USS Galileo :: Episode 13 - Rogue - The Plan (Part 3 of 3)
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The Plan (Part 3 of 3)

Posted on 27 Jan 2017 @ 8:58pm by General ('aj) Ko'raH House of G'Iogh & Commander Medara t'Keras & Commander Aren Ban & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Senior Chief Petty Officer Martin Caine (KIA) & Sub-commander S'anara Valdran
Edited on on 27 Jan 2017 @ 8:59pm

2,131 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 13 - Rogue
Location: Kreanus Colony - Deck 5, CIC
Timeline: MD 14 - 1325 hrs

Previously, on The Plan (Part 2)...

Ko'raH stepped forward and stood next to Medara as he began to take over the terminal phase of the briefing. "I estimate your voyage will take approximately ten day cycles to complete. When you arrive at Qo'noS, you will no doubt be discovered in short time. The homeworld is the most fortified star system in the entire quadrant. It is then that you will use your Federation skills of diplomacy to negotiate an audience with the High Council," he said. "Once you have arrived in front of the council, you will offer Kreanus' terms."

And Now, the Conclusion...


Medara stepped forward again. "Our terms are simple. The Klingon Empire is to cease its covert operations against Kreanus. All of them. That includes hired mercenaries and members of houses who no longer represent the Empire. The High Council is to leave Kreanus in peace, unconditionally." She paused to observe the Federation members in front of her to make sure they were paying attention.

"In return," continued the Romulan commander, "Kreanus will cease raiding Klingon vessels that enter this nebula. We will not attempt anymore political espionage or attempt further sabotage of Klingon interests. Should this agreement not be ratified by the council, you are instructed to tell them we will release all of our sensor logs to the Federation detailing the history of Klingon incursions into this section of Federation territory over the past sixty years."

Aren looked over the holographic display and took in the data that it displayed. It was a tall order, though it didn't sound like anything that wasn't against the Federation in principle. "What is the requirement of crew compliment, the crew of the Galileo and who else? What other restrictions do you have for us and when do you want to hear our decision by?" He asked, shifting his glance to the senior chief and to Allyndra briefly before turning his gaze back to the commanders.

"We will need all of your crew to be assigned," answered Ko'raH gruffly. "A K'Tinga-class has a large compliment of almost three hundred warriors. We have counted thirty-six of you. Operational control of the vessel will be under your command, however..." he paused and mumbled something, "the rest of your crew will be Klingons. They are familiar with the systems and vessel operations. I have decided to assign fifty of them to DuJa'Q. A 'skeleton crew,' as your kind says."

"As for your restrictions," interjected Medara, "you are to perform the mission we have assigned you with no deviations. You will not attempt to contact Starfleet nor will you deviate from your given mission parameters for any reason," she answered. "We are not simple, commander," she said to Ban, "we know you want to return to your people. We have installed long-range transmitters into your warship that are capable of remote transmissions. We will be monitoring your progress and have the ability to disable your starship if we detect any unauthorized course deviations."

General Ko'raH was next to speak. "You must make your decision here and now. There is no time to waste! You represent your crew and your people. Decide. Help us...or witness the death of the Federation."

Medara half-rolled her eyes and quickly looked over to the general with a reprimanding stare.

"Oh knock it off Ko'raH!" S'anara scoffed at the General's threat. She turned so her green eyes were staring straight at the blue eyes of the Trill, "I know you and the rest have reservations about this, we are asking for a lot without being clear as to why. If we didn't need your help, if we could have done this ourselves, we would have."

"Commander they already know that if we accept this they have us by the short and curlies we don't do it there Klingons take over kill used return the ship to the Kreanus. I notice how they have only said they will stop attacking Klingon vessels, what about fleet interests they want us to enact an act of war no to mention treason. What does the UFP get out of it." Martin spoke the truth which had not yet been broached.

"I must say I agree with the chief. So all goes well, we get everyone to agree on that side then what? You keep raiding cargo and lure other ships for supplies?" Allyndra looked straight the Romulan commander. "Let us say that if we manage this then considering the Nebula and thus this colony are located within Federation space that the coordinates are given so that the Federation can extend aid. " Allyndra shook her head, "The Federation is no doubt looking for us, and we return with the tale it is only a matter of time before this place is discovered." She did not know exactly how the Romulan would react but her mind drifted to the fact that there was a surviving Galileo shuttle that might be able to piggyback out the same way they had in. Once away they would have the coordinates and the means to contact fleet. Fifty Klingons as compliment to their thirty six but then again how many of those were just going to be 'grunts' versus her crew that were mostly scientists, engineers and experts. They had an excellent chance to figure out the devices, and take over the ship or if the shuttle got away give information on the whereabouts and what was going on. She would have to talk to Ban in private but she nodded, figuring one last detail to the bait. "I would say that if you wish to keep this place's location a secret then I think a rendezvous spot could be arranged to give needed supplies as long as you quite luring or attacking other ships period."

Aren turned to the chief and to his fellow Starfleet commander. His mind turned with the potential technical, scientific, and strategic possibilities that those sensors log give could the Federation. Part of him wanted to beat the importance into his compatriots, but then he hand to remember what they had gone through and there inherent miss trust. The chief had been repeatedly beaten just for the chance at getting a failed holographic experiment to work, the commander had seen her captain, and loved ones, die at the hands of the Klingon who is asking for help. There objections weren't entirely unreasonable, but at the same time, while they might not know exactly where Kreanus was, they knew its general location. I didn't take much to surmise possible locations within the nebulae, give the time they had been aboard the ships after he destruction of various ships. Ultimately it would be up to the council and the Federation to decide the ultimate fate of this world, however the crew had a chance to at least delay and potentially avert more senseless death. He wanted to tell his team all of this, he wanted to express it to the rest of the crew, but he didn't know how.

Aren sighed inwardly, this was going to be a tough sell. "To answer you first question senior chief, there is plenty the Federation has to gain from this mission, both diplomatically and from technical standpoint." He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. "Commander Warraquim, I too share your reservations about there raiding activities." He returned his attention back to the general and to the commanders. "This is something that we can do, and I will bring it to the crew. However, once we complete our mission to the Klingon homeworld, there can not be any more attacks, raids or otherwise, within Federation space, that means no raiding Starfleet, civilian, or even those who you consider as enemies unless it is an act of self defense. A Federation representative will need to discuss other mater with you and the leadership of this colony at a later date as well. Those logs will be turned over promptly, and we want the RAW unaltered sensor data. One final set of conditions is that once we talk to the council on the homeworld, we will have full access to talk to Starfleet, as well as the K'Tinga to take us all back to the Federation, to Starfleet headquarters." Aren made sure to make it sound that that points were none negotiable.

Medara had somewhat expected the conversation to turn in the manner it just had. While it was prudent for her to only explain the elements of her colony's final solution which pertained to the immediate threat, questions about the Federation's involvement were inevitable. Especially coming from Federation officers who represented their own interests.

"If you are successful in you mission to Qo'noS," the Romulan prefaced, "if you successfully negotiate with the High Council and achieve our objectives...then we will grant you your audience with your government," she conceded. "But there is no use in extrapolating further future events before the most pertinent ones are completed. You wish us to agree to terms and conditions under the assumption that you will accomplish your mission, and lay future terms for us, but you have not yet assisted us in our request." She eyes Ban closely and began to pace slowly around the side and back of him. Judging, inspecting, and looking for anything in his body language or facial features that might reveal more information for her to work with. Finally, a soft sigh escaped her pursed lips.

"If you can accomplish Kreanus' goals at Qo'noS, I give you my word that we will negotiate with the Federation. For our sovereignty, of course, and along with that, an end to hostilities within our nebula," she added.

Aren took a moment to think about his response. "I can understand that you are hesitant to make promises before your request is completed. But you are asking for our help, and typically when making a deal, there is usually something that is beneficial for both sides and not purely one sided.. But," Aren let out a frustrated sigh before he took in the rest of the command staff, "we will assist you in this." He said, making sure to sound resolute.

"Your compliance is appreciated, commander," replied Medara. She waved one of her hands casually while turning to briefly glance back towards the large data display that contained the holographic sector map. "I assure you this will be beneficial to your government -- afterall, your actions will be instrumental in avoiding a future war with the Klingon Empire. Your fleet commanders and politicians should be most pleased with your initiative. You and your crew will become heroes to the Federation." She turned back to look at Ban, Warraquim, and Caine. "And in return, Kreanus will gain its independence. A desirable outcome for both of us, yes?"

Aren looked at the group. "That will be for history to decide commander. But we have a lot to prepare and plan. It will take some time to get the crew ready to man your starship." Aren said. He looked at his command staff and nodded. This wouldn't be a walk in the park by any means.

Once the terms of the arrangement were agreed upon, Medara turned to her subordinate, S'anara. "Sub-commander Valdran will assist you in your preparations and help familiarize you with our recent intelligence reports from within Klingon territory," she explained to Ban. "You have three days to prepare. On the fourth, you and your crew will board the DuJa'Q and leave for Qo'noS." The Romulan commander looked across the Starfleet command staff one final time. "Do any of you have further questions about your mission?" she asked, offering them all a final chance to inquire about the logistics of the plan.

Silence ensued, much to Medara's satisfaction. It appeared for the moment that their inherent verbal resistances to her plan were subjugated. Such self-restraint would serve them well in the coming days. And ultimately, it would be necessary when they eventually found themselves and their crew at the mercy of the Klingon High Command.

"Then you are all dismissed," she said with finality before turning back towards her duties and looking over the data display one final time. "Commanders," she called out over her shoulder without looking at them, "...good luck, as your people like to say."



CMDR Medara t'Keras
Colony Administrator
Kreanus Colony
[PNPC Ko'raH]

General Ko'raH, House of G'Iogh
Fleet Commander
Kreanus Colony

Cmdr Aren Ban
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

SCPO Martin Caine
Chief of the Boat (CoB)
USS Galileo

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical and Second Officer
USS Galileo

SCDR S'anara Valdran
Colony Administrator
Kreanus Colony


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