USS Galileo :: Episode 10 - Symposium - Reality (Part 3 of 3)
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Reality (Part 3 of 3)

Posted on 17 Jan 2016 @ 9:46pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Captain Jonathan Holliday & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Ensign K'os Beaumont
Edited on on 17 Jan 2016 @ 9:52pm

1,318 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 10 - Symposium
Location: Sector 053 - USS Galileo
Timeline: MD 01 - 0550 hrs

Previously, on Reality (Part 2)...

"Computer - deactivate systems lockout. Authorisation Holliday 4-7 Delta Kilo."

Acknowledged. Propulsion and Tactical systems returned to standard operation. came the reply from the computer.

"Thank you again for your assistance Captain Chibwela." He replied with a wry smile as he turned to head back to his Bridge.

Chibwela nodded and swiftly turned towards the exit, and after the doors swished open then shut, he was gone and on his way to attend to the next important operational matter.

And Now, the Conclusion...


Deck 3 - Sickbay

Allyndra thought maybe it was new patients being transported in but it soon resolved itself into a group of tough looking security types in full armor who immediately pointed their weapons at everyone.

"HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" One male human shouted.

Allyndra faced them and showed her hands. "There you have seen them. Now if you don't mind I have patients to attend to."

She turned to help Gyce and get started on the transfusion.

"STOP! We will use force if need be!" the man waved the weapon.

"If you do so then you will be responsible for any further deaths. Now either be useful or by the Twins get out!"

The man hesitated. He finally lowered his weapon just a bit and it was then that he started to look around. "What happened here Commander."

Allyndra lied, "We fought hard to protect our patients. Obviously we are here and our attackers are not. Now I have patients to attend to." Just for effect Allyndra turned her head and displayed those sharp inner teeth.

Unable to get up, and unable to do anything other than just watch, Naois witnessed the intruders come into sickbay and point weapons at the medical staff. However, with the strong sedatives he'd been injected with, he wasn't in any condition to help the poor staff out. So, he just watched in silence, his expression a mix of fury and horror.

"Yes," added Tuula, pushing herself towards one of the more critical patients, "and pointing guns everywhere isn't going to help out patients. Leave our sickbay now, if you're not going to help."

"Sorry can't do that, orders but ummm....just don't go for any weapons alright?" The older of the three nodded his head to his men. "Holster and secure your weapons and then give a hand. I don't think we have too many worries here."

He looked at the one in the chair and said, "We all have medic training, Bill and Ted here can help."

Tuula sighed. She wasn't enthused about the idea of having strangers in her sickbay, especially not security officers with only basic medic training, but if she was stuck with them, she might as well find some use for them. "Just stay out of my way and hand me something when I call for it." She returned to her patient and her scans. "Osteo-regenerator."

The security guard known as Bill stepped towards the medcart and reached towards one of the instruments, pausing for a moment with his hand over the medical tool.

"No, to your left... no, your other left," called out Tuula, glancing back at Bill as he fumbled around the medical instruments. "Thank you," she said as she took the correct instrument and got to work, shaking her head at what she got herself into.

"Forgive them," Gyce spoke rather weakly to the stranger as she sipped apple juice while she continued to receive plasma via a hypo IV line. "They're scientists first... Eccentrics, by majority and good at their work. Though some of them forget their manners."

The Bajorans eyes looked to Tuula disapprovingly as she explained.

The older of the three still holding his weapon but lowered now looked at the patient that spoke. "Warrant Officer Daniels ma'am," he said to the Bajoran. "Been around enough geeks but had orders to secure here. I take by your color," he nodded his chin. "Your ops, security or command."

"Lieutenant - junior grade, Benice Gyce. The Chief of Security," Gyce spoke, drank more of her juice, and tried not to think about her need to pee due to drinking so much liquids.

Daniels nodded and looked at the doc working on the Security officer. "Just what the heck happened in here. I have seen less blood in a Bathleth fight. Didn't think you guys would go hand to hand."

Tuula sighed in frustration. Most of the blood was hers and Allyndra's. "It's a long story, and it will all be in our report," she said in a tone that clearly communicated that she didn't want to talk about it.

Deck 4 - Engineering

Rheneas was so focused on getting some systems back online that he barely noticed people not belonging to the ship's security department enter engineering, their weapons drawn. Only when he felt something press against his neck and a voice hiss in his ear to get to his feet, did he turn and gasp in surprise. He stood and raised his hands as he was bid to do.

K’os was less surprised. He’d seen the security team enter Engineering and had been watching them carefully the whole time. He exchanged what he hoped was a reassuring glance to the other engineers around them. Memories of the last boarding party threatened to overwhelm him but he remained calm despite them.

“Where is the Chief Engineer?” One of the security officers asked.

The assertive tone didn’t hide the kindness behind the man’s eyes and that alone kept K’os reassured that this time was different. “Our Chief is recovering from injuries he sustained. I’m acting as Chief in the interim.” K’os stepped forward with his hands raised.

“No one moves until we get orders from the Captain.” The officer stated plainly.

“Yes, we understand. We’ll comply” K’os said, nodding towards the other engineers.

Deck 1 - Main Bridge

As the security teams began to dematerialise and return to their own vessel, Holliday emerged from his Ready Room alone, and settled back into the central chair of the command centre. With a look to his senior crew he tapped on the comm controls in the centre console before speaking.

=^=All hands this is the Captain. Be advised that due to damage sustained by this vessel during our return to our own universe it will be necessary for us to undergo towing back to Starbase 84. Secure all systems and prepare for towing at warp speed. Holliday out. =^=

Luke looked around the battle torn bridge before falling back onto his chair, just about every station surrounding tactical had either blown out or was flickering but all were covered in a layer of dust and debris. "Thank god for that" He said turning his attention to each individual on the bridge not one person seemed to have not been covered in some kind of burn, coolant, debris or wasn't injured. Luke wasn't even sure how they managed to escape all he knew and all he cared was that they did.



RADM Lirha Saalm
Mission Advisor
USS Galileo

CAPT Obiura Chibwela
Commanding Officer
USS Copernicus
[PNPC Saalm]

CAPT Jonathan Holliday
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Tyrion Faye
USS Galileo

Lieutenant j.g. Naois Mercy
USS Galileo
pnpc Tyrion

PO Rheneas Malachy
USS Galileo
pnpc Tyrion

Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Ensign Cyrin Xanth
USS Galileo

LCmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Lt Min Nicholas
Chief of Operations
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Luke Wyatt
Asst. Chief of Security
USS Galileo

Lieutenant JG Benice Gyce
Chief of Security
USS Galileo

+ others


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