USS Galileo :: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life - Shall We Make it a Date?
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Shall We Make it a Date?

Posted on 15 Jan 2019 @ 3:45pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Heinu Reteif & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror
Edited on on 18 Jan 2019 @ 5:27pm

860 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 2, Callisto Lounge
Timeline: MD -176, 2114


Heinu reclined in the Callisto lounge, feet crossed in front of him on the floor. His head rested on the back-rest of one of the padded benches that lined the walls. The lights were low, as usual, emphasizing the stars outside the windows. Heinu's long fingers were wrapped around a cold glass. Ever few moments Heinu raised the glass to his lips and took a sip. He enjoyed relaxing like this. Especially after feeling like he'd accomplished something.

Galileo's resident botanist watched people throughout the room. The crew aboard was small. Incredibly small. Only sixty when fully staffed, and as much as a new ship like this should have been fully staffed, it wasn't. Even so, the small lounge always seemed to have people.

Not being needed for a while by the Captain, Jeysa decided to grab herself a snack and a drink so headed into the Callisto lounge, sitting down on a chair next to the bar she ordered her drink.

Heinu took a sip and realized he'd finished off the last of the beverage. All he got was ice-melt. He stood and walked over to the bar. "Top up, please," he said. "Honey lime ginger ale," he said. It was a comment not precisely directed at the woman next to him, but clearly in her direction. It was the kind of manners Heinu almost always used at a bar. It allowed her to respond if she wanted to talk, but didn't require a response.

"An interesting concoction." Jeysa remarked after Heinu placed his order.

"Oh, it's exceptional. It doesn't have the kick or burn of a traditional alcohol or synthale, but I could nurse one of these all night, and I have." His smile was brilliant in the dim lighting. "What are you getting?"

"Just some tarkelian tea. I'm still on duty just not needed by the Captain right now." Jeysa told him.

Heinu nodded appreciatively. "Not my favorite flavor, but it's a very interesting plant. Did you know that the leaves from Huno Madilia, are actually dusted with vello paste before they're dried? It's part of what makes it so soothing."

"I do now," Jeysa said as her tea arrived. "Might have to try and add that to some recipes."

Heinu shook his head vigorously. "No, I wouldn't recommend that. Vello paste is extremely bitter. Good for a tea, especially with a bit of sugar added, but it's not something you'd want to just toss into normal foods without compensating it." He leaned forward, hands clasped around the new glass of carbonated joy. "I tried a bit by itself once, it was like the concentrated bitterness of a hundred grapefruits."

Jeysa shrugged. "Probably just a pinch then, I like to experiment a lot so I'll give anything a try at least once."

Heinu grinned. "Me too. I've been growing some Grollam, from Eridu VII. Apparently the flavor is novel. Would you like to join me in my first taste-test?"

Sipping a her tea. "Don't think I'm familiar with that but sure, just remember I may get called away at a moment notice."

"Of course," Heinu said, "that's the condition we all live under. When the Grollam has dried appropriately, I'll let you know. It should be sometime within the next day or two." He took another sip. "We could even make a meal of it, if you're interested. I'm sure that the captain gives you some time to yourself. I promise that you'll enjoy at least one part of the meal."

"Sounds good to me." Jeysa said then after a moment chuckled a little. "Look at me accepting a dinner invitation from someone I've only just met and don't even know the name of, my mother would be angry with me."

"Heinu Retief," the tall man said quickly, "I'm Galileo's resident botanist. I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, sometimes my enthusiasm for meeting new people overshadows good manners." He smiled and half shrugged. "It's one of my failings."

"Do not worry, everyone has failings." Jeysa said smiling back. "I'm Jeysa, Jeysa Zeror." She offered him her hand.

Heinu shook the offered hand. It was much smaller than his own, but then again, most were. "I've never heard the name Jeysa, is it a traditional Trill name?" Her heritage was written across the sides of her face and neck, but heritage was a funny thing. It didn't always lead to the conclusions you'd expect. Heinu was a prime example of that.

Jeysa shrugged slightly. "It is not a very common name but there are a few notable Trills from history called Jeysa."

Heinu filed that tidbit of information away. "Well, since I am not well versed in Trill history, or any history really, I will have to take your word for it. I believe, however, that it is nearly my bed time." He finished the last swallow of his drink. "I'll see you soon, then?"

"You will, good day Mr Reteif." Jeysa said with a smile.



PO3 Jeysa Zeror
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]

PO1 Heinu Reteif
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Ghoc]


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