USS Galileo :: Episode 01 - Project Sienna - Give Me Your Files! (Part 1 of 3)
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Give Me Your Files! (Part 1 of 3)

Posted on 19 Jun 2012 @ 12:05pm by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman & Anthony Hardaway Ph.D. & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Arthur Willis & Rachel Hardaway Ph.D.
Edited on on 19 Jun 2012 @ 12:07pm

1,751 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 01 - Project Sienna
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 4, Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 07 - 1500 hrs


Coleman watched as the engineering team prepared the shuttle for launch. They had unloaded the equipment from the Starbase and were finishing up with the preparations of their upcoming trip. She turned towards the small group of officers that were forming. She made her way to join the group. "Is everyone ready to get this show on the road?" she asked the group.

When she had been working on upgrading these shuttles Kiri hadn't suspected that she would be required to use them. Having been given her summons and a brief idea of what her first away mission would entail she had attempted to cover for everything she could think of. That included contacting Chief Petty Officer Willis to bring one of the portable computer cores from storage. Over her shoulder was a medical kit she knew the basics of as, at her hip a phaser and science tricorder. Hair pinned back against her head she looked more than a little nervous at the prospect.

Noticing the young Ensign, Evelyn flashed her a reassuring smile when theirs eyes met. "You doing alright there?" She asked.

This was an officer that Kiri had seen occasionally on the bridge, the name escaped her for a moment, was it Colmar, Coltan? It troubled her she couldn't remember, quietly she replied, "Yes sir, ready to go." It wouldn't do to seem weak in front of a new officer that would be commanding her away mission.

Evelyn smiled as she picked up the remaining equipment. "Let's get on board the shuttle. Sooner we get there, the sooner we return." She said as made her way to the shuttle.

After storing the equipment, Evelyn took one of the seats in the cockpit "Have everything guys?"

With the order Kiri followed suit, carrying everything she thought she might need for any possible situation she could see happening. Placing the medical kit in the storage area she took her place at the second shuttle seat. She was trained to pilot shuttlecraft but in this case she assumed she would be running auxiliary systems, namely her new sensors.

Willis walked into the shuttlebay carrying a case with a portable computer core he retrieved from storage. "Sorry about the wait, but I had to dig to find this thing to carry the PCC in."

"Good job finding it." Evelyn said proudly, as she looked at the younger officers. Even though they are a few years younger than the Senior Staff, Eve felt oddly peaceful with them. Yeah, cause I'm in charge. She thought humorously, softly snickering to herself. "We all set back there?"

Kiri started to run pre-flight checks on all systems, it wasn't instant though. Pursing her lips as she worked, there wasn't time to think about all the other things that were going on, or might happen. Finally she announced, "All systems are online and operational sir."

Evelyn sat back in her chair, "We're ready for launch, Ensign begin to take us out." She ordered.

Well she had flown shuttle craft at the academy, but this was doing it for real. Rather a scary prospect and one she hadn't expected. Without much hesitation though, she started to carry out her orders. Now running flight checks and plotting a course, her entire being focused on doing it well. With smooth and textbook motion the shuttle started to lift off from the ground as the forcefield came up and the door rolled away.

The shuttle eased out of the shuttle-bay of the Galileo, turning about and flying up the ship towards the Starbase. Evelyn looked over at her team. "Just to go over the basics, do you know what our objectives are once we land on the Starbase?" She asked her crew, knowing it'll be several minutes before they reach the base.

Willis nodded as he looked over his PADD, "We are to download all files regarding to Project Sienna, ma'am. Leaving no trace of it in the Starbase computer core."

Kiri was trying to focus on her first non-academy shuttle flight, feeling the pressure on her shoulders in a rather new way. Trying to set the perfect course that used the least energy but got there as soon as possible. She actually smiled when she realised that on the way back, she could look at the ship properly, for real. Until now for her it had just been images and a tangle of corridors. Her mood lightening she quietly added after Wills spoke, "With your permission sir, we could also insert unauthorised access countermeasures on the file directory." She didn't quite understand the reason for what they were doing, but if it was to stop someone from accessing the data. Then leaving something to hinder them further might be prudent.

Eve smiled, "Good thinking guys. Oh and Ensign, please call me Eve." She said looking at the young officer beside her, "For your first time flying this ship, you're doing fantastic. If you want a break, I can take over at any time."

What was it with every officer on the ship asking her to call them by their first name? Kiri found it quite disconcerting that there seemed to be such a lapse procedure. She liked it when people called her sir, as long as they wanted to. None the less, Kiri kept her attention fixed forwards. While it was her first time flying this ship, it was the same, other than her changes, as any other Type 9 Shuttle. The same as the ones she leant to fly at the academy when it came to manoeuvres, though she liked the Type 7 or the Danube Runabout more. Without moving she replied, "I'm fine," She visibly struggled for a moment, "Eve."

Eve then turned her chair around so she can look at Willis. "Just for curiosity sake, how long you believe the download will take?"

Willis looked up to the ceiling, trying to take a rough estimation of the needed time. "As long as the system is updated and the files are clean, I don't expect it to take more than a couple hours, max."

"Very good." Evelyn was pleased, she turned back around and there was only a few more minutes to the starbase. Her fingers darted on the console beside her. "Our request to land was been submitted and approved. They're opening the doors for us." She told her group. And on cue two doors parted on the starbase's surface. "You feel up to landing?" She asked the Ensign beside her.

Kiri wasn't quite sure were the concern was coming from, wasn't she just told her flying was more than adequate? Her eyes still fixed on the controls and readings ahead of her she still didn't look up, "If that is okay sir?" She slipped back mostly because she was getting her brain ready to run a landing sequence. Landing was just about the hardest standard thing she felt you could do in a shuttle. There was a moment where she looked up though. Seeing the first of two massive grey wings ahead of them. Starbases always felt rather intimidating to her. Bigger than any starship she had ever seen, more people and stronger. They made her feel extremely small, again this was true in their tiny shuttlecraft. She took them closer still to its now gaping maw.

Watching from the Bridge, John was nothing short of pleased that his team had so quickly made their way to the objective. So far everything was proceeding as scheduled. It was odd to see the Bridge without its usual complement of senior officers during such an important part of their mission, but the XO knew that the skills of everyone on board would be needed to make this mission a success. Tapping the communications panel on the central chair in which he currently resided, he called out to the shuttle.

=^= Galileo to Away Team 3 - how are things looking out there? =^=

Coleman heard the voice of the XO and reached for the communication button, =^= Commander, things are looking fine considering we just left the Galileo five minutes ago. =^= She tried to keep from sounding sarcastic, not wanting to give Holliday a reason to believe she's regressing back to her previous behaviour.

=^= Well just make sure you don't crash into the starbase and hopefully everything will carry on as planned. Galileo out =^=

"Don't you just love that man's wit?" Evelyn commented shaking her head. She then looked up out the window to see they are just about to go into the shuttle. "Land this baby Ensign."

Kiri disliked how Eve talked about Commander Holliday, a man that she looked up to. As a joke it wasn't funny to her, much less when she was the one piloting. Her ideas were formal, that things were done properly, by the book. It allowed her to function, this was harder. Her focus on a slow and soft landing that looked a little sluggish. Not to damage anything and to try to not bump anyone inside.

The shuttle now began to fly into the shuttlebay of the station, and Eve watched as Cho masterfully lands the shuttlecraft. When the hum of the engines faded Evelyn looked at the young officer, "Excellent work." she smiled, rising from her seat. "Alright, let head out."

Willis stood and collected his gear and began to exit the craft. "Now for the fun stuff, pillaging and plundering a Starbase Computer Core."

With her first landing since the academy under her belt Kiri was feeling better about herself. She had been praised and while she found how the others talked, uncomfortable she seemed to be interacting okay. Then that was what she thought all the other times it went wrong. Before leaving she locked down the shuttlecraft she made sure that she could maintain contact with it via her commbadge. Placing it in standby mode with command code locked controls she checked her phaser and tricorder before slinging the medical kit back over her shoulder. All that done she followed the other two, trying to remain as focused as she could.

To Be Continued...



Anthony Hardaway, Ph.D.
Project Sienna
played by Chauncey William Remington III

ENS Kiri Cho
Science Officer/Sensor Specialist
USS Galileo

Lt Cmdr Jonathan Holliday
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

LTJG Evelyn Coleman
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo

CPO Arthur Willis
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Galileo

Rachel Hardaway, Ph.D.
Project Sienna
NPC'd by Tarishiana Barel


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