USS Galileo :: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo - The Path Not Taken: Dinner With The 'Enemy' (Part 3 of 6)
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The Path Not Taken: Dinner With The 'Enemy' (Part 3 of 6)

Posted on 25 Feb 2024 @ 5:18pm by Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala

3,404 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo
Location: Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, Earth
Timeline: Early 2396

Previously on The Path Not Taken: Dinner With The 'Enemy'

Glancing over to Montgomery, Sera remembered his explanation on why he had changed his name to something more ‘human’ sounding. It was an attempt to find a measure of belonging in a place that was utterly alien. That he even felt it was necessary was something that Sera found distasteful.

She was struck by a sudden thought. Even she had taken on a ‘Federation’ name. It had been necessary to simplify it for the humans, mostly. It was a compromise; One of many she had to make in order to adapt to the foreign world within ‘Starfleet.’

“Indeed. All of us have been made to adapt to the human-centric culture of Starfleet in some form or another. They are quite forceful in the expectation of acceptable behaviors based solely on their own customs and beliefs.”

"The Federation is the Human Empire by another name," S'anra responded, her tone making it clear that she did not have a shred of doubt in the statement, "There may be rights, freedoms and advancement available for other species but Earth is the seat of power. Their culture dominates, trade spreads their way of life far."

She looked into S'Ers-a's eyes, "Since learning of the history of this planet and the Federation I could never understand why your people, our distant kin, did not assert themselves more. Vulcans held all the cards, yet they allowed humans to rule. It is… curious to me."

“I have no suitable answer. I am not the best spokesperson for the mindset of the Vulcan people. Perhaps they saw what the humans were capable of, having introduced themselves shortly after one of their major ‘world’ wars. Or they simply bowed to the inevitable. Humans are…rather pervasive.”

Sera looked over her shoulder to Montgomery. His shoulders had tightened up imperceptibly, and simmering anger trickled through their bond. “I should probably serve more drinks.” Sera said to S’anra. “The mood of the evening is quickly turning to darker emotions. That will not serve to help all feel welcomed and relaxed. I have observed that usually more drinks help?”

S’anra’s lips formed into a small smile, “Help or hinder, they make things more interesting,” she laughed.

And Now, the Continuation...


Vala wandered over to K'ratak and gave him a slap on the back. He had learned much of Klingons during their acquaintance, and firm physical acts seemed to be part of their 'dialogue', "K'ratak, how do you find the Narat? A little more refined than human drinks I would say?"

"HIja'! It is fine indeed, expands the nasal tubes!" He took a dramatic sniff of the cup, "Though I must admit the mention of your mate made of bloodwine has my palate distracted." He laughed heartily.

"Ah she is most accommodating isn't she." Vala glanced over to S'Ers-a in adoration, "She procured some fine looking steaks of the 'beef' variety too. So we shall eat well."

"It is a good day to dine," K'ratak laughed at his own wordplay, "Your invitation was most welcome. I am alone often when not at the Institute. This does not bother me but I prefer company."

“So we will have to endure tales of your scientific victories tonight, then K’ratak?” Imin joined in, expression warm to the now impromptu terraformer.

“Envious of my triumphs, Imin?” The Klingon’s tone was good natured, and he laughed easily, “I am fortunate to not be so constrained as you in my research. tIqIpqu' 'ej yItaQo',” he called out with vigour, “Be fiercely curious and never be satisfied! I live by that sentiment. They take me off terraforming and put me in microbiology. Algae research! They think they will defeat me! HA!,” He exclaimed, “I developed an algae that stabilises Class-M atmospheres in half the time. There is no battle I cannot win at Daystrom!” He puffed his chest out with pride.

“Elements! A Klingon atmospheric engineer delegated to studying algae. It boggles the mind.” Imin retorted, mild outrage coloring his tone. “I say now in truth, I do not trust the Federation to keep us safe. They are turning suspicious eyes upon us, it seems. How long before they begin painting us with the same broad strokes they judge the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire by?”

K'ratak's expression stilled at this topic of conversation, his mirth melting away, "Your caution is wise. Qob'egh Qobbe'lu', one who trusts can also be betrayed," he gave a snarl, "We should not trust those who do not extend the courtesy to us! They do not wish for me to see atmospheric engines, or for you to see their gel packs," he gestured to Vala, "Or for Vala to see what's being so heavily guarded in the theoretical physics department." He finished his Narat, "They do not want our contributions any more. We are… inconvenient."

Vala nodded slowly, his expression cold, "I have not had opportunity to check, but it seems they have imprisoned us on this island," he glanced over to his mate, "S'Ers-a's transporter chit was restricted to Okinawa. I expect mine too." He clenched his jaw, "Not a single justification, or a word from anyone…"

"Ghuy'cha'! How can such dishonor stand?" The Klingon uttered as he shook his head.

“We don’t have any choice in the matter, no doubt. But why restrict a Vulcan, one of Earth’s oldest allies, I wonder?” Imin mused aloud as again he caught the form of Montgomery’s wife standing conversing with S’anra. Why indeed? Was it only because of her association with Rh’vaurekorn or was there something else? He couldn’t help it.

“I think perhaps S’Ers-a has been, as the humans say, ‘tarred with the same brush’?” Vala said with some irritation, “Alliances and oaths of all kind seem to matter little in such times…” He trailed off.

Sera was suddenly there, amongst the ruffled scientists, filling cups with more Narat. The smell of outraged Klingon was rather pungent. “Certainly such inconveniences lend to speculations without enough data to make any meaningful hypothesis. I could reach out to the Vulcan Consulate on the morrow to seek clarification.”

“Yes and I will be going to see the Director. I have had enough of this silent maneuvering!” Vala’s tone was indignant, but some of the gravitas was lost when he made a gesture as his feathers fluttered pleasantly with the motion.

“Good luck with that, daehlen,” S’anra said as she wandered over to join the group, “The Director is an officious old lickspittle to Starfleet Command. A Vulcan too,” she said the word as if it were an insult, “Present company excepted,” she glanced at S’Ers-a, “he is a dreadfully ‘logical’ type.” She took a deep sip of Narat, “He was alllll over me before the tensions began. Couldn’t have been more interested in my work with little bugs but now,” she shook her head, “he’d jump out of a window to avoid being seen with a Rihannsu.”

Sera raised a brow to what S’anra said, but made no reply. Unbonded males were rarely allowed off-planet…for rather obvious reasons, at least to a Vulcan. If S’anra’s observation regarding his behavior was interpreted correctly, then that would mean he was a male of no worth at all.

Imin made a face as if he had sucked on something incredibly sour. “He is a pompous, arrogant man who rather enjoys, yes, enjoys his rank and position lording over all of inconvenient reminders of a once hopeful future.”

Her attention bounced between the two other Rihannsu in attendance. Their opinions regarding this director were rather alarming…but what was more concerning was a subtle perturbation regarding all of this. To hear the expected opinions regarding Vulcans was of no consequence to her truly, but to hear these rather un-Vulcan-like accusations…

“With no disrespect intended to those present, but his behaviors are not consistent with any Vulcan males I have had any interaction with. Are you certain he is Vulcan?”

Imin was mid-sip of Narat when S’Ers-a made her rather impromptu remark. His eyes widened at the young woman’s comment, but he managed to swallow the precious libation and not sputter at her moxie.

“What a curious mind you have, S’Ers-a.” Imin said in all sincerity. She brought up a very good point. “You are almost downright Rihannsu with your skepticism.” He answered good naturedly but noticed the subtle shifting in her stance. Discomfort? Why? Imin felt as if he was missing a pivotal piece here…something that would skew the indecipherable shapes and colors into crystal clarity.

Sera resisted the urge to tilt her head. He was looking at her again in that same manner…like he was sizing her up, looking for any exploitable weaknesses. Inwardly she chided herself for such thoughts, and yet...

“It is only logical to question why a Vulcan would be behaving in a manner so far out of acceptable norms.”

"He might not be a full-blood," K'ratak speculated, scrunching his face a little as he finished his Narat, "It's hard to tell. I've heard there are types of Vulcans who have strange interpretations of logic too. I met one once who said that logic 'shifts with the sands' or some such vagary."

“Who–” Sera bit back the inquiry. The ‘who’ in K’ratak’s story wasn’t important to anyone here but her, really. Perhaps she should have partaken in the Narat with the others…this conversation was becoming mildly disconcerting.

S'anra cocked her head to the side, "Well he has that whole impassive neutrality going on most of the time. Mentioned logic all the time," she rolled her eyes, "ugh a tedious individual." She took a deep sip of her drink.

"Well nonetheless I will attempt to get some answers," Vala said with resolve, "No one else on the island will have them. I could send a communication to Starfleet Command but they have been ignoring me for months. Or the station on the mainland…" he sighed, "I do not expect much."

Sera looked to Montgomery and silently sent him support for his defense of her. They all were slowly finding their enclosures being tightened up around them. The end game? Sera was not sure - there were far too many variables in play to make a logical deduction.

So instead she focused on the present…glasses were nearing empty, and K’ratak had not been able to sample the blood wine she had procured for him yet. She silently excused herself from the group and walked through the noren curtain that separated the main room from the kitchen and walked to the stasis unit to pull out the trays of hors d'oeuvres, and then she would grab–

“It doesn’t seem right to have you do all of the work so that we may enjoy ourselves, dear.”

Her head whipped around to see Imin standing just inside the doorway, looking about the kitchen for a few seconds before honing in on her.

“Your assistance is appreciated but unnecessary, Imin Volskiar.”

“Nonetheless, more hands mean less work. What is it your people say…’I come to serve?’”

Sera studied him for a moment before answering. “You may present K’ratak with his blood wine if you feel so inclined.”

Imin dipped his head in assent and moved to the bottle on the workbench and began uncorking it.

“What does a Vulcan want with a Romulan who betrayed his Empire?” Imin inquired suddenly. He enjoyed employing such a technique.

Sera glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, seemingly unflustered. “Your inquiry is incredibly personal, and rather rude. However, I will answer you. I desired him, and he did NOT betray the Empire. The Empire failed him…as I am beginning to see the same with the Federation’s actions here.” Sera began drizzling unagi eel sauce over the pieces of food on the tray.

She admitted desire? His expression must have displayed surprise for Sera flicked a brow and her mouth tugged in a rather self-satisfied smirk…but just for an instant. His mind was again drawn back to the box, and a young woman he helped train years ago. Nirek…she had the same smirk.
His eyes narrowed. Was Montgomery being manipulated? Was Montgomery in on it? Was there an IT to be in on?

He poured the blood wine, and placed the bottle back on the workbench. He then moved about the work table with a speed one wouldn’t have expected from the elder Rihannsu, and stepped up behind Sera, pulling his honor blade and holding it against her throat as he grasped the side of her neck. He felt the woman instantly still.

“How did you come to be in possession of such a box, E’lev??”

Feeling the unexpected bite of the blade against her throat, Sera forced herself to relax. His actions were, no doubt, meant to intimidate or instill fear. If he had wanted harm...well, she was still breathing, wasn't she?

“It is my fore-mother’s, Imin Volskiar. It was sent to me when I transferred to Galileo.”

“Her name?” He pressed, the force of his whisper was mirrored in the pressure against her throat. She swallowed the hiss as his blade cut into her skin.

“T’Ael.” Sera responded honestly. Nothing he had asked was worth dying for quite yet. “Such actions are not necessary, Imin. I will answer your questions. However, I would appreciate it if you remove your blade from my throat.”

Imin did release her and stepped back, slipping his honor blade back into its sheath hidden on his body.

“Ael?” He said. Elements. Ael Nerik. This woman before him was her granddaughter. The resemblance was uncanny. He was surprised he hadn't seen the resemblance sooner.

Sera turned around and looked at the man who now stood in her kitchen looking utterly befuddled. She grabbed a towel and held it to her neck to dab away the small trail of emerald blood, meanwhile outwardly looking completely unperturbed by the situation.

“You simply could have asked me your questions, Imin. Such…dramatics were not necessary.”

“And you…you just met Rh’vaurekorn…by chance?”

“Yes. I was not provided with a crew manifest prior to my transfer.” She took a step forward. “Do not question my loyalty to him, or my motivations behind our bond. We are united in all things...and He. Is. Mine.” Sera added with a quiet intensity that, if Imin was intelligent, he would not question. She may have also bared her teeth in a rictus of subtle aggression, too.


In the central room discussion had not moved much further on than when S’Ers-a and Imin had left. K’ratak had enquired about whether much had changed for Vala and S’anra since the Romulan entry into the war, and both of them had provided some anecdotes about how various people at the Institute had treated them unusually.

“For years I have been obtaining caffeinated beverages from the same little kiosk in the park,” S’anra said with a venomous tone, “The proprietor was a waterfall of compliments for me. He gave me little gifts: cups of coffee, pastries…” She shook his head, “The veruul will not look me in the eye anymore. It is like interacting with ice.” If they were outside she would have spat on the floor.

Vala nodded, “My team have been trying to one up each other by providing reports which are increasingly devoid of actual information. Perhaps they think me stupid,” he took a slightly violent sip of Narat, “It is more insulting than if they would simply refuse to interact, or call me something Vulgar. I-...”

Before he could continue he felt a sudden wash of feeling. He had still not perfected his senses for his mate, but he was certain that something was not right. “Excuse me,” he bowed his head slightly and swept away, feathers rustling.


Moments later, Vala’s tall form appeared in the kitchen doorway, his eyes narrowed slightly with concern. He glanced at Imin, then to S’Ers-a, “Is… everything well?”

Sera dropped the towel she had used to dab away blood from her neck onto the floor hoping Montgomery didn't see it.

“Imin was just going to take the blood wine to K’ratak, weren’t you?”

Imin bowed deferentially and took the cup out to his Klingon colleague, leaving Montgomery and Sera alone for the moment in the kitchen.

She was silent as she walked around the work table and reached out and lightly took his wrist and for a moment simply relished being in physical contact with him. It helped ground her, and Sera silently began to take control of the rather instinctual aggression that had rather easily slipped through her defenses.

Breathing deeply, Vala let out a slow breath. He could feel S’Ers-a was wound tightly. Something… unexpected had happened. She was full of tension. “E’lev, what has happened?”

“Imin saw the chest…I had not considered. It is not an object that generally would be found in an abode such as ours.” Sera said finally by way of initiating conversation. “Imin had…questions.”

His eyes narrowed, she was being circumspect. Evasive. His eyes glanced to the thin line of green on her neck, “You are wounded,” he stated, concern welling up within him. “What happened here? What did he do?” He bared his teeth a little.

“It is nothing. I have sustained worse, adun.”

Aggression. It rose again, although it was not from her. Irrelevant. Her hand trembled as she gripped his wrist.

“Varin…it is alright. He was concerned for you. He was ascertaining whether or not I was a threat to your safety.”

Vala shook his head, “It is far from alright,” he closed his eyes, “It is a dishonour. You are my ailhun. It is… it is an insult.” He growled.

Sera reached up and gently ran the fingers of her free hand down his brow and cheek in an attempt to soothe, much in the way she had calmed Fvillhu earlier. It would be all too easy to succumb to whatever was coursing through them.

“It is…and no doubt will you speak with him at a more appropriate time. For now, however, I think he will behave himself.”

Montgomery opened his mouth to press his outrage, perhaps, but Sera halted him with a rather uncharacteristic display of affection by capturing his mouth in a kiss that proved quite satisfactory in releasing the pent up energy between the two of them. Although…it also proved quite satisfactory in creating a new problem.

She regretfully pulled away, ending the exchange with a playful nip of his lower lip. “We have guests to entertain…and I do not believe we discussed that kind of entertainment for this gathering.”

“I have the Kali-fall chilling in the stasis unit, and the trays of ‘finger’ foods are ready for the table, if you would like to assist?”

Vala blinked a few times, his mind rapidly trying to reconstruct rational thought after the sudden show of affection from S’Ers-a. She was right - whatever was going on with Imin… it could wait.

“Of course, e’lev,” he spoke a little breathlessly, still grounding himself, “I will deal with him later.” He took a deep breath, shaking the stronger of his passions away, “I shall not forget this,” he raised his hand and stroked along her jaw to her lips, “Or that.”

With a raise of his eyebrow he collected a couple of trays and left the kitchen for the festivities.

To be continued...



LTCMDR Montgomery Vala
Chair of Xenogeology
Department of Xenogeology, Daystrom Institute

S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor
Hostess with the Most-est

Dr. S’anra Krotash
Department of Zoology, Daystrom Institute
[PNPC Vala]

Dr. K'ratak of House Grevaq
Algae Engineer
Department of Microbiology, Daystrom Institute
[PNPC Vala]

LTCMDR Imin Volskiar
Senior Botanist
Department of Botany, Daystrom Institute
[PNPC S'Ers-a]


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