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05 Feb 2025 @ 1:26am
Nesh Saalm
Name Nesh Saalm
Position Sous Chef
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Orion | |
Age | 20 | |
Date of Birth | September 4, 2372 | |
Place of Birth | Los Angeles, Earth |
Character Type
Category | Secondary Character (PNPC) | |
PNPC Owner | Morgan Tarin / played by S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor |
Starfleet ID
Serial Number | PX-659-7823 | |
Rank Class | Civilian | |
Security Clearance | Level 1 | |
Duty Watch | N/A |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'9" | |
Weight | 130 lbs | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Light Green | |
Physical Description | Nesh is a tall and slender Orion with naturally dark hair that she often changes the colour and the style of to suit her mood. Still young, she has not fully filled out her frame, yet has a pair of curvy hips similar to the other women in her family. Her eyes are light green but darkens with her mood. | |
Body Art | Like her sister Lirha, Nesh is quite fond of body art. She has several tattoos spread across the front of her chest and shoulders. |
Father | Ter Hord Saalm (Deceased) | |
Mother | Aila Saalm | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | CAPT Lirha Saalm (32) Livana Saalm (34) |
Other Family | Extended family on Rigel VII |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | While in the past Nesh has been acting like a typical teenagery girl with the usual attributes, she has slowly started to grow up. She is still sarcastic, can be rationally, rationally self-depreciating, awkward and insecure. But she is growing up and tries to act more her age, even when that sometimes falls short. She is passionate about her art, eager to learn new tecniques and develop. She is also eager to become her own person, to be recognised for who she is, not who she has been around. She keeps some things private though, still keeping her innermost feelings secret out of fear of being ridiculed. | |
Strengths | Strong will, fearless, achieving, artistic talent |
Weaknesses | Obsessive, naive, overthinker, indelicate with her words but she is learning | |
Ambitions | To be free, independent and do the art she loves. And a hoover-car because...why not. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Nesh has a love for art, her medium being painting although she is developing an interest in clay sculptures. She enjoys good music, regardless what sort (as long as she deems it good), dancing and socialising. She is reading more now to find inspiration to her art. | |
Vernacular | Nesh still uses a lot of fillers in speech, a common habit in California where she spent most of her childhood but after many years in space she has toned it down. Her vernacular is littered with slang and regional dialect, and she finds it nearly impossible to sound professional and organised. | |
Orientation | Heterosexual | |
Language(s) Spoken | Federation Standard, Yverish |
Personal History | Nesh was born on the September 4, 2372 in Los Angeles, California on Earth to Orion parents who were visiting the planet when their vessel the SS Concord was docked in the Sol system. As a newborn, Nesh was travelling with her parents and sisters, oblivious to the dangers around her. When the Dominion War broke out, the SS Concord was frequently under attack. During one attack, Nesh’s father was wounded and died from the injuries. A widow with daughters, Nesh’s mother settled on Earth with her children and it was the world that Nesh remembered. She did not have memories of the war or her father, but instead of being an Orion who picked up the human way of talking and living. She enjoyed the freedom of it all. Nesh was fascinated by art from an early age and would spend a lot of time drawing. She also had an interest in science, which led to her eventually joining Starfleet… |
Starfleet History | Nesh was born on the September 4, 2372 in Los Angeles, California on Earth to Orion parents who were visiting the planet when their vessel the SS Concord was docked in the Sol system. As a newborn, Nesh was travelling with her parents and sisters, oblivious to the dangers around her. When the Dominion War broke out, the SS Concord was frequently under attack. During one attack, Nesh’s father was wounded and died from the injuries. A widow with daughters, Nesh’s mother settled on Earth with her children and it was the world that Nesh remembered. She did not have memories of the war or her father, but instead of being an Orion who picked up the human way of talking and living. She enjoyed the freedom of it all. Nesh was fascinated by art from an early age and would spend a lot of time drawing. She also had an interest in science, which led to her eventually joining Starfleet… Thanks to her sister Lirha’s sponsorship, Nesh became a Scientist’s Mate on the USS Galileo. Immature and trying to show off, she had many ups and downs through her time until she left Starfleet completely to pursue her dream of being an artist. Disillusioned by Starfleet as a whole she vowed never to go back there…until her mother arranged a marriage for her. Unable to get out of it, Nesh made the rash decision of sneaking on board the USS Galileo-A, only to be caught. Too far away from home to turn back, Lirha had no choice but to keep Nesh there and Nesh found herself dealing with the guilt of what she had done. But never one to really surrender, Nesh started working on the ship as a bartender, spending time finding out who she is now as she keeps growing into a woman rather than a teenager. |
Service Record | 2388-2390 USS Galileo, Scientist's Mate 2390-2391 Left Starfleet to pursue a career as an artist. 2391-PRES USS Galileo-A, Civilian Bartender/Artist |
Character Progression System