USS Galileo :: Episode 12 - Recluse - Can we talk?
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Can we talk?

Posted on 05 Sep 2016 @ 7:46pm by Lieutenant JG Eelim Galan & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim

1,873 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 12 - Recluse
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 2 - Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD -01 Time 1600


It had been fours days since Eelim had been in the sickbay. Thankfully due to Tuula's surgery and modern medicine he had been able to be released though still off duty. Allyndra had checked on progress and things were coming along. At least he could manage to get around now though she imagined it was still a bit painful.

She had invited him to join her in the holodeck. The note had been brief, simply stating: 'Can we talk?' He had said a lot of things about prophets but there had been some things that he had said that disturbed her. She had set up the simulation of when she had first gotten her wings but right now the programme was not activated and the room was its normal black with yellow stripes.

She waited for his arrival.

Eelim had gotten Allyndra's note. He'd been resting in his quarters when it came and as he read her words he couldn't help but smile and then he read her words again. He smiled, also, because she'd chosen the holodeck. Vivid images of their last holodeck encounter flashed through his mind. His body shivered with the pleasure of the thought and then he groaned. His body was not up to that kind of excitement yet. He settled for a cold shower, then he changed into denim like pants and a white silk shirt. He made his way carefully and slowly to the holodeck.

Standing outside the door he sighed and took a deep breath. He hit the control panel and he door opened. His Fairy Princess stood waiting, and that's how he saw her. As a Fairy Princess...and she sort of was being the head of her Guild. "Hi." He said with a smile, his belly doing little flip flops at the sight of her.

Allyndra heard the door and turned to see Eelim. His colour had returned which was good. "Hello, Eelim, thank you for coming. How are you feeling?"

"So, so." He said while smiling shyly.

"Your colour has returned and hopefully we will have you back to function. I bet the restricted diet has been a bit hard. Almost like mine, light fare, mostly liquid." She laughed lightly. "I promise that when you can I will make you a good meal."

He closed his eyes in obvious pleasure. "I can almost taste it!" He looked at her, now smiling, studying her sapphire blue eyes. "You wanted to talk? Why here?"

"Ah! Yes as to why here, let me show you." She waved him in and then asked the computer to display 'Allyndra first flight'. The room shifted and they were standing in a cavern. It was obvious that it had been mostly natural at one time but had been reworked to hold the object that sat there. The object in question was a saucer shaped thing, silver in colour but it seemed to have a glow to it as though an energy sat not quite completely dormant. Not a single feature marked the surface, seemingly without seam, joint or any other distinguishing feature. It filled almost filled the cavern which was coolish as almost all were, close to about a 100 meters around.

Allyndra moved toward it and then touched the surface. "You mentioned you saw something like this or where shown something like this. You said the being in that dream called it a Fold Ship. Well that is exactly what it is. A Fold Ship from olden times. She intoned, 'In order to preserve the future, we put away the past'.

She turned again, "We no longer use them nor much of what we once had. There was a terrible war amoungst ourselves and we nearly destroyed ourselves. In doing so, it was thought best to put away most of the things from those dark days." She turned and trailed a hand over the surface which was warm to the touch. "Still perhaps we put away too much. Oh do not get me wrong if need be, the old machines are still there hidden away and we will defend ourselves but too few of us now remember or know how to use them."

"That's kind of sad. Sometimes our past can move us into the future too. So tell me the Bajoran God that looked like you said that Fold ships are fast. Right?"

"A Fold Ship?" Allyndra continued to look at the ship. "Imagine if you will that you wish to go from say Cardassia to Earth. A distance that even nearing the speed of light would take a lifetime. Now if you wrinkle space, warp it if you will like the Galileo does, it cuts the time down considerably. If you imagine space curved and then punch a hole between the two point, a wormhole, then even less time. However, imagine taking those two points in space and folding space time in such a way that for an moment they touch then one simply has gone from here to there in basically no time. A Fold Ship like this could cross the galaxy in a heartbeat."

He smiled. "Ahhh so not fast but scream worthy fast." He chuckled at his own joke. He stepped up to the ship and touched it. "It's beautiful."

He thought for a moment. "You said...the other Allyndra said, Universe upon universe, and all things possible. A thing that could have happened changed otherwise. A spot where she died, he lived, neither happened, both happened, this is the outcome here in this experience." he looked at her, "Allyndra did you...were going to use the ship to save him?"

"No, that was too late." Allyndra replied. "No when we happened into the mirror universe, there my Gerrin was alive and it was me that had died on my matron flight. Also in that odd place the Akkadians still were using these ships. I did not have time then to determine what difference in history lead to keeping the technology. What changed?" She paused a moment and then shook her head letting the metallic blue flashes show. "We know of that universe and there is a theory that says when quantum decoherence happens and the wave function that accompanies that, that it is possible that instead of collapsing completely that an alternative has occurred."

She looked at Eelim. "In the Academy in physics they talk about Schrodinger cat phenomenon."

Eelim thought for a moment..."The cat in the box thingy?"

"That is correct, until the box has been opened the cat is both alive and dead at the same time because the probability, the wave function of the probability has not collapsed. Now some interpretations say that when the probability is fixed then all others possibilities are eliminated. There are others that say what we see when we open the box is just one wave function collapse, the other has split off and occurs in another universe. Thus, if I interpret what was said to you is that here and now is the probability where I lived and Gerrin died. There Gerrin lived, I died. Somewhere along the line, Akkadians there found a coexistence with their technology, here they did not."

Allyndra shrugged and then suddenly leaned forward and kissed him. "A kiss in this reality, in someplace else it never happened. In another universe perhaps I never showed you this and in another I never told you that I am falling in love with you." She coloured at that and turned to face the ship.

Eelim watched her with a smile as she spoke. She was not only tender, and beautiful, but smart. He loved that about her and just like that there were three women, no more. It was only Allyndra.

He took her by the shoulders. With her at 5'11 and he standing 6'3 he had to bend down to place a kiss on the top of her head. He turned her to face him and then lowered to his knees. Taking her hands he placed a kiss on the palm of each hand. "Allyndra..." he whispered.

He looked up at her, "How can that be?" He asked. "How do I get so lucky that a goddess is falling in love with someone like me?"

"No goddess, plenty of faults, and hint of the A'ksu in me as well. Perhaps you should ask yourself why not?" She touched his head and then his heart. "Perhaps you should ask of these why not?"

That sounded oddly familiar, it was similar to what the Bajoran God posing as Allyndra had said. The real Allyndra, the fairy princess that stood before him, saw something in him that he didn't see himself.

He stood and took her hand. "I fought falling in love with you, not because I didn't want to but because I thought you deserved better. I still think you do but if you'll allow me, my princess, I want to court you."

He bent and gently took her mouth. Tipping her head back to deepen the kiss. He poured his desire into that kiss and when both were out of breath he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. "If you will allow me I will make myself a man worthy of you, at least I will spend my life trying to. I'm falling for you, I fell for you Allyndra and I wish to court you so that you can decide if you feel about me the way I do about you."

Allyndra was thrilled by the kiss and the words. "Well Eelim, as Mother of House Warraquim, I give you permission." She laughed lightly. "On my world though it tends to be the other way around but we shall work on finding a common ground then. Now....." her tone grew more serious. "You are still recovering and we should not over do anything quite yet." She looked at the simulation and shook her head again. "Did you know that I found this place by accident when I got my wings for the very first time. It was the first step on a path that started a series of steps. I wonder if your Prophet meant this as a new first step for both of us?"

He smiled warmly still keeping his arms around her. "I ...I don't know but I hope that's what it means."

"Well let us figure that out as we go. Now as your doctor rest is in order and I have a whole suite all to myself as you know. I think I can make something that should be easy to digest and we can talk and share with least for now." The last was said with a longing look and a knowing smile.

Eelim chuckled a bit. "Well alright. I could go for a bite....and I could have some food too." He said both blushing and grinning. In that moment he could truly say that he was happy, content, and for the first time in a ... forever he had hope.



Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer
USS Galileo


Lt. JG Eelim Galan
Security Officer
USS Galileo


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