USS Galileo :: Biography - Jeysa Zeror


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07 Sep 2024 @ 7:26pm

Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror

Name Jeysa Zeror

Position Yeoman

Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Unjoined Trill
Age 25
Date of Birth 20th April 2370
Place of Birth Trill

Character Type

Category Secondary Character (PNPC)
PNPC Owner Mimi

Starfleet ID

Serial Number VY-290-2611
Rank Class Noncommissioned Officer
Security Clearance Level 3
Duty Watch Team 1

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 11"
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Long blonde
Eye Color Bright blue
Physical Description If not for being a Trill Jeysa could be considered a 'nordic beauty' She has long blonde hair usually worn in a loose plait and bright blue eyes.

The characteristic spots run from her temples to her ankles
Body Art none


Father Matel Zeror
Mother Nyah Zeror
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family assorted auties and uncles
Pets none

Personality & Traits

Strengths Analyical mind, diplomatic experience, can speak several languages without a UT
Weaknesses not a fighter
sometimes takes too long to come to a decision
Ambitions To get out and explore the galaxy now she has left the diplomatic corps
Hobbies & Interests Athletics
Learning new languages
Cooking and experimenting with new recipes
She is always up for exploring new things
Vernacular Her accent when speaking some languages sounds a little forced but her English, Trill and Orion are perfect.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken (fluently) English, Trill, Orion (Conversationally) Klingon, Vulcan, Tellarite, Andorian

Personal History Jeysa was born on the Trill home world the only child of Matel and Nyah two high level administrators in the Trill public sector. They put her through good education hoping that she would go to the symbiosis commission and be accepted to become joined to a symbiont.

After years of hard studying she got a job working in the same department as her parents, later she did as her parents had hoped and applied at the symbiosis commission, unfortunately she was found unsuitable to be a host.

Some time after being rejected from the commission Jeysa decided she wanted to get away from Trill and visit some other worlds, see new species and explore the galaxy, she ultimately decided that starfleet would be a good way to accomplish that so she enlisted.
Starfleet History During her time at enlisted camp her skills in administration, diplomacy and languages were noted and she was visited by a member of starfleets diplomatic corps and she decided to accept their offer of assignment with them and further developed her language and diplomatic skills, her fluency in Orion was an important factor in them offering her an assignment to be an aide at the federation embassy in the Rigel system.

After serving as the Aide for the federation ambassador to Orion for several years Jeysa got bored with a planet side assignment and wished to see the galaxy more so she asked to be assigned to a starship but her skills in specific departments were somewhat limited so the recommended assignments were again diplomatic or to serve as a yeoman for a ships commanding officer, wanting a change from diplomacy she put in for the position of Captains Yeoman.

She first had to go through a brief course to learn the specifics of the position and be qualified as a Yeoman, the skills she'd learnt in the diplomatic corps certainly gave her an advantage there. After the course she was given orders to report to the Avondale production facility.

Shortly after arriving she met Captain Lirha Saalm of the USS Galileo-A and was accepted into the role of her Yeoman.

Service Record 2389 Enlisted camp

2389 Training with the Diplomatic corp
2390 aide to federation ambassador to the Orion goverment and stationed on Rigel VII

2393 Put in for assignment to a starship, received specific training in the duties and requirments of a Yeomam, ordered to Avondale production facility.

2393 Assigned to USS Galileo-A as Captains Yeoman

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training