USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - It Was the Bolian With the Fruitbowl, in the Dayroom!
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It Was the Bolian With the Fruitbowl, in the Dayroom!

Posted on 15 Feb 2015 @ 7:45pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Rebecca Williams & Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Chief Petty Officer Pax Inyo & Petty Officer 1st Class Rebecca Williams

4,163 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 3, Security Office
Timeline: MD43 0030hours


So there Gyce was, sitting in her office. Mott in front of her with a plate of ham on rye while Inyo was close by. She had asked the MA to keep Mott cool and collected while she followed the blood trail to Petty Officer Williams' quarters. It was a lawful search of the crime scene, given Mott's implications that some sort of domestic crime occurred.

Mostly holo pictures were taken of the crime scene, with one security officer walking around with her. She touched nothing, but took note that a the table had trace amounts of blood on it.

There was indeed a partially-eaten, knocked-over bowl of fruit on the floor. And those corroborated Doctor Mott's story. At least, the part in which told her an incident occurred. While Gyce felt bad for Mott, she knew there was also a lot more to the story.

Two perspectives woven together, usually revealed the full truth. And like it or not, Gyce forced herself to be professional when she got on her combadge and summoned all involved parties down to the security office.

From there, Gyce watched Sickbay closely on her CCTV feeds. They revealed a lot of about people. Mostly because not many knew where the surveillance systems were on any given corridor.

"While I know most of the questions will be fielded by me, Chief Inyo? You are welcome to ask any important questions as well," Gyce informed rather respectfully.

"Thank you Ma'am." Pax acknowledged simply, although she planned to stay the hell out of it unless it was absolutely necessary to speak up for Olsam.

Rebecca walked into the room still in her clothes from the bar. The skimpy red dress with the mile high red heels seemed inappropriate for the occasion but given the urgency of the request that she report to the security offices, she didn't think it prudent to take time to stop and change. "Petty Officer Rebecca Williams. My presence has been requested?"

"Yes. Thank you," Gyce spoke with a respectful nod.

Tuula was irritated. Not only was her quiet time interrupted, but she was being hauled up to security for some so-called urgent matter. Probably the new investigations officer being anal about the inventory counts, she figured. She had heard that this Benice Gyce person planned to closely monitor drug usage in sickbay as though medical professionals couldn't be trusted with pharmaceutical products. Perhaps she thought the medical staff was running a morphine ring, or shooting up with prescription drugs during their wild sex parties or something.

"Hello, I--" Entering the office, Tuula froze as soon as she saw Rebecca. If this was about what she thought it was about... well, she would have to talk to someone about patient privacy on this ship. But, she decided to keep cool for now. After all, the worst thing one can do when being confronted by Starfleet security was to confess to too much.

"Ms. Williams, it's a pleasure to see you again," continued Tuula before turning the the red-haired Bajoran behind her desk. "And you must be Lieutenant Gyce. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Lieutenant Benice," Gyce corrected dutifully. "Both of you please get comfortable, for I have a bit of a problem I need the three of you to help clear up."

Olsam chewed on the ham & rye and watched the proceedings suspiciously. Or, mostly suspicion. He was really more glaring at Rebecca, his 'assailant.' If she'd just kept her fruits and her other fruits to herself then they wouldn't even be in this situation. He huffed a bit in her general direction but didn't say anything; he had every intention of taking Chief Inyo's advice and remaining as quiet as possible during the proceedings. He seemed to have a knack for implicating himself in things he wasn't even guilty of while speaking, so it was best that he stayed silent lest he find himself on trial for high treason.

Sticking to her strategy, Tuula decided that the less information she were to offer, the better. Besides, she could always fall back on the excuse of doctor-patient confidentiality. "Really, I haven't the faintest idea--"

Tuula's eyes wandered over in the direction of a loud chewing sound, throwing her off her game. "Olsam, how can you possibly eat at a time like this!"

Olsam's eyes widened a little as someone called his name. He stopped chewing and turned slowly to look at Tuula; Chief Inyo's words echoed in his ears: 'The more you talk, the more likely you are to implicate yourself.' He stared at Tuula for a few moments and then went back to chewing, just as loudly and boorishly as before. "I can neither confirm nor deny that I am eating at this time, Dr. Voutilainen."

"Right..." replied Tuula, thinking that Dr. Mott might have the right idea. "As I was saying, Lieutenant Benice, I have no idea what you are talking about."

Olsam waited until the attention was shifted back to Gyce to lean over toward Tuula, causing his chair to let out a long plaintive moan as his bulk shifted from one side to the other. He gave her a toothy grin and whispered, though the room was small enough for everyone to hear, "I am eating, it's ham on rye. There's extras over there, you want one, Tuula?"

"No, thanks," replied Tuula, whispering back in the exact same volume. "I'm watching my figure."

"Probably for the best," Olsam nodded, settling back into the center of his chair and stuffing an enormous bite into his mouth. "I noticed you've put on a few pounds lately anyway."

Pax snorted when she stifled a laugh at 'overhearing' that.

Rebecca wasn't sure what to think. She had told that damn Bolian to keep his head down and that she would sort out her own quarters. She had contacts that would get the place cleaned and carpet repaired without questioning the why part. But why Tuula was here was another question altogether.

Finally moving to take the remaining chair, the yeoman continued to just say nothing. She was here to watch and repair what she could and then she would be off again. She might swing into the Doctors place on her way home though, from what she remembered the woman's profile was stunning, especially naked out of the chair. There was no harm is rechecking and reminding the Doctor of that in more private settings this time around.

"I'm not too sure I've been involved in any problems lately Ma'am but I'll do what I can to help." Rebecca stuck to formality given that as an enlisted, officers were by far her superior. A good thing in some situations, not so good in others.

"Thank you Petty Officer," Gyce spoke with a nod. Then she cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, then pulled a digipen from her pocket and flared it about. "So to try to keep things from getting too weird, the rule is no one speaks unless they have my pen. And firstly, I will clear up why all of you are here."

Gyce stood up and grabbed her cane. From there she began to pace the room with small limps.

"My part of the story is fairly simple, for it starts with watching a male Bolian lug a bloody carpet through the ship," Gyce began. Small thumps sounded in the office as her cane came down with each step. "And upon reaching him, I learned it was an incident where he and a petty officer had a meeting gone wrong. In fact, he mentioned someone touching his no-no zone."

Gyce held her pen out at the three of them, as if someone could take the pen.

"When I followed the trail of blood the rug left, I found your quarters Petty Officer. And I also found footage of Doctor Mott carrying you in a rug, into sickbay. Then carrying it out. But not with you. So the end of my tale thus far, ends with the attending medical officer becoming part of this domestic dispute."

Rebecca leaned forward to quickly grab the pen before Mott beat her too it and God knows what started to happen. "There was a simple misunderstanding between myself and the good Doctor Mott. I brought him back to my quarters for a food challenge of trying different dishes from across the universe, when I got up to fetch more from the replicator I tripped and hit my head. I was unconscious as next thing I can remember is waking in sickbay. The touching of the no-no zone....All I can think of there is maybe when I fell I brushed against that area. His seat and where I fell were very close together."

Gyce took the pen back and carried it over to Mott, "You told me she touched your no-no zone. What this how it happened? Did you tell her to stop touching you at any moment before or after the fall?"

Olsam took the pen from Gyce and shifted his eyes around, looking from Pax to Gyce to Rebecca and back to Pax again. He'd nearly shot out of his seat after Rebecca's rehashing of the incident, mouth all agape with silent outrage, but he'd managed to seat himself again before Gyce had called on him. Everything she'd said was patently false, but he recalled Pax's admonishment and resolved to stick with non-committal statements. He cleared his throat and leaned forward toward the pen, speaking very loudly into it as if it were some sort of recording device. "I have nothing to say to the court at this time, thank you."

Once more, Gyce took the pen. She had to fight with herself not to facepalm. Instead, she continued to pace the room.

"The only thing that isn't making sense, is that Doctor Mott admitted to panicking. That you were injured from the result of you, Miss Williams, touching his private parts. So you see? With two very different stories, I have what we call a domestic criminal case. Where two of you, possibly all of you, covered it up."

Rubbing the back of her head where the injury had occurred, Rebecca fought back the building tension headache. Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut. The understanding when he left sickbay was that he would.

With a sigh, she leaned over to briefly grab the pen, "Due to my head injury the memories are still fuzzy and mixed. I'm sure that Doctor Tuula can clarify the extent of my wound. If I did touch Doctor Mott as he has described, there was absolutely no ill intent behind it. You can see my record is immaculate, I've never been in trouble of any sort."

"Over seventy sixty percent of domestic crimes that happen in the Federation, go unreported. Of that, about twenty percent eventually become a fatality because those in a position to do something, failed to act," Gyce began with a sigh as she took the pen and pointed to Pax, Mott, and Voutilainen. "Security gives an oath to protect and serve, Medical to do no harm. And we have these oaths so that when incidents like this happens, the victims are made to feel safe. And that brings me to why Doctor Voutilainen is here... A domestic case was brought to your sickbay, but instead of reporting, Doctor Mott was sent out of the room to cover it up. So if this all was one misunderstanding, why not just come clean and tell the truth? Why ignore protocol in informing Security, when both an Assault and Battery, and an alleged Sexual Violation claim had occurred?"

Pax's eyes almost rolled out of her head. Were they really going to have to investigate every booboo between friends and kinky sex partners now? She held her tongue and put both hands under her armpits to keep herself from snatching the stupid pen.

Tuula stared coldly at Gyce. Perhaps it was Gyce's questioning of her judgement, or perhaps it was her experience with Zuwtt, but the security officer had clearly struck a nerve. "Really, Lieutenant? Are you lecturing me about the seriousness of domestic violence?"

"All three of you," Gyce corrected, "and you didn't have the pen... So let's looks at this rationally. If it was indeed an accident, there would be no need to cover this up. Doctor Mott, as a doctor, could have taken care of the bleeding just by running to fetch his own bag. Or transported Petty Officer Williams to Sickbay. Instead, all of you conspired to cover this up by hiding Miss Williams in a rug and got caught. And I am giving you the opportunity to come clean, free of judgement."

Gyce turned around and pulled a few PADDs off her desk. The holo pictures of the crime scene. The trail of blood drops leading from those quarters to sickbay. Video feed of Mott occasionally bumping the rolled up, unconscious Williams into a wall.

"However, since Doctor Mott told me his private parts were unwantedly touched, we also have a Sexual Assault case. And that's considered a major case. One I'm bound to notify both your direct COs and the command staff about, if you three continue to bulldog me from the truth," Gyce spoke regretfully. "So the one question they will ask you, Lieutenant Voutilainen, is why you failed to do your job, in notifying Security of an alleged sexual assault. Because that is negligence, in the very least, on your part. Which you already have a medical ethics complaint from the ship's Mission Advisor on your file. So rather you believe it or not, I'm trying to prevent this from going further up the ladder. I'm trying to understand the stupidity in hiding it. Because you are forcing me to build my own case on forensics because or your silence."

Leaning over once again, Rebecca was starting to get abit worried about how much more the tight chest of her dress would be able to take. Taking back the pen she smoothed back her hair. "So you have two issues here....Lets separate them out for a moment. I was knocked out and carried in a carpet to sickbay....I was the victim correct? Last time I checked I didn't file any charges over the head injury. The matter of my transport to sickbay is questionable but as Doctor Mott is the Assistant Chief Medical officer of the ship, I trust his judgement..." The yeoman paused for a moment as she swallowed back the bile those words caused to raise in her throat. "If he felt it necessary to use my carpet then I feel there is a genuine reason and I will cover the cost of the repair....Security have no jurisdiction over this matter as no crime has been committed."

Olsam eyed the pen. Rebecca's latest rendition of the evening's events seemed a little more consistent with the truth, and he felt by adding a minimum of additional information they could help put the issue to rest. When Gyce came around with the pen, he reached for it and once again held it close to his mouth for the court's record. "The method of conveyance to Sickbay was a professional courtesy to Ms. Williams given the nature of the injury and the circumstances involved. While unorthodox, the rug was chosen over an emergency transport as that is reserved for life-threatening injuries only due to energy usage constraints. While Ms. Williams did touch my lips and attempted to gain entry to my mouth without permission, let the record show that Dr. Olsam Mott also declines to press charges. Court dismissed, thank you."

"And one more thing," said Tuula, snatching the pen from Mott' hand. She was seething with rage. "Negligence? Stupidity? I was simply entrusting the good doctor with disposing of the rug, which, aside from being totally ruined, was stained with blood, making it a potentially a low-level biohazard, in accordance with standard medical procedures surrounding the disposition of blood-stained effects."

Continuing, Tuula shot daggers at Gyce with her eyes as she gripped the pen so tightly her knuckles turned white. "And I don't know what the hell you're talking about with this medical ethics complaint, but maybe you should try going to med school before you start questioning the competence of medical professionals."

"Performing unnecessary surgical techniques," Gyce started to read off from her desk computer, "on a patient. Complaint verbally registered by the Mission Advisor. Logged by the attending Security officer on duty at that time. The matter later addressed by the ship's XO... So no, I'm not a doctor. But I read, Doctor Voutilainen."

When Gyce looked back at Mott, she still fought the urge to facepalm his latest claim. Or rather his definition of his previous one. Gyce turned and looked at all of them with annoyance. Then to Pax. She suspected her deputy had talked, and in such a way to cause Mott to distrust her. They would likely have words on that, later.

"I've been lied to a few times on the case. First Williams says it was an accident. Then she claims the victim," Gyce shook her head. "So this is what will happen... Scenario One, I decide too many lies are being told and I need to inform the Command Staff because I need more hands in deciding if a possible sexual assault did or did not occur. And that outcome will not be pleasant for either of you."

Gyce began to pace again, this time she tucked her pen into her back pocket. "Scenario Two? All three of you tell the whole truth about what the kosst happened. It'll be logged as an accident report, instead of a criminal report. No one gets charged or investigated further on this matter."

Rebecca kept her mouth shut, it was on the tip of her tongue to point out that security painted her as a victim. Before this call to the office, she had never once considered pressing charges, preferring instead to let things slide. Now it seemed that security was resorting to blackmail to draw out the facts of a situation which did not concern them. She was half tempted to tell the officer to go with option one, left this all come back on the woman and let her get slapped down by command. The yeoman was long enough dealing with executive officers and command officers to know they didn't like security causing issues where there was none.

"Ma'am the facts are simple. Myself and Doctor Mott had a few drinks and food in the ship's bar. We went back to mine in order to try more food. I kissed the Doctor thinking that perhaps there was something between us. He reacted by moving to push me away and the result was me falling to the floor and banging my head. Doctor Mott ruled out transporting me to sickbay and so the best available means for him to transport me was the carpet in order to avoid any embarrassment. Once in sickbay I was treated by Doctor Voutilainen for my head wound and it was requested that Doctor Mott dispose of the blood soiled carpet. I am not pressing charges for the incident which involved my injury and Doctor Mott is not pressing charges for the...kiss which seems is considered an intimate gesture in the Bolian culture, therefore there is no criminal case. The damage to my quarters is being replaced at my expense which I discussed and agreed with Doctor Mott. I lied earlier in order to try and deflect blame away from Doctor Mott regarding my injury because I want to see no wrong done to him in relation to this nor no gossip started that he goes around injuring women."

Taking a breath for a moment, the yeoman continued, "And in relation to Doctor Voutilainen was under no obligation to notify anybody of any sexual misconduct as it was never expressed to her that anything criminal had happened. Doctor Mott is her superior and he brought her a patient to look after. The head wound was explained to her as an accident. She is an innocent in this situation and shouldn't have been brought in until the truth was revealed and it was established one hundred percent if there was a criminal case or not. Your statements against her are based on if there was sexual misconduct which we have now shown there isn't."

"Is this the truth Doctor Mott? Doctor Voutilainen?" Gyce asked both them respectfully.

Olsam shifted in his seat. He didn't even see the pen. Where did it go? He fidgeted more and more, sitting on his hands, until finally he decided the pen could be damned. The truth was more important. "Yes, that is correct. I agree with Ms. Williams, and as the attending physician I find no fault with Dr. Voutilainen's conduct."

"Thank you, doctor," replied Tuula, barely concealing her frustration. "From what I understand, this was a simple misunderstanding, which sadly ended in Ms. Williams accidentally falling and hitting her head, likely on a table. And in my medical opinion, her wound was consistent with this sort of injury. There was no crime committed here." Tuula's eyes narrowed as she stared at Gyce. "Though, if you continue to question my medical professionalism, there might be."

"I agree that a lot of miscommunication has occurred here," Gyce noted with much sincerity. "Did I act hastey? No. At least, not at the time. A nervous male carrying a bloody rug and refusing to give information is a very big red flag. And in my opinion, had Sickbay notified Security that a simple bloody rug disposal was being transported for disposal, I can honestly say to the three of you, that I would have asked no questions."

Gyce sat back down at her desk and gave the three of them very apologetic look. "I do apologise for the hassle and the frustration. But I, like you, have to do my job. I was being lied to, which only damages a case further. And so I ask, for future purposes, that honesty be applied. Can we all agree to that?"

Rebecca bit down hard on her tongue to prevent herself getting back into more trouble. Nodding her head, she finally trusted herself to speak, "Yes Ma'am."

Olsam cut his eyes to look at Tuula, as if waiting for her input on whether or not Sickbay should be honest with security. It's not as if there was a good working relationship between the departments as it stood, and he wasn't sure this was going to help matters in the least. "Uh, okay. Not that I plan on carrying anymore unconscious women around in carpets. But sure."

Still seething with rage, Tuula simply stared up at Gyce defiantly. She gave the security officer a subtle nod, indicating her acknowledgement and nothing more.

"You are all free to go then," Gyce concluded, but looked back at Tuula once more. "And I truly am sorry for any frustrations I've caused to you, Doctor."

As Rebecca moved to her feet, she nodded towards the security officer before gently squeezing Tuula's shoulder in support. Turning on her heel, the yeoman was aching to just get out of her dress at this point and find an end to this disaster of a day.

Tuula nodded and turned to follow Rebecca out. It had been a long day and she could definitely use some relaxation. Maybe she would hit the saunas before tucking in for the night.

Olsam seemed content to stay in his seat, as he hadn't quite polished off his latest sandwich and it was preferable to seat and eat in peace and comfort than to try to walk and eat at the same time. It so very rarely worked out well for him. As Rebecca and Tuula stood up and exited the room, he caught Rebecca's shoulder squeeze and made a face. After all this, that woman still couldn't keep her hands to herself! He made a mental note to speak to Tuula about fraternizing with patients and filed it right next to the latest mental note to compliment Chief Inyo on the sandwich spread and choice of condiments.

Lieutenant Olsam Mott, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

CPO Pax-Inyo
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 2nd Class Rebecca Williams
Commanding Officer's Yeoman
USS Galileo

Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant J.G. Benice Gyce
Security Investigations Officer
USS Galileo


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