All the Single Ladies (+ The Bride) [18+]
Posted on 21 Jan 2025 @ 5:21pm by Ensign Mimi & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Nesh Saalm
4,705 words; about a 24 minute read
Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo- Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD09 2030hrs
Jeysa was the first to arrive outside of Holodeck 2 on the Galileo this time, heeding Nesh's call to short notice but long awaited bachelorette party for Mimi, she wore a blue summer dress, though from what Nesh had told her about her plans for the party it wasn't going to be staying on for too long.
Allyndra had mentally alternated between a uniform, a simple flight dress or something more spectacular. She had finally decided on the latter. It had been a long while since she had worn this dress and it was a major gift to her as nominal head of her guild house. The dress was full length but with a halter top with wide open back and made completely out of Trellium silk. Every movement caused rainbow shimmers to scintillate up and down the fabric. It was a major trade good from her world to the rest and even a simple scarf would command a good amount of credits. The dress itself was something she couldn't even contemplate. "Hello, Jeysa," she greeted the petty officer in the blue dress.
"Wow." Jeysa couldn't help but say. She'd worn some dresses in her short time but none were as fancy as Allyndra's. "I feel extremely under dressed Commander." She added.
"Allyndra, please." She ran a hand down the fabric. "I went back and forth, but I seldom have a chance to wear this and since something special decided to go with it."
Nesh stepped out of the turbolift and confidently walked over to Jeysa and Allyndra. She was swathed in flowing burnished gold fabric which was draped dramatically off her shoulders to enhance her decolletage without being outright slutty. It flowed down her torso and then again it gathered into draping pinned at one hip, creating an asymmetric hemline going from upper thigh to looping folds of fabric that encircled her other leg. "I made it - and not late! I am probably just as surprised as you two are."
"Maybe not so under dressed now." Jeysa quipped as Nesh came into view, and what a view it was. The gold outfit hid so little of the Orion's luscious green skin, which she was trying her best not to oggle. "Hi Nesh."
Nesh beamed at Jeysa. "Well hello there! You look radiant! That color really compliments you, and Allyndra! That gown is breathtaking - it's so captivating! Is..." She stepped closer and leaned in studying the delicate fabric. "By the great bird, it's Trellium silk!"
Jeysa chuckled, her dress was basically nothing compared to Allyndra's but the compliment was great either way.
"Yes. A present. I must say, the gold is stunning and you have the figure to match."
Nesh ducked her head slightly in response to the compliment. "Thanks! This was a gift too...a gift to myself! Most people don't try to put the Orion in more clothing, quite the opposite, in fact."
"I don't know," Jeysa said. "Sometimes the right bit of clothing makes yo.. them just as hot."
Nesh looked at Jeysa quizzically, noticing the break in her reply. Interesting. "You say the nicest things about Orions, Jesya."
"What can I say?" Jeysa told her. "I really like them, when you spend a few years living and working with them, it happens."
"Not many people willingly say that about Orions, Jeysa." Nesh replied.
Jeysa chuckled, "Some of them can be proper pains in the ass but more of them are good people." She looked down the corridor as she heard turbolift doors beginning to open.
Visibly hurrying Mimi emerged from the turbolift to join the group, She wore a black knee length over the shoulder dress replete with ruffles and pleats and where the white furred tip of her tail met its black furred length a small red bow was fastened. "I am sorry I am late, so many last minute things to do."
"Capital!" Nesh proclaimed upon seeing the woman of the hour's arrival. You look delightful, Mimi, as usual. The tail bow is always...mmmwa!" She made the gesture of bringing her fingers her mouth and blowing a 'chef's kiss.'
"I am anxious to see what you have come up with for me Nesh." Mimi said with a big smile.
"Only what you feel comfortable with Mimi. Food and drink, and a relaxing spa day! Facials, massages, there is even a Tellarite mud bath infused with herbs to induce relaxation and feelings of contentment. It's also great for the skin, as I've been told." Nesh hopped on her feet in excitement. "I've added an algorithm that will also allow you to select your perfect massage partner...just about anyone or anything - so you don't have to feel self-conscious with a delicious Orion male if you don't want to."
"I do not know about a mud bath but a massage would be great, Mimi smiled again. "Though I am not sure what my 'perfect' massage partner would be."
"Probably another Trill for me." Jeysa gave her own suggestion. "Or an Orion, maybe five nine, long smooth legs long black hair."
Allyndra chuckled. "As for me, maybe a specimen from an Irsemia house. Besides they are all trained in massage of shall we say various kinds?" She let the not so subtle hint drop.
"Why Allyndra, I thought you'd never ask!" Nesh replied. "I got this algorithm from a reputable pleasure trader - what's the saying, oh! Right. They are fully functional." She chuckled at all of trouble one could get into with this program...if they wanted.
Allyndra chukled. "Shall we find out?"
Allyndra's question was music to Nesh's ears. She stepped forward to the control panel of the holodeck and began entering in her credentials and the code to access her holodeck account. As she scrolled through the lines of titles, she realized that maybe her collection was becoming a little too robust..."Ah, here it is!" She said to the group over her shoulder as she started the program. "It should be up and running - Ladies, welcome to a night of pleasurable relaxation. We are here to celebrate, and lament," Nesh winked at Mimi before continuing, "Mimi's impending nuptials to John. The only temptations that are within are ones that you are willing to engage in. Mimi, I took the liberty of selecting a number of pre-set masseuses for you to choose from. Each have various skills that may appeal to you...ah, massage skills that is. Food and drinks are available; you just have to ask any of the virtual staff and whatever you desire will be provided."
The holodeck doors opened to a vast room of stone and marble replete with tall pillars and dominated by a large pool, several marble tables lay in partially recessed arches built closely together into the walls surrounding the pool. Banners and tapestries adorned the walls while intricately designed carpeting dictated a path around the room, incense burned from pots strategically positioned to cover the entire room in scent.
"This looks like... a pleasure palace." Jeysa remarked.
Mimi's nose twitched vigorously as it took in the myriad of scent coursing around the room, her millions of scent receptors being bombarded by the very exotic smells.
"Oh? How many pleasure palaces have you been in, Jeysa?" Nesh said in a saucy tone, but she knew the Trill woman had worked with her people before, so odds were she had seen a good number of was the best place to do business, in her opinion. "I'm kidding...yes, it's based off a pleasure palace, but I took the liberty with the visuals. Come ladies!" Nesh took Mimi's hand and pulled her along, chattering excitedly.
The design of the space was based on a flower. The central hub held a round pool, filled with exotic flowers and floating candles. Angling off the pool were alcoves strewn with silken drapes and intricately carved wooden screens allowing for small nooks of privacy while still being open to the main space. It was intimate enough to allow for some conversation if desired, but allowed for modesty for those in attendance who needed that to feel at ease. Each alcove had a color theme which Nesh carefully selected for her friends given what she knew of their preferences.
The pool called to Allyndra the first thing. She so wanted to go dancing but the dress would get wet. "Point me to someplace I can get out of this thing."
"I would imagine each of these... bays have towels and an outfit you can change into." Mimi said but looked to Nesh to be certain.
"Of course. Swimwear and towels in your respective alcoves. I even managed to score a couple of bottles of champagne! The real stuff!" Nesh was well pleased with how this was going so far. She was being such a good hostess!
"Then I will see you in a few minutes." Mimi said and took off towards one of the alcoves to get changed, she was still thinking what her 'perfect masseuse' would be.
"Right behind you." Jeysa headed for one of the alcoves too.
Allyndra chuckled and then with a leap took the the air and flew past the rest to an area.
Nesh watched the other ladies speed to their respective areas and she headed off to her own, a space filled with low light, expensive fabrics, and of course - the swimsuit she had selected for herself to wear.
Mimi emerged a few minutes later in a green bikini but no closer to her perfect masseuse decision.
A few seconds later followed Jeysa in a strikingly similar bikini but in light blue. "Looking good Mimi." She remarked, she'd seen the Nekomi in short dresses and other relatively revealing outfits but never in just a bikini, her sandy gold skin was quite the sight.
Allyndra peeked out at the others and smiled. She had managed to get the computer simulation to come up with a flight dress. It was white, almost sheer, well above the knees, and halter style. She knew she would let herself go, but a water dance first. She stepped out. "You look marvelous, but let me show you a little of what we call the way of wind and wave." She spread the gossamer wings and hovered in the air just enough to clear the edge of the pool and moved over toward the center. Lowering until her bare feet just touched the water. She began to dance, something like Earth style Hula but she would kick the water slightly. She winked and kicked harder and sent good bit of water their way. "Not wet yet?" She teased.
Not wanting to get her fur wet Mimi took cover behind Jeysa who was virtually entranced by the winged Akkadian both the sheer dress that fitted her form very well and how she hovered just above the water.
Nesh was the last to emerge, having played hostess first to ensure everyone was going to their assigned alcoves first. She had donned an identical bikini, but in a vibrant purple that made her green skin look electric against the near complimentary color. She looked about at the other women in their respective clothes and beamed. This was going so well! Allyndra, meanwhile had replicated a gossamer thin, white dress that flowed like flower petals on the breeze, and was currently dancing above the pond. It was quite an arresting site, and she paused a moment to watch the new XO's body dance sinuously to a beat only Allyndra could hear.
Finally Nesh glanced over to Jesya and her mouth dried up. The Trill woman's spots were almost completely on display in the swimsuit that was the perfect shade for her skin and hair tones. Jesya had no idea just how gorgeous she was.
"Now this is becoming a party!" Nesh announced. "Has anyone picked their masseuse, yet? Don't be shy - all of your species are represented in the databank, but you're only required to pick something that speaks to you in this moment. No pressure!
Nesh's voice pulled Jeysa's gaze away from Allyndra and over to her, in a moment she became entranced again, the purple colour of her bikini emphasising the already shocking green colour of her skin.
Out of the alcove that she had changed in came three almost seven-foot infertile males. They wore simple loin cloths that were barely there. Their bodies shone with an oil, emphasizing their musculature. They moved toward the pool and then walked into it. Allyndra stopped and let herself be caught by the three. "A single? Oh my, I think not. Shall we, gentlemen?"
The three then carried her off toward the same alcove.
Mimi watched the three Akkadians cart Allyndra off, the one's she'd encountered at her trip to an Irsemia house hadn't been that tall and muscley. "Have fun Allyndra." She said as the screen closed behind them.
Out of another alcove strode an Orion male, likewise equipped in a loin cloth that covered little but the most critical of spots, he strode over towards Jeysa. "Come here you feisty little minx." He said as he picked Jeysa up and slung her over his broad shoulder, Jeysa let out something between a laugh and a squeal as he gave her a pat on the bum and carried her off back toward the alcove he'd emerged from.
Nesh looked to Mimi expectantly, and then to the alcove that had been designated for her, but no one emerged to take her way to relaxation paradise.
"You couldn't come up selection for your masseuse, could you?" Nesh said softly to Mimi so no one else could hear. Giving the Nekomi woman a soft smile, she reached out and took the woman by her wrist and walked her into the alcove over to the small console screen awaiting input. "Do you want me to pick someone for you?" Nesh poured along the offerings after entering in the parameters--which were in her book, completely boring but to each their own.
"Ah, here we go - here are a few choices - There are two humans, an Andorian, and a Caitian. They have been programmed with a number of massage styles--Oh, look! One of them even has in their profile that they are a tail specialist!"
"Very convenient," Mimi said with a slight chuckle, she guessed the Caitian was probably the 'tail specialist' "Maybe the Caitian? best choice for someone to work with fur."
Nesh nodded and looked at Mimi in mock seriousness. "Imminently logical, Mimi. There are a number of options available if I remember correctly. You'll find someone that interests you - if nothing else just for skill alone." Nesh had figured that Mimi would somehow overthink a tiny massage. Knowing that, she added various skill sets with each masseuse - to give the Nekomi female something else to focus on beyond fur pattern or color.
"A Catian," Mimi said finally deciding on a choice.
"Sure thing." She looked down at the small console screen and began scrolling through the various options. "Ah here's the one I was thinking for you. Swedish massage, tail specialist...calico!" Nesh giggled. "Computer, please activate massage specialist subroutine 629."
The holodeck computer chirped and the Caitian masseuse shimmered into view. "Good day, ladies. I am M'Zera and am programmed in a number of massage styles. Who is my client today?"
Nesh leaned in and gave Mimi a soft peck on the cheek. "Have a good time - relax! There is some champagne and sweet treats in your alcove. I'll leave you to it."
"That would be me M'Zera." Mimi replied smiling upwards at the much taller Caitian.
M'Zera gave a small bow and returned the smile. "Then please, this way." He began walking towards the alcove and held the screen open for Mimi to step inside.
Nesh waggled her fingers as she watched Mimi get escorted away into her own alcove and then sighed silently. So far so good...looking to her own empty alcove, her shoulders slumped. Although a massage was always a delight, the thought of engaging with holographic simulacrums held little appeal in the moment. She blinked and furrowed her brows. Something significant had shifted in her after getting clobbered over a week ago. Perhaps she really should go to sickbay and get checked out? After the party. Nesh promised herself.
== Allyndra's alcove ==
The three males gently laid her down on a bed in the alcove. "Mother, what do you wish?" The tallest asked with a bow which the other two followed.
Allyndra sat up. "The first is to remove your clothing and then help me take mine off. I am interested in a massage of a different sort."
The men did not hesitate but removed their loin cloths and Allyndra leaned forward to watch and enjoy the revelation. She sat back and held her arms up. There was no words to be spoken but two of them moved forward and undid the straps of the dress and pulled it off her.
Allyndra knew there would be sex involved eventually but the three easily picked her up and then turned her to lay her on her stomach. One began to massage her legs while the other two started around the area where her wings entered her back. The flight muscles always got tense but they also ran their hands gently along the edges of the wings. That to an Akkadian woman was foreplay. It was erotic and she shivered as the thrill went through her.
As two continued stroking the wings, the third positioned himself and pulled her legs apart. He was gentle as he entered her and she moaned feeling the fullness of him. His strokes started slow but became faster and the other two continued to stimulate her.
== Jeysa's alcove ==
Still laughing as she was carried through the screen over her masseuse’s shoulder Jeysa was unceremoniously laid onto the table and rolled onto her front, she gasped slightly as the top part of her bikini was almost ripped off by him and his green hands were vigorously applied to her neck and shoulders. “There’s a lot of tension in your body,” He told her. “This is going to take some very intense work to get it all out.”
“I can take intense.” Jeysa replied.
"I certainly hope you can." He told her, it wasn't long before his hands ventured down the full length of her spots then back up to the lower half of her bikini.
The squeal of delight that left Jeysa's lips when those green fingers slipped between a different set of her lips could be heard across the building.
== Mimi's alcove ==
Stepping into the alcove intended for her Mimi clambered onto the massage table and lay on her front, M'Zera drizzled some oil onto her back and began to gently spread it around. "What brings you to my parlour today Miss Mimi?" He asked.
Mimi made a strange noise when M'Zera started and her tail twitched several times, his paw pads were a weird feeling on her back. "This is my bachelorette party, I get married tomorrow."
M'Zera smiled. "Congratulations." He said as he worked on the unusual woman's part human part feline body. "Who is the lucky person?"
"John, he is a human." Mimi replied, a light groan quickly followed when he rubbed a particular spot between her shoulder blades.
"A human," M'Zera purred slightly at Mimi's reaction, he stroked at the spot that elicited a groan from her for a few moments more before moving on but made a note to come back to it. "an interesting choice for a felenoid if I may be so bold."
"Maybe, but I love him and he does me and that is all that matters."
"Exactly." M'Zera remained quiet for a while as he worked the muscles of Mimi's lower back till he reached the base of her tail. "I'm going to start on your tail if that's alright." Amongst his species touching a tail was considered intimate and if not your mate would often result in a swift clawing.
"Ok, go ahead." Mimi replied, she'd had her tail massaged before and it had always felt good.
Gently M'Zera lifted Mimi's tail gently stroking around its base before slowly moving up the first few feet of length, he liked how that while the rest of her fur was black the last few inches of her tail were white.
Mimi began to gently purr as M'Zera massaged her tail running his fingers through the white and black fur. "mmhh, that feels very good."
"I'm this facilities 'tail specialist' for a reason." M'Zera said, enjoying just how Mimi reacted to his attentions, she may appear to only be part felenoid but she certainly reacted just like a fully fledged one. "After I'm finished with your tail and legs is there anywhere else you would like massaged?" He asked hoping she would let him explore more of her body.
Mimi's purring stopped for a moment, given the noises she could hear coming from the other alcoves and the smell of sex that began to permeate the holodeck gave her an idea just what 'Anywhere else' meant. "Not right now." She eventually replied.
"As you wish," M'Zera said, he continued to work on her tail for several minutes longer before gently massaging her rump through her bikini bottoms for a few moments then moved onto her legs and feet finding out that she had several extra bones and muscle clusters in her legs and ankles than most humanoids and caitians did. "Are you ticklish?" He asked though didn't give her time to respond before he rubbed at the soles of her feet and between her nail-less toes.
"aaahhh." Mimi all but squealed, her feet twitching away from M'Zera's fingers.
"That would be a yes." A hearty chuckle reverberated from M'Zera's throat.
== Nesh's alcove ==
Nesh entered the sumptuously appointed space and closed the layers of sheer curtaining that made it so only translucent shapes were seen within the alcove. She walked over to the screen and scrolled through the innumerable offerings. The usual choices she normally gravitated towards held no appeal...wait, what?
Scrolling back up, Nesh saw a description that caught her eye. Romulan pirate? She had never seen that choice before. It must have come with the update. What a strange combination. What made a Romulan pirate different than an Orion pirate, or a Nausicaan, or even a Ferengi pirate. No wait. That went too far. One did not try to understand Ferengi.
"Oh, hell, why not. If I don't like it, I'll just end his subroutine." Nesh pressed the button and a tall, dark, and handsome Vulcanoid shimmered into reality. His back faced towards her, giving Nesh a view of the lean muscles of his back--along with a number of exotic looking tattoos done in shimmering inks that took on different colors under the lighting in the alcove. He turned around and looked down at her and Nesh's mouth went dry.
Glittering dark eyes, strong brows, chiseled lines made for a striking, haughty mien. He looked her up and down, and the corner of his mouth tugged in a smirk. "Well, well. Of all the beings who have selected my program, never has it been an Orion female." He took a purposeful step closer and gripped her upper arms in a possessive manner. "You want to play, nierrh?"
There was something about this subroutine that seemed...different from the general operating parameters of massage program Nesh had purchased. Well, she had obtained it from a cousin...perhaps something...additional had been slipped into this particular algorithm? She was...intrigued.
"Sure. Let's play..." Nesh demurred, and the Romulan's expression shifted to a smile that caused her knees to go weak, before he scooped her up roughly and carried her over to the table and began engaging with her in a manner that had nothing to do with a Swedish massage.
=== Some time later ===
Jeysa slowly emerged from her alcove, a very relaxed grin on her face, a hastily repaired bikini top and a slight pain in her hips from her masseuse's vigorous attentions. She headed for a small table that held the several bottles of champagne Nesh had somehow acquired and started to open one up.
Nesh oozed out of her alcove after the interlude she had with the most unusual algorithm she had ever engaged with. It would be something she would explore again once back on Galileo.
Pouring a glass of champagne for herself Jeysa looked over when she heard footsteps on the marble floor. Nesh's green skin glowed and the expression on her face was certainly one of relaxation. "I can tell you enjoyed yourself." She offered her the glass.
Nesh smiled down at Jesya with a slightly dreamy expression and she nodded vigorously while taking the champagne glass. "Yeah. It was an interesting experience, certainly. Never had a Romulan...masseuse before." She chuckled to herself and took a small sip of the bubbly liquid.
"You went with a Romulan?" Jeysa asked surprised she'd picked that particular species. Getting another glass she poured herself a drink, took a quick sip of it then began to pour one for both Allyndra and Mimi for when they eventually emerged from their alcoves.
Allyndra didn't want to move. She was fulfilled and exhausted all at the same time. She could hear the voices of the others so finally she got up, stretching her arms, legs and wings. The flight dress was discarded in the corner and she fetched it and got it back on and then pulled the curtains.
"Allyndra! You're looking extremely satisfied." Jeysa remarked, she headed over to offer her a glass of champagne.
"I probably shouldn't have done that. I'm not setting a proper example, but it has been much too long since I have allowed myself a pleasure of the body." Allyndra took the glass.
"Hey, don't talk like that, everyone needs to get their end away every so often, even if it is just a holodeck experience, I bet it's the first thing the guy that invented a humanoid for holotechnology did, why wouldn't you take advantage of it." Jeysa chuckled, she'd partaken in it several times over the years.
"Still as a relatively new senior officer. Ah well, all is done now. Where's our bride to be?" Allyndra looked around.
Eventually Mimi emerged from her alcove, she looked relaxed but not to the degree the others did, the fur of her ears and tail was more poofy then usual and her sandy skin glistened.
"Heyyy Mimi, you enjoy yourself?" Jeysa asked and offered her the glass of champagne.
"I did." Mimi smiled broadly, the smell of sex she'd smelled earlier hit her nose even stronger from all three of her bridesmaids giving her a good idea just how their 'massages' had gone; much differently from her own.
"Okay, pussycat, think you've had enough or one last drink to freedom?" Allyndra teased.
"How much longer do we have the holodeck for Nesh?" Mimi asked knowing she'd made all the arrangements. She hoped there was time for more, though what was the question.
"Oh. I booked it for the afternoon, so there is no rush to leave, unless that is what everyone wants. I did not want there to be any pressure - this is to be a relaxing time, after all." She raised a glass to Mimi, having taken the hint from Allyndra. "To you, Mimi...for new beginnings!"
"New beginnings and a happy marriage." Mimi downed a generous amount of her glass of champagne.
"New beginnings." Jeysa said and took a sip. "Now I don't know about you but I'm doing this." She put the glass down and dived into the pool.
Ensign Mimi
Deputy Chief Ops
USS Galileo-A
Po3 Jeysa Zeror
Captain's Yeoman
USS Galileo-A
[Pnpc Mimi]
Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
USS Galileo-A
Nesh Saalm
Sous Chef
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Sera]