USS Galileo :: Episode 02 - Resupply - Close Encounters (Part 1)
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Close Encounters (Part 1)

Posted on 11 Jan 2013 @ 8:21pm by Lieutenant Jared Nicholas & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Ansen Pawlak

3,845 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Episode 02 - Resupply
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 2, Science Office
Timeline: MD12 1600


Having met his DH coming away with all his body parts intact and not losing his newly minted Ensign pips, Jared was feeling more relaxed. Even though he didn't have to officially report till the next day, he decided it wouldn't hurt to explore the lab. He stepped into the outer office almost colliding with a very attractive woman, probably not much older than himself, also dressed in a teal uniform. "Excuse me," he said, "I should have been watching where I was going."

Still recovering Kiri pulled back with a start, she hadn't been expecting anyone else to be coming out of the office she shared. Eyebrows raised high in surpise she took a deep breath, "Sorry, so should I." Her voice was soft and quiet, taking note of the man who was new to her department or maybe medical. Then, was he maybe Kohl's replacement? That was still a sore subject. Since this was a new person then induction were in order, "I am Lieutenant Cho, Assistant Chief Science Officer." Her hair was pulled back into a low black tail that shook slightly when she dipped her head a little in a tiny bow.

His eyes widened in surprise, "I was just meeting with the chief," he replied, "She told me I should report to you as well, but she said that you were on leave." He retruned her bow, "I am Ensign Jared Nicholas and I am the new language specialist on board. I'm afraid this is my first assignment.. You'll have to be gentle with me."

Oh, now she needed to act like an officer then. Giving a small smile she nodded, "As long as you follow regulation then everything will be fine I'm sure." So far she had only had to deal with one real infraction and that had gone well, even if she had been rather soft even when strict. Keeping the more ridged persona she added, "It is nice to meet you." Her back was straighter, her shoulder ever so slightly broader and her green eyes not as sullen.

"Nice to meet you as well," he replied evenly. He could not help but smile at her. He was glad that his first assignment was going to be with superiors that were both easy on the eyes and who seemed like genuinely nice people.

Kiri fell silent as the conversation seemed to reach a dead end, this wasn't something she was very good at. While it might be logical for her to end it there that might seem cold, rather it might be better to, "Are there any questions you have, or do you need any help with anything?" He had nice hair, that was something she noticed, more volume than her own.

"You know, you're supposed to be on leave, I'm not supposed to be on duty, why don't we leave the lab here and go get dinner some place. I'm starved and you could do my a favor by showing me around the ship."

Kiri considered herself on reduced duty rather than nothing at all, not that it really changed a whole lot. There was never a point she didn't do something work related. For example when she joined the ship she had already studied all of the deck plans and knew where just about everything was on her first day. Never the less a chance to be social was welcome, "Is there anywhere you would like to go?"

"Not particularly. Maybe just a general overview and then dinner. We don't even have to eat on board ship. We could even go down to the planet and find a place with real, non-replicated food."

"The ship has a chef," Kiri offered helpfully, "Or I could try to make something." The latter was a little worrying for her but it was an easy option to cooked food. Going too far after her recent spell didn't seem very appealing, "Would you like to start with your lab space?"

Jared looked at her in genuine surprise, "You'd do that for me, cook that is? We have only just met. I appreciate the gesture and think its a great idea, as long as I am not imposing. As far as the tour, yes my lab space would be fine."

He was in her department, they would be working together, still he was right it was odd of her to offer. Maybe she shouldn't have done that but that time was already past. It still seemed like a practical solution though, "Okay, this way then." Forced to take the lead she lead the way down the corridor in silence, trying to piece together was she was actually doing.

He followed close behind, trying to keep his eyes centered on the back of her head and not lower down her body. This was his first day on his first assignment and he had just meant this woman, he was trying to be on his best behavior.

He was a little curious as to her offer, but assumed she was just being friendly. Still he was looking forward to it and to learning more about her.

The languages lab section was shared with social science and history specialisms. It had no work area like most of the labs, just a large centre table and a few seated work stations around the edges of the room. Entering inside Kiri stepped out of the way and waited for him, "This will be your work area, right now Petty Officer Donati, Petty Officer Demonte and Crewman Athlen are on shore leave." The room was empty of life right now but she knew it could be one of the noiser labs with Athlen inside. "I don't know which work stations they prefer to use."

The only lab he had known, outside those at the Academy and Stanford had been a converted cargo closet so just about anything would have been an improvement. He had no problem sharing with others, in fact, given his specialization it was a welcome part of the job. The more interaction the better.

"I am sure that my new colleagues and I can work things out when they arrive. I kind of prefer the hustle and bustle of being on duty, but I suppose I might as well take advantage of the 'lull in the action' so to speak. So what kinds of things should I expect what happened on your last mission?"

"The last mission was an exception I hope," She turned to face him and drew up most of her officer persona, "It might be a good idea not to talk about it very much right now. Quite a few members of the crew died flighting Klingons and some parts are classified." Kiri was quite stoic as she spoke. People she was responsible for had died but it wasn't her fault, she didn't know very many of them at all. Most of the bad things from her first mission were boxed away deep inside herself.

Jared might be new to Star Fleet but he there were some things that just didn't need explanation. "Whatever it was, it seems as if it troubled you. I understand what classified means, but if you ever feel like talking about things, I am a good listener. It comes with the territory."

"Thank you for the offer," Kiri didn't want to talk to anyone about all of that. Those she did tended to leave and she no long felt that she could. Holding her hands in her lap now she asked, "Where would you like to go now?"

"Well I'd like to see the gym, the lounge, one of the holodecks, and sickbay. Since besides the lab here and my quarters I'll be spending most of my time those places. Do you have a pool?"

"No we don't have one," Kiri shook her head, it was a small ship after all. The messhall is on deck two. There is an observation lounge but not an, establishment. The holodecks are also on deck two but I don't think there is a gym," At least she didn't know of one of the deck plans.

"Ah, well I can always use the holodeck and create a gym and pool in a pinch. Why don't you just show me around, show me what you consider to be the important parts.

Other than his room Kiri didn't think any of the things he had asked for were important. "If we start with the messhall then?" Then sickbay, main engineering, cargo bays and storage areas, access points for the jefferies tubes and evacuation pods, those were the important ones.

"Sure, sounds good," he said. "Lead the way. It sounds like you've done this before."

"When I joined the ship," She smiled at him, but no one had given her a tour, "Have you served on any other vessels?"

"No, this is my first. At least a Star Fleet vessel. I was literally born in space and spent most of my life there."

Unless he could breath in a vacuum that was unlikely but she didn't say it, "Okay, do you have any questions?" If this was his first ship there might be all sorts of little things he might not know about.

"I think I'm fine as far as the technical side is concerned, I am an old hand at that side of it is concerned. It's the social side or more specifically the protocol side that I might need help with."

"Are then any in particular?" That was the area she struggled with more as well, it was a big area though, which part was hard for him?"

"Well, before I decided to join Star Fleet, I was part of a crew of a... a private vessel. There was a chain of command of course, but everyone was free to speak their mind and be themselves. If for instance I thought a 'superior' was making a stupid decision, or simply being a jerk, I could tell them about it.

I am afraid that has carried over to Star Fleet and I've been reprimanded more than once for speaking my mind. So I just need to know what the proper limits are.

"Assume your officer knows everything you know until it is very clear that they may not. Follow their orders until it seems clear that they are wrong or incorrect and only then speak question them," Those were her own rules but she had almost never gotten into trouble with officers. Only the one time when she was desperate did she make a mistake.

Since he could not, or at least since he chose not to read her mind, he did not know her thoughts, "Sounds like good advice. I will try to keep that in mind. Any other suggstions?"

Most of the rest was obvious, "Say sir at the end of each sentence, but mostly just remember what you were taught at the Academy." Entering the turbo lift they paused for just a second before arriving on deck two.

"Right, well I will try to take that advice to heart. Sometimes the words just kind of slip out, I'll do the best to restrain myself though."

"That would be advised," Kiri wasn't sure if he realised that she would be the officer he would be dealing with the most often. Did she even realise it, "I expect it of you," That should clear it up.

"Of course ma'am." he replied with only a small grin on his face, "Or would you prefer if I called you sir."

"It is up to you," Kiri didn't really mind which people chose for her. Turning she looked at him properly as she came to a stop at a door, "This is the messhall, are you hungry?"

He had remebered her saying something about cooking a meal for him, but decided not to push the issue he didn't want to impose, "Starving," he replied.

"Do you still want to go somewhere other than the messhall?" She didn't know if he at least wanted to take a look inside. To her at least it seemed silly to go inside but not eat anything.

"No, I'm okay, we can eat here."

"Okay," Stepping closer the door opened and a mes shall that was half filled with people appeared. Taking a breath she tried to steel herself for it, despite how she had started doing it more eating in the mess was still a little bit of a struggle. She didn't like the idea of people watching her eat and neither did she like the idea of them looking at her. Not that either of them actually happened very much but in her head it was still a threat. Her normal place was still empty, a table on the far side with her seat looking out the window. Carefully she slowly wove her way between the tables, looking nervously behind her to check he was following her.

Sensing something amiss, but not wanting to probe, either mentally or verbally, he followed close behind her. He would just bide his time and see if she opened up. It really wasn't any of his business and it wasn't as if he was emotionally involved or had any plans to be. He had just met the woman.

Still, he naturally cared about others and if there was a chance that he could help he would take it.

When they arrived at their table he said, "Nice view."

A blue sky with wisps of white cloud with a dark horizon that threatened rain reached out over a green grassy sea. Kiri nodded as she moved around to her chosen seat, "I like the stars better though." It was quite odd to her to have a spaceship on the ground. Ships belonged in the sea or in space, they would soon be back out there though.

"I love the stars too, but the variety is nice. I think they say that variety is the spice of life. So what do you like to eat?"

"Some fruit I think, you?" Kiri wasn't really that hungry and she wasn't in the mood for anything complex. It was also an excellent excuse to have something sweet and sour.

"I like fruit as well, but am a bit hungrier than that. I think I'm going to get a nice salad and some soup.

It wasn't something she would put together, soup was best with thick crusty bread, salad with pickles and cold meat. She wouldn't question it though, she knew that she wasn't exactly normal in what she ate sometimes, at least by most peoples standard. Headings towards the nearest replicator but stopping half way, "Would you rather it was fresh?"

"Oh much better. Fresh and real is always better than replicated."

Turning she headed towards the small walled area on the far side from the windows. On the other side of a low wall she could see a blur of movement but no one else was waiting. Reaching the counter she waited until she could catch his eye, "Good afternoon Mr Pawlak."

Ansen stumbled back a step and peered through the partition at her. His smile was immediate, if a little muted, as he hurried out to the counter, wiping his hands on his apron. "Lieutenant Cho. Good to see you looking well," he murmured, and he meant it. Though the grief at his brother's death haunted him, he was determined to take solace in the crew's survivors. Especially Cho, who he'd taken a personal interest in earlier on. "Come to use the kitchen again?"

"I don't think so today," She looked to Ensign Nicholas to make sure but was fairly certain, "Do you have fresh fruit?" They were on a planet so it would be one of the bonuses that came with real gravity and shore leave.

"A spectacular variety," Ansen assured her. "Anything in particular you're looking for? Tart, spicy, sweet, tangy, soft, with seeds, without seeds...?"

"Lemons and limes, an apple and some grapes?" She asked hopefully before adding, "Or something similar." The galaxy was full of fruit and while she would rather have something she knew, she would make do and try something new.

He nodded. "I'll throw something together for you. With protein," he added with a wink. "And for your friend?" he asked, glancing to her companion, "Ensign?"

"Ensign Nicholas," he answered with a slight smile. I was thinking some kind of soup and salad, but maybe you should just fix whatever your specialty is. I have pretty eclectic taste and would rather eat what you like to cook."

Ansen grinned, rubbing his hands together. "As you wish. Tak." He looked between them, "I can bring it out to you in a few minutes or you can wait. Whatever you prefer."

Kiri pinched her lips together and looked to Jared for his reaction, she would rather not choose for him without knowing him better.

Jared looked over at the chef, "I think I'll have a glass of wine first. Something white, whatever you suggest, then you can bring dinner, unless of course my host here would rather eat first."

"That's okay," Kiri nodded and waiting for him to also turn heading back towards their seats. She didn't normally drink alcohol and was a little surprised that he would be, on his first day on the ship as well.

Unaware of her surprise he turned and walked back to their seats. When they had sat down, he looked over at her and after a moment said, "I'm sorry sir, do I make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No," Kiri answered in a flash. He didn't really it was strange being around him, he was different but not bad. What made her uncomfortable was the new situation she found herself in along with being surrounded with people again.

"I'm glad," he replied sincerely. "It's kind of a cultural change for me and I don't want to leave the wrong impression or turn people off. It's just that you seem, I don't know put off for some reason."

That make her uncomfortable, was she meant to say she didn't find it easy to be around people? Would that make even a remotely good impression? Taking her seat she pulled her uniform down, "I'm fine." She lied but that was the best she could do.

He still wan't sure if she was being completely truthful with him he decided not to push it. "So tell me, do you like rock climbing?"

"Not really," She answered after a moments thought, some of the boys she knew as a child did it. It always seemed rather dangerous without much reward for the risk. "I like walking on hills though," Some of the best walks were on the steep sides of the mountains and hills near her home.

"Well, I like walks too, though I enjoy all sorts of terrain. Especially at nights. I love watching the stars, walking under them."

"Yes," Kiri nodded, "It is best in the evenings," She found it a little strange to have someone that shared those sorts of things with her. So far she hadn't met anyone that shared her hobbies that much, not that it was really much of a hobby.

"So what other things do you enjoy when you are off duty, if that is not too personal a question."

"I read books sometimes, work on mathematical problems and process and catalogue sensor readings," Kiri knew full well that made her sound like a very boring person but she was. If she said anything else there might well be questions she wouldn't have a clue how to answer.

"You know I can relate to working on mathematical problems, I study languages, different category but the same type of thing. I am more into holonovels than books something to exercise the mind and body together, but at the same time I do have a small collection of real books.

"What kind of books do you like?"

"Most of them are on scientific theories or mathematical developments. For fiction though, I generally like historic fantasy." She half expected him to think her odd for liking those sorts of things.

"Really?" he asked, "That is interesting. Especially the historic fantasy. I am fond of what they used to call urban fantasy, though I would rather act it out, or maybe even write my own."

"What is, an urban fantasy exactly?" Kiri generally kept to what she knew so this was rather new to her. As far as Holonovels went she didn't really know anything, it was hard enough to access a holodeck back home let alone use it for something so indulgent.

"Ahh well an urban fantasy is usually set in a city, hence the name, and the most common theme is for creatures of faerie, or fantasy coming into the modern scientific realm. Our world if you will. It can also involve romance. Another term, or perhaps sub-genre is the paranormal, werewolves, vampires that sort of thing. "

"I see," It was more of a fantasy than what she liked then, mythological things and the paranormal weren't something she could really believe in enough to enjoy. Werewolves and vampires also seemed to be rather scary so not her cup of tea there either. Pinching her lips together for a second she asked, "And you run them as holodeck programs?"

"I do, and I also like running what I call what if fantasy. What if the Nazis had won World War II on earth, those types of things. What kind of historical fantasy do you like?"

"Medieval things in Europe and the period of just after the fall of the Han Dynasty in China," Kiri didn't want to go into too much detail, still worried what he might think of her. It seemed a more natural fantasy to her than a rather cruel fantasy than he gave as an example.

"Well those things sound interesting. Perhaps we could work out a compromise. I also am a student of the samurai and feudal Japan."

Kiri didn't know they were working towards a compromise, "Um, what for?" She looked confused for a moment, "I don't really know much about Japanese history." There were a couple of stories she knew and there were Samurai but that was about it.

"I apologize," he said after a beat, "I was thinking it might be fun to do something together. Not a date exactly. Just something that friends would do."

Kiri flushed rather red, what did he mean exactly? Why was he even considering something remotely like that, "Well, I mean maybe, but just as friends," Not even that really, she didn't really know him at all.

"That's all I meant. I am new to the ship and am just trying to find a way to meet people. I'm not trying to put the moves on you."

Lieutenant (JG) Kiri Cho
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo
USS Galileo

Ensign Jared Nicholas
Language Specialist
USS Galileo


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