USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Dragon Girl and Dino Boy: Part 1
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Dragon Girl and Dino Boy: Part 1

Posted on 28 Aug 2014 @ 12:59am by Commander Luke Wyatt & Verity Thorne & Lily Blake

1,722 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 2, First Officer's Quarters
Timeline: MD08 - 1500


Luke had been going over all the things he and Blake had said to each other and finally came to conclusion that being friends was something he would and could settle with despite how he felt he didn't want to lose the friendship. Stepping up to Scarlet's door he pressed the chime and waited impatiently going over what he'd say.

The door opened, but it was a man who stood there, watching Luke with a small smile. "Can I help you?" Verity Thorne asked, but with a small hint of humour that acknowledged that he probably wasn't the person he was looking for.

Luke frowned as Verity was the one who had answered the door. "I guess since you're here Scarlet is away? I came by to speak with her," he replied not mentioning the reason he came by or what they had to speak about.

Verity nodded, but motioned him to come inside the quarters. "Yes, I'm looking after Lily for a little while. I must admit, I'm not sure how long she's going to be, but you're welcome to wait for her?"

Thinking about the other quickly Luke smiled and nodded. "Of course if that's not too much trouble for you," he added.

Verity shook his head with a small smile, already moving to the small 'kitchen' area. "Can I get you a drink?" he offered, getting himself another tea.

Luke raised his hand. "No I'm good thanks, I've been drinking coffee all day and I'm seriously beginning to think I have an acute addiction to caffeine," he joked looking around. "Where is the little terror?" He asked turning back to Verity.

"Well, last I heard, she was...."

"Hello Luke!" Lily ran out of her room, smiling as she saw him. She had a little jumpsuit on, but she'd put a short skirt on over it, clipped a wide belt around her middle, had knee high welly boots on, an alice band resting around the middle of her forehead instead of on top of her head, and had a coat tied by the arms around her neck so the rest of it was like a cape down her back.

"....turning into Dragon Girl...." Verity finished with a small smile of amusement, resting back against the kitchen bar as he sipped his tea.

Luke smiled as he saw Lily, she certainly knew how to be creative. "Well hello there Lily I see you've found a new way of... What is it exactly you're doing?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I fight the bad guys!" she laughed and lifted her hands over her head as if it were obvious. "With my trusty dragon friends! And we hunt dragon eggs, to rescue them...."

Luke laughed gently. "Wow you certainly look the part! I bet the baddies are all running scared from you!" Luke couldn't help but wish he had spent more time with Abbey during her childhood.

"Yeah!" Lily started running a circuit around the room, one arm lifted over her head, the other on her waist as if she were flying. "Kapow! Bam! Whallop!"

Verity laughed softly as he moved to sit with Luke, shaking his head. "What happens to that energy as we get older, huh?" he looked across to him with a small smile as Lily contented herself with flying. "Everything okay?"

Luke nodded in silent agreement with Verity. "Everything's fine, why do you ask?" he replied turning away from the 'flying' super girl.

Verity was silent for a long moment, considering his words carefully. "Scarlet may have talked to me about a certain incident in the ice rink..."

Luke coughed as Verity revealed he knew what had happened and a blush formed on his face. "Well if we're mentioning things like that then yeah that may be a minor detail I was going to discuss."

Verity gave him a small but reassuring smile, shaking his head. "No judgements, no lecturing...I just wondered if you might want to talk," he offered quietly, sipping his tea, knowing that Lily was in her own little play world.

"I just feel like I'm way out of my depth with her and I wish I could just convince her to give it a try," he admitted quietly. "It's not often you find someone that is exactly what you look for in a woman...I get everything she says and I could pursue over interest but I don't think I can. Geez I sound like a school child," he shook his head in frustration.

Verity smiled gently, shaking his head with understanding. "No, you don't. You just sound frustrated but also full of fondness and other good things," he assured. "Scarlet is..." he thought for a long moment before shaking his head. "I think the phrase 'once bitten twice shy' comes to mind. Lily's father..." he shook his head with a frown. "I don't ask. And she doesn't tell. So there's something there. After the ice rink, she was hurt...mostly because she thought it meant she'd lost you as a friend."

"She'd never lose me as a friend if she told me to jump I'd ask how high, sometimes I don't think she realises how much I... Ur... Care for her," he admitted "I'd like to give her the things she didn't have from the little ones father I just hoped she'd be able to take the leap of faith, I shouldn't have kissed her," Luke added sadly.

Verity watched him, frowning as he nodded and gave his upper arm a pat. "I don't know how she feels," he said honestly. "I'm not sure she even knows how she feels half the time, she keeps a lot locked away. But you know....lovers come and go, Luke, but a friend, a real close one, they last forever, and that can be far more special and fulfilling."

Luke took the words in and for the first time understood fully. "I guess you're right, man I've been such an idiot!" he admitted and shaking his head. "Thanks for the advice there chief."

Verity shook his head with a warm smile. "Not really advice, just...what I see," he slapped him on the back.

"Well either way it's been well received and much appreciated!" Luke added with a smile. Crossing his arms he went back to watching Lily who was still caught up in her own little world of dragons and superheroes.

Verity frowned as his commbadge chirped. "Excuse me..." he said softly as he moved away to the kitchen area to answer. He looked back to Luke half way through the conversation and when he returned, he was shaking his head. "Luke, would you be able to hold the fort here? I need to go and see someone...."

Luke looked to Lily who was still playing and then back to Verity. "Sure, I guess? I mean she's in her own little bubble anyway and you or Blake won't be long right?" He asked a little worried. Luke had played with Lily before but he had never really looked after her.

"Scarlet shouldn't be long," Verity shook his head, a concerned frown on his features since getting the call. "I promise. I wouldn't usually leave you in the lurch like this, but...."

"It's fine don't worry about it! Besides Lily is always a pleasure to play and talk to!" Luke said cutting Verity short. "I'll be fine, go," he smiled as he looked to Lily playing.

"Thanks, I'll make it up to you someday," he clapped him on the shoulder before moving to place a quick kiss on Lily's hair to say goodbye before slipping out.

Lily smiled as she looked over to Luke, considering him for a moment. "Hm....don't think you can be Dragon Boy...that's just silly..." she said in a way that made it clear she was considering what superhero he could be.

Luke sat down on the floor so he was about her height. "Well isn't that lucky, when I was your age and used to run around pretending to play dinosaurs I used to call myself Dino boy!" he explained with a smile.

"Ooo!" Lily beamed as she nodded to him. "Dinos like dragons, but with no right..." she thought with a serious frown for a moment. "Some had wings..." she shrugged it off. "Nevermind..." she took his hand and pulled him into her room. She searched through the wardrobe until she found a sparkly silver sequined scarf. She climbed up onto the bed and started to tie it horizontally around Luke's head, like a band around his forehead, taking her time to concentrate on tying it with a bow on the side of his head. It was tricky for little fingers, but she smiled when she got it. "There! Dino Boy!"

Luke smiled as he felt for the scarf that had been transformed into a bow on his head, find his reflection on one of the surfaces he approved with a stern nod and turned to Lily. "What about my cape dragon girl?" he asked with his own serious frown but made sure to smile.

"Hm..." she pursed her lips as she looked around. She caught hold of her dressing gown and scooped it around the back of his neck to tie the arms at the front. "Now you can fly! You have to have a cape to fly."

Luke did a test drive of his new cape and swooped around the room before settling in front of Lily. "Well it's seems to work great! What now dragon girl!" he said enthusiastically.

Lily laughed at the display and clapped her hands eagerly. "Now we hunt for dragon eggs and dino eggs to join our gang!" she jumped high on the bed and off of it fearlessly, her arm thrust in the air before sprinting into the living room and swooping around it in the search.

Luke followed just as eagerly behind making swooping and dashing noises, he couldn't believe he was actually enjoying himself despite the fact how silly he was dressed and that he was running around pretending to be Dino Boy again.


Lt. JG Luke Wyatt
Chief Security Officer
USS Galileo

PO1 Verity Thorne
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]

Lily Blake
USS Galileo
[PNPC Blake]


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