USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Old Remedies
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Old Remedies

Posted on 03 Apr 2016 @ 6:36am by Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Randolf Eklund

1,664 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3 - Sickbay
Timeline: MD94 - 0900 hours


Randy headed down the corridor he knew led to sickbay. He'd never had a problem with doctors, but he also was rarely sick, so he didn't interact with them much in that capacity. Being in Security, he did see them from time to time for physical injuries, though. He knew that as they would be patching him up, checking in with them was more than just a duty to be gotten through.

As he entered sickbay, he noticed that things were fairly quiet since they were on shore leave. That seemed like an ideal time to be able to actually have a few minutes to meet the medical staff as he officially turned over his most updated records to them.

Randy approached the person sitting at what looked to be one of the nurse's stations. "Pardon me, I've just joined the crew and needed to check in with medical. Is there anyone available to see me?"

Allyndra was checking out the new station that she had requested to installed. It was a small desk, single chair just across from biobeds two and three. The sickbay was small enough that room was at a premium but she figured that a secondary station here was a good idea. That way a nurse or even a doctor could have a spot other than the main medical office to be able to catch up reports and monitor all three beds without constantly being on their feet. It was technically just after her shift and she was eager to also show Tuula and Mott the new installation. She looked up as the distinct sound of the doors opened. It was not either one of the two other doctors but someone she was not familiar with.

"New? Well welcome," Allyndra said standing. "Yes, of course, I can start on that. I am Allyndra," she said with a small nod of the head.

"Thank you, doctor," Randy had read the basic info of ship personnel preparing for his new position. Once she stood, he recognized the ship's CMO. He presented the PADD with his most recent physical exam data. He knew it should all be in the system already, but he was old fashioned. He always liked to present it upon arrival.

"I'm Lt. Eklund," he nodded in return to her. "Randolf, but please, call me Randy. The PADD has a complete history. I confirmed the details myself, so if there are any discrepancies with my transfer, please defer to this."

"Eklund," mused Tuula, emerging from the office where she was busy working on her research. The name rolled of her tongue naturally. "A fine Scandinavian name, but the accent doesn't match," she said, her Finnish accent betraying her Nordic heritage as well. "Let me guess... a Swede from the Iron Range, or perhaps Northern Ontario?"

"Jag kommer från Minnesota," Randy smiled back, happy to hear a somewhat familiar accent. "But you were close. Your accent is very pleasant, but not Swedish, is it? I'm good with languages, but not that good at placing accents."

"Not quite," said Tuula, rolling herself towards the new entrant. "Tulen Suomessa. Tampere, to be specific." She offered him a smile from behind her dark, gothic makeup as she approached. "So, what brings you to sickbay? Some sort of medical condition, or just a routine physical?"

Allyndra did not understand very much of the conversation other than a name and the place. Thus she just waited patiently until the two decided they were going back to standard.

"Finnish!" Randy exclaimed. "That's why it sounds so familiar. There was a Finn family down the road growing up. My siblings and I played with their kids all the time. I have to admit that language was always a bit tough for me, and I'm usually pretty good with things like that. Well, hauska tavata," he turned to Allyndra, "and pleased to meet you, too, ma'am."

"Allyndra please, and pleased as well." She replied not sure if to stay or fade out and let the two talk and get the the check up done, if they were going to get it done.

"Very well, then I'm Randy," he nodded to them both. "So," he offered up his PADD again, "did my records transfer successfully? I'd really rather not have to go through that nerve conduction test again any time soon if I don't have to."

Allyndra fetched a PaDD and took a look. "They appear to have been transfered. So, Tuula did you want to do the check in or me?"

"Why don't we both do it," exclaimed Tuula. "The more the merrier!" She reached into her messenger bag to pull out her favourite tricorder, the black one with the skull airbrushed on it and a number of etchings. "So," she said, looking back up at Randolf, "Any issues lately? Aches, pains, anything like that?"

"I'm in Security," he laughed. "Have you seen our training regimen? I'm pretty much always aching and sore, but nothing beyond that. And a few analgesics and a warm shower generally help with even those."

"Oh?" asked Tuula, raising an eyebrow as she began the scan. "Which analgesics are you taking?"

"I rotate," Randy answered levelly. "The list of them is there in my records, but I change them regularly rather than risk building up a resistance to any single one. I also have some minor pollen allergies, but they are very mild and rarely bother me. My former doctor prescribed something for them as needed. Again, the specifics are in the file."

He decided to summarize a bit more. "I've had multiple broken bones, a couple of concussions, and an appendectomy when I was a teenager. Other than that, no major surgeries, only a few stitches here and there. All that was work related."

"Hmmmm." Tuula flipped through the PADD containing Randy's medical history. "Nothing too major, though there is something I would prescribe in your case..."

Interested in anything that might help with the aches and pains of security work, Randy brightened. "Really? What's that?"

"A sauna."

Randy couldn't help but laugh. "I am Scandinavian, you know? I swear my grandfather's remedy for everything was time in the sauna."

"That's because it works," replied Tuula, excitedly. Her faith in the sauna was almost a religion, but it was backed up by a few cherry-picked empirical studies. She placed the PADD on a nearby medcart and pulled out her tricorder again to complete the scans. "You know, if you would like to sauna sometime, I do have a standing weekly appointment in the holodeck..."

"I may take you up on that," Randy said. "I've always thought the sauna was no fun alone. They're meant for socializing, yes? And I'll bring something my grandfather added after visiting Russia. Have you heard of a venik? It's a bundle of branches. You dip them in cold water then use the branches to smack the water on each other. It's remarkably refreshing. Perhaps you could work that into your treatment plan."

"That sounds awesome!" exclaimed Tuula, finishing her scans. "Come by Thursday at 1900 hours, holodeck two." She stared at the results on her tricorder; everything seemed to be more or less in order, except for one thing. "Tell me," she said, looking up at him, "has your right shoulder been bothering you?"

"Ugh....what is a sauna?" Allyndra asked interjecting.

Randy turned to stare. "What is a sauna? It's only the most relaxing experience a sentient being can have. Heat, steam, the scent of the wood, the enjoyment of good companions. It's truly a healing experience. Perhaps you would care to join your colleague in experiencing one." He turned to Tuula, "Unfortunately, I work Beta shift, so I won't be able to meet you. I appreciate the offer, though. And yes, my shoulder bothers me off and on. It's just some tendonitis though, isn't it?"

Allyndra was not going to be put off so easily. She used Tuula's diagnosis as an opening. "Tendonitis? Very well, as Chief Medical Officer I am going to indicate that you will need early time off you duty shift for treatment. That will be the official indication, personally I am intrigued by this sauna."

Randy looked worried. "Ma'am, if you put everyone in Security with a pull or strain on restricted duty, there won't be anyone left to defend the ship. And I just transferred. I don't want my chief thinking I'm a liability. Let me see if I can trade shifts with someone, instead."

"Allyndra please," she reminded him. "Alright, then, I will let you figure what is best. I am intrigued though." She touched Tuula for a moment. "I am going to get a DNA kit and I will let you finish up."

"Okay." Tuula looked back towards Randy and placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently. "I do think you need a sauna. That and a good massage..."

"Have you ever seen a chiropractor?" Randy asked as Tuula rubbed his shoulder. "My family were, well, anachronistic I suppose. They didn't go in for most of the modern conveniences and medical treatments. There's a surprisingly large population of them on Earth. Regardless, there was a chiropractor in our community. It's amazingly therapeutic; I also have one of those in a hologram along with my sauna."

Tuula sighed. As a doctor, her opinion of chiropractors was rather low. But now wasn't the time to start a fight with the patient. "I'll pass on the chiropractor, but a sauna sounds lovely."

Allydnra returned with the DNA kit and handed it to Tuula. She then backed away a bit so that the two could finish up. In her mind, she wanted to see what this sauna thing was all about.

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt. Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt.JG Randolf Eklund
Asst. Chief Security/Tactical
USS Galileo


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