USS Galileo :: Episode 09 - Empires - Jynn the unfaithful...
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Jynn the unfaithful...

Posted on 25 Aug 2015 @ 3:57am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri RN & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D.
Edited on on 26 Aug 2015 @ 7:13pm

2,584 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 09 - Empires
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3, Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 - 1900 hours


As she tried unsuccessfully to take care of some paperwork, Tuula simply couldn't concentrate. She sighed gently as she stared at the words in front of her which seemed to swirl off the PADD in a sensual manner. She closed her eyes and then Jynn was there -- she could feel a faint presence inside of her, almost an after-echo of their joining, one which sent a pleasurable feeling down her spine.

Closing her eyes, Tuula let the feelings crash over her like the waves on a beach. Ever since her adventure with Jynn, these episodes had been washing over her from time to time. As she fantasized though, she could hear a faint din, almost from another universe

"What's that?" she called out, focusing on the din which sounded strangely like a woman's voice to being herself back from reality.

"You were daydreaming," Veri answered for the human female as she looked quizzically at Tuula.

Allyndra was in the lab area checking on the stasis chamber. It was not her normal time but then whatever in medicine or science was normal time. The times when one actually went in and came out on a defined hour basis were really more the exception than the rule.

She heard the comment as she was just getting to the door. "Daydreaming?" She asked quzzically. She knew more or less what that was, one's mind being elsewhere in concentration. "I could not imagine with all that has been going on."

Veri shifted a bit for she knew what caused it. It was because Jynn was kin that she tried her best to keep quiet. Maybe talking to him about his oath might make him rethink his stupidity. But then again... his non-Deltan partner was clearly compromised. How bad? Veri could not say. So she tried (and very badly) to go about her work with counting the hyposprays in the bin.

"I just..." Tuula blushed, she didn't want to draw attention to the relationship between herself and Jynn, or the fact that she wasn't able to concentrate on her work. "I'm sorry," she added, "I just... haven't quite been myself lately."

That was an understatement. With echoes of Jynn's presence in her head, it was almost like there were two people inside of her. And the passion... one experience with Jynn, and she was like a junkie looking for her next hit. It would have been plainly obvious to Allyndra that she was exhibiting all the classic symptoms of withdrawal.

"Sexual acts with telepaths have that effect," Veri spoke very fast and very off-guarded once she realized it. Then she tried dismally to gather her box of medical tools and scurry fast out of the room.

"What, what?" Tuula was jolted back to reality by the bluntness of Veri's statement. More so by the fact that it was true. Quickly, she pushed herself past Veri, blocking her exit. Turning back to face her, she lowered her voice. "How do you know?"

"Umm... Well I..." Veri began to sweat, for she was very nervous and did not want to get Jynn into trouble. At least, not until she could talk to him. "I just do. Yes. How I know is not important, where mating with Deltans are concerned."

"What are you saying Veri? That Tuula's daydreaming as you call is from a sexual liaison? I know Deltan physiology can have a profound effect but..." Allyndra stopped. She looked at Tuula. "Did you?"

Tuula gasped indignantly. "How dare you! What I do in my own bedroom with a pair of handcuffs is no one's business but mine!" she exclaimed, glaring up at Allyndra and Veri, shooting daggers from her eyes.

"That would..." Veri agreed nervously, and looked into her box of hypos as she kept yammering on. "Thing is, I bedded Jynn, and I shared his memories. So what he knows, I know. So I know your business through proxy of Jynn, Lieutenant."

"Why you bald little sl--" Tuula was fuming mad, but in an instant the target of her ire shifted from Veri to Jynn. After all, Veri couldn't have known. "I'm going to kill him!" exclaimed Tuula as she pushed herself towards a medcart and pulled out a laser scalpel. With a flick of her finger, she activated it, staring at the glowing laser blade. "I swear, I'm going to hunt him down and cut off his--"

Veri looked to Allyndra like a frightened puppy. "This is why Deltans take oaths not to bed non Deltans... It causes emotional instability." And with a knife activated in Tuula's hand, one might see why poor Veri appeared timid and uneasy now.

"Emotional instability!?" screamed Tuula, waving the laser scalpel in front of her. "I'll show you who's emotionally unstable!"

Allyndra very seldom talked above a polite tone but she looked at Tuula and her voice went into that tone that a Guild Mother would use on a petulant apprentice. It was not loud, but forceful and commanding. "You will put that scalpel down immediately and calm down." Her hand drifted toward her comm badge to call security if need be. She could care less who did what with whom but outbursts like this especially from a doctor now giving threats was not to be tolerated.

"I... I..." Tuula turned to face Allyndra, still holding the scalpel. Jarred slightly by Allyndra's tone, Tuula looked up into her eyes and then broke down. She shut off the scalpel and put it aside, before burying her head in her hands. "How could I have been so stupid?" she moaned. "I mean, he was a Deltan... no offense, Veri."

"Humans often find my people alluring, so I do not take offense to it," Veri replied somewhat nervously still. "But there are reasons why we are celibate."

"Sometimes we have to experience things for ourselves. It is one reason I myself have trouble forming relationships. Our bite is part of our sexuality and with enough....engagement, it can be overwhelming to others." Allyndra moved her hand away from her badge and carefully while Tuula was crying took the scalpel far way.

"Encounters with Deltans have far graver effects than mating with just about any other race, and is a huge reason why Starfleet mandates the reading of the Cross-Species Mating handbook to all personnel," Veri countered carefully for she was not a doctor and felt a bit intimidated. "Telepathic links between the pair or group of us involved is extremely overwhelming. Non Deltans, in our distant past, have had schizophrenic episodes, emotional outbursts, and various addictions from sexual encounters. Irreversible, in most cases."

Veri gave Tuula a skeptic look. Why Jynn broke the law for this rather unappealing human, she could not understand. More to the point, Veri wondered just how bad this encounter damaged Tuula. And if Jynn took that into account.

Tuula looked up at Veri and Allyndra. She wasn't ashamed at what she had done, but embarrassed. Embarrassed that her colleagues were standing in front of her, quizzing her on her activities in her bedroom. And embarrassed that Jynn had gone behind her back to Veri only shortly after being with her.

"I know the risks, I am a doctor," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. "But it happened so fast and everything was just so magical. And it all just felt so right..." She trailed off into a longing sight before remembering how mad she was right now. "That is, at least I thought it was special..."

"I will not get into the aspects of Deltan law or societal norms, nor will I say anything about the medical aspects that you are aware of, nor the reasons why. The former I am not versed in and the later is none of my business. What I just want to do is make sure that you are going to be alright." Allyndra nodded her chin toward the laser scalpel. "Such as an outburst like that." She was actually on Tuula's side. She saw nothing wrong with what happened in her mind but was only concerned that she had a good functioning doctor.

Veri wanted to point out that Deltans were polygamous with each other. And only The Unification with a whole group of Deltans was considered beyond magical to her kind. Once again, the human immaturity of sex shown. Considering Veri came close to getting hacked with a scalpel, she felt it best not to correct the Non Deltans on their hugely big misconception.

"With respect doctors, the oath was broken. An oath not broken without grave repercussions for my kin. So I have to talk to Lieutenant Jynn to determine if I should inform my people's' government or not," Veri spoke quietly. She had to know if this was an anomaly, or if Jynn had intentions on doing this again.

Allyndra made a polite nod of the head. "I of course know little of your customs and as you think you need to do. Lililok'li pa'laa ho'ali ke'ahpani, a tasty fruit is hard to avoid."

Tuula smiled; she didn't quite know how to take Allyndra's comment but decided to take it as a compliment. "But how can someone take an oath against something so wonderful?"

Dare she burst that bubble now? Veri nervously shook her head against that idea almost as instantly as the idea itself hit her.

"Because it is a ritual deemed unsafe outside our people." And now that this subject was becoming a hot one, Veri herself was starting to size up marks and become a bit warm herself. So many attractive people. "A Deltan does not leave our homeworld unless they have mastered the skills of celibacy. Jynn cannot just up and decide to toss that rigorous training away. There are about a dozen laws from my own people alone that deter such willful acts. And they carry severe repercussions as well to the offender... So severe that we do not, as a result, taste forbidden fruit."

"I think I understand," Allyndra replied to Veri's explanation. She did not quite understand everything really but then how could one that was not of that culture and species fully comprehend. "While I cannot argue what training has been violated, I cannot fully see that such things are not going to happen. If we could subdue some of the effects on others such as happened to Tuula?"

"Effects?" protested Tuula, even though she knew no one would believe her. "I'm fine!"

"Have you not listened to Veri?" Allyndra replied. Allyndra liked Tuula, liked her as a sister brought into the House at the same time but there were times that she knew she had to act as Guild Mother as well. This was going to be one of those times. "Tuula you are to thoroughly read the Guide and prepare a report. Also if Veri is willing to learn from her the problems of mating encounters with Deltans."

"Umm... I did not mate with Doctor Voutilainen," Veri corrected nervously. "I mated with Jynn, who is a Deltan and therefore does not apply to the terms of my oath."

"No no, I want you Veri to thoroughly explain to Tuula the problems of non-Deltans mating with Deltans," Allyndra tried to correct everything. Allyndra shook her head, everyone seemed to be having a hook up except her.

"Whatever, enough talk about who is mating with who!" exclaimed Tuula, as she pressed her hand against her head in frustration. Looking back up, she continued. "I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't tell Olsam about this, okay?"

Olsam, as if on cue, sauntered into the room, looking as bright and jubilant as ever. He grinned at Tuula, tilted his head to the side, and asked, "Don't tell me about what? Oh my goodness, is it a party? Is it a surprise party for me? I swear to coral I'll act surprised, okay?"

"I..." Tuula's cheeks turned deep red with embarrassment as a jumble of emotions ran through her head. While she shared that night of passion with Jynn, it was Olsam who was her true love. Just seeing him again sent waves of desire crashing over her, making her barely able to contain her arousal. "I... was just telling Allyndra and Veri that I was thinking of taking a Bajoran cooking class." She looked over at Veri and Allyndra, her eyes beckoning them to play along. "Right, Allyndra?"

Allyndra looked at Tuula like she had grown an extra head. "Bajoran cooking?"

Tuula looked over at Allyndra again, staring her directly in the eye as she not-so-subtly winked at her. "The Bajoran cooking class that I didn't want you to tell Olsam about, right, Allyndra?" she repeated in a more forceful tone.

"But I thought you hate Bajoran food," Olsam said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Allyndra did not go any further with the questioning. There was obviously more at work here and it did not take an A'ksu leap of intuition to figure that Tuula was keeping her tryst with Jyn from Olsam. Her thoughts wondered on that, "She had relations with Olsam?" It was a wonder she was not sick, Bolian physiology had very detrimental effects on humans and then Jyn as well. The later she could see that Deltans lived for experience but still this was a tempest brewing that could easily become a full blown storm.

"Oh, yeah, well..." Tuula stammered for a moment, her usually cool and collected demeanour thrown off-kilter by both the after-effects of her encounter with Jynn, and the part of her which wanted to take Olsam to the medical supply closet and do unspeakable things. "Did I say Bajoran? Because I meant... Betazoid. Yeah, Betazoid, that's the one. I always get those two mixed up." Breathing heavily, Tuula wondered if her little ruse was working. "Except during open heart surgery!" she quickly added. "Why, making a mistake like that would... well, it wouldn't be very good at all."

As she brought her rambling to a close and looked back up at Olsam, Tuula let out an affectionate little sigh. He was just so... dreamy.

Allyndra looked puzzled for a moment but then schooled her face. She was not sure exactly what had been going on, but even in her culture she could see the look she once had when she had met Gerrin at a second dance after meeting him and talking to him the first time. One was a fling like one would do at an Irsemia House but the other was something else, something that tugged deeper at the hearts, well heart in Tuula's case. "Well if you pardon me," she said suddenly. "I need to check up on an experiment in the lab." She turned to leave them and give some space. She only spared a glance at Veri hoping the Deltan got the idea as well.

"Oh..." Veri stood there a moment, dumbfounded by why her boss looked at her the way she did. Then Veri let out a huge exclamation, "Oh! Right... Gotta go. Very serious project."

She turned around excitedly and walked into the doorframe. Shook her head to shake away the dizziness, and walked out. Poor acted, as usual.


Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri
Surgical Nurse
USS Galileo
[NPCed by Gyce]

Lieutenant Olsam Mott
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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