USS Galileo :: Episode 04 - Exodus - Rejoined
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Posted on 26 Oct 2013 @ 9:04pm by Alexander Iella & Commander Norvi Stace
Edited on on 27 Oct 2013 @ 8:12am

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 04 - Exodus
Location: USS Galileo - Mess Hall
Timeline: MD2 - 1215


Norvi had been hauled up in the cargo bay for long enough, and now feeling agitated more than ever, decided to sweet-talk her way out of the hold and managed to stretch her legs and walk about the ship. It had only been a few hours since she introduced herself to the captain and discovered that an old acquaintance was onboard.

She'd located him in the Mess Hall and walked down to introduce herself, rarely getting the opportunity to reacquaint with past acquaintances. Spying him across the room, she smiled and walked over, a casual hand on her hip as she leant against the charred counter. "Well, well, well," she said, by way of introducing herself to him again, "If it isn't Captain Iella of the James. It's been a long time."

"Wrong host." Was Alex's immediate response before he even looked up. As he finished pulling the charred remains of a heating element out of the counter, Alex looked to see who had addressed him. She was young, good looking with red hair that was closer to brown in his opinion, most of all though, she was a Trill. "That would have been Ezra Iella, I'm Alexander Iella."

She smiled and then raised an eyebrow with a hint of mischief about her. "I'm Norvi," she then added, holding out her hand getting ready to take his, "Norvi Stace." She hoped that the name would jog Alexander's memory but countered the embarrassment of not being recognized by saying, "Captain of the Gilmore. It's been a while but you look quite different to the last time our path's crossed."

"Hmm, the Gilmore eh?" Alex said as he threw the heating element across the room to the pile of broken things in the corner. "Big lug of a Galaxy class, had nothing on my Akira." Alex said with smirk, "And yes, that would tend to happen when I go from being a woman to being a man."

"And the opposite way around for myself, too," Stace replied with a smile. "And here we both are, back on a ship running from enemies, although, thankfully, in different capacities." She looked at the man's civilian clothing and smiled, bending down to assist him in clearing the burnt out debris that littered the floor around them. "Did you not re-enlist?" she questioned, attempting to not sound too intrusive as she hauled a metal sheet from the floor and threw it to where Iella's own pile of rubbish was building up.

"Why would I?" Alex asked as he brushed his hands off and leaned against the counter. "Just because my symbiont used to be in Starfleet doesn't mean my host will want to go back in." Alex said with a shrug, "Though I used to want to be an engineer before I was joined. Previous experiences of Iella made me want more than living in a dark room somewhere for a life though. They told me my personality change was one of the most extreme they had ever seen."

Stace raised her eyebrows. "We all crave familiarity, Captain, or an extreme aversion to what we know. It's usually balanced either one way or another." But she paused, taking on board that her five lifetimes did not make her an authority on the matter. "I was luckily in Starfleet when I was joined. There were some outspoken challengers who felt it a waste to sent my Symbiote back into the service but I'm happy I got the chance."

"If I had listened to the Symbiont committee, I'd still be stuck in some dark room working on engineering stuff. Yet I didn't, and here I am now having a lot more fun." Alex replied with a smile, "Each of my lives thus far has been doing something different, interestingly enough."

"And I suppose that is what the Committee intends. But I'm rather happy I am where I am, and doing what I'm doing." She looked at another charred piece of metal in her hand and shook her head to herself. "I mean, with the constant threat of total assimilation from the Borg, I mean."

Alex frowned, "Ezra was scared shitless of the Borg, truly terrified. It was her worst nightmare to ever face the Borg. She thankfully never had to deal with them... but me that inherent fear trickled through and joy of joy, I got the deal with them." He let out a sigh as he crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall. "Yeah me..."

"Well," Norvi began with in an attempt to comfort him, "I'm sure that we'll get through this in one piece. Even if the ship doesn't."

Alex scoffed, "We have a chance, and it's a slim one. You know it as well as I since you were a captain in a previous host too." Alex said with a shake of his head, "But, slim chances tend to turn into good ones with Starfleet."

Norvi looked about her. "That's what I'm hoping, old friend. We've both made it through worse, I'm sure."

"Yes, yes we have." Alex said with a nod. "It was nice to see you... or I guess meet you again Stace. Familiar faces... or... something like that since we dont have the same faces."

Norvi smiled in agreement. "You too, Iella. It's good to have someone who knows what you've been through."


Alexander Iella
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Norvi Stace
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo


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