USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Nothing's Sacred - Part 1
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Nothing's Sacred - Part 1

Posted on 29 Apr 2013 @ 11:50am by Verity Thorne & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver

1,340 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo: Deck 2 - Lt JG Scarlet Blake's Quarters
Timeline: MD 05 - 20:00


Oliver smiled warmly as he rang the chime of Scarlet Blake's quarters. Only, he was not there to see Scarlet. He knew that Verity would be here, taking care of Lily Blake while Scarlet was on an Away Team...and Oliver missed his roommate. The quarters were so quiet without him and he was in the mood for company. In fact, it felt like he needed to feel Verity close. He was getting more and more like that now that he had grown so fond of him.

Verity looked over to the door with mild surprise, wondering who would be calling at Scarlet's quarters with her being off the ship. He moved over to open the door, smiling warmly when he saw who it was. "Everything alright, Oliver?"

Oliver nodded, his eyes warm. "Our quarters are so bloody quiet...think Scarlet would mind if I share babysitting duties?"

"Not at all," he smiled warmly to him, moving so he could join him inside her quarters. "She suggested it a couple of weeks ago actually. I think she was worried I'd get bored with no adult company and she'd lose her babysitter."

Oliver chuckled as he touched his arm and moved past him. "Well, I wouldn't call myself adult company either..." he teased.

"Well that's true enough," Verity laughed softly, moving to grab another cup. "I just brewed some tea, fancy a cup?"

"I am gasping," he said as he moved to sit down. "How's Lily doing anyway?" he added awkwardly...he wasn't great with kids.

"She's not feeling well, bless her," Verity shook his head as he moved to sit with him, pouring from the pot on the table with a sigh. "She was so cuddly and fed up. She was so tired she was asleep two hours before bedtime. She's usually so full of energy."

Oliver smiled at that, his eyes gentle. "You are good with children," he observed quietly. "Gentle heart."

Verity looked at him with surprise before offering the cup over. "You think so? I hope so. I like children."

Oliver took the cup, smiling gently. "I think so. But you are good with adults too...even pilots."

Verity laughed softly, shaking his head as he sat back so he could sip his own tea. "I suppose there's something warming about the idea of looking after a child."

Oliver smiled weakly, nodding as he looked down. "So you would want children one day?"

"I've often thought about it," Verity admitted softly, watching the way he looked down. "Is that silly of me?"

"No. No, it''s only natural, isn't it?" he met his eyes, smiling gently eyes.

Verity watched his reaction, letting out a breath. "I've always thought it was, but you don't seem to think so?"

Oliver sipped the tea, not looking at Verity as he considered his words. "I am hardly in a position to ever father a child."

"Why not?" he asked with surprise, leaning to him with a small smile. "There's always a way."

Oliver looked at him, smiling weakly. "I couldn't love a woman," he said quietly. "And I'd never marry for less than love. And I won't father a bastard."

"There's other alternatives these days," Verity pointed out gently, smiling to him. "You'd have a wonderful child."

"I...don't know anything about family or children," Oliver confessed, giving him a weak smile as he touched his arm.

Verity searched his features, letting out a soft breath. "You never talk about your past," he said quietly.

"What is there to say? You never really speak of yours either," Oliver said, but it was gentle...not an accusation, just a fact.

Verity gave a gentle smile at that, seeing Oliver wasn't comfortable talking about it. He nodded gently, sipping his tea, not wanting to push him into discomfort. He'd never want to make him uncomfortable.

Oliver hesitated, watching him. He trusted Verity. He liked Verity...and more than just a little. "I'm a bastard child," he suddenly said. "I was taken into care because my mother couldn't take care of me. Then she died. So...I have never had a family, just...been a ward of the state."

Verity frowned, holding his breath tightly as he reached out to squeeze his knee. "I'm so sorry," he whispered quietly, rubbing his knee with his thumb.

Oliver smiled gently as he looked at him, taking a deeper breath. "I couldn't father a child for a fate like that," he said quietly. "It's not a bad past. Just means I don't know what family means. But I know friendship."

"Perhaps it means you'd know exactly what family should be," Verity said softly before shaking his head. He frowned with pain for him despite his reassurances. He'd worked with enough runaways from orphanages and care systems to know how unhappy some of them could be.

Oliver grinned, reaching to cup his cheek as he studied him. "Hey...I don't want you to frown over me..." he said softly, taking a deeper breath. "You know me. You know I am fine."

Verity met his eyes, letting out a heavy breath before nodding softly with a smile. "The past is a part of us, it makes us who we are, but a bad past can make a good person."

"You are speaking from experience then?" Oliver whispered, his hand still on his cheek, his thumb rubbing gently.

Verity smiled weakly, touching the hand on his cheek. "I've worked with so many people. Oliver, I never pry to be unpleasant or pushy, you know that, right? I know I sort of ask leading questions sometimes, but I'm used to having to get to the heart of someone, to work out what is really bothering them, what's really weighing heavy and dark on their soul so I can think how to make it better. I just - want to help make it better for you, if I can. I never do it with ill or selfish intent."

Oliver watched him for a moment before pulling him close to hug. "I know," he whispered softly. "I have never thought you anything but kind and generous. And you are...but you have to share too. Who eases your burdens?"

Verity chuckled weakly at the words, holding his arm firmly as he let out a long breath. "I think the general idea was that God watched over His priests."

Oliver smiled gently at that, kissing his hair. "Well, God isn't always very maybe when you need to talk, you can come to me?"

Verity watched him with surprise before laughing softly, shaking his head. "You must have a thousand other things to do."

"No," he frowned as he held his eyes. "'re...the kindest, warmest man I have ever met. And I want to be there for you, just as much as you are for me."

"You are," Verity said quickly, shaking his head as he smiled to him. Oliver was something else. He was ridiculously gorgeous. The kind of beauty usually only seen on screen on in the holodeck. He'd heard a phrase when he was younger. Out of your league. Oliver was definitely that. Out of his league. Smoking hot pilot. "You know, I'm really not as great as you make out I am, I'll only disappoint you if you say I am," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I've done and not done enough things in life that I shouldn't or should have done.

Oliver frowned as he reached to touch his hair, stroking it back. "Verity..." he whispered, with pain. "You'd never let me down. And there's nothing I wouldn't forgive within a heartbeat."

Verity swallowed, but smiled gratefully at the sentiment. "I hope I never test that out."

"If you do, it doesn't matter," Oliver said quietly, watching his face before hugging him tightly. "Special man."


Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver
Flight Control
USS Galileo
(PNPC: Lt JG Aria Rice)

PO2 Verity Thorne
USS Galileo
(PNPC: Lt JG Scarlet Blake)


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