USS Galileo :: Episodes - Episode 02 - Resupply

Episode 02 - Resupply

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Stardate: 66681.8
Location: Vega System

Forced to use Project Sienna to avoid destruction by the Klingon Empire, Galileo and her crew are transported through space-time using the experimental device. They arrive back in the Alpha Quadrant but off-course and damaged from her previous engagements. With her power systems crippled from using the prototype, the ship is rescued by a passing freighter and towed to the safety of Vega Colony. The crew contacts Starfleet, and Task Group 72-C arrives in orbit to retrieve and deliver the experiment to Starbase 001, Starfleet's primary research and development facility located in the nearby Sol system. Meanwhile, engineering and resupply teams are shuttled down to Vega Colony, and the crew enjoys a brief 10-day shore leave while Galileo undergoes repairs and is restored to operational status.

Note: USS Galileo is on the surface of Vega IX while she is repaired, resupplied and re-crewed.

Mission Focus: Shore Leave, Character Development
Mission Length: Medium

Mission Group Season 1 - Tough Little Ship
Start Date 24 Sep 2012 @ 9:00am
End Date 22 Jan 2013 @ 9:00am

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Title Timeline Location
Liftoff (Part 2 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D. & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn
MD 16 - 2340 hrs USS Galileo - Bridge, Various
Liftoff (Part 1 of 2)
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Lieutenant Commander Dea Mialin & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D. & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anthony Davis
MD 16 - 2320 hrs USS Galileo - Bridge, Various
Inconvenient Reality
by Lieutenant Lilou Zaren & Crewman Aurangzeb Ameen
MD 16: 2152 hours USS Galileo: Deck 7, Deck 8, Landing Strut Control Alcoves
How does that make you feel
by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk & Commander Scarlet Blake
MD 05 1358 HRS USS Galileo - Counseling Office
Science and Understanding
by Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton
MD 16, 1935 hours USS Galileo, Deck 4 - M. Panne's Office
Castle on a cloud
by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeroen Adlar & Commander Scarlet Blake
MD 06 Vega, Surface, Park
The New Guy in Town
by Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton & Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm
MD 15 08:30 hours USS Galileo - Captain's Ready Room
In the Nick of Time
by Ensign Tavish Hunter
MD16: 2130 hours Vega Colony
Security Physical
by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 14 - 1648 hours USS Galileo: Main Medical
Counsellor and Commander
by Lieutenant Dawn Meridian & Captain Jonathan Holliday
MD 13, 1200 USS Galileo - XO's Office, Deck 2
Come for a Visit
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Scott Rowe
MD 11 - 1010 hrs USS Galileo - Landing Site
Too Much
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 14 2015 hours USS Galileo Deck 3, Lieutenant Cho's Quaters,
Dusty Legends; Skeletons and Snakes (Part 3)
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 05 1550 hours Vega Colony, Romulan War Battlesite
Dusty Legends; Skeletons and Snakes (Part 2)
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 05 1430 hours Vega Colony, Romulan War Battlesite
Dusty Legends; Skeletons and Snakes (Part 1)
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes
MD 05 1315 hours Vega Colony, Romulan War Battlesite
Which End to Hold
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Ensign Im'er Mor'an
MD4 1900 USS Galileo: Deck 3, Mor'an's Quarters
Levels 6: Decompression
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk & Crewman Indri Chara & Senior Chief Petty Officer Anthony Davis & Petty Officer 3rd Class Justin Smoak (KIA) & Lieutenant Kiri Cho
MD 16 0400 USS Galileo - Deck 4, Medical and surroundings
Levels 5: Sprung
by Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Theron Rhodes & Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk & Lieutenant JG Donovan Muldaur & Crewman Indri Chara
MD 16 0304 USS Galileo: Deck 4, Shuttlebay
Not the Food but Feelings
by Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant Kiri Cho
MD4 1330 USS Galileo -Deck 4, Science Office, Deck 2, Mess Hall
Mental Health Session
by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle
MD 10 - 1420 hrs USS Galileo - Deck 2, Captain's Quarters
A Drink JP
by Commander Andreus Kohl & Lieutenant Aria Rice
MD 04 - 0016 hours USS Galileo - Deck 2, Mess Hall
by Command Master Chief Markum Quinn
MD 16 0430 USS Galileo - Somewhere...
Mayday, Mayday!
by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D.
MD15 1300 hours USS Galileo - Sickbay
Patching Up with the Doc
by Lieutenant Commander Pola Ni Dhuinn M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
MD15 2109 hours USS Galileo: Pola's Quarters
by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk
MD16, 0330 hours USS Galileo: Deck 3, Cho's Quarters

Mission Summary

The political fallout from Project Sienna's discovery and usage has increased tensions between the Klingon Empire and United Federation of Planets. Although the Klingon offensive against Starbase 152 was discounted by the Empire and blamed on a renegade general, tensions have remained increasingly high over the past days, and both factions have closed their borders and mobilized their fleets. A major confrontation seems inevitable, with each side accusing the other of conducting covert operations to change the balance of power in the region. A state of cold war erupts, and Starfleet's primary resource allocation shifts from exploration to a military-industrial complex.

Meanwhile, USS Galileo has successfully completed her mission and transferred Project Sienna from Starbase 152 to Starbase 001. She becomes the first Federation starship and crew to ever travel through an inter-dimensional gateway, and Starfleet secretly remains wary of any possible side effects. Rather than quarantine the crew and vessel in an obvious fashion, undercover operatives are sent to Vega Colony to discretely monitor the ship's personnel for any adverse reactions to Sienna. Under the watchful eye of Starfleet, the crew relaxes and enjoys themselves as they are given a much-needed vacation.