USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Bloodwine and Bergamot
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Bloodwine and Bergamot

Posted on 13 Aug 2015 @ 12:39pm by Jynn & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri RN

2,901 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3; Sickbay
Timeline: MD: 02 Time: 0600


It felt both strange and yet comfortable to be back in this office. She had to admit it had been exciting to be on the bridge working during the exercise but now it was over and crew were heading back to their normal assignments.

She had checked on her lab and though not much had been going on, the collision and all during the war games had put paid to any experiment that she had even though about. The gravitational targeting had worked to an extent but not quite as good as she had hoped for. "Well Allyndra, I guess that is why there is a real science officer and not you. Of course the real one was her friend but he had been doing a command as well. It had given them all a stretch but it had also put critical people on different ships."

Then there had been the casualties. Well things were getting somewhat back to normal. Surprisingly there had been few major problems.

She sighed, that deep heavy sigh that few could match. Allydnra started sorting through the PaDDs from injuries and all from the exercise but she continued to talk to herself never hearing the sickbay door as her mind parsed along a pathway, "The masses were too low or our equipment not quite tuned enough to detect properly the mass waves but perhaps should have looked for the decay of a B-bar meson..."

Jynn had stepped into the room just moments before, but he had paused, looking at her inquisitively. There was the familiar rush of sensations of meeting a new person. She seemed so familiar to him despite the fact that they had never met. Suddenly, he remembered. Bloodwine! The thought almost leaped out of his head. It had been years, but suddenly he was able to taste it again as though he had just taken a hearty swig. He contorted his head to the side as the potent taste coursed through him. "WOW," he suddenly blurted out.

Allyndra looked up at the sound of the voice. She looked puzzled, "Wow? The sickbay is not that impressive. My thought pattern not that much either, though perhaps you were referring to my looks. There are not many Akkadians off world. How may I help you though?"

"Sorry," Jynn spoke after examining the most curious creature that sat in front of him. "Lieutenant Jynn, reporting in," he said excitedly. "I believe I am here for an examination of my current medical status." He sat himself down on the closest object that could render him in the sitting position. He was always quite casual, especially when meeting new people.

That was when clashing sounds echoed in the main sickbay. A female Deltan of inquisitive blue eyes, in a matching blue collar, managed to spill out a box of brand new hyposprays across the floor. She clumsily went to pick them up, turning all flush as she had recognized a member of her own race.

"Sorry... Soo sorry," Veri apologized while she tried to pick up the hyposprays quickly.

The beautiful and most fascinating Akkadian had suddenly faded out of existence, or so it seemed for Jynn. He felt a connection. Emotions rising. Deltan, he thought to himself with such elation that he wondered if everyone in the system could hear him think. He pictured himself strapped in to whatever he was sitting on so as not to jump up and burst through the ceiling above.

He had turned and faced the only other one of his kind he had seen in years and, in an instant, his senses exploded. Floral. Fragrant. Citrus. Amid all the other senses the taste and smell had overwhelmed him most. His heart almost burst from his chest and for the first time in probably forever he was at a complete loss for words. Then again, words were not needed. He knew the beauty that stood before him could sense everything he felt. He stayed in his position without a word spoken.

Veri's eyes locked with his for only a moment. She shared similar emotions as he, and the younger Deltan wanted dearly to act on them. That very second. That's why it took a lot of discipline on her part to push through her mutual instincts to jump him in the middle of Sickbay. She interrupted her superior with an uncharacteristic spill, after all. So she needed to maintain as much decorum as her brittle emotions on the matter would allow.

"I really, really promise not to drop anything like this again, Doctor Warraquim," Veri stammered. It felt very hot in the room all the sudden and she was only a fourth of the way done chasing after the hypos that rolled away from her. "I'm normally very good at this sort of thing. Honestly. And Deltans are honest people. So if I say I'm being honest, that means I am, Ma'am... Honestly."

Allyndra shook her head. "What should I expect with two Deltans in the room." She made a small admonishment with one finger wagging. "Allyndra please, you should know that by now. Do you need to leave or can you get yourself settled enough?"

"Nah... I mean no." Veri finished picking up the hypos and stood up, only to walk face-first into the nearest wall. She shook her head, dazed a bit. But quickly recovered with, "I'll just take these to supply now an erm... yeah. Bye!"

There was a nervous, yet hype chirp in Veri's voice as the young Deltan quickly left the room.

"Very good," she turned her attention to the man. "As you might have surmised I am one of the doctors here." She did not really need titles. Deltans were a sensual race as she remembered with certain empathic touches so she refrained from shaking his hand. "Allyndra," she made a polite nod of her head. "Warraquim is not really a surname it is my Guild Affiliation. Now then you mentioned a check up?"

With a vigorous shake of the head Jynn collected himself, though it was quite difficult to remove his gaze from the perfect model of cuteness and excitement all bundled up that was Veri. He returned his attention to the new body before him. It was a most curious body, after all. He had not learned much of Allyndra's people, and he was more than ready to spend hours listening and learning every detail he could. Focus, his thoughts exclaimed, leveling his emotions off and removing his attention from his desires for a moment.

"Yes, ma'am," he spoke as he nodded in return. He had heard 'ma'am' uttered by his counterpart and decided this would be the best way to address her. "Would it not be appropriate for my new doctor to be up to date on my well being, especially given recent events? I am happy to say that my being is quite well actually, but if you have any questions or concerns, I will assist to the fullest of my ability."

"Allyndra please," she said with a smile showing she did not take offense. "I am not that formal in sickbay unless I have to be. When you hear me start to use ranks and all that is when it is very serious. Now then," she picked up a PaDD and took a moment, "that sounds like a medical check in statement. Ah! Here we are, Jynn, there is not that many Deltans on board or fleet either. Well Jynn, may I call you that?"

A smile formed on Jynn's face. "Of course. It is what I have been called since birth and it shall remain that way forevermore." In actuality he had been called other names, but Jynn was always preferred.

"Flight officer, chief one?" Allyndra did not wait for the answer. "Like any of you really know flight," Allyndra laughed lightly. She made a sort of odd shrug which caused the long translucent wings to flash briefly.

Their was another brief surge of desire in Jynn. Wings! He had wondered if he could borrow them, however unlikely that would be. He reflexively reached out as though to try and reach them, then placed his hand back by his side. Tapping his fingers on the makeshift seat, he suddenly let his feelings escape into words. "Can you take me for a ride," he exclaimed in excitement. She was right that he did not know what it was like to truly fly, but perhaps he could be shown.

"Unfortunately the answer is no. There is not enough lift to support much more than my own weight." Allyndra looked up at the ceiling and then back at Jyn, "There was one time back on Obsidian Colony that I was forced to attempt a rescue. We both fell but at least managed to hit the water at something less that injurious speed. However, I do have a programme on the holodeck that I have used with another that will give a simulated use. Perhaps at some later date if you would like to try?"

"Of course," Jynn replied immediately. "That would be most exciting! If you would care to join me some time, that'd be lovely," he spoke with an inviting smile. "Though for the moment I suppose we must confine ourselves to the sickbay for the remainder of this checkup. Hard to ask questions in the sky!"

"Not really," Allydnra replied. "All you have to do is keep from running into something." She laughed lightly in that light musical style. "Now then, anything I should be aware of since your last visit?"

"Not at all." He was lying. Though the problem he had was harmless, a curious quirk in the already documented synesthesia that Jynn had, he had not wanted to tell anyone. A sort of personal journey of his to be spoken to no one but his personal log, though it had gotten him into trouble a few times. Other than that there was all the thoughts that concerned him, but those where not to be discussed with the Chief Medical Officer.

"Well," he said with a small pause, "I did seem to hurt some of my ribs a few days ago on the holodeck. It's just not the same with the safeties engaged! Anyway, I was doing one of my tumbling routines when the gravity shifted unexpectedly and I came crashing down onto the shuttlebay ceiling." He rubbed at his left side a little, a shot of pain running through him that didn't seem to bother him as much as it should have. "I think they might be broken."

Anlya waved toward a biobed. "Let's have a look. If you do not mind touch could you please remove your top." She knew most Deltans did not have very much in the way of being body shy, in fact if she remembered correctly just the opposite. They were a sensual people.

Without thought Jynn disrobed himself, setting it aside to be retrieved later. Upon first glance of his bare body one might have thought they were looking out of the ship's viewport into a stunning galactic scene than at an actual living body. He walked over to the biobed where he was to be seated.

As the top came off and she put it aside she cocked her head. "My I have seen skin decorations before but these..." She paused looking at the intricate designs. To her sight some of the ink seemed to glow a bit though she was not sure he knew that some seemed bright in the uv spectrum she could see. It reminded her of the patterns in her people's hair. "Are on a different level. Did you design these?" she asked.

He smiled happily at Allyndra. "Of course. The places I've been, the ship's I've flown," he spoke, interrupting the last word with an abrupt pause. "I need a new one! Two," he almost shouted. "Do you know where I can get someone to do this? You are medical, are you not? Maybe you can help me!"

Allyndra shook her head in the negative. "I would not presume to think about the artistry involved my hus..." She paused and took a breath. "My husband would have, he was an artist of the first order. The technicality yes, but that is as far as my knowledge would extend." She sighed for a moment and then asked, "You appear to be well traveled. Was it by design if I might ask that some of them show in the ultraviolet side?" She quickly amended the question with, "my visual acuity extends into that range. The streaks," she touched her hair, "have patterns in them but most cannot see them."

There was a moment that a perplexed look crossed Jynn's face. He thought for a few seconds, looking down at himself, then looked back to Allyndra with a look of amusement. "I did not know of the UV. I suppose it could be a bit of artist's interpretation. How wonderful that I have found someone who can appreciate another layer of it's artistry!"

This Akkadian was proving to be more interesting with every passing minute. Every new detail more interesting than the last. Her flight. Her sight. He had even heard of their need for blood! He had so many questions to ask, but for the moment he would allow the doctor her examination. It was his appointment, after all, not hers.

"Perhaps, it might be a fluke. Still interesting, now then," Allyndra became a bit more business like. "Let me see those ribs." She started a scan but she had always been one to let her fingers match what the scan showed. "I am going to touch," she again admonished and gently pressed her fingers against the flesh. It took a few moments and the scan confirmed what her own touch told her. "Bruising yes, broken no. So a bit tender and I can give you something for that. Is there anything else?"

The touch of her hand ignited his senses in a brief flash of energy within. Another problem, he thought to himself as he sought to contain the rush. "Well," he began as he started to look her over. "There is the problem of pent up emotion. I have many outlets but they do not seem like enough at times." There was something on his mind. That thing. Again. "Perhaps I could schedule an appointment with your nurse," he questioned with a broad grin, deflecting his thoughts from the woman before him to the one he had met so unfortunately briefly.

Allyndra raised her eyebrows at that request. Pent up emotions and another Deltan did not take much to parse what the request really was about. An interesting people she decided and perhaps not one she fully understood. She made a small tilt of the head, "Of course, I have no objections if she does not." She then nodded her chin, "Perhaps I could suggest something after all, let me think a bit more on it and then present it to you for your consideration."

Jynn became most curious as to what her possible solution could be. He was not fond of the thought of anything that would deaden emotions. Depressants where for being depressed, he had thought. Perhaps she had something else in mind? At this point he was open to suggestion. His quest for the heights of emotion had certainly been causing him problems, Perhaps he could try a different approach for a time.

"That would be great," Jynn replied. Perhaps great was not the right choice of word, but he though it would be interesting to see what she suggested. "Is there any other questions you have for me?"

"No, I think we are done with your medical and I can formally sign you off. Do you have any for me?" Allyndra replied and picked up a Padd to make the official notation.

With a thought that needed last only the briefest of moments Jynn answered her question. "So many. But perhaps they can wait. I could question you for hours but I'm afraid at the moment we both probably have other things to do. Which leads to one question that should be asked now. Would you care to join me at some point while we are off duty?"

"That would be nice. Now I shall leave and ask the nurse to come back." Allyndra replied and again smiled with that knowing look. "Welcome aboard sir." She tucked the PaDD away and then headed off toward the lab. It would be a lot more private than her sitting in the office.

Jynn stood up from the biobed and looked around the empty room for a few seconds. So cold and sterile. Definitely not a good place to meet another Deltan. With Veri to be on her way shortly, Jynn decided that it would be best to head her off and meet her outside sickbay. With a twinkle of excitement in his eye Jynn walked out of the room at a brisk pace to finally meet the delightful Deltan known as Veri.


Lt Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri
Surgical Nurse
USS Galileo
[PNPCed by Gyce]

Lieutenant JG Jynn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Commander Andreus Kohl on 17 Aug 2015 @ 2:26am

Ha! I really enjoyed reading the Deltans getting all aflutter for each other. And Allyndra's joke about how little Jynn knows about flight made me laugh out loud for real.