilhelm’s computer tests showed that while his phrase was grammatically correct, his human tongue made the words...well...duller-sounding than if they came from a native; he just could not put forth the sing-song quality Akkadians could naturally create in their speech.

“Ktareth ho’lioa k’hai” Allyndra corrected. “May your precious ones return from the sea, is more appropriate. You did not do badly, Sollte ich Wil oder Wilhelm verwenden?”

Wilhelm was taken aback a bit; he did not expect to hear his mother tongue spoken by an outsider. As soon as the thought went through his mind, Von Haeften chastised himself for it.

No more odd than you doing a smattering of Akkadian. the German reminded himself. Her Akkadian accent colored the staccato of her German, and Wilhelm actually thought it sounded very pleasant with the sing-song quality of her Akkadian tongue adding to his own language.

She looks very pleasant herself. Wil thought to himself. He shook that notion off very quickly, and made a mental note to stop eating at the starbase cafe where the pretty Orion girl worked at; her pheromones made his thoughts...colorful.

Sie koennen mir Wil nennen Frau Doktor.” Wilhelm stated. Normally, German would have made the ‘W’ in his name sound like a ‘V’, as in Vill-Helm. Having since grown accustomed to the English pronunciation due to his time in Starfleet, Von Haeften took care to pronounce the shortened name in the English fashion: ‘Will’.

“Where did you learn German ma’am?” Von Haeften said, returning to FEDSTAND while taking a seat in the proffered chair.

“I pick up a few things here and there. I will not claim fluency in much of anything except Standard and my native tongue. I suspect you have done the same though for the life of me where you ever heard Akkadian is beyond me. I think I could count on one hand the number of us off world.”

“My mother was a linguist professor after she left Starfleet; she knew...academically at least, several languages. She was not fluent in Akkadian, but taught me a few pleasantries, most of which I cannot remember except what you have just heard.” Wil explained.

“Well Wil, I see you are the new Chief Science Officer. A position a friend of mine held. Well welcome aboard and I am sure you will do well. I have been more than once to your department with thoughts and ideas. As to the reason for my call, obviously need to get an official check in but I also like to meet and talk to new people as well and see if there are any questions they may have.”

“Yes ma’am.” Von Haeften replied simply, keeping his formal tone despite the Doctor’s protests. “Forgive my curiosity, but what specialty of medicine do you hold?”

Allyndra observed the man for a moment. “Xenobiological Internal Medicine with a secondary in Xenobiological psychiatry. I have still maintain my credentials as a certified Counselor. I am curious as why you ask?”

“As a scientist, a handful of our specialties cross over into the medical field, biology for example. I was trying to see if we had something to talk about ma’am.” the CSO replied.

“Shall you start poking and prodding me then Doctor?” Von Haeften added, trying to inject some joviality into the conversation.

Allyndra titled her head. “Or perhaps you might be interested in my musings on creating a bipolaron pairs inducing a quantum zero state, or maybe some of my thoughts on two time physics, or there was the experiments we did using transcription activator effector like nucleases, a sort of DNA scissor to interfere with Borg nanite replication.” She smiled. “Or we can just go to the poking and prodding? And it is Allyndra. Here in my sickbay I will not accept anything else.”

The woman’s talk of science actually excited the german CSO.

I think I’m in love. Wilhelm thought to himself. He once again mentally shrugged the thoughts away; even if that wasn’t the Orion hormones talking, she was his superior officer; it would not have been appropriate.

Thank God she’s not a telepath or this would get really embarrassing Von Haeften thought.

Wilhelm came to rigid attention. “Jawoehl Frau Doktor!” he jokingly said. To ensure her point was taken, the german added “As you wish Allyndra.” Von Haeften tried his best to affect an Akkadian accent to her name, turning the ‘A’s in her name into more like breathy tones, and trilling the ‘R’, but he thought he sounded like mush, not being able to properly reproduce the sing-song quality of her native speech.

“Perhaps we could set up a later date to discuss the science if you wish.” Von Haeften said. The scientist thought about what he had just said and started to verbally backpedal.

“Uh...that is, not a date like a romantic. I mean...I would never...well, not NEVER, not that you aren’t a lovely woman, in fact I think you’re quite beautiful, it’s just that you’re my superior and regulations...and uh...such.” Von Haeften realized that he was digging his hole deeper by the breath and decided to just shut up.

Allyndra could not help the smile but she schooled herself not to laugh. She was not one normally to tease further unless Tuula or Olsem got her involved. Then she was like a first year apprentice in that respect, ready to go along with most everything.

“And I have dated at times an enlisted person and I could name, though it would not be right and dozen or more interactions that technically are against rules. The fact of the matter is it is a small ship with many beings in close proximity and nature has its rules that override ours. Let’s just call it a get together at some point to discuss a mutual interest shall we?”

Wilhelm flushed bright red as he realized what he had suggested previously.

“Sure...sounds great.” he said; it sounded like the safest thing he could say.

“Well let’s get your check in physical out of the way,” She stood with a practiced grace and came around the desk and nodded her chin toward biobed three that could be seen nearest the window to the office. “Shall we.”

“What’s first ma’am?” WIl said. The formal tone was out of his mouth out of habit before he could put it back in, and the german hoped that the good doctor would let it slide.

“Allyndra please,” She reminded gently and then lead the way to the nearest biobed by the office. “Fleet is generally not in the habit of sending people out that are unhealthy. So what I usually ask is if there is anything lately, or a particular issue that I should be aware before have to dig into your medical history.”

“No ma...uh Allyndra.” saying the doctor’s name felt odd to him; in the Reserves, a subordinate would never event hink to utter a superior’s first name.

Allyndra made a note on the PaDD but also noted the hesitation. “I grew up with much formality. While it has its place, I think here in this place of healing and hope that we realize how close we all are.” She patted the bed. “Well a quick scan and then get a DNA sample for the record and we should be done.”

Von Haeften moved towards the bed.

“Of course you are free to ask me any questions as well,” Allyndra added as the scan started.

“How close are we going to get during this exam?” Wil asked.

Oh goody, now you’re flirting with the ship’s Doctor. the voice in Wil’s head scolded him. What’s next? I’ve got an idea of how to get that DNA sample?!

“Why do you ask?” Allyndra looked down taking her eyes off the scan. “I would say close enough to take small swab of the inside of your cheeks. “There are some that get curious about the H'oni A'likoa, the Blood Kiss.”

“The what?” the German asked, snapping out of his self-criticism.

“Hoo’oooonnnnahhhiiii Ah’liiiikoooooah,” Allyndra repeated saying it with the full sound. “Translated it means the blood kiss.” She put down the PaDD and then picked up his arm and turned the wrist and displayed the sharp inner teeth. “Too many it is considered pleasurable, but some are just curious.”

“Um...Ok.” Wil said, honestly curious about the act.

Allyndra laughed lightly and let the arm go. “I think not today.” She winked, “You are handsome and while there is a part of me that appreciates that. It is not good to get quite that close to patients.”

“Oh...I didn’t mean to suggest that we uh...that we know…” the German stammered, flushing to a crimson at the thought, and embarrassed that for a moment he wouldn’t have minded if they HAD done what he was denying.

His mind found a positive to concentrate on after a few seconds: handsome eh?.

“Were flirting? Normally no I would not. I think I have been away from Akkadia too long and around others whose upbringing was a bit more open.” Allyndra made a deep formal curtsey. Her tone grew serious “Forgive me, Guild Mother would have be beaten for being such.” She straightened. “I did not mean to embarrass or offend sir.”

“Oh I’m not embarrassed Ma...uh, Allyndra. I was concerned that I behaved less than gentlemanly towards you.”

“Not at all. It is I.” Allyndra replied. “Well, there we have it. You are formally medically checked in.”

“Smashing.” the German said, hopping off the biobed. “By the way, forgive my ignorance of your culture, but I was curious: I heard that you were [taken from the sea]...”

Wilhelm said the last part in Akkadian, his limited tongue making the words seem hollow and flat, but he was mostly sure the term, which is roughly equivalent to the human “to be born” was grammatically correct.

“...into a very powerful guild. Does that mean that you are a sort of royalty on your homeworld my dear?”

Allyndra leaned against the wall. “We lay our eggs in the sea. As they hatch the larvae spend a year in the ocean developing. Then return back to where they were laid. The females make a second flight to gather the K’tareth, the precious ones, that have survived their year.” She felt emotion well up just a bit. She was carrying again, and her first had been ill fortuned. The long lonely hours waiting, and waiting without a single one to return. Allyndra took a deep breath and let it out. “No, I am not royalty. Just a full Guild member. Does that help explain?”

“It does. I asked because I was looking forward to egging you on by calling you ‘Your worshipfulness’ of some such.” the Teutonic scientist said, flashing a boyish grin at the doctor.

Allyndra looked at the man with an incredulous look but then realized he was teasing. It was only right for her showing her teeth. She laughed then. “Guild Mother would have had you scrubbing the scullery pots and the floors with a toothbrush for a season for such insolence. Be glad you are not there.”

“You Guild Mother would have found me too charming for such punishment my dear.” the German said, his smile not fading.

She pushed off from the wall and then made that odd shrug which caused the gossamer wings to flutter and flash before dropping again into a deep curtsey and she extended her right hand, palm down. “It has been an honour sir to meet your acquaintance. May the Twins bless your Guild and light your way.”

Wilhelm was a gentleman by both training and disposition, and took the proffered hand and placed a light kiss upon the back of the lady’s hand.“May your wings never tire and the wind be at your beck and call.” the CSO added with a flourish.

Lovely woman. the German thought to himself before forcing his mind to other matters.

“So I’m free to escape your dungeon of horrors Your Worshipfulness?” Von Haeften asked with mock terror.

Allydnra straightened up. “Once you are in the spiders web, you are never really free even if you think you are, but go on for know letting the myth that you are free be your guide. For I know you shall return.”

Wilhelm did not have a joke to shoot back right away, mostly because he did not expect that level of sass back at him from the lovely doctor. Also, a part of him wondered if he WOULD find excuses to come back to spend time with the pretty Akkadian not-Princess. Were his thoughts even his own anymore? Akkadians were rare enough outside their home world that persistent rumors abounded about them, such as they were able to make the opposite sex mad for them, similar to orion pheromones, but much more subtle.

the German thought. My thoughts are my own. She is pretty, yes, but she could throw herself at me, and I’d be gentleman enough to gently refuse...right? that what she WANTS me to think?

A man could go insane from thoughts like that, and Wilhelm put it out of his mind.

“Who’s in who's web my dear?” Wil said, raising his eyebrows in one last playful gesture.

Allyndra made a shooing motion with her hands. “Go on, you are going to give a poor widow dreams. Off you go!”

Wilhelm did his best curtsey, backing up out through the sickbay door, almost running into a crewmember walking down the hall. Apologizing intently to the man, the German began the trek back to his own neck of the woods, one thought going through his mind over and over as he walked a little taller and with a little more bounce in his step:

Handsome, eh?

Allyndra almost laughed. Men did not curtsey. Still as he left she could not help but watch the fit backside leave out the door. “Allyndra, you are being silly,” she whispered to herself then went to get the results put into the records. Best stop at an Irsemia house then if your going to think like that she thought to herself.


LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LT JG Wilhelm Von Haeften
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant JG Lenaris Marika on 20 Jan 2016 @ 3:36am

That was a really fun read!