USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - You Need to... Kiss Her
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You Need to... Kiss Her

Posted on 02 Apr 2016 @ 2:36pm by Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Petty Officer 3rd Class Veri RN
Edited on on 07 Apr 2016 @ 7:07pm

1,615 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Sickbay
Timeline: MD89 - 1130 Hours


Veri began to formulate a plan in her head. If Jynn could properly rehab and return to the ship, then that would be great. Problem was keeping Tuula's hormones in check and for that to happen, the young Deltan felt an intervention was required of Mott.

The energetic nurse found her way to sickbay and called out in the room, "Doctor Mott?"

A great deal of noise erupted from one of the medcarts on the far side of the room: breaking hypospray vials, trays full of medical equipment coming disjointed within the cart and spilling their contents, and clattering tricorders as they fell to the deck plating. Dr. Olsam Mott emerged a moment later, glaring.

"How the hell did you get in here? Who are you?"

"What are you doing, reorganizing my supplies?" Veri asked with sudden exasperation while she went to stubbornly pick up the medical tools in the floor. "Do you know how long it takes to catalog and test this equipment?"

"Of course I do. Don't be absurd, I'm a doctor," Olsam sputtered as he gestured toward her with an empty hypospray vial. "And maybe if you organized these supplies properly I wouldn't have to reorganize them for you. What sort of system are you following here anyway? I couldn't find anything. And then you interrupted me, so now it's all over the floor. Good job, lady."

"Properly?" Veri picked up a broken hypo off the floor and brandished it at him. "Properly?!!"

Veri's eyes grew dark and annoyed. "Doctor Mott!! I have to learn about all three thousand of the approved medications within the Federation database because this ship is too small to house a pharmacist - who is supposed to organize the drugs by families and names... Do you even notice the organization charts on the supply closets?"

"Do you even notice that I don't notice them?" Olsam retorted, twisting up his face with a great deal of attitude. "Who needs a pharmacist anyway? We're all qualified medical professionals here. Besides, those charts don't even make sense. I mean, who alphabetizes medication? Humans?" He snorted derisively.

"That is the most stupid thing I've heard from a doctor yet," Veri spoke with escalating annoyance. "Do you even know what happens when people not on your wacky wavelength, pick the wrong medicines, because they're placed in the wrong order?! People die, Mott. DIE!!!"

By the sea gods of Delta, Veri was close to killing this arrogant toad. But she bit her tongue and took the cart from him. "And don't stick your hands in my closets again, or I'll tell Allyndra."

"I don't see any dead people around here," Olsam muttered to himself, looking more sullen than angry. Obviously, he didn't handle being rebuked very well, so he just crossed his arms and stared at her for a moment. "What are you even doing in here? I thought you had some nurse thing to do, like gossip in the hall."

"I came looking for you, actually," Veri answered while she slowly calmed. Though she took his medical tools from him and continued to pile the rest of the mess in the cart. "Wanted to talk to you about Tuula."

"What about Tuula?" Olsam asked, lifting an almost hairless eyebrow.

"She likes you," Veri pointed out bluntly. "As in... she wants to have your babies, likes you. So you need to... kiss her, or something."

Olsam stared. He stared for a full minute. Sixty seconds of standardized federal time passed on the ship's chronometer. Sixty thousand milliseconds of unblinking silence transpired between them, Dr. Olsam Mott and Nurse Veri. Finally, very slowly, the Bolian looked down at the floor and visually searched the medcart's contents that he'd spilled on the floor.

"I think I must have broken a vial of hallucinogenic compound, and you're inhaling the fumes. I'm so sorry, we'd better cycle the environmental containment system."

"We haven't inhaled anything. Look at my eyes if you doubt a nurse's assessment," Veri insisted, then continued very sternly. "Her coitus with Jynn was in direct result of you not registering her pheromones rising in your presence, or even taking note of those secret smiles she aims at you when she thinks no one is looking. Nor have you registered the fact she seems to care a great deal of how you perceive her... Because she wants you as her mate. So kiss her."

"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard in my life," Olsam blurted out.

"Well..." Veri thought about that statement a moment, as if thinking on a scientific equation. "Yes, it is disgusting. Why Jynn would chose a human that tattoos and pierces all her beauty away, is astoundingly sickeningly. But my point is that Tuula is in love with you and hurt that you can't see she loves you. So you need to do something with her so she stops acting all crazy."

"Like engram replacement therapy? I don't think that's legal in the Federation. I'm not sure what else to do. I've already married her once, wasn't that enough?"

"Maybe you should write a marriage contract and confront her with it, so she knows you and her are still one," Veri suggested. "Set boundaries she has to sign off on, so she knows you're never having sex or procreating with her, nor is she to hang on you all the time like a monkey in heat. Maybe kiss her once a week and hug her once a day - with gloves and mandatory blood tests to make sure she's clean... And separate rooms."

Did she cover all the basis? She knew Mott to be a hypochondriac. Did her suggestions leave anything else out Mott might object to? She could not think of anything.

Olsam seemed to give it some consideration before eventually shaking his head.

"No, I don't think so. We're not married. We were never really married, anyway. And I don't have any interest in being married to Dr. Voutilainen. You'd think she would have realized that by now. What is wrong with the women on this ship? And the men, for that matter, too. And what are you, the bald-headed love fairy?" Olsam asked, raising his voice an octave. It was clear he was winding up for something of a sermon.

"If Dr. Voutilainen is a 'monkey in heat' and wants to procreate with me then she can tell me herself, and I will politely but firmly decline. You see, unlike the rest of you harlots and charlatans, I have some personal and moral standards that restrict my sexual activities to those between two or more consenting adults in meaningful, long-lasting relationships. And when I'm interested in someone, then I tell them. I don't send a Deltan emissary." He wrinkled his nose. "In fact, I think that's the last person I'd send. There must be something wrong with the environmental controls on this ship. I have never in my career seen a group of people more obsessed with their genitals."

"Tuula didn't send me," Veri spoke offensively. "And unlike Jynn, I don't break my oaths... As for the others on this ship, I agree. All they crave is sex, and sometimes it is so polluted with their emotions, I'm lucky to end the day with four cold showers! But Tuula needs to hear it from you, that you don't desire her, so I can feel safer around her and her knives."

"What knives?" Olsam asked.

"Scalpels, mostly. She does work with the archaic tools too," Veri reminded him with leery eyes. As if she thought Tuula might jump out somewhere. "...She may have been displeased with my knowledge of her and Jynn together. That might of been the reason she nearly stabbed me once."

"What were they doing together?" Olsam asked, oblivious. "Committing a crime?"

"Sex, Mott. Sex!" Veri facepalmed. Was he truly this dense? Veri decided she did not want to delve into that question as she flew into her whole reasoning for the discussion. "I came to you to tell you that you ignoring Tuula's advances plotted this course of disaster for her and you need to talk to her about it. Either bed her, kiss her, hug her, or tell her she's not your type. But if you do tell her the latter, please do so gently - because she doesn't like me and I don't like her holding knives around me knowing she doesn't like me."

Olsam's largely hairless brows rose in unison as a lightbulb went off. "Oh. Oh, I see. Well. What a pickle. You know, it's hard to believe, but I didn't realize at all. And I work with her every day! You'd think I would have seen it. I'm nothing if not observant, particularly in matters of the heart. Everyone says so. I guess... Well, I should probably have a talk with her then, hm?"

"Yes... But first, since you disorganized the medicines, please put them back to Starfleet Medical's organization table," Veri asked politely.

Olsam looked between the medcart and the nurse, then frowned. "Don't we have a med-tech to do that or something? I'm a doctor, not a quartermaster."

"You made the mess. You put it back," Veri spoke irritably before she left just as quickly as she arrived.


Lieutenant Olsam Mott, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

PO3 Veri
Surgical Nurse
USS Galileo
[PNPCed by Gyce]


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Comments (2)

By Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. on 03 Apr 2016 @ 11:08pm

This is great! I can't wait to see where we take this...

By Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. on 03 Apr 2016 @ 11:08pm

This is great! I can't wait to see where we take this...