USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Starter for Ten: Part 1
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Starter for Ten: Part 1

Posted on 11 Jul 2012 @ 9:29am by Verity Thorne & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver
Edited on on 11 Jul 2012 @ 9:37am

2,061 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: USS Galileo - Mess Hall
Timeline: MD 07: 17:00


For Oliver Sylver, it felt strange to walk around a Nova class ship. He was used to the old Miranda class...the massive ones where you got lost on a good day and really lost on a bad one. He let out a breath as he turned, trying to get his bearings. It was claustrophobic, and with his height it got a bit more difficult. He moved slowly, getting used to it. Of course, he was a warrant officer. And while he would fly this plane, he trained and advised others. And he did enjoy it as a job. But sometimes, he needed to stretch his legs. And now... "Okay, up one deck, it's..." he turned, frowning again.

"Please tell me you know where you're going," Verity Thorne approached him with a soft laugh, his blue eyes shining. "Because I don't. I've been following you the last couple of corridors with the hope you'd get me back somewhere recognisable."

"I have no idea," he said and laughed warmly, looking at the other man. "Look, I am heading the hope we will end up in the right direction. Fancy doing the walk?"

"Sounds like a good idea," Verity agreed with a soft laugh, moving to walk beside him. "It has to be better than going in circles, hm? Although that is generally what I end up doing most days anyway."

"I hope we will get used to it," he said and smiled as he nodded. "I'm Olly transfer," he chuckled, shaking his head.

Verity offered his hand across in a swift moment, smiling warmly to him as he took the taller man in. "It's nice to meet you, Olly. I'm Verity. Verity Thorne."

He took the hand with a small smile, holding his eyes. "It's good to hear a man with a familiar accent," he said easily.

"London, born and raised," Verity admitted softly with a small smile. "Whereabouts are you from? It's so familiar."

"Camden, London...a long time ago," Olly said and smiled warmly, his eyes shining. "Haven't been back there for...must be ten years now, if not more."

"Travelling the stars?" he asked with a warm smile, holding his eyes comfortably as they walked the corridor.

"More or less..." he smiled as he searched his face. It was unusual meeting someone who so clearly held his eyes. But it wasn't intrusive...he had beautiful eyes. "I work in Flight."

"Ah, flying amongst the stars then, not just travelling them," he nodded to him with a soft smile of understanding. "It must feel liberating."

"I like seeing the universe, meeting new people," he admitted and looked down. "What about you? What brings you here?"

"I'm a chaplain," Verity replied with an easy smile. "So if you ever want to come and find my office, you're very welcome. Presuming you can find it of course," he teased lightly.

"I will get a map," he said and laughed warmly, holding his eyes. "A chaplain...that is a bit unusual...I mean, for a young man."

"I'm 32," Verity laughed warmly as he watched him with shining eyes. "Not as young as many people here."

"You look younger," he observed, his eyes running over his face. "Maybe not if you were serious, but laughing and look younger."

"I think I'll take that as a compliment, thank you," he smiled warmly to him at that, shaking his head. "Perhaps I'm just getting older, but it seems as if officers are getting younger."

"Maybe they act younger than I did when I was their age," Olly chuckled and shook his head, watching him before looking ahead. "Hey. Mess. No idea I was on this level..."

"Well that's just perfect because I fancy a drink anyway, want one?" Verity asked with a smile, motioning to the door with his thumb.

"Hell yes," he laughed and nodded, his eyes shining. "Come on...we'll do a few rounds, have a proper chat..."

Verity led the way in with a smile, taking the chance to look around and see who was in as he moved to the replicator. "A triple 'scotch'. Meaning scotch, not general whiskey," he winked to Olly before motioning to ask him what he wanted.

"Same for me," Olly said quickly and grinned, shaking his head as he took a seat. "Good taste too..."

"It might not seem like a big difference, but it is," he sighed, shaking his head with a small smile. "But we understand subtlety, yes?"

"Yes, we do...there is something in how it...reacts with the tastebuds," he chuckled as he studied him, clearly trying to read him.

Verity tilted his head with a small smile, recognising the look easily enough. "What is it?"

"You are a bit of an enigma," he said and shook his head as he let out a breath. "Can't get a proper read on you."

"Read? Are you a telepath?" he asked softly with interest, leaning to him with a smile.

"No! Hell no...just human," he said and smiled warmly. "But even humans can get an understanding of a person based on their behaviour, how they look at you...their voice."

"Ah, I see. You're right there," he smiled to him, searching his eyes. "Or, you can just ask," he said with a soft, teasing voice.

Olly smiled warmly at that and nodded as the drinks came. "Alright then...tell me how you ended up here, Mr Thorne."

"Verity will do," he assured quickly, taking a deep mouthful of the drink before sighing at the taste and effect. "I was drifting. I needed something to spend my life on; it was just trickling."

He nodded at that, sipping his own drink as he let out a breath. "What did you use to do?" he asked quietly.

"I was a priest," Verity said softly, meeting his eyes with a small, half smile.

Olly watched him with surprise, frowning slightly. "A Catholic one?" he whispered softly.

"Yes," he said lightly, seeing the frown. "Is that a problem?" he asked gently.

He held his eyes before shaking his head, taking his drink to sip it. "No...not really. I Never thought I'd see a former Father out here."

He searched his face at the reaction, smiling as he leant closer to him. "You have been around Priests?" he asked softly. "It seems to matter to you."

Olly held his eyes before nodding weakly. "Yeah. I grew up around them. I grew up in a Catholic orphanage."

He watched him with surprise before smiling gently. "Goodness, and here we both are on a starship. Are you still...?"

He watched him for a long moment. "Catholic? Yes," he said and chuckled. "But me and God have an understanding."

"Ah, I see how it is," he laughed warmly at that, his eyes shining. "It is the best way to be if you ask me."

"Yeah?" he smiled and sipped his drink, his eyes shining. "Good...not just me then."

"Personally? I think that must be His nature," he said softly with a warm smile.

Olly nodded as he held his eyes, his own eyes shining before taking a breath. "What made you leave the Priesthood?"

"Now that is a long story," he shook his head with a soft chuckle, sipping his drink. "And there are far more interesting things to talk about. Like you."

"Me?" he chuckled at that and shook his head. "I am not interesting, Verity. In fact, I am dull."

"Well, why flying?" he asked with a bright smile. "Of all the things in the universe, why that?"

He smiled gently as he looked down, considering it. "I fell into it. I had good coordination and reflexes."

"Ah, a natural," he nodded with understanding. "You are a talented man."

He arched an eyebrow, shaking his head. "No. I wish I could say I was, but half of it was pure luck. What was needed at the time. Pilots were needed. If anything to relieve some pressure from the ship's shields by distracting fire."

"You must be good, you're still here," he gave a half smile at the words, but there was a playfulness in his eyes.

Olly smiled gently as he held his eyes. "Yes, only because I joined Starfleet! If I had remained a Marine you'd be talking to a ghost...."

"Ah! You were a marine!" Verity grinned at that, leaning forward to hear more. "That physique had to come from somewhere."

He watched him with warmth, arching an eyebrow. "My, my...did you notice my body?" he teased.

Verity laughed at that, looking down as he pressed his lips together. "I asked for that, didn't I."

He chuckled as he nodded, sipping his drink. "Just a bit...saying that, I noticed you so..."

He watched him with surprise, laughing softly. "I'm not sure how, I could blend in with a wall."

" couldn't," Olly whispered and sipped his drink, searching his face. "Not with those eyes and those lips."

He looked to him with surprise before smiling, watching with shining eyes at the words. "I will have to keep an eye on you," he teased.

"Why? Not keen on the flirting?" he asked, genuinely curious as he swirled the ice cubes in his glass.

" Surely everyone likes a bit of flirting now and then," Verity replied with a laugh, holding his eyes with ease.

"Hm..." he watched him, his eyes shining. "Not always from a guy though."

"It's all the same to me," he assured with a small, wicked grin for a moment before knocking his drink back.

Olly smiled warmly as he watched him. "My, my..." he laughed softly, shaking his head. "Someone who doesn't care what kind of body a person has, huh?"

Verity virtually blushed at the words but laughed, shrugging lightly. "I wouldn't want to discriminate."

"Good attitude...although I discriminate dreadfully..." he winked and finished his drink. "Another round, Verity?"

"Please," he nodded with a small smile, watching him with open curiosity.

Olly stood, leaning close to take his glass. "You can ask me questions too," he whispered close to his ear before walking to fetch them the same again.

Verity chuckled softly, shaking his head as he looked down with a sigh. "Sailing into troubled water..." he sang lightly to himself.

He smiled as he walked back, offering the drink over. "Here you go, lad."

"Thanks," he smiled to him, sipping his drink and watching him over the rim. "Why are you flying here rather than in the marines?"

Olly smiled as he sat down, sipping his drink. "In truth? Saw enough in the war to realise that I wasn't cut out for deciding who lived and who died. I got a discharge and drifted...and then enlisted into regular Starfleet."

"It must have been a huge decision," he whispered, watching him with a slight frown, shaking his head.

He shrugged and looked into his glass. "I was a bit lost. I had joined the Marines as an idealistic man wanting somewhere to belong. I left with the scars to show I had fought a war."

"It's amazing how sometimes being lost can get us found again," Verity smiled to him, shaking his head. "Just look at us earlier."

He nodded, his eyes gentle as he searched his face. "And we found each other and then this place. Pretty good deal for me."

"For both of us," Verity corrected, but with an easy going smile. He arched an eyebrow as he caught sight of Olly's wrist. Verity reached out to take Olly's hand, turning it over to read the tattoo on the inside of the wrist. "Strength and honour," he said softly.

Olly smiled gently as he held his eyes, nodding and taking a breath. "You read Latin. Of course you do...Priest..."

Verity laughed, nodding gently as he watched him. "Part of the job," he tilted his head. "A wonderful statement to have tattooed, and in Latin no less."

"Thank you...I suppose it is what I always wanted. Honour..and physical strength. It is a balance," Olly whispered and held his eyes for a long moment.

"A difficult one sometimes," Verity agreed, nodding as he watched him in return.

To Be Continued....


WO Oliver Sylver
Flight Control
USS Galileo

Crewman Verity Thorne
USS Galileo


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