USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - A Little Help Please
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A Little Help Please

Posted on 14 Dec 2014 @ 5:56pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Keval zh'Erinov & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim
Edited on on 17 Dec 2014 @ 3:50pm

1,818 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Starbase 84 - Sickbay
Timeline: MD 05 0130


Keval struggled to move as his father kicked over the hive and the angry insects attacked him. There was little room to maneuver, no room to get out of the way as they attacked him.

He curled into a a fetal position and tried his best to protect his face, but only his eyes were spared, and even those were not totally left alone. He grew hoarse from his screams as agony beyond anything he'd ever known invaded his body like a Cardasian mother-in-law her least favorite son-in-law's home.

His father transported him back to the bar he had originally snatched him from, not from any kindness on his part, he wanted him to live. To suffer and wonder when and where the next attack was going to come from. He could only do that if he were alive.

So Keval was deposited rather unceremoniously onto the dance floor. He writhed on the ground while a handful of mostly shirtless men gyrated around him. It only took a few seconds for him to be noticed.

The action died immediately as someone from the ship recognized him. They did not know exactly what was wrong, but they could tell it was something serious. So they called to the ship and had him teleported to sickbay

Allyndra loved the arboretum. There was something about the living things that grew here that no holodeck seemed to quite catch to her. An energy of life that seemed was almost palpable. The ship was mostly deserted still and she had come here to again dance on the pond. The arcs of water as her toes touched and kicked the surface dazzled in the artificial sunlight putting the proudest diamonds to shame.

It was lovely and she was thoroughly enjoying herself when the computer system made an announcement: [Emergency in sickbay any medical personnel please report]
"Now what," she muttered. She drifted over to the land and made haste for the sickbay still barefooted.

Anlya saw an Andorian laying on biobed one. She moved there and looked the person over. She recognized her partner from the shuttle race beneath the swelling hives. She quickly realized he had been stung multiple times and she got some epinephrine on board. The raspyness of the breathing told her that. While severe the biobed scanners did not seem to indicate anaphylaxis was setting in. The delicate task now at hand would be to remove the stingers and there were a lot of them.

"Keval correct?" Allyndra said. She wanted to asses his mental state before giving him an analgesic.

"Yes," he managed recognizing the doctor. He tired not to writhe around, though he was still feeling the pain. a coldness so intense it brought tears to his eyes.

Allyndra nodded. He was responsive. "Alright, you are going to feel jittery for a bit. I put some epinephrine on board to make sure you don't have shock. I think it is safe enough to give you an analgesic." She got another hypo and dialed in what she thought appropriate. "It will help but you are still going to feel a bit especially when I deal with the stingers." She pressed it to him and monitored his life signs for a bit longer. Satisfied that he was stable she went to fetch an extractor.

"I don't think they have come up with much better in a hundred years than this thing. However, we need to get the stingers out so it is going to be a bit unpleasant and slow. So tell me Keval how did this happen?" Allyndra went to work. The extractor was like a miniature tractor beam that would pull the stinger out. At least it was better than the old fashion forceps and having to dig in the welt.

He knew what she was doing. She was less interested in the how than in keeping his mind occupied and off of the task at hand. He answered her anyway appreciating her attempt.

"My father," he said simply, "my father did this."

"Your father? I am not aware of a species that can bred with Andorians that have stingers." Allyndra took the statement literally.

Despite the pain, he could not help but smile at her statement. "My fathers, my Andorian ones were killed a long time ago, as were my mothers. I was raised by a Human.

He kidnapped me when I went over to the station, beat the hell out of me and then turned lose these things on me."

That was not right. She noticed the wince and gave a bit more analgesic taking time to note if there were any complications. She was satisfied that his body was tolerating the medications. "I increased the analgesic and am going to put an anti-venom on board if you feel funny let me know immediately. Now I need to continue to get the stinger remains out."

He closed his eyes and did his best to relax, The medication was starting to take effect now that she had increased the dosage. "That's better," he informed her.

"Good," Allyndra went back to removing the stingers and picked up the conservation. "You should file charges. If you don't, I will. Attacks upon StarFleet personnel resulting in dangerous injury are a felony offense."

"I've already tried that once. that's why we are where we are. He spent six years in prison because of me."

"And needs to spend many more if not sent to psychological penal colony. This can not be allowed no matter the circumstances which.." Allyndra paused while she worked two remains which were nearly on top of each other out. "What was the cause of first incident that lead to his imprisonment and which he seems to want to add revenge for? That is if it is not too personal, but talking will help you take your mind off this and I will consider anything said as patient-doctor confidentiality."

"He retired from Star Fleet and started Eagle Communications. With his knowledge, background and connections, the company became very successful and a contractor to the Federation.

They specialize in communications and security systems. Most of the internal security systems; cameras, sensors, the locks on our doors are from them.

At first, the only thing that he was guilty of was not being the Father Of The Year. I wanted to be a painter, or perhaps a performing artist of some kind. He kind of forced me to follow in his footsteps. Despite the fact I didn't really like it, I was, I am pretty good at it. Eventually I became the Chief Technical Officer there.

Then I found out he was using some rather sophisticated technology in the communication systems to spy on people. Most competitors, but some of his enemies within Starfleet.

Once I found out, I had to do the right thing, the thing he taught me when I was young before he lost his honor. So I went to the authorities."

"And he has blamed you since. I can not fathom how he was released from prison unless he used some of his ill gained knowledge to do as the humans say, 'call in favours', I believe." She moved to the other side of the biobed checking on status. The anti-venom was working and his life signs looked stable.

"Things are looking good," she said and started to work, "but your going to be stuck here for a good twenty-four hours to make sure that a secondary reaction does not take place understood?"

"I have no place to go doc. Thanks for helping me out. There's not going to be any permanent damage is there?"

"As far as cosmetic damage, no we can handle that. However, the incident may leave you sensitized to further stings of a similar kind. That is something though to worry and test about later, for now though relax and if you need more pain relief let me know." She looked up and smiled, "Andorians are tough but you need not prove that to me. We did come in second after all."

He lay back on the biobed, forcing himself to relax. There was still some pain involved as she pulled out the remaining stingers, but it was manageable. Nothing he couldn't handle. It reminded him that he should be more cautious in the future and not take anything for granted. Besides she was correct, he was Andorian and he was tough.

"Second place is not bad Doc," he commented as he grinned up at her.

"It will be first next time," Allyndra finished up the last of the stinger extractions. "I am going to put some soothing agent on these and then let you get some rest. Now then, I am going to put a report in my medical log but I will leave formal charges if you wish and which I would urge you to do, to you alright?"

"Doc, I'm done with my father. Done. I no longer use the last name that he gave to me. You can file formal charges if you want. I don't bloody care."

Allyndra shook her head. "Very well, I will leave a note in the log but another such incident and I will personally make sure he is remanded to a psychological penal colony with the recommendation for full personality reprogramming." Her tone of voice indicated that she meant exactly that. She smiled though after a moment and said, "Now then I will leave notes for the staff. Observation for a day and if no adverse reactions should be able to release you. You may read, but I would suggest a good rest. Is there anything else before I go?"

"No, nothing else. Thank you for your help and I appreciate your concern. I will rest for a few days and let you know if I experience any complications."

Allyndra nodded and headed off to the office to make her notes. She thought that charges should be pressed but this was also a personal matter between Keval and his father and perhaps for now the best judgement might be to let him decide the best course. She closed the door but she could check status from the monitor in the office as to medical condition and then began her official log entry.

Part of Keval wanted to let her press charges or to do it himself. After all his father had crossed the line and had threatened to kill his friends and torment him. It was evident that Ben, the man he used to call father was capable of such things and turning him in would only be a new nightmare of him, one he wasn't quite prepared to face at the moment.


A Joint post by
Lt Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

& SCPO Keval zh'Erinov
PNPC Jared Nicholas
USS Galileo


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