USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Retribution [18+] (Part 2/2)
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Retribution [18+] (Part 2/2)

Posted on 27 Feb 2015 @ 8:19pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Command Master Chief Markum Quinn & Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy & Lieutenant JG Dorian West
Edited on on 28 Feb 2015 @ 10:09pm

3,067 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Rigel, after the wedding
Timeline: MD22 very late

What happened before:

As Palu felt the involuntary harden in his hand, the Orion's grin widened before he let go and stepped away. "I'm going to take you...for a test drive is how I believe the humans describe it. I need to test your limits and how far you can be pushed to ensure that you fit as my personal and that you can satisfy myself and my clan. It will hurt and you can scream but no one will come to your rescue."

"No," Wintrow whispered, shaking his head in denial. Not again, this wasn't happening. Not again. Surely, he would wake up soon and this was all a very bad dream?


And now the continuation:

Several More Hours Later

As the sweat glistened on Palu's bare body, blood marred his chest and hands as he surveyed the subject. Curled in a ball in the dirt, the slave's skin was marked from head to toe in welts from the whip. At the more delicate areas between the subjects legs and on his chest, burn marks from the pain stick could be seen. Amongst the marks was bodily fluids mixed with the man's blood. Spit mixed with semen as it caked itself on his pale skin. Scattered around the body was objects used for pain and penetration...all tests to see what he could take.

Leaning down, Palu took the objects chin in his hand as he forced their eyes to meet. His thumb carefully stroked the boys cheek before he spoke, "You'll do....You've a hidden stamina that will serve you well in my home. You can be trained in what's needed and as time passes your body will adjust. There'll be more pain but you can cope...that's all the matters."

Palu let go of the boys chin and ran his finger down his pale skin until the fingertips reached a burn mark, in the shape of a "P" beneath one nipple. Stroking it carefully, the Orion's grin broadened. "You'll never forget who it is that you belong to."

Wintrow shivered under the touch though he had no energy left to respond. He had no strength left to fight; he was aching all over and he didn't know where one ended and another began. He hissed as the burn mark was touched, curling up further in the hope of protecting himself. He felt ashamed, weak and dirty. He felt, as if he would die and what was worse, this wasn't the end of it if he heard right. There was more to come, and far far worse than he had endured now. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he sobbed quietly, every single move sending jolts of pain through his entire marred body.

== Rescue section ==

The celebration had been as luxurious and generous as the ceremony, and it had been all too easy to relax and enjoy the hospitality on offer. Dorian West sipped his glass of...something red....with appreciation. It was very fine 'red' indeed. The best he'd ever had anyway.

With Aria chatting with the girls, Dorian had been taking in the sights and enjoying the sensory overload. Without even realising, his attention had been drifting across the party to each crew member who had travelled out with him. Until he realised he couldn't see Wintrow.

Frowning, he started to make a circle through the group, keeping an eye out for the lad but unable to find him anywhere in the crowd. And amongst a group of Orions, the boy usually stood out.

Sliding a hand into his pocket, Dorian made his way over to Quinn, sidling up close to keep his voice low over the music. "Have you seen Wintrow anywhere? I can't find him."

Quinn shook his head. "No, I haven't." he replied, "did he have his combadge on him? We could use that as a ping to locate him." The CoB removed his combadge and unmuted it. An audible, yet faint triple blip-blip-blip emitted from his combadge. Quinn looked up to Dorian. "Shit, that an emergency distress beacon for a damaged combadge." he said softly. "I bet it's the kid's badge and he isn't close. The range of the combadge is five hundred kilometers, and by the sound of it, he's pretty damn close to it. We need a ride and I'll need your badge to act as a homing beacon, and we should probably gather a few others. Not a word to Lirha."

Quinn motioned over to Allyndra and mouthed the words, Hurry up.

Allyndra had been chatting to a few of the guests who now that the whole wedding was formally over seemed more than fascinated by her. Most were not aware of the long ago friction between them like the slave Mistress and even she only knew from her House's long record keeping. She caught Quinn trying to get her attention and his mouthed word. "Pardon me," Allyndra said, "I believe someone wants me to dance." She made her way over.

"What is up?" Allyndra asked Quinn.

"The kid, Paragon, he's gone and his communicators emergency bravo was activated. He's in trouble and we need to get him. I bet that big green bastard from the club has something to do wth this."

Dorian frowned with concern, but didn't go into full on panic mode without more information. Years as first a security officer and then a counsellor had taught him to keep his cool. He caught hold of the commbadge in his pocket and offered it over to him. "Shouldn't we call the Orion authorities to deal with it?" he suggested seriously. "If we go throwing our weight around to resolve an issue that's not official Starfleet business and not in the line of duty, doesn't look good. Could provoke an incident. And they'll have far better resources with their own police force to respond to any emergency better than we do."

Quinn shook his head. "I've had a couple dealings with Orion authorities, and if you can't afford them, then they aren't going to help out a whole hell of a lot. Whats the matter West, the new career path drained you of your testicles? You can stay if you want, but I'm going after the kid, and since rank holds no bonds here, I'm going with or without you." he snapped. "Cute lad like him, he'll be sold to the highest bidder, and if you've never seen what the Orion Slave Market does to young kids, especially off-worlders, you'd understand my haste. So, are you goin to quote me Freud, or you gonna dig your nuts out the drawer you left them in and help me?"

"You don't need to tell me what can happen to kids," West said tersely before he could stop it coming out, watching him with an arched eyebrow for a long moment before setting his hands on his hips, looking away in thought. What he didn't want was for them to make the wrong decision and make things worse for the boy. At least the authorities would have bloody weapons. He frowned, licking his bottom lip before sighing heavily. "Fine, let's get moving."

"I am not familiar enough with Orion authority either but I defer to Chief in that respect," Allyndra nodded to the Chief. "Unfortunately I did not bring a med kit so the faster we get there the better." Allydnra made that odd shrug that pushed her wings out to the side. "Gravity here is a little higher than my world but I can still scout from above if need be."

" try and narrow that signal down and I'll get some transport," West said firmly, already on the move. They didn't know what was going on with the lad, but in all the possibilities, time was of the essence.


Undergound Facility

Waiting patiently at the side of the large, metallic door, Dorian turned his head toward it, silent, his breathing slow. His muscles tensed as he heard the scrape of the door sliding open. As the olive skinned man made to walk past him, West reached out to the side to grab him, using his forward motion to yank him down, smashing his face into his knee. He pulled the weapon from him and caught hold of the security fob, using it to get the door open again and lead the way down to where the signal was coming from.

Allyndra had done as she had to a Klingon cadet that had teased her and finally challenged her. She had taken to the air and with a neat little rock and very precise aim had put said rock right in the middle of the forehead. Klingons were built stronger than Orions and though it had stunned the Klingon cadet, Allyndra was pretty sure the guard was going to be out for a much longer time. She just barely checked that he was still breathing and then caught up with the other two.

Hearing footsteps, Wintrow lifted his head just a fraction, but only just enough to see beyond his own arm. His vision was blurred, and he could barely make out the shape of the door that led to his little room; or cell was probably a better description. He moaned softly as the minute movement sent jolts of pain across his entire body.

He was still lying where Palu had left him, still covered in the various fluids as well as dirt. His blonde hair was caked against his head, his skin pale and covered in angry red welts cris-crossed over his body. He lay in a puddle of his own blood and other secretions, two pale lines drawing down his face where tears had flown freely until they'd run dry. He could barely move, and he had no voice to scream or call for help. He'd already screamed his throat raw when Palu had gone to work, despite his resolve not to.

The branded letter "P" was looking like a very bad burn, angry swollen and red, blistered and black-edged. The smell in the room was sour, and acidic with a hint of burnt flesh.

Quinn followed, not needing anything but his own eyes to look for the cadet. As they rounded a corner, they came into a room that was fille with various torture and sexual devices af a cage with clothes in it. He heard a moan and clinched his cybernetic hand together. Then he spotted the cadet and moved over to him, removing his dress jacket and cover Wintrow. "Hey, kid. This is a rescue. Who did this to you? I'll kill that sonofabitch." His raspy voice was filled with an anger that came from deep and exited his mouth through gritted teeth.

Wintrow didn't know the name of the big Orion, his memory was too fuzzy on the details. He was dizzy and barely conscious. As the fabric of Quinn's jacket touched him, he flinched visibly and gave a feeble moan.

Quinn stood up once Allyndra was tending to Wintrow. "West, I'm going to check the rooms, maybe the bastard that did this is still here."

Dorian nodded, moving with him; there was nothing he could do for Wintrow until they got him out of this dump and treated. He adjusted the setting on the weapon he'd picked up, holding it tightly in both hands as they pushed through in to the adjoining room, firing quickly at the green skinned movement in the corner.

Allyndra looked Wintrow over. She kept her professional calm but it was obvious that he had been abused. There was little she could do right now but put a compress over the burn area. She did so using bits of material at hand.
The pain was the big problem and she leaned over and in a very quiet tone said, "I am going to give you something for the pain but there will just a momentary sting. Close your eyes and count to fifty for me alright."

She waited and then gently took Win's wrist as she had done before and bit him. Normally such a long bite would be erotic but considering his state the substance in her bite would hopefully would dampen down the pain. She released before he got to fifty. "Feeling better?"

Wintrow could feel some of his pain ebb away, but not all of it. Through blurred vision he tried to focus on the doctor, recognizing the contours of her face, wings and the sound of her voice. From his disoriented perspective, she was almost angelic to him. "Some," he whispered, "please...take me home." The salt of his tears stung in his wounds. "Take me home, before he comes back. He said there was more to come." THe boy made no move to sit up or otherwise shift from his curled up position.

"No one is coming back that I promise you," Allydnra figured the rats had scattered other than the few that she had the others had taken out. She also had no doubt that if any of thing did so much as show a nose, the Chief would be more than happy, delighted in fact to push it in to the other side of a skull Allyndra wanted to touch him but she figured the trauma best not too yet. "Shhh....shhh....everything will be alright." Allyndra knew that there would be psychological reprecussions and right now he needed to feel safe. Thus she just reassured him and kept calm and even sang a small Akkadian lullaby.

The song helped and the cadet relaxed a little, it gave him something to focus on beyond his pain.

Moving up silently behind the woman, Palu had managed to evade the others who were being kept busy by his former bodyguards. Holding a handheld phaser to her neck, he whispered very softly, "Unhand my property and I may consider letting you go alive."

Allyndra was busy so her attention was elsewhere until she felt the phaser and heard the voice. There was anger but she kept her voice calm, "Go ahead. I am Akkadian and perhaps your house does not know that name anymore but ask the slave mistress Miran what happened long ago." Allyndra moved her hand slowly to one of the objects not unlike a scalpel on the table. " We may have put away the old weapons but still they are there. Your own people would skin you alive if it came...." Allyndra never finished the quiet sentence before both being jerked at the impact of another body.

Quinn rushed in and at the target, not knowing if he or she were hit. He was leading with instinct, anger, raw emotions wanting someone to pay dearly for what they did to the kid, to his friend. He lead with his cybernetic arm outstretched before him, knowing if he grabbed a hold of the person, it would be difficult to break his unnatural grip.

Palu felt the impact before he saw it coming. Staggering as the breath was forced out of his chest from the side hit, he staggered but refused to release his hold on the female alien. "Back off or she dies!"

The Orion's attention was on Quinn and not really on her. She was a physician and with a deft stroke jammed the scalpel like object upward under the ribcage. Her mind could not help but think, musculature, then liver, then a nick of the lower right lung and if I got enough force, the lower left ventricle punctured.

Wintrow pulled himself together into a tighter ball, his arms covering his head, his jaws clenched together in fear. There was little else he could do, he was in no condition to help. The movement hurt, though the doctor's bite was numbing some of that. He remembered her biting him before and he was now glad they had executed that experiment. But, the youth was exhausted from his injuries and the ordeal he'd been put through and, having been on the brink of unconsciousness before, this final move asked too much of his body and his mind, and he fell into unconsciousness. His body relaxed, as the battle of wills was finally lost.

Palu felt the object's penetration but was too slow to stop it. As his breath caught in his chest once again; he reactively coughed as the action caused blood to be brought up into his mouth.

As his lips moved into an ugly grimce, he held the female alien even tighter as he spat the blood to one side. His hold seemed shaky as his strength waned but he still kept his grip, "You will pay for that....Your body will be mind."

The grip tightened and Allyndra could not breath. It was like having an overtight corset or having the Guild Mother have one in formal full curtsey for a long time. She gasped and struggled.

Catching his breath in the doorway from clearing the other room, Dorian looked on at the bloody scene. Without a moment of hesitation, he lifted the weapon and fired with steady hands, stunning the Orion. He watched him slump before moving forward, grabbing some shackles from the many sets tossed around the dump. He grabbed the Orion's hands to secure them before starting on his feet. "One of us should contact the authorities and get these thugs picked up. The other two should get Paragon to the nearest hospital or med centre, he's badly injured."

Quinn nodded and looked at the Allyndra. "Are you okay, Doc? Remind me to never bitch about getting a physical again. I'll call the authorities and watch these two. You two shout scat out and take the kid to the hospital. I'll meet up with you later."

"Fine..fine," Allyndra got out between large gasps of air. "Couldn't breath for a moment." She shook herself for a moment and then nodded. Injuries were more important than dealing with authorities. "Very good Chief, Mister West shall we?"

>>Tags - others

Orion Slave Master
(NPC'ed McCarthy)

Cadet SO Wintrow Paragon
Support Craft Pilot
USS Galileo
[PNPC T'Vanna]

CMCPO Markum Quinn
Chief of the Boat
USS Galileo

LT JG Dorian West
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo


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