USS Galileo :: Episode 02 - Resupply - Refill
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Posted on 07 Jan 2013 @ 11:19pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jessica Sandywyne

721 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 02 - Resupply
Location: USS Galileo: Sickbay
Timeline: MD16 1630


After his talk with Maenad, Liyar decided to go down to sickbay. His expression was indifferent, and didn't betray any of his inner feelings on the matter. He had a PADD clutched in his hands. Ni Dhuinn had sent him a message a while ago indicating his medication was to be picked up by Nurse Sandywyne. He did not know who that was. He made a point of avoiding the medical bay. This was a visit he wasn't looking forward to, but Ni Dhuinn had delegated it, under the guise of having the nurse take over the process so maybe there would be no questions. That would work for him.

He strode through the doors of sickbay, where Sandywyne was one of the few teal uniformed medical personnel on duty. "Nurse Sandywyne," he called to the blonde, hands held behind him. He represented the usual epitome of Vulcan calm, even if he felt decidedly otherwise. "Dr. Ni Dhuinn has informed me that you are responsible for dispensing the medication I require." He stared down at her.

Staring right back Jessica spoke in a low voice, "Then it must be so, how can I help you?" Standing next to an open cabinet she was stacking with dermal patches.

Liyar held out the PADD with his scripts on it. "Tarinol, 300 miligrams. Lexorin, 0.5 miligrams." He made no move to explain why. It was what it was. He could only assume. He clasped his hands behind him after she took the PADD.

"A renewal?" She was reading her way though it but asked anyway, "What about the Tarinol?"

"A renewal of Lexorin. The Tarniol is already prescribed. I failed to retain a recent renewal. This is now rectified." He again offered no explanation.

"Did your doctor review your case with you? Any symptoms or side effects you have been suffering?" This guy was rather a brick wall, this was good. Brick walls were really good at bashing your head against until you forgot all your problems.

"My doctor has reviewed the case. I am capable of managing the side effects." He was capable of managing them, that did not mean he enjoyed them, but he supposed he would have to endure.

"Have the side effects gotten better or worse or the same since you started your last course?" She didn't have to ask all these questions but these weren't exactly normal medications.

"I experience similar effects each time I take the medication," Liyar hedged uncomfortably, though he would never admit he was uncomfortable.

"Okay," Turning Jessica walked to the medical replicator and entered several sets of codes. When she returned it was with two tiny cylinders, one blue and one purple. "Other than the medication, how are you feeling?"

"I am adequate," Liyar answered without additional commentary. He had his eyes trained on a diagram on the wall behind Jessica's shoulder, and looked very single-mindedly focused on getting in, getting his script and getting out again. He held out his hand to take the drugs when she returned.

Handing the two cylinders to him she cocked her head, "Are you seeing a counselor?" While Vulcan's were normally rather focused this one seemed rather rude on top.

Liyar inhaled a measured breath. He wrapped his hands over the cylinders and tucked them away. Technically, "Affirmative," out came the go-to one-word answer in his verbal toolbox. They stood there for a few more minutes of silence before Liyar spoke again. "Do you have any additional queries?" he asked, pointedly looking at the door.

Jessica let out a small sigh, "No, take care and make sure you follow the instructions." This was hardly the most interesting patient she had today, at least he wasn't trying to hit on her though, or kill her.

Liyar left without another word, and only stopped after the lift doors closed shut behind him. He keyed the halt sequence and leaned against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. He decided against injecting them now. He had things to do. When he could afford the inevitable downtime, he would do it. Sufficiently convinced against a course of action he truly didn't relish, he ordered the lift down.


Lieutenant (JG) Liyar
Diplomatic Officer, VDF/SDD
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 2nd Class Jessica Sandywyne
USS Galileo


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