USS Galileo :: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo - The Path Not Taken: The Interrogation (Part 3 of 4)
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The Path Not Taken: The Interrogation (Part 3 of 4)

Posted on 10 Apr 2024 @ 2:17am by Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala & Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor

2,792 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo
Location: Okinawa, Japan, Earth
Timeline: Early 2396

Previously on The Interrogation...

“I was a proficient engineer in Starfleet. It was…agreeable work.” Sera began, knowing it would not make any difference, but wanting her words to be recorded. She was giving them her motive, not that they would likely recognize it.

“I found much satisfaction with it, and in learning more about the world beyond Jian’Kahr. Resigning my commission upon my mate’s forced reassignment was necessary but not satisfying. It was logical to remain with him. But I found myself blacklisted on arrival to Earth. A highly trained and competent engineer and not a single offer for gainful employment. I applied to 137 open global positions. Then I watched as my mate was given an office in a specialty he had no training in, not trusted beyond coming into work everyday…and he is a Lieutenant Commander in good standing.” Sera paused.

Her expression shifted subtly, as if she were trying to commit to conveying something emotional and failing with the attempt. “This is all wrong. All of this.” Taking in a deep breath, Sera let it out slowly, “Kaiddth.”

“I have nothing else to offer you.” Sera ended in a soft tone. They had attempted to cause fear and humiliation, and failed on both parts. They did succeed in something else, however.

Sera felt towards these people and all they represented with the same unusual emotion that she had experienced towards the healers on Vulcan.

and now the continuation...


The vulcan officer narrowed his eyes, and a new tactic would be required. They would need to regroup. "Computer, pause recording." He gave Sera a penetrating stare, "There is always more to offer."

He gathered the items and roughly stuffed them into the box, awkwardly hefting it. Then looked over to his human colleague, "Sheffield."

The human woman gave a strange sort of smile, "We will find out what is going on. We always do." She then stood and followed Nirak from the room, the sliding doors sealing swiftly behind them.

Sera watched the two intelligence officers go. They were inept. When she stripped out of the uniform and tossed the items back on the table they did not notice the removal of the honor blade from the table top. Perhaps a foolhardy move at best, but she wasn’t about to let her dagger fall into enemy hands. Sera subtly slipped the blade into the folds of her yukata, and then began another attempt at meditation while she waited.

The intelligence officers did not return. Minutes, then tens of minutes, slowly passed. Until finally the familiar hiss of the door opening broke the piercing silence.

A younger officer walked in cautiously, carrying a small pile of clothing. "M-Ms. M’Lyr’Zor?" He sounded a little nervous, "I've been asked to take you to a place so you can change."

Slowly opening her eyes, Sera turned her head to regard the officer. They were young and appeared…nervous? Not a good trait for one in intelligence…or it was simply a ploy. She slowly stood and faced them. Was the next stage of interrogation to commence?

The officer led Sera out of the interrogation room and through a series of corridors, then handed her the clothes. They were a simple long sleeved top and trousers. He gestured to a door which contained a small bathroom and a space to change.

A human might have observed that the young Vulcan woman stood there ‘blinking like an owl,’ as she looked down to the folded clothes in her arms in befuddlement. As it was not the time nor the place to question the motives of this officer, Sera stepped in and changed into the clothing. They were far warmer than the cotton yukata, and she was relieved by that.

After a moment, Sera emerged, new clothing in place and her own robe folded neatly in her arms. She looked at the officer expectantly.

What now?

The woman motioned for her to follow and she did, waiting for the next psychological assault, but as they turned into a room that held a transporter padd, Sera was thoroughly confused.

“Please step up ma’am.” The officer said and Sera complied.

Gold sparkles started to dance in her eyes and the weird disembodied sensation took hold as she was transported out of the room to who knew where…but as the sparkles left her eyes Sera found herself at the Transporter station in Okinawa city.

”Varin! Sera thought frantically as she raced off the platform and ran-as fast as she could in her zori towards the Daystrom Institute. She wasn’t even sure if he was there, but her instincts told her he was.


Vala was back in his office. He had spent the past hour doing very little. This was not particularly unusual. It had, however, been a highly unusual day.

He had come to work intending to meet the Director of Daystrom but they had not been in. Instead he had encountered an acquaintance from the past who had clarified the situation that he and S'Ers-a had found themselves in. He had been assured that for their safety he should not worry her by mentioning it, and had provided some…. advice on what could be generously described as meditation techniques in order to ensure particular thoughts and discussions could be locked away safely in his mind.

After that was sorted he had been at a bit of a loss as to what to do, and had been advised to return to his office. So he had. No one had bothered him since he arrived, and the usual hollow lab reports and information free data sheets elicited their usual sensation of extreme boredom.

Eventually though, he felt a presence in the vicinity: S'Ers-a. She had come to see him. A sense of extreme relief washed over him. She was safe. That was all that mattered.


“Let me in! I demand to see Commander Vala.” Sera’s voice took on a dangerous edge as she bared her teeth to the security guard. Her controls were shot and her thought processes were bordering on irrational.

“I am sorry but your name is not on the accepted visitor list.”

“He. Is. My. Mate. Get him. NOW.” Sera hissed, and the security guard began to step around the desk.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You are not authorized to be in this building.” His voice took on a cold edge in reciprocation to the Vulcan woman’s unusual aggression. His hand rested on the butt of his phaser in response. Sera’s eyes slid down to his weapon and back up to his eyes.

“That would be a most unwise decision.” Sera replied softly. In her hands was the neatly folded yukata…and a Romulan dagger honed to the sharpest of edges. She calculated distance and trajectory and knew he would be dead before he could even draw the weapon.

He tapped on his badge. “This is Officer Bates. I require assistance at the Department of Xenology.”

"That," Vala's assertive tone carried over the atrium, "Will not be necessary." He had sensed S'Ers-a's distress from his office and had made it down as quickly as he could.

"There has clearly been some kind of mistake, Officer," he walked slowly forward, "As Chair of the Department I would say my mate should be allowed to visit me." He reached the twitchy security guard, "I will be leaving now, please ensure S'Ers-a is added to the list by the start of next week."

“They will not add me back, Rh’vaurekorn.” Sera replied grimly to his comment as she clutched the yukata–and other contents–close to her chest.

Vala looked into his ailhun's eyes, "Let us go into the gardens, it will be more… peaceful there." He led S'Ers-a down the steps of his hated place of work, and into the large gardens which were interspersed between the different faculties of the Institute.

After a moments quiet, he spoke softly in his native tongue, "What has happened, e'lev?"

Sera was silent for a moment as she looked out over the aesthetically pleasing landscape. “I was taken in for questioning this morning. They searched our home. They took the chest, Varin. I need to tell you something but…” Her voice trailed off. Sera didn’t trust that anything she said wasn’t being listened to by someone. Irrational, aggressive, and now paranoid too. What a most disagreeable day.

“I would like to go home.”

Without hesitation or another word, Vala led her quickly towards the municipal transporters. Nothing he had to say would be worth saying in public if S’Ers-a wished for privacy. It was a relatively short walk at a brisk pace to their destination in any case.

Vala allowed S’Ers-a to go first, tentatively watching as her chit was accepted, before presenting his own. Moments later they were back in the tranquility of their little fishing village. It was the middle of the day, and the sun beat down onto the main street as they walked along it.

Eyes were on them. The villagers seemed disturbed. Something unusual had happened, and Bise was not a place for unusual happenings. It became clear as they approached their home.

Many footsteps had approached their door. The sliding frame was damaged and askew. Inside was pandemonium - everything had been lifted and turfed through. Plant pots were on their side, pillows were everywhere.

A small, scared mew came from atop a shelf where Fvillhu was hunkered down hiding.

Vala shook his head, “Fvadt…” He said quietly, then turned to S’Ers-a, “How dare they do this,” his eyes had a deep intensity, “How dare they take you.”

Sera quickly dropped her yukata and honor blade and walked over to the shelf and reached out to the feline and he quickly scooted into her arms. In a quiet voice, Sera consoled the cat, as she petted his head and he tucked himself deep into her embrace.

“There will be surveillance devices planted, no doubt.” She responded, not replying to his declarations at first. Instead her eyes roved over the shambles that was once a precisely ordered home.

Sera shifted the cat, who had started purring quite vigorously and reached out with her hand and gently grasped his wrist. “Shall we go to the garden?”

Vala nodded, silently gesturing for S’Ers-a to lead the way.

Sera stepped over the broken things and lumps of fabrics and guided him out to the Zen garden which was still relatively unscathed. Oh, the sand garden had been completely overturned; no doubt searching for something buried..however it was outdoors and there was a lot of ambient sound to block out conversation. She had considered a meld, but her mind was in far too much turmoil to apply the focus necessary.

“Last night I contacted Komehk-il…I told her of the growing tensions. She agreed–quite readily–that we, that is ourselves and your colleagues, would have a place on Vulcan.” The words fell from her lips in a rushed whisper, and her eyes studied his face quite intently to judge his reaction.

Another nod from Vala. If he had wondered ‘why now?’ then this was perhaps an indication. The line would have been encrypted, he was sure, but the communique and its destination may have turned some heads.

“Varin…I am considered a traitor. I cannot see an outcome that ends…well.”

“Very well,” he responded simply, “Then we must leave. I do not know what they intend for us but I do not wish to find out.” He stepped closer to his mate and softly put a hand on her upper arm, “I will not allow anything like this to happen to you again. I am sorry I was not here, e’lev.”

Sera suddenly shifted gears. Her mind was in as much a chaotic state as her home was. Gently dropping the cat, she reached out her hand to the side of his face, simply to connect. Her hand was still trembling. “I feel...responsible for all of this. I never considered the chest being a point of issue…I should have. Why…why were you so angry today?”

“The… Director. He was not there as I had hoped.” Vala said, keeping his emotions fixed on his concern for S’Ers-a, “I demanded to see him and was frustrated when I was denied.”

He took a shaky breath, “I ended up bumping into an old acquaintance. An important one. And I told them of our circumstances.” He paused, gazing into his e’lev’s eyes, “I think she may have assisted in getting you released…”

Sera’s soft expression melted to blankness as she pulled her hand back. Something was…off, however he had always been truthful to her so she did not even consider that he was attempting any type of concealment or deceit. Attributing everything to the turmoil of the day she looked away from him and nodded slightly. The acquaintance had to have been in Intelligence. Her mind considered the possibilities.

“There is more likely more to it than that, Varin. Intelligence does not deal in coincidences.” Sera said as she slowly looked back to the house and felt a profound sense of violation.

“Varin…I am so very angry. I fear I lack the control necessary to remain passive.” Her normally placid voice was harsh. “How…how do you deal with these emotions? How do you not succumb to them?”

Vala tentatively reached up and stroked his fingers through her hair in a calming gesture, "You do succumb to them," he said softly, "But only a little. The rest you channel into something constructive. If you can."

He glanced at the disheveled garden, then to the house, then back to S'Ers-a, "What is constructive now would be to leave. This," he gestured at their little domestic situation, "was never going to last. We must go. Soon." He closed his eyes and sighed, "Wartime brings out the worst in everyone, and if we remain on Earth I fear we will become victims of paranoia and fear. Worst of all they will not allow us to remain as we should be: together."

Sera reached out and grabbed his wrist, looking at him with an intense expression not often seen on a Vulcan. “I will allow no one to separate us, Varin.” Realizing her grip was all but crushing, Sera forced her hand to relax slightly. It was not often that she would express her possessiveness of him, but after what had happened today instincts were overriding conditioning.

Vala lightly placed his hand on hers, affirming the connection.

"I believe you are correct...our time here has come to an end. Unfortunate." Her eyes spotted something and she walked over to the covered porch to the small low table that had been overturned next to the pillow she utilized for her meditations.

Crouching down, Sera discovered the small lamp she had brought from Vulcan overturned on the decking, broken into pieces.

Kaiddth. She would not waste anymore time on that. It would be far more effective to return to form training or the like. Sera considered she would get far more use from dusting off her combat skills than forcing her mind into mental exercises that enforced Surak’s logical framework.

Uprighting the table, Sera picked up the pieces of the lamp and stood. “Cleaning would be productive, Varin, although it is probable that our deposit will be forfeited over this. We will also need to discuss options with your colleagues. They are not required to leave, but I want them to be aware of the alternatives available to them.”

“I imagine they will wish to, given the chance,” Vala’s tone had a resigned quality to it, “We are once again the ‘enemy’. So much for the higher sensibilities of the Federation.” He had the very Rihannsu urge to spit on the ground, but he would not profane his dwelling like that, “Indeed we should tidy up and honour the owner - they have been kind to accommodate us.”

“Yes. They have been. I will ensure they will not be required to outlay any funds to repair any damages within the house…shall we get started then?”

To be continued...



S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor
Person of 'Interest'


LTCMDR Montgomery Vala
Chair of Xenogeology
Daystrom Institute


LT Nirak
Starfleet Intelligence
[NPC played by Vala]


LT Sheffield
Starfleet Intelligence
[NPC played by Vala]


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