USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - I Saw You In a Pattern
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I Saw You In a Pattern

Posted on 23 Mar 2016 @ 7:20pm by Lieutenant JG Rael Psy.D. & Captain Jonathan Holliday

848 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Deck 1 - XO's Office
Timeline: MD90 1030


He received the communique from Holliday a day after settling into his quarters.

Being summoned to the XO's office might be daunting on a larger vessel for a junior officer--but Rael had to figure it was standard procedure aboard the Galileo given its crew compliment was only a quarter of the Turing's.

He rang the chime and stood at attention before Holliday once he was admitted. He offered Holliday a small smile and when he spoke, it was mild: "Captain. Lieutenant Rael, reporting for duty."

"Lieutenant. Welcome aboard." Holliday replied as he searched through a pile of PADDs for the one particular document that had so far eluded him. There was definitely a copy of the Galileo's standard torpedo complement loadout around here somewhere that needed his signature for filing with the Quartermaster, but where exactly it had gone was an entirely alien concept to him right now.

"I trust your transfer went smoothly?"

"Certainly. Do you require assistance?" he asked, picking up a PADD on a shelf to his left.

Holliday quickly took the PADD from the Lieutenant's hand and after a subtle glance at the heading realised that it was indeed the document he was looking for.

Where's Petty Officer Williams when I need her? Holliday thought to himself as he realised quite how useful his aide had become over the past few weeks and months.

"No...No I think this solves the mystery of where the torpedo inventory records disappeared to. My thanks. Well....I believe you're taking up a post in our Medical department if my memory serves me correctly?"

"That's correct," Rael nodded. "Assistant chief counselor. I hope I shall be able to serve admirably aboard." He inched himself into the office a little as the door closed behind him.

"Well, it's certainly no secret that Galileo has been through her share of...interesting...missions." Jonathan replied as he dispensed with the PADD he had just been holding onto before picking up another that required just as much of his attention.

"The counselling team will more than likely have their work cut out for them if Starfleet decides to throw us in harm's way again any time soon. I would recommend getting to grips with the personnel files as soon as you are able. Lieutenant McCarthy will likely be glad for an extra set of hands in the team."

"Yes, sir. I have heard that your last mission was particularly arduous. I have already begun seeing patients. Fortunately this crew appears quite closely knit, which has a healing property of its own."

"Indeed." The Captain acknowledged, fully aware of quite how close he had become to this command, even if perhaps not in a way that would be at all professional for him to express personally to his crew. That said, to a great extent he found himself feeling some semblance of familiarity with each of them, even if the requirements of his role meant that he was most effective when everyone was kept at arm's length.

"It comes with being so crammed into one small ship for so took me a while to adjust when I first came aboard. I hadn't been aboard a ship this small since my first posting out of the Academy. It's an interesting experience."

"Is it an experience you favor?" Rael peered at him thoughtfully.

"It is an experience to which I have become accustomed." The Captain corrected, wanting to make sure that it did not become some sort of held opinion that he was only capable of serving on ships reminiscent of sardine cans.

"Starfleet isn't exactly a permanent life of luxury. We take the postings we are given."

"Of course," Rael murmured. "Though, there is perhaps some merit to allowing one's self to appreciate a fruitful posting?"

"One should appreciate any and all postings Lieutenant. They are all what build character and experience. Hopefully this one will be no different for you."

Holliday acknowledged. He had served on smaller ships than the Galileo, ones much larger, battleships and humanitarian missions alike. They were all individually unique, and all had given him a new experience.

"Your statement certainly has merit," the counselor acknowledged after mulling it over for a second. "Please know I shall endeavor to maximize my time aboard the Galileo to the best of my ability."

"That is all I need to know. Now if there's nothing else I can help you with - I'm due for a review meeting with the Dockmaster ahead of our departure."

Holliday acknowledged, reaching for a bundle of PADDs on his desk that contained the various bits of paperwork that had to be filed ahead of the ship leaving dock. In reality it was less of a "do you mind" and more of an "I'm leaving now", but there was always a place for manners even when one had already decided on a course of action.


CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Executive Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Rael
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Galileo


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