USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Meeting the Research (Part 2)
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Meeting the Research (Part 2)

Posted on 24 Feb 2013 @ 11:02pm by Lieutenant Kiri Cho & Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton & Crewman Athlen

1,567 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: USS Galileo Deck 4 - Science Labs
Timeline: MD 01 1100 hours


The Rigelian poked his head up from a microscope as the two made their way down to the multi-purpose lab and entered through the large doors. Several weathered documents were lying in encased under the scanning element, and a tuning needle and portable translator were lying beside them attached to a tablet. He had been working to translate the Hur'q documents ever since Maenad had lent him more material to compare and provide context. "Good morning," he waved at them both serenely, unconcerned with the fact that they'd walked in.

"Good morning, " Kiri answered in turn with a very slight wave, "This is Lieutenant Pendleton, he is the ship's new Chief Research Officer." Moving aside Kiri turned her gaze to Jacob, "Mister Athlen is our department's sociologist."

"That's so," Athlen said easily with a smile, made just a little more awkward by the fact that outwardly he was no different than a Vulcan. He rolled with the flow and gestured to the microscope. "I'm currently working on a translation of these documents, which were found in the Gamma quadrant and suspected to be of the Hur'q species. These were a race of conquesters who are suspected to have successfully overtaken the Klingon Empire in ancient times. We have suspicions that this has influenced the Klingon genetic pool and even their way of life prior to contact, but they're all speculation..." he took them both in. Kiri, looking very small in comparison to Pendleton, who was... "How are you both? Lieutenant Cho, and..." he blinked rapidly at the Very Tall Man, "And you. Lieutenant Pendleton. Yes, hello. How do you do?" Although Athlen had three times the strength of a Terran, he often forgot this, and as a result this Pendleton character looked a lot more threatening to Athlen than he probably was. Still. He was So Tall.

"Pendleton, Jacob Pendleton, a pleasure to meet you Mister Athlen." He extended his massive hand in greeting. "Hur'q huh? That is most fascinating!" Jacob's voice was filled with excitement and some awe, it was like he was back at the dig at Qalad II. This is what he was meant to do, this what where he was really meant to be.

Athlen shook his hand, another cue that he wasn't a Vulcan, and added an extra blink for good measure. "Fascinating is a good word for it, yes," he replied warmly. "Are you aware that you are a really, really, super tall human?" Athlen blurted out with the typical honesty of his species. Rigelians were not known for their restraint, or their tact. While Athlen was usually quite good about this, Pendleton... was... could he say it enough? Gigantic.

Kiri had noticed the same thing of course, but hadn't considered it polite to say anything. At first she looked a little sternly at Athen but quickly that relaxed into a small smile. It wasn't a mean question, just a bit of a silly one. Actually if his head was longer then Pendleton actually might fit the profile of a Hur'q, if he had more digits.

Jacob chuckled, "I hadn't noticed Mr. Athlen, well, except when I go to sit on chairs that don't fit me, or having to request larger than average sized clothing, or sometimes hitting my head on the frame of the doors... other than that, I figured I was kind of small in stature.." His voice was filled with tongue in cheek humor, "Although I have to say, more than a few people have told me that I'm a rather big guy... " he chuckled again.

Athlen smiled, and bowed his head while placing his hands behind him. He straightened up and moved over to another terminal where various displays of Vulcan, Betazoid, Cairn, Rigelian, Halanan, Haliian, and various other psionic species were overlapping one another and going through a data configuration test. Beside that, another portable UT was in pieces, and Athlen sat down at the terminal and began typing. "This is the basis of my primary field of research, telepathic communication. I am currently working on devising a way to program the Universal Translator to accept telepathic input, and to objectively quantify telepathic data. What's your role here on the Galileo?" he asked Pendleton, using his finger to draw one section of the data out from the slim projection screen and moving it virtually into another section.

Jacob smiled and replied, "I am the 'details' guy if you will, the guy who focuses the team on specific research and/or specific projects. I'm kind of the small picture guy in a big picture universe we know as Science."

Athlen furrowed his eyebrows, a blank look falling over his face as he tried to decipher that little gem. "So you are a coordinator? I thought that was Ma-- Lieutenant Panne's job?" the Rigelian asked absently.

"No, no, Dr. Panne leads ALL of us. She is director over all of us when it comes to all things Science wise. She is our guide and our leader, I just help focus projects and research items." Jacob was very precise with his words as he wanted to make sure that Athlen was clear about his role vs. Dr. Panne's role and make it also very clear that she was the leader, period.

Athlen still didn't get it. In fact, he was more confused now than he was before. "So, do you decide what research projects get done? Or who does them? Or do you just keep track of who is doing what?"

Jacob shook his head, "Mr. Athlen, Dr. Panne decides ALL research topics, even if she allows you or me or whomever to work independently on a project it is through her say, I can do nothing, none of us can do anything without her approval. I am the guy who gets down to specifics on project and direct those specifics. So for example, we go to Rojar and start doing research on one of its moons, Dr. Panne might direct me to take a team and research a specific aspect about that moon. For argument let's say that you, I and Lieutenant Cho is set to tackle, oh let's say we've found ruins on the surface, what I would do is I would say 'Hey Mr. Athlen would you focus on such and such aspect, I'll take this other aspect and Lieutenant Cho, would you please focus on this third aspect?' See how that works? I am leading the team by directing specific focus on a general and broad topic. Its pretty simple really if you think about it."

Kiri got the metaphor but didn't feel it was a very apt one, "Lieutenant Pendleton is charged with projects assigned to him by the Chief Science Officer that generally with overlap several specialisations. So if assigned to carry out a research on a discovery like a new ecosystem, he will collate the research between Ecologists, Botanists, Biochemists, Xenobiologists and so on, both on and off the ship and the Starfleet Database. To present a completed project in an organised manner," Giving a small smile she looked slightly uncomfortable. Given the situation he had surely she would have been the one in charge.

"Very well put Lieutenant Cho. You said it much better than I. I hope that explains it all better Mr. Athlen." Jacob smiled at the both of them.

Athlen nodded awkwardly. "I see, well," he bowed his head deferentially. His opinion of Pendleton so far was very perplexed. He had a difficult time understanding him, and felt that his role was rather unnecessary. But he seemed easily excitable and enthusiastic, he was clearly happy to be here, to do whatever it was that was to be done. Athlen relaxed into a smile, shrugging. Whatever that was. He was a crewman. He'd do what people told him regardless. "It is very nice to meet you, Lieutenant. Are you focused on any particular project now or are you allowing the staff to work at their own leisure?" He hoped that his projects in the lab would not be taken from him.

"I have no projects at the moment Mr. Athlen," He looked down at the work in front of Athlen and continued, "and by the looks of it, I am keeping you from your work. Thanks for talking with me Mr. Athlen. I can not wait for the project all the team will work on together." He smiled at Athlen and then over to Lt. Cho and said, "Well, it looks like everything is order. Unless there is something else you wish to discuss Lt. Cho, I think I have seen all I need to see. I thank you so much for the tour."

Athlen picked up the commbadge beside him and the tuning needle. "No problem, Lieutenant. Take care." He waved at them both and gave Kiri sympathetic glance.

Kiri smiled back and moved towards the door, it was rather an odd experience over all. Mulling over who to visit next she waited for Pendleton to join her.

Jacob took a few more notes on his PADD and then, smiling at Kiri, he let her lead the way.


Lt. (jg) Jacob Pendleton
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant (JG) Kiri Cho
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo

Crewman Athlen
Sociologist, SSC
USS Galileo


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