USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Veri Amazing
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Veri Amazing

Posted on 13 Aug 2015 @ 12:41pm by Jynn & Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri RN

2,371 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Numerous Decks
Timeline: MD02 - 0630 Hours


How lovely to be born with wings, Jynn thought to himself. He had just met the very curious Chief Medical Officer aboard the Galileo and now that was all he could think about. But there was so much more to think about. So many experiences and encounters aboard this fascinating vessel. Not to mentio- -

As Jynn stepped through the door into the corridor beyond, he crashed into a push-cart of some sort and went toppling to the ground, carrying the cart and it's supplies down with him. He looked up, dazed but unharmed, to see the lovely Deltan he had encountered just minutes before. Not to mention, Veri, his thoughts shouted in completion of what had been interrupted by her cart. I'm going to get you for this, he thought to her with an ear-to-ear smile that could disarm anyone but perhaps another Deltan.

Oooh no, Veri thought in nervousness and just as excited, replied aloud. "Soooo sorry... Umm... Bye!"

Veri took off in a run. Not exactly what she wanted. Though in many ways, to disrobe with him would be very nice. It had been so long after all. But she was on duty and she had to inspect the medical kits around the ship.

...Jynn does have a nice body. So maybe a small game of foreplay might be fun.

That was why Veri ended up darting in a Jeffris tube. So many burning sensations inside her that moment actually made her happy. It was not often that other Deltans came in close proximity with another, outside their homeworld.

You smell of desire, Veri teased her counterpart through their telepathic link.

He did more than smell desire. He tasted it, and it tasted like bergamot. Floral, fruity, and fragrant. It was probably the most beautiful sensation he had ever felt when combined with all the other sense shattering attributes that the wonderful Veri possessed.

Jynn's mind and body formed a warp core of energy as his desires almost jumped out of him and ran after her before his body could catch up. He and his appetite sprung forth in unison in a darting run. Oh, the things I could do, he thought to himself but was sure to project it as well.

He could sense her. She was close, but moving away fast. Changing decks! Jefferies tube, his mind shouted, and went for the closest one.

I've no doubt you can do anything, but the tubes are not that comfortable, unless you prefer to go to places of obscurity and intrigue. I know a lot of humans like to perform in areas of challenge, Veri thought nervously, and quickly to him.

Her heightened hearing began to pick up on movement and she giggled before she began to move further into the tubes.

Jynn hurtled into the tube and got on all fours, moving forward with a dash like a speedy primate. He had done more than his fair share of shipboard exercises and OUCH Jynn crashed onto the floor as he upset his rib injury again. Maybe it wouldn't be so easy to catch her. But he had to.

He just had to. All his senses and emotions were heightened. Even the pain felt stronger than normal. He was more than ready for his area of challenge. He felt at his peak.

Are you sure you're up to playing? Veri asked to with concern, as she felt his pain. She could numb him, if he got lucky enough to locate her, but then that might cause her to depend on him a lot for unification.

By the gods she desired it. Needed it, more like it. But therein was the problem. She was not the best Deltan student of celibate discipline techniques. What would happen if she and Jynn were only assigned together a short while? Would those techniques still be strong if either up and left?

It was a reasonable concern, and yet her curiosity to know him in all the manners her senses would allow? That made all her concerns go away. He was Deltan after all. So that meant no oath to break.

Always, his mind shouted in return. He could have suppressed the pain at any moment, but why deny life's ups and downs? Besides, now you actually stand a chance of escaping! This would make it more fun, but he doubted she would escape. Why would she?

I would not want to overexert yourself, Veri teased back at him. It is well documented that doing so will-

Her thoughts were interrupted as she banged her head into the frame of a tube junction. As she did not pay attention to where she was going, Veri did not see the need to get too annoyed with herself.

Rounding a corner, Jynn caught Veri in his sights. It was all over for her now. Don't you worry about *our* overexertion his mind shot to hers. He began a slightly slowed charge towards her, attempting not to further injure his still tender ribs. No need to hurt yourself now, he thought to himself.

"Yikes!" Veri nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw him and tried to run further, but instead she fell out of the crawlway and hit the ladder landing harshly on her shoulder.

She flushed red as Jynn had arrived. Veri was both sore and exhilarated about the situation. To the point she began to disrobe herself.

With a mischievous grin Jynn moved in. A twist of the body and a flick of the arm later and he, too, was completely disrobed. A moment later and he was finally at her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and the first thing he did was lick her neck from shoulder to ear. His senses, their senses had started to mingle, and with a welling of water in his eyes, spoke and thought to her at the same time, "You taste like home."

You taste like home too, Veri thought merrily as she shared with him all that made her whole.

She missed this part of her culture. The unification of two or more multiple beings. Almost like The Great Link. In some ways, probably more intimate. For it was hard for her to tell where Jynn and she ended and began. Much less whose arm was touching the other's shoulders. Or who was the most homesick.

Thank you, Veri thought she spoke to him. It was very hard to tell. Both equally excited to see their own kind again.

He slowly moved his hands over her body, studying every inch of her with a touch that seemed to electrify the senses. Their minds slowly coalesced into a sensual stew. He began to forget everything but what was happening. Where he was. He almost forgot who he was, a sort of separate sentience formed by the two bodies wrapped up in the most unlikely (and uncomfortable) of places. If he could, he'd never let go.

Somewhere at that back of her mind - or was it their mind? It was hard to tell for Veri. But she did think they should get back to work. Did they want to? No. The way they synced into a rhythm was godly. Fun too. Most assuredly fun. They had not had fun like this in over.... Well the timing was not important.

Despite the sharp pains in their back from rolling around the floor and against the ladder, seeing the thoughts and dreams of this new entity was rewarding. No commitment. That was never what Deltans did... unless a child was produced.

As the two kissed, the female part of this new personality smiled brightly for she knew that was never going to be an issue. The free-spirited being currently formed just wanted to enjoy the oneness without complexity. And so it did.

It could feel the surges of energy in its shared mind and body building as the very beings of Jynn and Veri became further entwined. Time itself seemed to fade away as they embraced, the thought of separating seeming so impossible after being separate from another for so long. All it wanted to do was stay as one. Melding and mixing every portion of its being.

When the time of unification ended, however, the female entity gradually recalled her former identity. Euphoria still ebbed in her soul, as well as a part of Jynn she was very happy to maintain. His love of adventure.

"I umm..." Veri searched for words nervously while she began to put her uniform back on. "Well I... what I erm... Thank you. Yes. Thank you. That was very rewarding for me and I know it was to you because I felt you. Or me. I really don't know which felt what, but I hope I felt you as I think I felt."

"It waas, it waaas," Jynn stuttered slightly as his thoughts raced ahead of his speech, words trying to catch up. "It was fantastic! I had almost f-f-forgotten what it was like! Fu-, exciti-, no," he interrupted himself. "Rewarding," he said with a smile as he found just the right word, the same word she had used to sum it up. They must have thought the same thing.

He wasn't sure if the stuttering and cluttering was a result of his normally fast-paced mind or if he had felt a small presence of Veri's nervousness, but he didn't mind either way. He was overjoyed. He let out a gratified sigh as he rested himself against the wall and slipped his robe back on.

I was not the best student in celibacy discipline, Veri sent telepathically to her counterpart. It was also nice to feel like Home again, too.

There was a hint of sadness in her thoughts, for she truly would love to just spend eternity in an embrace with Jynn. He was her home away from home. A home she had forgotten on so many levels.

There was still a tether between their two minds, but link or not, Jynn felt the same sadness. The encounter had been a sort of reminder, and the two of them felt a pain from it that could not be ignored. But that's what it was all about. All of life's experiences, good and bad, were meant to be cherished. He smiled to her as he looked at the bright side, meeting another Deltan in the cosmos.

But her words had struck a chord within him. He had hoped the sadness of their separation from home had masked it and he tried as hard as he could to hide it, but there was another sadness that perhaps Veri could detect but Jynn was certainly not going to mention. That same programmed feeling of shame he couldn't shake despite his conscience saying otherwise. As though he had betrayed his people, and to some extent, Veri.

Neither was I, but I don't think I'll have to be reporting you for this moment of embrace he thought with a mental and literal laugh, forced though it may have been. Perhaps our home is amongst the stars, Deltans like you and I. Perhaps this is our home, here and now, wherever we are. He had hoped the change in subject would divert the conversation away from his awkward feelings.

Despite the fact she smelled of pure sex, Veri embraced him in a hug. One of open friendship and love. As most Deltans would with one another. Truth be told though, there was so much information she shared with him, that it would take a while to sort out the new stuff from the old.

"May our home here last a while then, Jynn," Veri spoke aloud, for it was important for him to not just feel, but hear the hope and content of friendship.

Jynn returned her embrace, holding her close as he took her in with all his senses, an overwhelming sense of satisfaction within him. He was already growing to love his new home more than he could have hoped as well as the people within it. "May it last as long as we have to experience everything the universe has to offer," he replied, knowing she shared his love of all, including the love they most likely felt for each other. "I love you," he spoke to her, affirming his thoughts as any Deltan would.

She did not want to leave him. And it was hard. Deltan relationships were both as free as they were complicated. But so too was the life of a Starfleet medic. While there was generally leeway for roaming the ship, now she had to retrieve her cart and do a mad dash down the halls to get her task done.

Maybe my boss will understand the rarity of Deltans meeting in space? Veri hoped. Maybe if she promised to contain herself until after shift, that leniency would be granted? Who knew.

What Veri did know, was that Jynn's shared memories with her would take some time to sort. And though she felt it was not her place to ask just yet, she continued down the halls wondering why she saw him having kinky relations with the woman in the wheelchair...

A moment later Jynn hopped out of the jefferies tube. It was almost time for his shift, and though he wasn't even at the helm, he was already flying high. So many thoughts and emotions. There was certainly much thought to be done. But that was for later, right now he had duties of his own to attend to. With a brisk stride he headed off to his quarters to get ready for the rest of his day. And what a day it was turning out to be.


Lieutenant JG Jynn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri
Surgical Nurse
USS Galileo
[PNPCed by Gyce]


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