Episode 04 - Exodus
Mission Info
Status | Completed Mission | |
Description | Stardate: 66927.4 |
Mission Group | Season 1 - Tough Little Ship | |
Start Date | 16 Jul 2013 @ 9:00am | |
End Date | 22 Dec 2013 @ 9:00am |
Mission Posts
Mission Summary
Four weeks ago, while on an exploration mission to chart the northern Beta Quadrant, the Galaxy Class starship USS Venture made an incredible discovery: an uncharted Class G star named Rojar 861 which supported a robust solar system with several promising worlds located inside the star's habitable zone. Located in Sector 025 - an area previously unexplored due to its close proximity to Borg space before the collapse of the transwarp network in 2378 - this new solar system became Starfleet's Planetary Sciences Division's priority, and USS Galileo was dispatched from Vega Colony to assist Venture with mapping all celestial bodies of interest in the immediate vicinity.
An extensive survey mission ensued over the course of twelve days during which Galileo charted each planet and moon within the Rojar system. Over eight-hundred new species of plant and animal life were discovered on two Class-M moons surrounding the gas supergiant named Rojar II, but the two biggest discoveries were monumental. Rojar II R01 was an untouched habitable moon teething with prehistoric life and ideal for colonization; its sister moon (R02), on the other hand, was a recovering wasteland which revealed the ruins of an ancient civilization that had suffered a catastrophic fate - annihilation at the hands of the Borg Collective.
Despite the widespread destruction, however, Galileo's survey teams were able to piece together the remnants of the lost civilization. Dubbed 'Rojarians' after the system they once inhabited, this ancient race appeared technologically advanced and was able to put up a strong resistance to its Borg conquerors. Numerous Borg corpses and technology were discovered decaying on the moon's surface, but strangely barely any remains of the Rojarians were still present, aside from their war-torn metropolises.
Galileo's crew collected as much evidence as possible and notified Starfleet of their findings, then proceeded to survey the remainder of the system. Lending a helping hand to assist with the multitude of planets and satellites present in the system, USS Venture deployed its saucer section to remain behind in the Rojar system while the stardrive proceeded to explore the nearby Setisar Nebula, an expansive Class D Reflection Nebula situated only several light years from Rojar 861.
Now, the system survey comes to an end, yet Venture's stardrive has missed its rendezvous point. The only clues to its whereabouts are a faint signal from one of its automated distress beacons. With no other starships in the immediate vicinity, Galileo must depart from the Rojar system and enter the mysterious, unexplored Setisar Nebula to investigate the call for help.