USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Doctor To Doctor
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Doctor To Doctor

Posted on 26 Feb 2016 @ 8:17am by Lieutenant JG Rael Psy.D. & Jonah Chaparral M.D.
Edited on on 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:13am

1,741 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: USS Galileo - Ship's Gym
Timeline: MD24 0500


[USS Galileo - Ship's Gymnasium]

Jonah, fortunately in his opinion, didn't have to present at the symposium. It wasn't as if he thought it all bullshit, he didn't. He had actually attended and heard from some of the speakers. But he'd rather be doing research or meeting with patients, than up in front of a large crowd of people.

But now he didn't want to do either, he just wanted to relax. He'd recently stated working out more and being more disciplined in what he ate. Not that he was ever going to be a Vegan, stop drinking, or have to get new clothes to accommodate his bulging muscles, but he was enjoying himself.

The gym was pretty much empty when he got there at Five AM dressed in a pair of blue gym shorts an white tee shirt. After stretching, he decided to start with some planks.

A Vulcan was already present in the gymnasium, walking relaxed laps around the circular complex. He slowed when he passed by the work-out benches--spotting another individual--and offered the newcomer a nod. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Jonah replied as he rose to his feet. His immediate thought was the Vulcan was attractive, but he tried to set that aside. This really wasn't the time or place for that. Besides the man was a Vulcan after all, and more than likely a typical one. While Jonah was all for logic and using one's mind, he found most Vulcans took it a bit too far and ultimately were boring.

He smiled anyway, "So what brings you down here?" he asked.

"Just walking," the Vulcan responded quite casually. "Yourself?"

"Working out, trying to keep in shape. I mean I'd rather be doing something a bit more adventurous, like climbing, but this will do for now. You must be new to the ship. I haven't seen you around. I'm Jonah Chaparral. You?"

"I am Rael." He extended his hand to the other man.

Slightly surprised the Vulcan used the Human custom, he nonetheless extended his hand and shook the officer's. "if you don't mind me asking, what is your position here?"

Rael's grasp was firm, but brief. "I've been appointed as assistant chief counselor. If I may ask, what is your billet?"

"Well, I'm a civilian actually. But I'm a doctor, an epidemiologist."

"Indeed. And your position here--is that academic or clinical?"

"Clinical, " he responded, "I'm more hands on. Though I do like to do research as well. It's just that my research can get a bit dangerous."

"I expect so. You are not affiliated with Starfleet?"

Jonah shook his head slowly. "No, I'm not. I have grown oddly fond of the Galileo , but I've not exactly been a fan of the organization."

"Indeed? Is there a particular reason for this aversion?"

"I think they've become too militaristic, are too, establishment. But that's just a personal opinion. I keep it to myself most of the time."

"I see. Many Vulcans feel the same way--though that is ordinarily why most of my people end up in the Sciences division."

"Interesting," Jonah said,"I thought I was alone, or mostly alone in that belief."

"Vulcans tend to be rather exceptional in their pacifism, this is true--but I would venture to say that you are entirely alone, no."

"You know, we should do dinner sometime." Jonah blurted out, then immediately wondering why he had done so. But the words were already out of his mouth and it was too late now to take them back.

Rael peered at him. "Dinner. In what capacity?"

Now Jonah was feeling like a High School student. The Vulcan's question was a good one. He wasn't quite sure why he'd asked him to dinner. He was intrigued as much by his philosophy as by his looks. Though he wasn't about to let the man know there was a physical attraction.

Uncertain as to the best reply, he said, "just to talk, what capacity were you thinking?"

"I am merely curious. Ordinarily humans tend to view having dinner as a context for romance."

"Well I'm only half human, but sometimes, it is just a matter of wanting to know more about a person. But since you bring it up, would you be opposed to that. The romance thing that is, or at least the potential for it?"

"Regrettably, Dr. Chaparral, it is my policy not to date colleagues or crew members. However, if you should wish to interact in a non-romantic fashion, I would not be opposed."

"Sure, I'm open to that. I understand your philosophy. And as long as you're ruling out the romantic part, and you're a counselor, there are some things I'd like to chat with you about."

"I am always available to talk," Rael said, a hint of a smile crossing his face.

"Confidentially?" Jonah asked.

"Absolutely, Dr. Chaparral. As a physician yourself I am sure you know the very few instances that would require me to break said confidentiality. Barring such, you have my word. Did you wish to remain here, or would you prefer to adjourn to my office?"

"Perhaps your office would be a better place."

"Very well."

[USS Galileo - Counselor's Office]

Rael led them there, and the door closed behind Chaparral as Rael crossed behind his desk and took a seat. The office itself was sparse, without decoration or fancy accoutrements, but it did have a leather couch and a chair in front of the desk. "Please, take a seat."

Jonah ran a hand through his hair, not even fully realizing what he was doing. He shook his head slightly and mumbled, "I can't believe I am doing this."

"Just take your time," Rael murmured. "I will not push you past your limits. Do you believe me?"

"I do,"Jonah replied, "and it's nothing serious. It's just, you know embarrassing. Here is my problem. I'm pretty damn good at sex, but I suck at relationships. I'm trying to get beyond, 'nice shoes let's fuck.'"

Well, that was nice and blunt. "I see." Rael once more gestured to the chair in front of his desk, and waited until Jonah had taken a seat before continuing. "Have you ever been in a serious relationship?"

"No, not really, not even when I was younger. I mean I've had some relationships that were more than a one night thing, but nothing really serious."

"What would you define as a serious relationship?"

Jonah thought about that question for a moment, "I don't know," he replied, "I don't have a lot of first hand experience. But I guess really knowing a person all their strengths and faults, and loving them and being committed to them."

"And it stands to reason," Rael added gently, "that you find some of these qualities daunting?"

"I guess that is the main issue isn't it. Making out is easy, it's fun. I don't even have to really try. But I find commitment, well difficult."

"How would you define commitment?" Rael turned that on its head as well, lifting his brows curiously.

Jonah shrugged again, "I don't know. I guess it means you have ties to another person, you're going to think of their needs and emotions. Maybe put them first."

"Indeed. What I am hearing at this point is that on some level, you desire a serious relationship, but on a basic core level, your definition of commitment--which is part of what you see as serious--leaves you daunted and alarmed. Is this accurate?"

"I don't know about the alarmed part, but yes, it is a daunting task, and I'm not sure I'm able to achieve it."

"Why do you believe you would be incapable of doing so?"

Jonah shrugged, "I don't know that I'm incapable of it per se. It's just that it's always been easier just to pick some guy up, or have him pick me up and not have to worry about any kind of relationship."

"That does indeed sound easier. Yet, it strikes me as something that appeals less to you than the prospect of finding someone with whom you can share a meaningful experience."

"It is starting to. I'm getting too old for something meaningless. I think the sex would be better too, if I actually, you know loved the other person."

"Regrettably, love between two people is one of the few things we're unable to manufacture. All that we may do is remain open to the possibility that it can exist for us. I would perhaps suggest that you put some thought into what love means for you, and why it is that you are now deciding to seek it out above more immediate gratification."

"I don't know, it's just I'm getting tired of the same old thing."

"You are looking for something new?"

"Yes. Something and someone. I don't want to go back to the same old thing."

"Then, perhaps, it is time for you to leave yourself open to the possibility that there is an alternative path?"

"I'm already open to it, I just am not sure how to execute it."

"Indeed. I fear that there is no true practical advice when it comes to such a thing as love. It may look like exploring your passions. Your hobbies. Making connections with the people around you. Identifying a peer group with shared mutual interests. These things take time--and careful building."

"Well, I guess that is somewhat of a help. I'll give it a try."

"It will come. This may sound like a platitude, but these things have a way of finding us as long as we are willing to remain open to their possibility."

"Well, I will try. Could we meet again sometime, professionally that is."

"Absolutely," Rael said, and he offered the doctor a slight smile. "My door is always open, Dr. Chaparral."

"Thank you," came the reply. "How shall I address you?"

"You can address me how you see fit. How do you prefer to be addressed?"

"You can call me Jonah. Should I call you Rael?"

"You can, yes."

"Well then another time, Rael and thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Absolutely," Rael stood and smiled.


Lieutenant JG Rael
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

Jonah Chaparral
PNPC Jared Nicholas


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