USS Galileo :: Biography - S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor


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30 Aug 2024 @ 10:12pm

Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor

Name S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor

Position Acting Chief Engineer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 45
Date of Birth 2347
Place of Birth Jia'anKahr, Lyr T'aya, Vulcan

Character Type

Category Primary Character (PC)

Starfleet ID

Serial Number BZ-042-3299
Rank Class Junior Officer
Security Clearance Level 5
Duty Watch Team 3

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10.5"
Weight 150#
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue (Unusual for a Vulcan)
Physical Description Sera is of average height for a Vulcan female. Her body is long, lean, and has an almost delicate or fragile quality to it. However, there is strength hidden beneath the innate grace and poise she demonstrates.

She is a life-long practitioner of martial arts, and of late has taken up running due to it having meditative qualities to it. Might be taking it too far?

She is considered aesthetically pleasing, with a heart shaped face, full lips, and deep blue eyes the color of rarest vokaya stone which is quite unusual for a Vulcan. Such a genetic variation is quite rare. Her skin is a fair bronze, with a subtle green undertone, and her very long, dark brown hair is normally worn up in an elaborate braided bun. If it were brushed out, it would end well past her hips.

Her hands are long, with narrow, dexterous fingers tipped with almond shaped, medium length nails – painted a nude color to blend with her skin, and if one were to look close enough they would see a faint, lacy pattern of Lichtenberg figures over the tops of her hands that extend up to her mid forearms (the left overs of a plasma burn earlier in her career).
Body Art No body art

Scars - a well-healed scar shaped like two crescent moons made of tiny wounds along the ride side of shoulder into neck.

Faint, lace-like scarring to the backs of her hands, onto her forearms - sustained by plasma burns.


Spouse Widowed - Viruk
Children N/A
Father Soven
Mother T'Rel
Brother(s) Vanik

Sister(s) N/A
Other Family T'Ael - Foremother (Clan Matriarch) - was once very close to her foremother; however, her mother forbade her further contact after it was discovered she had been teaching her granddaughter questionable 'skills.' Oh, that didn't stop Sera, or rather, T'Ael - but her interactions with her foremother took on a more 'clandestine' angle.
Pets Do not be fooled by our aloofness and lack of emotionalism. Our Logic, our maze of rituals. Beneath it all... we could be a great distance away

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sera’s personality was shaped by the expectations of those around her. She was the first-born daughter of the clan matriarch of clan Lyr'Zor. It was one of the oldest Noble clans, having accrued millennia of shadowy history. She grew up in an insular world, a closed fortress city that allowed no outsiders without express permission. To understand the level of isolation, Sera had never even seen a human before taking the Starfleet Academy entrance exam.

Her upbringing shows through in her movements and how she handles herself. She can look rather imperious at times and pays close attention to custom (whether she abides by the ritualistic rules or not is determined on a case-by-case basis).

Socially speaking, Sera can come across—initially anyway—as mildly reserved; unsure – as she is still adapting to sometimes incomprehensible communication styles of the many Federation species, and to a ‘world’ that is nothing like the environment she was raised in. However, she tries, and in a very un-Vulcan-like way, to attempt compromise in communication. Of all of Surak’s dogma – the concept of IDIC: Infinite diversity in infinite combinations was one of the Father of Logic’s concepts that she has had no issues adopting.

Sera has chosen a rather unorthodox career path, for a Vulcan of such high-rank, anyway. Although she left her family and home to escape the life that was laid before her; it is not possible to leave behind her upbringing.
Strengths Sera’s strengths are varied. Her background and mental discipline mean she is calm under stress. Sera constantly assesses, and she is not satisfied until complete understanding is achieved. That determination has served her well at the academy where Sera focused her studies on engineering and to a lesser extent security – as the development, use, and maintenance of weapons (both melee and firearms) holds an unusual fascination for her. (A human would call it a ‘hobby.’)

Her upbringing required identifying and effectively managing societal and political intricacies (and intrigues) of various sources – however, managing the affairs of Vulcans is a far different thing that managing off-worlders within the confines of Starfleet. Her ideas may, at times, run into grey areas. So, she’s a more results driven personality. Will it effectively get the job done?

Sera also follows the chain of command and believes in the immutability of Starfleet regulations. Her childhood was filled with knowing who oneself was above or beneath within the hierarchy of their world, and Starfleet, in some respects, is the same. If she considers someone acting out of line, she will usually bring it to their attention – in the most matter-of-fact way possible. (This may be a weakness?)
Weaknesses Sera grew up in an insular world unlike most of main-stream Vulcan society. She was barely fluent in Federation Standard when she sat for her exam (case in post she studied more on learning Standard than anything else), so the language still holds challenges for her in being effectively understood. Her voice still carries an obvious Vuhlkansu accent.

Sera is not subtle when she has an idea and believes it is the best course of action. At times this could be interpreted as hard-headedness, but she usually has good reasons for arguing a point. Really good Vulcan reasons that no doubt translate quite poorly to off-worlders.

Her knowledge base has clearly delineated boundaries. Sera’s educational focus surrounds the things she learned at the academy…leaving her technical knowledge of subjects encompassing complex sciences to be a realm of utter ‘mystery’ to her. She would also be a less than ideal candidate in a medical triage setting. Her knowledge of alien physiology is rudimentary at best.
Ambitions Personally, Sera would like to find a community (family) for herself. She could not predict the results of going against the grain and making a choice for herself versus obediently following her family/clan’s objectives for her. It has culminated in a life filled with duty – which is a cornerstone of Vulcan society – but without the foundation of belonging.

Professionally, she is driven to excellence in her research, design, application, and maintenance of the varied technologies she is expected to be competent in. It is a relentless process and is most satisfying to her.
Hobbies & Interests Sera is—perhaps against better judgement—fascinated with alien culture. Perhaps it was her childhood – but having the opportunity to try new things be it food/drink/activities – well Sera will try just about anything. (Wait, maybe that’s a weakness, too?)

She is a life-long practitioner of martial arts – mainly Vulcan styles such as Suus’Mahna and Kur’eel (an ancient, particularly vicious martial arts form considered by some in historical spheres as the origin of the brutal Romulan artform Kormerek.) While at the academy she learned more martial styles such as Klingon Mok’bara and Human Japanese-styled Aikido and Jiujitsu.

Sera otherwise finds it gratifying to refit things, data padds, tricorders, and weapons. Small things that can sit on a table or desk and be taken apart cleanly and worked on…it’s a form of meditation for her.

She has become quite proficient in building and upgrading weaponry. What started as a side project during the academy days where she was challenged to upgrade one of the training pistols for a fellow student. The target may have been incinerated in a fantastic display of literal vulcanism.
Vernacular Sera speaks with a hesitant cadence – littered with pauses, some purposeful, and others because she’s trying to find the correct word – when speaking in Federation Standard, that is. When speaking Vuhlkansu, her speech is clipped/rapid fire in tone, and the fricative heavy accenting bleeds over into her standard – not very common for a Vulcan.

She attempts to use slang and idioms from time to time (when a point is to be made) but often with mixed results, i.e., they come out mostly right. She can be quite sarcastic – which is a Vulcan holdover, and some may argue a form of ‘humor,’ although she would deny such a thing.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Vuhlkhansu, Federation Standard, Some Rihannsu

Personal History To understand Sera’s worldview growing up, one must understand the basic governmental workings of Vulcan. The planet Vulcan is governed by an oligarchy of prominent ‘families,’ who serve as the heads of their respective clans and all those living underneath them. These clans/houses vary by importance (lesser, high, greater, or noble/royal – a holdover from pre-Surakian times) and they act as extremely disciplined, complex, and close-knit familial units which serve critical roles in Vulcan society, culture, and law.

Of the higher-ranking clans there is one who holds less respect and more, perhaps unease. Clan Lyr’Zor is one of the smaller royal houses who have existed well before the time of Surak. They have developed a reputation over the millennia—and rightfully so—of being shadowy, secretive, and untrustworthy. The ancient Lyr Zor, once spoken of in fervent whispers, often traded in secrets, and were often willing to do the uncomfortable thing. Despite their unsavory reputation, that didn’t stop their utilization by other clans/houses (Even the Royal Clans although they would deny such most fervently) as spies and assassins, if the price was right. They were one of the last clans—at least outwardly—to adopt Surak’s teachings and, even then, did not open themselves to outsiders. Much of the clan’s social customs, behaviors, and hierarchy are still unknown even in the modern day, and this is just how the clan wants it.

Therefore, Sera’s life experiences up until leaving Vulcan to enter Starfleet Academy was incredibly insular even to mainstream Vulcan’s standard. Her clan is isolated by remote geography in the Southern hemisphere. The largest city, Jia'anKahr, within the Lyr T'aya region, is the clan’s stronghold and was the place of her birth. It is an ancient walled city abutting the Vuldi Gorge and does not make a habit of welcoming nonmembers. Those who have tried to infiltrate the lands of Lyr’Zor are usually never heard from again. What happens to those curious—yet foolhardy—persons are unknown.

She was a dutiful daughter, learning the skills and etiquette required to excel in her world. It was, however, dissatisfying. She found the prospect of the role set out before her to be stifling. Her arranged marriage–to the eldest son of House Awidat, a high house within her clan—brought her little satisfaction. It had been insisted upon by her mother; but all could see that the two were poorly matched. Nonetheless, Sera obeyed; and found herself belonging to a young man whose eyes were trained on the stars.

Was that where the spark to be more was born? Viruk wanted nothing more than to travel amongst the stars and to study cacti or reptiles or some alien lower lifeform, which Sera found less than stimulating. His grades were not exemplary enough to obtain admission to the Vulcan Science Academy – but he mentioned Starfleet as a viable option. He was quite adamant in his joining, and there may have been an emphatic directive that she would apply as well somewhere in there. Well, as newly bonded mates, where one went, the other logically should follow.

Her family was appalled; but Sera may have made things appear to be solely Viruk’s idea – so it was therefore only logical to accompany him. It was a manipulation of the highest order, however, her mother relented. Her son-in-law wanted to study xenobiology…he was young and exceptions could be made.

She excelled at the academy, where Viruk was satisfactory. He began to feel contempt for his young mate, the one who had made it possible for him to achieve his dream…because it appeared to come easily to her. That observation was most incorrect. Sera had a very hard time integrating in the academy, finding the culture shock to almost insurmountable. Then to find that her fiercest ally and confidant began to slowly turn against her was…distressing. She poured her subsumed feelings into her studies and declared as an engineering major, graduating with honors near the top of her class.

Sera was…disappointed to find out her mate had requested an assignment to a deep space research outpost – perhaps knowing there were no open engineering slots available at the duty station. And so, they were separated. It was most uncomfortable, at first. However, as time and distance widened between the two, the once flourishing bond they shared dissipated to a wispy shadow of itself. Although a seemingly insurmountable gulf separated them, Sera began to prepare herself as time elapsed…although there was no regard between the two of them, she was his mate and would perform her duty.

However, the call did not come. One night, while in bed, Sera’s mind was suddenly overwhelmed by a nightmare which were Viruk’s final moments. His mind screamed to hers as she ‘saw’ through his eyes a blade thrust deep into her mate’s heart, twisted, and ripped it from the irreparably damaged pump as their connection was sundered through his death.
She awoke from the horror with a scream and was found the next morning staring unblinking at ceiling after she failed to report to duty. She was returned to Vulcan, where she was met by secular Vulcan healers—none of her family—and spent months in recovery.

They blamed her. Their censure was all but complete, but her uncle, D’Vik braved their wrath to maintain contact and let her know the goings-on of her family. It was a desperately needed lifeline for Sera – but what was truly beneficial was her obtaining clearance to return to active duty.

Barely a grown adult; Sera was now a widow – most likely to never obtain another mate. She saw the path her family had set out for her char and blow away upon the sands. All that is left is forward…Starfleet. She would build a new life there. It is Kaiddth. “What is, is.”
Starfleet History Some of this is described in the above personal history.

Sera tested in ShirKahr and was accepted to SFA. She and her newly bonded mate assured their family that this was logical course of action - weaving the tales in a manner only youth can employ as a balm against the cynicism of age and experience. Although there were serious misgivings, a hesitant permission was given.

Adjusting to an alien world – filled with water, cool and damp, was challenging. Sera was always cold, and although she had the mental discipline to compartmentalize it and to regulate her body so that she didn’t shiver, it didn’t make it any less disagreeable. That was the easy part. Sera had a crash course on how to engage with numerous alien cultures. It made her upper-level engineering courses seem effortless.

Starfleet Academy taught her tenacity. She took on these challenges with a quiet determination that she would figure it out. It meant that she would have to assess her own beliefs and make compromises. Her mate thought that to be an inexplicable mindset. Sera told him where he could stuff his inflexibility, and in a most colorful manner to which she was secretly proud of.

Sera declared as an Engineering major – with a focus on propulsions and materials engineering. As if that wasn’t enough workload, to indulge her NOT hobby – Sera took enough self-defense and weapons classes to minor in Security.

She graduated with honors in 2390 and was commissioned as an Ensign and assigned to USS Juneau, a starship with a prototype engine that was being trialed. It was a most educational assignment as she was able to grow her skills was immersing herself in real-time research and development. It was on Juneau that Sera had her ‘bad dream,’ after approximately a year and a half of time served, and subsequently was placed on medical leave.
Medical History DOB: 2347 – 17th day of the Month of Tasmeen

2363 – suffered dislocated shoulder from a bad through during training – reduced without complications

2364 – sustained tibula/fibula fracture during lirpa training – required surgical repair, no lasting effects

2366 – lacerations to bilateral forearms; learning unarmed vs. armed defense techniques; due to length of time between injury and repair, long, well approximated scars are visible.

2385 – Official Marriage ceremony – Lyr T’aya, Vulcan
Sustained: Two broken wrists, right shoulder dislocation, 3 broken ribs, and a mild concussion, numerous contusions; no surgical intervention required; all wounds healed without complications. Areas of broken skin; all repaired except for a wound shaped like two crescent moons made of tiny wounds along the ride side of shoulder into neck – as demanded by her mate, which was his right.

Starfleet Academy

2386: Inoculated against common Federation spaceborne illnesses. Allergic reaction to the Rigellian Fever vaccine (Hives, shortness of breath).

2390: Psychological evaluation notes cadet appears to be coping with numerous life stressors in a positive way. Provided support group information for remedial education on culture mores of federation worlds. Considered mentally fit for duty.

USS Juneau

2390: Sustained plasma burns when a safety valve failed to shut; manually shut valve to prevent plasma venting into main engineering. Required multiple dermal regeneration sessions; bilateral hands up to lower forearms were affected; areas of subtle burn scarring remain.

2391: Sustained a severe psychic injury. Unable to adequately treat aboard Juneau. Pt was transferred to Vulcan, where she remained under the care of Vulcan healers until released due to completion of care.

2392: Cleared for active duty after final Starfleet medical and psychological evaluations

Pending Assignment
Service Record Academic Training

2386 - 2390: Cadet, Starfleet Academy
Focus: Propulsion Systems, Material Engineering
Minor: Security
Graduation: 2390

Starfleet Career
2390-2391: Engineering officer – USS Juneau
Active participant in field trial of prototype Warp drive

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training