USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - How to Fix a Leg
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How to Fix a Leg

Posted on 08 Jan 2016 @ 3:32am by Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

1,784 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: Sickbay, Deck 3, USS Galileo
Timeline: MD3- 0800 Hours


Despite being physically tired from her night before, Gyce had made it a point to make the best of the situation at hand. She was due anyway for a check-up since her transfusion.

She still felt terrible for what happened to Lirha, despite the outward appearance. Gyce also did not have much of a choice in the matter, but to pretend everything was fine. Keeping her relationship with Lirha secret was a necessity. More so since they were officially a thing now.

Gyce took three deep breaths outside the sickbay doors before she entered and instead of waiting to be seated, she limped heavily on her cane over to the CMO's office door and knocked on it gently.

Last thing Gyce wanted, were several people she did not know, in her personal business.

"Are you busy, Doctor?" Gyce asked to Allyndra.

Allyndra looked up. "Allyndra, and no come on in. I was just finishing up the transfer of the medical records to next main doctor on duty. Very routine. What's up?"

Gyce checked to make sure it was clear before she stepped inside and limped with her cane over to a chair in front of Allyndra.

"We have not directly met, but I'm Lieutenant Benice Gyce. And I suppose I'm here because Doctor Mott had taken me off an NSAID I'd been using for almost twenty years now... I basically want a second opinion on my situation." Gyce bit her lower lip before she continued, "I am not sleeping through the night anymore, you see. Mostly because the nerve pain causes burning sensations that wake me with the slightest of movements."

Allyndra listened. "I see, let me take a look at your medical record. Please have a seat." She moved the console so she could bring up the Bajoran's record. "Let me see what we have. It looks like you have a peripheral neuropathy. Hmm......from the last diagnosis it appears to be primarily inflammatory hence the NSAID. The particular one I can see why, it can affect the liver over long periods of time. Have you been taking anything else?"

"No," Gyce spoke vehemently. "I don't want the drug addiction that follows opiate-based drugs. Doctor Mott did have me try ice packs. And those results are mixed, depending on how much walking I did that day."

"I needed to ask so I can think about what else to try. We really need to get to the bottom of what is causing the inflammation. I do not see any particular diagnosis on a disease or the result of some other injury. That being said I am thinking we go with something a bit stronger that is systemic. I am going to prescribe Milnaciprin. It is a serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitor which should reduce the pain you are feeling and also lift mood. Shall we move out to the main area and I can get you shot."

"Of course," Gyce agreed and stood up stiffly before she moved with her cane out the door. "My diagnosis is a matter of political debate, you see. The Cardassians deny ever dropping a neurotoxin on my people and demand I be labeled with a general neurological disorder. My government is forced to do so, since there is no proof the bombs they used, existed."

"I see....." Allyndra remarked. "Hence the lack of detail. None the less the best course would be to eventually treat if possible the underlying problem than to treat the symptoms. That is if you are willing to come on back for a series of tests." She reached biobed three, the one closest to the office and patted it to indicate taking a seat.

Gyce pulled herself onto with ease, given her superb upper body strength. Then sat her cane beside of her. Allyndra's proposal was not a bad one for her to think on.

"I believe Doctor P'Kol of the Vulcan Institute of Medicine told me, initially, that the chemicals used on my resistance cell changed form, once introduced to high concentrations oxygen. I.E. delivered in atmosphere... I am open to finding the cause, but the doctors currently treating the members of my cell this very moment, believe that finding the chemical in it's original form would hold the key to reverse engineering what was biochemically done to our brains."

Gyce watched the main sickbay for a moment for she added, "I would not mind running extra tests if it helps you to better understand my ailment."

"Excellent, it would help. However, I see while I have you here that there are some other minor things that could be taken care of if you can spare the time. Some cuts and bruises.....let me guess dealing with those other people?" Allyndra referred to the mirror universe encounter.

"Yeah..." Gyce answered quietly as she lifted her shirt so the doctor could see the biosutures. The bruising was gone, but there was still a slight weakness. "There was no blood bank in the room I was tossed in, after my interrogation. So the EMH and Nurse Veri had to improvise."

Then Gyce lowered her voice, "I may also be a tad weak from having an encounter with a very sensually-cultured individual, or because of said person making me so upset a few hours ago that I emptied everything in my stomach. Then again, it might still be from the initial blood loss... I'm not rightly sure."

"I see....." Allyndra replied. "Dehydration for sure. Hematocrit is a bit low but not terrible. I will put you on supplements also give you a booster to increase red cell production along with a good bolus of fluid but start drinking a lot of water alright?"

"That, I can do," Gyce assured the doctor.

Allyndra was curious about the sensually cultured individual and hoped she was not going to be dealing with another episode of an encounter with the Deltan. Already she had enough problems with Tuula along that line.

She got fluids started and then gave the hypo. "There that should help and I also included the pain reliever. The fluid injection will give me a chance to keep you here for a bit longer while I see how that drug is working for your pain. Anything yet?"

"It's starting to take the edge off," Gyce admitted. What she wanted to ask, however, was things about Orions. Trick was, she did not know how to go about it without tipping her hand and outing herself. She could, however, set the ball rolling for Lirha's appointment.

"I did want to inform you about another's condition. But I need to know you'll use full discretion. This person is very private, you see," Gyce explained, yawned, and continued to let her body absorb the fluids she was hooked up to.

"Yes of course, there is all sorts of oaths and laws about confidentiality," Allydnra replied working on the minor stuff while the fluids went in. She would glance at the monitor to see how the inflammation was responding and it appeared that things were going well. "I will honestly tell you though that if it is something more counseling or legal I will urge you to seek such advice but cannot divulge anything without permission."

"Oh no," Gyce insisted. "It's just, I went to deliver a report this morning to the Admiral and I think she might of had a little too much fun. She insisted she was fine, but she seemed pretty damn sore to me. Come to think of it... I see a lot of people doing walk of shames in the halls at early hours on the security feeds."

"I see....." Allyndra replied. That was something she would file away for future memory. Not that she was active at all but still one always hoped. The Admiral, now that was interesting but she was not one to be rumor mongering. "And how does this relate to medical condition?"

"I believe you and I possibly share a secret the Admiral is keeping from the rest of the crew. So let's assume I know she was doing something she should not have, and I feel it is a good precaution to make sure said secret is still intact," Gyce coded very carefully so as not to give anything away to any lingering medical officers close by. "I know she is in a lot of pain and is adamant on keeping to herself so as not to draw attention to that. Thus I am asking, as a favor, if you would not mind going to her at some point today. To make sure everything-is-as-it-should-be."

The way Gyce made eye contact with Allyndra, one would think she might be having a turrets fit, trying to help the doc connect the dots without breaking her word to Lirha.

Allyndra was surprised. There was nothing that she recalled in the official medical record. The fact that the Admiral was covering up something seemed to be serious, could be quite serious. "I can try to make a sort of House Call since many have had some troubles since our little excursion."

"Thank you," Gyce smiled appreciatively
Allyndra then tapped the monitor. "Things are looking better. How is the pain level?"

"I can feel the edge coming off," Gyce smiled, her posture less like a rod standing straight up in the dirt. "Every minute, it seems, the pain is dulled that much more."

"Good should hold you better then what you had before. I'll need you to come back in a week or so for a recheck alright?"

"I can do that," Gyce agreed wholeheartedly.

"Very good. Well then I think you're good to go and I will make some rounds around the ship." Allyndra replied indicating she would check up with the Admiral.

"So is this a weekly injection?" Gyce asked as she poked her thigh with fascination.

"No that is just to start off. The rest will be oral which I will give a prescription for. I just want to double check how everything is going, reactions and so on."

"I'm not going to become overly euphoric on this drug, will I?" Gyce asked as she continued to poke her thigh in fascination.

"You should not. However, anything unusual come see me or one of the other doctors." Allyndra replied. It was pretty much the standard if you have side effects then see your doctor speech.

"I shall. Thank you," Gyce smiled in parting. It felt good to know at least some relief was possible.


Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Galileo

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Commander Andreus Kohl on 20 Jan 2016 @ 4:35am

I truly appreciate the commitment demonstrated in writing the chronic nature of Gyce's medical condition, and Allyndra's medical posts are always so informative to read!