USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Transporter 'malfunction'
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Transporter 'malfunction'

Posted on 09 Oct 2015 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant JG Lenaris Marika
Edited on on 27 Jan 2016 @ 2:35am

1,699 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 2 -Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD 06 - 1015

Some may think that using the transporter room for a place to unwind was bizarre and a little strange but with her sleek legs licking up against the wall's of the transporter room and pressed her back firmly against the deck with her chocolate brown hair splayed out around her head like a halo you could see that Abbey was completely at home here. She flicked through the pages of her book and continued to read the chapter that followed on the next page. Smiling to herself and humming along to the tune that was playing in her earphones she was completely oblivious to the world.

A foot. A leg. Another foot. A thump, a head in pain. A tangle of arms and legs falling out of an access hatch. A laugh. A moan, another laugh. This was getting ridiculous. On her back, head bruised, she turned her head to the left she spotted an intruder. "Haiiiii!"

All 5ft 7 inches of Abbey was now completely in shock. One moment she was minding her own business the next the whole world seemed to have caved in on top of her. With her book now shut thrown a yard or two to the left, her legs set in an unnatural position if it hadn't been for her flexibility and her earphones were now blaring out 'Say Geronimo! Say Geronimo! Can you feel my love? Bombs away...' Tilting her head to the right Abbey could see the reason why she was no longer relaxing. "Um... Hi?" She asked confused.

“I’m Marika!” Though very awkwardly positioned, she nonetheless offered the other woman her hand. ”You like transporter rooms too? Awesome! People always think they’re boring, but they are soooo wrong. And come on, we have to think of the poor transporter pads too. Always at the ready, always there when we need them, day or night … not that they really have any sense of time but still, there they are helping out! And all we do? Step on them and leave without even a thank you. Well I say no more! I will keep them company in their lonely hours.”

Beaming her new-found friend a smile, the young Bajoran observed her for a few seconds before starting her marathon of words all over again. “Wow, you're beautiful. And you like reading? Books? Aren’t you afraid to lose or break it? Every book I ever owned I left in safe storage and brought along electronic copies instead. Which of course when I think about it sometimes is a little odd. I mean, why own a book, if you’re not actually going to use it. And besides with what I do for a living, I really like touching things. But somehow I convinced myself not to bring them. Which is not that bad a thing considering we lost pieces of the hull. But not my room. My room is good. How’s yours?” Staring intently, she finally gave Abbey a chance to talk.

Abbey mouth hung open the words "Um thanks... I" Were the only thing's she could conjure up to say at that moment after the onslaught of words that had just been thrown at her like a photon torpedo on steroids. Regaining herself, she reached over and took the other female's hand "Hi Marika I am Abbey, and I wouldn't say I'm beautiful and yeah, I LOVE books!" She exclaimed "I also do Ballet and drink lots of wine" She added with a smile.

Eyes and smile widening, the young Bajoran stared at her new companion with wonder. "Ballet! You have to dance for me. And I can play music, and we can totally make that awesome! Awesome I tell you! Have you ever had Bajoran ice wine? It's great. Very sweet and soooooooo good. I could get one from my parents next time I see them. Then I could share it with you. So what books do you have? Like old tales of the old world, or more recent romance novels perhaps? Ballet dancer, loves wine, oh definitely romance. I'm guessing there a really cheesy one in there too. Why is it called cheesy? It's such an odd term. As if cheese wasn't awesome. Cheese is awesome. Do you like cheese?"

The younger girls hyperactive style was infectious and Abbey's grin widened as it hooked onto her brain like a virus "Weeeell I haven't danced in a little while but I'd love to again sometime! We'll have to set up a date and I'd love to try some Bajoran wine I have heard of it before" The next part made her blush as she answered about her book "Well you hit it on the head with romantic books but this one is kind off.. special?" She said "Its called 50 shades of grey and for you cheese question I'm with you on that!" She giggled.

Still holding on to her new friends hand, Marika giggled along. “You have very soft hands. Do you use anything special? I try and use moisturizers when I don’t forget. One time when I was in China, that’s on earth, I went weeks without moisturizing. Not, a good idea, when you spend your days in the dirt.” She laughed good heartedly and stared into her interlocutor's eyes. “Are you sure you’re not beautiful, because you sure seem like it. So what’s the book about anyways? Secret rendez-vous in moonlight? Oh! Moonlight! Have you ever heard this old earth song from North America, ‘moonlight becomes you’. It’s soooo very pretty. My colleagues found it rather simplistic when I made them listen, but I found it to be perfect in it’s simplicity. I love moonlight, whichever the moon or moons. Although I heard that on Welliak the three moons reflect so much light when they are all there, it’s like being in daylight. That wouldn’t be as romantic, but I’m sure it’s cool.”

Abbey couldn't help but laugh and giggle along with Marika as she spoke, "Has anyone ever told you that you're the most lively person they have ever met? Because I thought I was pretty hyper but you're a refreshing sight!" She closed her book completely now and turned to her side letting slip their hands. "It’s about a girl who stands against an oppressing government and finds romance along the way" She said only replying to one of the many questions the woman asked.

"Interesting situations are why we're all out there yes? Must have been quite the explorer then. Adventure and romance go hand in hand like a Tiberian bats and anti-gravity boots." She sighed, eyes losing focus for a moment and smirked at the young woman. "Do you come here often? I looooove transporter rooms. I wish people appreciated them more. Oh! You alone, in a transporter room with a book. I get it! I'm intruding aren't I? I apologize. I don't want to get between you and the transporter."

Abbey giggled at the woman's response "No, don't apologies and please don't leave I am enjoying your company you're very refreshing on a ship where everyone is so serious" She replied with a grin. "I’d love to know your story! I bet it’s as exciting as you are!"

“Exciting? It’s thrilling, it’s stimulating, it’s exhilarating!” Marika giggled and stuck out her tongue at her new friend. “There’s adventure, pranks, discovery, romance and mystery. It would make for an awesome book I’m sure. But what, oh what, could possibly make it better? It already has intriguing characters and a strong protagonist. It needs a twist, something people won’t see coming. Have any ideas?” Wiggling her eyebrows once more, she burst out laughing at her own overview of her life. Still, it wasn’t a big an exaggeration as most might think.

Marika's laugh was infectious and Abbey was now laughing alongside the woman "Perhaps a knight in shinning armour?!" She offered as she tried to control herself "Or there is a evil twin sister?" Abbey was enjoying herself and probably the most fun she had since she could remember.

“Knights in shining armor are so cliché! Then again so are evil twins but…“ Stopping for a moment, Marika seemed to ponder the repercussions of an evil her, and quickly shook it off. “Bah! She wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as I would be.” Looking intently at her new friend with a goofy grin, Marika played with her fingers, reminding herself that jumping on people to tickle them, was almost never a good idea. “I don’t think we can outstyle generations of writers, but perhaps we can confound them. I could have my knight in shining armor, be my evil twin! Dum dum duuuum!”
*Giggles at her silliness erupted, as she stuck out her tongue to her friend again.

Abbey held her index finger to her chin as if seriously considering the plot twist "That. Is. Amazing!" She finally said giggling. "HEY! Want to leave this room and go do something?" She asked now feeling that she had gained enough her time.

“You’re on!” Pushing herself with her feet, she wiggled her way back into a sitting position, which quickly led to an energetic leap onto her feet. A flourish of arms and hands later, one was offered to help her companion up, accompanied by a wicked grin and wiggle of the eyebrows.

Abbey let out another laugh and accepted the offer to get up. Pulling with one army and pushing with another abbey threw herself upright and came still with a little wobble much like when you hit spare and there's that one pin that refuses to go down. "Lead on" She said in a tone that was a little high pitch like the girls in her holo-novels.

Interlocking her arm with her companions, Marika headed outside the room, dragging her friend along. "Have you ever been in maintenance shaft thirty three B? It's awesome! There's this..."

Crewman Abbey Wyatt Played by Jake
Scientists Mate
USS Galileo

Ensign Lenaris Marika
USS Galileo


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant JG Cyrin Xanth on 09 Oct 2015 @ 2:27pm

I almost felt like I had to read fast just to keep up with you two! Fun post to read and I think it's the start of a beautiful friendship.