USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Sane Enough
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Sane Enough

Posted on 20 Jan 2015 @ 4:07am by Lieutenant Prudence Devin Ph.D. & Chief Petty Officer Pax Inyo

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Starbase 84 - Deck 22, Office 11
Timeline: MD 40 11:00 hrs


Prudence Devin reached for her black and red teapot, her hand touching it briefly to judge the temperature of the water. Perfect. She added the green tea, looking around. The solitaire plant almost looked sad. She could not wait until she had her own office on the ship, where she could do things properly. She carried the pot to the table and sat it down, taking a moment to look at her nails. Perfectly presentable, with a gentle brownish pink. Same as her discreet lipgloss. She did not believe in too much makeup at work. Equally, she liked being well presented and needed a little bit.

She moved to sit down, touching her earring as she glanced at the time. And old fashioned wrist watch, analogue, lay on the table. She reached out on impulse, fastening it to her wrist. It had been a gift, once. Given with love.

Pax was in uniform, well enough groomed to be presentable and that was about as far as she usually got with things, on duty or off. With one of her four fingers, she rang the counselor's door and rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Please enter," Prudence said and smiled as she stood, watching Pax for a moment. "I'm Prudence Devin. Please, come in. Would you like some green tea?" she had never met a Grazerite before...even a half one was like being transported to a Shakespeare play...or further back to the true myths.

"Pax-Inyo, Ma'am." She entered easily enough, her eyes taking in the place, noticing the well kept nails and the femininity of the counselor. She admired the tea pot a moment. "Alright, I'll take some. A little honey if you have it."

"Honey? I am sure the replicator can assist," Prudence motioned for the seat as she walked over to the replicator. "Do you prefer Pax-Inyo, or Pax, or Inyo?" she asked before getting the honey.

"Pax or Chief if we've got to be formal-like."

"We can be as formal or informal as you prefer," Prudence said and moved to pour them the tea. "That is in your hands."

"Pax will do then, ma'am."

Devin nodded at the words before offering her the teacup. She sat down and took her own, unsweetened, and sipped it. After a moment she decided to get to business. "How do you feel about your new posting to Galileo?"

"I've been working towards this posting for a long time, so it's a really big deal to be here. But at the same time I'm hoping I don't futz it up from the get-go." She chuckled. "First day of school jitters I guess."

"That is normal. Natural," Prudence said with a gentle smile, nodding her head. "It is good to hear you have been working towards this specifically. And I take it that the class of ship does not bother you?"

"Not really. Exploring gets you into all kinds of binds. I mean, I know it's not going to be like patrolling, but I'm sure there will be plenty to keep a gal busy."

"I am sure there is," she said with a small smile, watching Pax closely. She seemed quite level, but this wasn't the woman's first rodeo after all. "I hear that this ship sees a lot of things. Action."

"I've heard tell of the same. I wasn't looking to desk jockey so it should be a good fit."

Prudence nodded weakly, taking the words in as she held her eyes. "And may I ask what you are looking for?" she asked, a small but patient smile on her lips. She loved this part of her job; it was a window into people's dreams and hopes. She wished she more with them.

"I train extensively in defense and multiple areas of vehicle operations and environmental situations. I'm a gun and a shield and a runner. I do what most of the eggheads can't do for themselves because they've done all the book work I never had the patience for." She smiled and shrugged one shoulder. "I figure that's perfect for all of us."

"So you are looking for...a fight?" Prudence asked, tilting her head. The woman before her had answered with her training and preferences; her function during a battle. Not for what she was looking for.

"I'm prepared for a fight. Looking for one and being ready for one aren't quite the same thing."

"True and listed your experience. A gun, a shield and a runner," she said and smiled gently. "What happens when you have to sit down and wait? When it is words that have to be used, not weapons? How do you handle it?"

"Waiting's not much of a problem if I can find something to keep busy doin'. I train and teach and I like to read. But I'm not much with the fancy words. If I can I let someone else up to bat for that sort of thing. People like yourself, most likely."

Prudence arched an eyebrow at the words, but the smile grew more playful. "I tend to leave a lot of the fancy words to the diplomats. They need them more than me." She sat back, giving a small nod. "I am sure your skills will be needed, but I hope for our sakes at a less...violent capacity."

"Of course. Lots of uses for gun, shields, and runners that aren't always a duel to the death, after all. I mean, hey, I can also juggle, and that's not worth nothing." Pax was absent-mindedly tapping out a beat with her spoon on her tea cup.

Prudence let out a breath, the tapping making her frown. She didn't like it, the added noise. But it didn't matter, the woman seemed stable enough to do her job. Although Prudence would most likely keep an eye on her to see how she settled on a quieter ship. "I am sure there's a chance that. Most ships end up having some sort of silly competition at some point."

"Talent shows? Yeah. Always good for passing the time and sharing a laugh or getting to know people. What would you do at a talent show?"

"Me?" Prudence asked with surprise before considering it for a moment. Unfortunately, she had skills that weren't...quite translatable for such a situation. "I am not really that talented. If I had a partner, I could dance. Or fence. But that is the limits of my knowledge. What about you?"

"Something musical, likely as not. Fencing you say? Well there's something I think I could pick up."

"It is something that...I find great pleasure in," she said before nodding to the other woman. "Well, I am happy to clear you for duty. And my door is always open if you feel you need to talk. If not, I will see you professionally for the next check up."

"Sounds like the cue that my nickel's run out," Pax said bemusedly and slugged down the last of her tea while standing up. "Thanks for seeing me. Come by the training mats in Security sometime with your fencing gear and show me a trick or three."

"I am afraid it will take years to get to the level to be shown tricks," she said but with a smile as she stood as well. "I might drop by regardless. Thank you..."

CPO Pax-Inyo
Master at Arms
USS Galileo


Lt. Prudence Devin
Chief Counsellor
USS Galileo


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