USS Galileo :: Episode 12 - Recluse - Researching your co-worker
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Researching your co-worker

Posted on 26 Aug 2016 @ 7:41pm by Lieutenant JG Rahl Tyton Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Braxton MacKenzie
Edited on on 09 Sep 2016 @ 1:40am

1,706 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 12 - Recluse
Location: USS Galileo - Chief Science Officer's office
Timeline: MD -05 0900 hours


Braxton sat in his office. He was sipping his third cup of coffee as he reviewed the staff bios. The ship had a new Chief Researcher and he had to met with him. He was looking forward to have someone who would be in charge of all the labs. He had seen the man's record and was impressed.

Rahl entered his office and stretched. He had been bending and standing checking through the labs and the inventory making sure each one had what it needed to get started. There was much to do though they had time. There was nothing specific coming down that needed to be dealt with yet. However he could get started on phase one of an idea that he had while on the trip to the Galileo..

He shook his head he walked over to his desk picking up the thermos of coffee he had left there. As a researcher, he knew all too well that something could happen during an experiment. He poured himself another cup of coffee picking up his PADD. He went over the schedule and saw a message blinking. Raising an eyebrow he read it. It seemed the Chief Science Officer wanted a word with him. He shrugged. It would be a good idea to have a good working relationship
with the man. He took his coffee and the PADD with him.

The office wasn't far from his as they were in the same department basically. He stood outside the door and was courteous. He pressed the button outside to let Braxton know someone was on the other side of the door. In case he was in a meeting. He knew how angry he would be if he someone just walked in on him in a meeting.

Braxton put down his PADD. "Come on in," he called. He sipped his coffee. When the doors opened Braxton stood and stuck out his hand. "Welcome." Braxton had always had a firm handshake he hoped Rahl did too.

Rahl walked in and nodded to Braxton. He gripped the man's hand firmly. His cross-training with security having given him a fair grip with his hand.

"Good morning, I trust all is well? I assume you wish to go over working protocols between our departments?"

Braxton smiled. "Correct, amongst oder things. It is great to meet you." When the two men sat down Brax took a sip of his coffee. He looked at his beige coffee mug that said 'Coffee is my blood'. He noted that Rahl's mug was exactly 2.5 inches bigger. It shouldn't have irked him but it did. He didn't let I show though. He drained his coffee and motioned to Rahl's. "Would you like a refill? I brew my own. Di replicator she make bad coffee, non?" He suddenly had the urge to show the man that he was the coffee king. It was illogical and petty given that they'd just met but...he was always known for his coffee expertise and the thought of someone unseating him was shocking.

Rahl drained what little was left in his mug before nodding. "Indeed, I'd never turn down a cup of coffee. True while the replicators might be able to imitate the taste of a coffee. It lacks the same depth of flavor that is had from fresh brewing."

He handed his mug to Braxton. On the mug was a short inscription which accounted for the largeness of it. It read 'Asking if I like coffee is like asking if I like breathing.'

He looked around for a moment while Braxton got the coffee. "So, where shall we start?"

Braxton grinned at the inscription. This man was serious about coffee but Brax was more serious. He handed Rahl the coffee and sat down across from the man with his own cup. He pushed over the creamer and sugar. "Please help yourself." He always kept them on the desk. "Well why don't you tell me a bit about yourself and how you like to work."

He shook his head at the sugar and cream. "I always drink it black. I find that cream and sugar can detract and hide the flavor of a coffee upon the first taste." He took a drink from his mug and nodded. "It is good. Next time I shall have to let you try mine. I've been told I make an excellent cup of ristretto and affogato."

He set the coffee down and looked back to Braxton. "As far as myself goes there is not much to tell. I hold a double doctorate in quantum mechanics and computer engineering, specializing in cybernetics. I was on the research and design teams at the Utopia shipyards working on the design and development of the defiant class starships. I was also the assistant chief science officer on the USS Princeton and at Deep Space Nine."

He shrugged. "As far as my work ethic goes. I don't stop til the job is done. I generally have at least three research projects going on at the same time. Reason being as at any given stage of research you are bound to come to a stumbling block eighty-nine percent of the time. Now you can either keep bashing your head against the same brick wall over and over and burn yourself out. Or you can keep thinking on it in the back of your mind and work on another research project. In all likely hood, that other research project will give you ideas on how to approach the one you are stuck on."

He took another drink of coffee. "I also try not to be too much of a drain on any of the other departments. However, if I need the expertise of someone in one of those departments I'm not afraid of putting in for their temporary transfer till the project is complete."

Braxton gave a nod. "Great. Sounds like you have great experience. I look forward to working with you...and to trying your coffee." He smiled. "Now...about me. I am really very boring. I graduated with degree in stellar cartography and astronomy. I went back got my archaeology degree. Love being department head. Glad to have a research specialist here. I served on the Dragon and Eden, did some lecturing at the Academy and now here I am." He drank his coffee.

He thought for a moment. "Shall we talk about working protocols between our departments?" He asked.

Rahl nodded. "Though there is nothing wrong with those degrees. Some people have the patience for it. I don't. Don't get me wrong I love history and reading about it. However going off to some distant planet and spending my time digging up things from people long dead just doesn't appeal to me."

He took another drink of his coffee. "Now as to working protocols. I understand that for the most part, you will need most of your general science officers on deck for your various projects. I may nip one or two of them occasionally depending on what research is going on at the time. Of course, I will always put in that request with you first."

He rolled his shoulders. "I only ask that you do the same. If I do have one of the general science officers working on something or one of the specialists and you need them for whatever purpose. Check with me first. We might be at a crucial point in the research and taking them off could set us back by quite a bit."

"The other thing we will need is an open line of communication between our departments. If something is brought to me that follows under your wheelhouse of operations I will send them to you. Just as I would expect you to do so if they came to you with something that was obviously R&D related. As far as recognition for things. While every scientist enjoys having their accolades. I will tell you this. They do not help in the next research project. Don't get me wrong I have medals and awards but, to be honest among our types they don't mean much. What matters is the next project."

"We will get along well." He sighed. "I as a DH run a tight ship but I expect the unit to function as a team. I will be doing many team building exercises and I will ask you and any staff you supervise to be a part of it. We must all learn to trust one another." he sighed. "I am not very good at talking about myself so if you wish to know something you must ask." He stood and walked over to the coffee pot. "More?" He asked.

Rahl shook his head. "As we are both department heads under the same umbrella it will probably be touch and go for a bit til we get a working rotation going. It will probably be confusing for some till they understand the differences between the science department and the research and development department. However, I expect as we are of a like mind any small bumps in the road should be smoothed out quickly and without much fuss."

"As for trust and knowing one another. That comes with time. I would not sit here and grill you on your life story. I'm sure as things progress through work we will learn more of each other along the way. This isn't exactly a starbase. Not much of a chance that we will go through our day without coming across each other at some point."

He checked the time on his PADD. "Unfortunately, I have a few systems I need to calibrate back in research."

"And I have an archaeologist to meet with." Braxton stood and extended his hand. "Good to meet you."

Rahl stood and shook Braxton's hand firmly. "Indeed, it was good to meet you as well. Always a good idea to get things like this started off on the right foot. Though do stop by my office sometime. I'll return the favor of the coffee."


Lt. JG Rahl Tyton
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo


Lt. JG Braxton MacKenzie
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo


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