USS Galileo :: Episode 03 - Frontier - Just a Patch-up job
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Just a Patch-up job

Posted on 31 Jan 2013 @ 11:26am by Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D. & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver

1,477 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 03 - Frontier
Location: Sickbay, USS Galileo
Timeline: MD 01 - 12:00

Oliver Sylver walked into sickbay with a weak smile, his blue eyes taking it in. So back here again for a check up. Just as well after shoreleave...after all, he had been quite busy during that time. Gambling. Drinking. Various other activities. But it was good to be checked up again. He had an appointment to see Dr Wilson...who he had not met yet. At least he got to meet new people, which was the plus of working on a ship.

He asked a nurse for his doctor, and was told to wait while she was finishing up something. Which didn't bother him. He was early anyway.

Jessica finished up the report she had been writing when a nurse came in and told her that there was a patient waiting for her, so she signed off the paperwork and headed out into the main part of the sickbay. She noted a red-collared warrant officer.

"I'm Doctor Wilson," Jessica smiled. "How can I help you?"

"Dr Wilson," he smiled back to her, his eyes warm. "I am Warrant Officer Oliver for a full medical. Sort of a post-shoreleave check up to make sure I am up to standard after too much food and drink."

"Always a good idea," Jessica smiled. "Have a seat on that biobed whilst I bring up your medical record."

He nodded, taking a seat as he looked at her. "So where in Cumbria are you from?" he asked, with interest. It was there, in her accent...besides, she was so young that she hadn't been away from where she grew up long enough to have it proper watered out.

"The Lake District," She smiled, and frowned as she went over his accent, even if it was somewhat dulled. "You sound like your from the South-East, London?"

"I am," he said and smiled warmly, chuckling. He was impressed, London had many different accents and she had spotted him quickly. "The Lakes is pretty big...anywhere special, or stuck in the middle of nowhere?" he asked, with interest.

"Windamere," Jessica replied. "Lovely house on the shores."

"You must miss it...this is far further removed," Oliver said and met her eyes. "A tin can, floating in space. Very different from Windamere."

"Yea," Jessica nodded thoughtfully. "It's taking some getting used to."

"You seem to have gotten a hang of it though," he observed, with an easy warmth as he sat there.

"I hope so," Jessica smiled. "Well I guess we'd best be about it, lie back so the biobed can get a good scan of you."

"Of course," he eased himself back and settled, to stay still for her. "I find this sickbay oddly relaxing in comparison to bigger ships."

"Probably because its not so big," Jessica suggested.

"Could be. Makes sense too," he said and looked at her, giving her a warm smile.

Jessica smiled back.

"Alright we should be getting our results through."

He chuckled as he nodded, taking a deeper breath. "Fun and games..."

"What on earth have you been doing to yourself," Jessica commented with a raised eyebrow as she looked over the results. "Numerous bruises and scatches, strained muscles and ligaments all over the place and generally look like you've been through a minor war."

"I've been busy in my time," he said and grinned, rolling his shoulders. "Though the scratches were from a good shoreleave. I had a few fights."

"And I guess its down to me t put the damage straight," Jessica commented wryly. "Alright, you know where your injuries are, I'll need direct access to them if you please."

He nodded as he sat up, undoing his jacket and then shirt, to give her free access to his chest. He gave her a wry smile. "I heal pretty well all things considered..."

"I suppose if you get that most of the time you'll end up with a pretty good healing system," Jessica commented.

" can say that," he said as he met her eyes. "Always been a fast healer for some reason."

"That's something at least," Jessica agreed.

He chuckled as he let her work, watching her for a long moment. He liked her. She seemed like a very warm woman. "You're a good doctor..."

"I'm glad someone things so," Jessica replied a little glumly as she did a last check over her work before grabbing a tricorder to run a last scan.

"I am sure most think so..." he said as he studied her, with interest at the way she moved. "Why wouldn't you think so?"

Jessica remembered her discussion with another officer, a department head at that, about the problem and that it had been rather out of line to do that. It hadn't been right to talk about it to her, and it wasn't right to talk about it to an subordinate, no matter how experienced the warrant officer probably was.

"I shouldn't talk about it..." Jessica said weakly as she ran the scan.

He smiled gently as he watched her. "Look...I am an old hand here within the Fleet...Jesus, old enough to be your father I suspect. I might be able to offer some advice. Between two people."

Jessica thought about that and shrugged.

"You know of Lieutenant," A word that stumbled on her lips as she struggled to keep the contempt out of it. "Stone, I would imagine?"

"Not had the pleasure yet. But I suspect I will see him sooner or later," he said and smiled weakly. "I have heard he is a bit of a...hard man towards others."

"You could say that," Jessica commented with a scowl as she put the tricorder away.

"What happened?" he asked, sitting up as he watched her, with genuine concern.

"He came in here wanting a replacement for some drugs he was on, he was unstable and the like, I was stupid and blurted out my concerns, which seemed to set him off on one, he called me some pretty nasty names, you have to realise that I'm a shy person, my interactions with other people are generally professional in nature, but it wasn't even that so much, he then pulled a phaser and threatened the CMO with it before she managed to calm him," Jessica sighed. "Now that I know his history I can understand what his problem is, but he still has this... this, vendetta, almost, against me, aside from making me question everything about myself as a doctor he ruined my image of what a Starfleet Officer should be, however naive that may have been."

Jessica sighed and hung my head.

"I guess this sound so pathetic coming from a supposed Officer."

"Easy..." he leant close, to touch her arm. "Dr's not your fault. And I hate to say this more than anything...but it's what you will get in Starfleet. Mental cases.'s unfortunate you have to handle it. But you're here, you work well...and you can still be that Starfleet Officers. You can undo it by being what you want others to be..." he smiled gently, and touched her hand, giving it a friendly squeeze. "Now. Good thing about us is that we can do the stiff upper lip thing...whilst inside course the person to the deepest depths of Hell..." he winked and gave her a warm smile.

"I guess, I still gotta treat him if he comes in here, but..." Jessica smiled sadly. "You are right."

Oliver smiled gently and nodded. "And I don't find you silly for it. Or pathetic. You can be in your 20s or your 60s...and your emotions will always be what they are now. Age is a thing for your body, experience for your skills...your heart and soul remains 18."

"That's a nice way of thinking about it," Jessica smiled, then said quietly. "Thank You."

"Welcome," he said and smiled gently to her. "Not often I get to shed my life wisdom on a beautiful young girl."

Jessica blushed a very bright, and certainly unofficerlike, shade of red as she mumbled a thank you before grasping hold of her work to pull herself back, looking down at the results.

"Well, uh, it looks like you are all clear," Jessica commented. "I've treated all of the serious stuff, you're good to go."

"Thank you," he said and smiled gently, putting his shirt on and then his uniform jacket. "A pleasant experience, considering I am usually bad at medicals."

"Perhaps because this wasn't a medical," Jessica smiled. "It was a patching up session."

"I appreciate it," he said softly, nodding as he stood. "Thank you for this, Doctor."

"Any time," Jessica smiled.


Ensign Jessica Wilson M.D.
Medical Officer (Intern)
U.S.S. Galileo


Warrant Officer Oliver Sylver
U.S.S. Galileo


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