USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - Temptations
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Posted on 18 Jul 2014 @ 11:55pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Keval zh'Erinov & Lieutenant JG Grayson Jones
Edited on on 19 Jul 2014 @ 11:29am

1,940 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 7, Lounge
Timeline: MD7 - 0100


Keval dropped the brush back back on to the easel in frustration. Things just weren't coming together. The perspective was all wrong. He thought about calling Elijah for advice, but they hadn't talked to each other in days, not since the return from the last away mission. A mission Keval would just as soon forget, one that would give him nightmares.

He decided what he needed right now was a drink. Something cold and preferably with real alcohol in it. He didn't bother changing out of his normal painting "uniform' faded jeans and a paint splattered tee shirt.

It had been a long first shift for Grayson and in an effort to relax in his first night there (in shared quarters, which he hadn't been in since the academy) and get to know his fellow crew members, he headed to the ship's lounge. Changing into something more casual, a tight v-neck tee and jeans he picked up a delightfully colourful cocktail and took a vacant seat by a window. For a while he wanted to watch both the stars and the people pass by. Wanted to let the atmosphere of the ship wash over him before he got up to speak.

Keval got his drink from the bartender, appropriately an Andorran Ale and made his way to his usual spot near the large view port, but someone had beat him to it. Someone he didn't recognize. checking his hand briefly to make sure there was no residual paint on it he gave the human a smile, his antennae both curled slightly forward.

"You look a little lost," he commented.

"Only in the stars." Grayson said as he turned towards his visitor. "I'm new, so just enjoying the atmosphere and indulging two guilty pleasures...people and star watching. Ensign Grayson Jones, Assistant Chief Engineer. Nice to meet you." He extended a hand.

Keval gave him rather mischievous smile,"We must be related. I'm Keval Grayson." he took the extended hand and shook it. "I'm in Operations, though I'm not an assistant department head. Welcome aboard the Galileo."

Noticing the smile, he couldn't help but rise to the challenge. He squeezed the hand just a little harder and let it linger on a few seconds longer than what is usually socially polite. "Well, I hope not too closely related." Grayson winked. "Operations though, I guess we might be working quite closely together at some points." For now he let his overconfident side calm down.

Flirting, just came naturally to Keval and the stranger was almost making it too easy. He had a boyfriend, well sort of had a boyfriend, but that didn't mean he couldn't chat.

"Oh yes I imagine Engineering and Operations sometimes work very closely together."

"Take a seat! Sorry, where are my manners?" He blushed slightly, Grayson couldn't resist feeling attracted to the man, if it was mutual or not. For now he decided to bide his time, see if he could get to know him more.

"Thanks," the Andorian said as he slid into the booth. "Pardon my appearance, I should have changed clothes, I wasn't really planning to meet anyone. Not that I am complaining mind you."

Smiling as Keval sat down, he replied, "I see nothing wrong. I just threw on the first things out of my bag really." Grayson slowly sipped on his drink. "Company is always welcomed, especially, if you don't mind me saying... attractive and charming company."

Keval's smile grew a little wider and he blushed slightly turning a darker shade of blue. "No, I don't mind you saying. There's no telling where flattery will get you. Seriously, I was going to say the same thing about you."

"I do wonder where." Grayson winked. "So tell me about you. What do you do in Operations?" He didn't want to take things too flirty just yet, or he might start getting a name for himself on the ship if he hadn't already that is.

"Well primarily security and communications systems, but I've fixed my share of replicators too. What about you, do you have a specialty?"

"Triage." Grayson laughed. "I seemed to have an affinity with being the one to deal with the more disastrous situations. Really though I'm more warp field and starship design."

'Interesting, so have you put any designs together? Any new concepts?"

"Just a few small shuttles and runabouts. Nothing big and official yet, but one day I might." Grayson smiled. He wasn't confident enough to take it that far yet. "So, tell me then... I guess you have to beat everyone off the ship with a stick? Or are you the happily handsome attached type that likes to flirt with the newbies?" After the day he had, he wanted to get everything out in the open pretty quickly, no one else would joke him along that day. At least not without a bit of a laugh and a joke.

Keval's expression turned serious, "I don't want to lead you on. I guess I flirt just to keep in practice. But I am dating someone. We're not officially boyfriends yet, at least I don't think so, but there's nothing wrong with being friends.

I've tried the one-nighters before, but I really am a relationship kind of a guy. What about you?"

"Flirty friends is fine with me." Grayson's charm came back on. "Plus, never know where things will lead in the future." Taking a rather larger gulp of his drink, to the point it was almost finished, "Never really had a serious relationship, not through lack of trying. A few short flings here and there. Most people only want me for the night, or seem to think that's what I want."

"It's okay Grayson. It sounds like you want to be in relationship. There are some of us out there who do too. And you're right. You never know what might happen in the future. You deserve someone who is going to fall in love with you for who you are and not the fact that you have a cute ass. You do you know, have a cute ass.

"I do?" Grayson blushed while trying to look at it. "Not been told that one before, thanks." He grinned.

"I noticed it when I walked in. So yes you do. But your eyes, your eyes are your best feature."

"Why sir, you do know how to make a boy's heart melt." Picking up a napkin, he pretended to fan himself with it. "You have made me all lost for words. You have far too many things for me to compliment. You clearly are a swimmer with the physique I can see."

Keval could not help but smirk at the other man's antics. "I do like to swim, its my favorite sport, but thanks for noticing. So what are you in.... what do you to for fun?"

"I like to hit the gym, do some weights, some cardio. Mainly like to relax with a book or sit down and play the piano though."

"I like to read too and maybe someday you can play a piece for me. What do you like to read? I just finished Oliver Twist"

"I'd love to play one day. It is a lot of old Earth classical pieces though. Books though, I'm going through some classics as well, just finished a few Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books. They were a good read." Grayson finished his drink and started to head up to get another. He was enjoying the conversation and while it was sufficiently flirty without any pressure. "I think I need another drink," he said looking at his empty glass. "Would you like another?"

"Sure, but only if I eat something. You want to get some food, maybe a bottle of wine?"

"I'm up for that." Those are Grayson's famous last words when it comes to wine. It never usually sits well with him, making him a little more intoxicated than usual if it wasn't synthetic. "I have to admit, I am not much of a wine drinker, would you like to make the selection?"

"Sure, a nice White Merlot sounds good to me. What would you like to eat, I'm buying."

"Only if I can get the next one. For the food, I'm not fussy...nothing Klingon or still moving is my motto."

"Of course you can get the next one. I'm not really fond of food that is still moving either. How about shrimp scampi, mahi mahia, with a little fried rice?"

"Sure, why not. Never had them before." It was now things crossed into Grayson's mind that he could possibly crossing into dangerous territory here. He had to tread carefully.

Keval flagged down a waitress and placed their order. She brought the wine after only a few minutes and poured Keval a sample to taste. "So are you two dating?" she asked.

In a bit of a rush, Grayson answered, "No...I'm new here. Just arrived." He gave a bit of an awkward giggle as he took a large sip of his wine.

"It's just two men getting to know each other better. That's all." Keval insisted, not that I wouldn't date him if circumstances were different."

Being rather silent (possibly due to the wine and Grayson holding back ever so slightly) all he could do was smile, give a little giggle and continued his blushing. He figured his face, or, most certainly his cheeks matched the colour of the wine by now.

After the woman had left, Keval turned to the Engineer. "You blush rather easily Grayson." he said taking another sip of the wine. "Are you okay?"

"Mix of wine, tiredness, flirting and flattery possibly." Grayson tried to keep his eyes down as he took another sip of his wine.

"I guess the flirting and the compliments just come naturally to me. I don't really mean anything by the flirting. The flattery is real though, I'm not making it up.

I just think Elijah, the guy I'm dating, could be that someone special, its just our relationship is complicated, or maybe it would be more accurate to say undefined. Or under defined, anyway."

"Well, this makes things a little awkward." Grayson said as he finished his drink and leaned forward in his chair, ready to stand up and leave. "Elijah would happen to me my new roomie and someone I would very much like not to anger on my first day here." He gulped. "It might be a good idea for me to leave. I feel pretty uncomfortable as it is now, and, as flattered as I am, as much as I have enjoyed this. It might not be the best of ideas. Do you not think?"

"Your roommate is Elijah?" Keval asked incredulously. "Yeah, as much as I have enjoyed your company. I wouldn't want to do anything that would jeopardize your situation with him or my relationship with him. Than doesn't mean we can't be friends though.

And one more thing. Maybe it would be better if I tell him what happened. i do intend on telling him, that nothing really happened except a nice discussion."

"Yeah, that sounds good." Grayson said sheepishly as he began to wonder what backlash would (if any) await him in the future.

'I am sure I will see you around." Keval stated as he got up to pay for the meal and leave himself.

"Yeah, see you around."



A Joint Post by

CPO Keval Grayson
PNPC Jared Nicholas
USS Galileo

Ensign Grayson Jones
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Galileo


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