USS Galileo :: Episode 08 - NIMBUS - Nova Visitors (Part 4 of 5)
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Nova Visitors (Part 4 of 5)

Posted on 23 Apr 2015 @ 8:09pm by General ('aj) JataQ & Crewman Apprentice Sigrid Thelin & Commander Norvi Stace & Lieutenant JG Drusilla McCarthy & Lieutenant Olsam Mott & Petty Officer 1st Class Rebecca Williams

2,374 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 08 - NIMBUS
Location: USS Galileo - Astrometrics, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 01 - 1048 hrs

Previously, on Nova Visitors (Part 3)...

With Arandon now gone, Stace tried to quash the situation by turning back to the diplomatic party as a whole. "I'll look into what the situation is between my lieutenant and the good general here, but for now, may we press on with the tour. We still have a little ways to go and I'm conscious of time." Stace looked back to the closing door of the arboretum and narrowed her gaze briefly upon it, making a mental note to speak to Arandon before the day was out.

JataQ grumbled after watching the exchange between his fellow general and the Starfleet officer. He wasn't quite sure about the history between them and didn't care to know, but in the interests of being diplomatic, he decided it was best to not press the issue further. "I apologize for my associate," he said to the joined-Trill while casting a sideways glance at Anaram. "You may continue your tour," he permitted.

And Now, the Continuation...


Deck 7 - Astrometrics

Sigrid bounced around Astrometrics completing various general duty tasks. It wasn't a very fun list of things to do, mainly running diagnostics and minor administrative stuff, but she sure the heck looked fantastic doing it. She stood by a console and reading over results of a systems test before sending it off to the appropriate officer to look over. She looked down at her PADD and tapped and cleared yet another task. She blew a strand of hair out of her face as she scrolled through everything else still left to do.

The doors then suddenly opened as the gaggle of crew entered the remarkable room. The floor extended up to bank of circular consoles as another platform rose up to greet the large display screen. "And here we are at Astrometics. The most advanced scanning equipment known to the Federation for star mapping at course plotting."

A grunt emanated from the Klingon general, this time one of approval as he and his son stepped into the large and mostly holographic astrometrics bay. It was...impressive. Clearly a great deal of architecture had been devoted to the most proper way to interpret stellar cartography data, and the tactical applications of such a ship module were most excellent for strategic warfare.

"Advanced indeed..." he mumbled while slowly moving deeper into the room and inspecting several consoles. "And from here, you strategize and exploit your desirable star systems, yes?"

"'Exploit' seems such an aggressive term, General," Stace cut in with a loaded smile. "And our access to this kind of information is not solely garnered from this one vessel. We are able to network with other Starfleet ships and cross reference our findings. The astrometics sensors are one of the most advanced in the Quadrant and we benefit from our eyes throughout the extensive galaxies. It's used more for exploration. Don't forget, we're not built for combat, but to advance our societies with knowledge."

"Ha! Yes, but of course," said JataQ with an amused rumble of laughter. "Not built for combat but equipped both with forward and aft quantum torpedo launchers." He leaned down close to the Trill commander and whispered in her ear, albeit a bit loudly. "But we must all keep up appearances...for the sake of 'science', of course," he grinned exposing typical sharp and slightly crooked Klingon teeth.

Sigrid stood holding her PADD up against her chest. She had held back a squeal of delight by biting on her lower lip. She turned her head from the Klingon General to Stace, then back to the General as they exchanged words. Her blond curls bouncing from side to side as she did so. She was so thrilled that they were in this small space together that she just stood there, unable to say anything. She was utterly and completely Star struck by the handsome and imposing Klingon figures.

General Anaram looked over at Sigrid, watching her for a long moment. "And you are all...skilled with this system?" he asked, looking around with interest. "Or do you have specialists?" He wasn't that familiar with it, so he was curious.

Sigrid suddenly found herself bouncing right up to General Anaram. "Specialists mainly." She said sweetly before whirling around with a flowy arm to indicate workstations. "For general duty tasks we have workstations that we can access and it's fairly easy to operate and most of us are qualified to use it." Sigrid turned towards the large platform before looking back over her shoulder at Anaram. "That up there is where specialists operate." She twirled back to face Anaram. "I'm Crewman Apprentice Sigrid Thelin. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

JataQ merely stared at the blond crewman for a long moment, then decided to acknowledge her with a short nod. "What is your area of specialization, crewman apprentice?"

Sigrid giggled at being addressed. It was quite easy for her to forget she was a Starfleet crewman now. Had this been Sigrid a year ago she'd be hanging off both Generals like dripping honey. "Oh, I'm not a specialist yet, General." Sigrid explained brightly. "I'm a general duty crewman. I do a little of everything, here and there. I'm an apprentice, not a novice though." She winked at JataQ. "My favourite is working in astrometrics. Being surrounded by star charts is surprisingly relaxing and exciting at the same time. Do you have one of these on your ships?"

"We do not," he answered gruffly. The woman speaking to him seemed overly bubbly and enthusiastic, and JataQ wasn't exactly sure why. Perhaps it was an attempt to placate him? Or a strange Human mating ritual initiation? He wasn't quite sure. "All of our tactical maps are accessible from our operations consoles. We are not...explorers the same way as Starfleet."

"I suppose if this tour has taught us anything," Stace added, a wry flick of her eyebrow at Sigrid, "it is that Klingons and Starfleet use their ships very differently." She smiled and winked to JataQ. "Where your strengths excel your magnificent battle-readiness, ours seek to spread into the universe on a ribbon of understanding and exploration. That's not to say that these intricately detailed and valuable star maps aren't worth something if Starfleet decided to launch an attack." She brushed passed the Klingon in a playful manner and added in a low voice, "We would seek out the weak cracks in your defence before you were able to plug up the dam. And you would be on the defence. We have a little bite to our attack, don't forget."

"Ha! That is to assume there are holes in our defense," laughed JataQ. He knew the Empire was well-defended, and with recent advances in cloaking technology, no enemy could potentially know the full capabilities or locations of KDF battle groups. "But I admire your spirit, lieutenant commander. Confidence is an asset in battle."

Sigrid found herself admiring the Trill woman's spirit as well. It was feisty like a Vegan colonist. As much as the Klingon generals made her weak in the knees she felt the need to defend Stace. With as innocent of a tone as she could manage she flicked her hair and moved closer to the woman. "Commander, I don't think they've heard yet. Do you think maybe their intelligence gathering wasn't as in depth as we thought?" She turned to JataQ with a look of naivete, "We've found all sorts of holes. Confidence isn't an asset for battle, science and discovery is. It's okay if you don't believe us. We'll see your handsome faces again when the space dust clears and we stand the victor." Sigrid turned to Stace, "It's victor, right?" Sigrid said the word again testing it, "victer?" Sigrid shook her head and turned to JataQ again but put her hands on her hips in a very practiced 'power' pose. "We will stand victorious." She clarified.

Stace smiled widely at Sigrid as they both shared in the jest, and a little pride overcame the commander as she turned to face the Klingon. "We're not as white-washed and lily-livered as you think we are, General. But I can't imagine that you're as stubborn and two-dimensional as the quadrant would have us believe. It's truly been a pleasure to have you on board my ship and get to know you."

Letting out another hearty and booming chuckle, JataQ gave Stace a strong and cordial slap on her back, one of respect. "Perhaps we are as you percieve us. After all...perception is reality for most, yes?" he grinned while glancing at the other general and his son who were nearby. "The pleasure is ours, lieutenant commander. It is not often we are permitted to tour the heart of the Federation's science vessels. I can only imagine the galactic secrets you discover here."

At the booming bellowing laugh, Sigrid found herself flinch then grow goosebumps down her arms. With a very wide smile, and eyes that sparkled she looked from one Klingon warrior to the next biting her lower lip to keep her mouth shut for once. The urge to keep blabbering was quite strong.

Deck 3 - Sickbay

Laeon swung his legs lightly where he was sat on a biobed, holding onto a medical tricorder but moving the small 'wand' over himself to read his own readouts rather than anyone else. "I've not met many Klingons, are they as bad as people say, Dad?"

Alexion glanced across to him, clearing his throat.

"Doctor Wylde," Laeon corrected quickly with a small smile.

Alexion was silent for a long moment, folding his arms as he just watched the wall. He finally gave a grin. "I like Klingons."

"Really?" Laeon asked with surprise, chuckling as he lowered the tricorder for a moment.

"Yes," Alexion glanced across to him, shrugging with a rough chuckle in his throat. "They do not pretend to be anything other than what they are. It might be brutal, but there's an honesty and honour in that."

"In fact, their honesty is refreshing," Prudence smiled gently, moving to them as she shook her head. "And yet infuriating for a counsellor. Just because they do not believe in getting in touch with their emotions."

Drusilla had been keeping to herself, her memories going back to her last encounter with the same place where she stood right now. The only difference between now and then was that she wasn't parlayed and recovering from brain surgery. This time, if it was warranted, she would be able to stand with her colleagues and defend the ship should the situation arise.

"And now the medical bay," Stace beamed, leading the delegation into sickbay as the doors smoothly closed behind the group. "Doctors," she nodded, smiling through somewhat gritted teeth. "Please meet General JataQ, and his first officer and son, Commander Ko'daQ." She bowed briefly to the medical staff and introduced them with a wave of her hand.

Red cape billowing behind him while his heavy footsteps reverberated off the deck plating, General JataQ and his son entered Galileo's tiny sickbay. A quick look around the room revealed an even overly-overly-bright room with a most disgusting sterile smell, most likely accentuated by its tiny size which didn't allow for much air circulation and odor removal.

JataQ and Ko'daQ each looked at each other with wide eyes and pained nostrils, then looked back towards the present Bolian and his support staff while giving them a forced and polite grunt for acknowledgement.

Olsam saw them and grinned, shifting his eyes nervously between the general and Norvi. "Oh, hello. A General, huh? Well, welcome to Sickbay. As you can see, it's small. But we don't have too many people being injured on such a small ship. May I present my staff? We have Mister Laeon Wy-"

Stepping forward a little, Laeon straightened, his features set firm as he clasped his hand into a fist and hit it to his chest. "Pe'el! Wa' Dol nIvDaq matay'DI' maQap!" he announced the greeting that roughly translated as 'Welcome! We succeed together as a greater whole' in a firm voice, almost a shout but not quite.

Alexion glanced to his son with a small smile, a slight chuckle in his throat. He knew he'd been learning something for them, but he hadn't realised he had taken it so seriously.

Olsam blinked at the greeting and looked between the Klingons and the staff, waiting to see how they'd take it. Klingons loved a good greeting, he knew, especially in their own language. But they also loved decapitating people for minor reasons, so there was that...

Rebecca continued to follow the group but kept her distance as they entered sickbay, preferring to stay close to the door. She tried to avoid being in the presence of Mott unless it was absolutely unavoidable, as it was here; and where it wasn't avoidable she just kept herself out of his way.

The yeoman actually found herself impressed by the young boy's Klingonese. Some of the words could be worked on to be refined to the correct pronunciation but other than that he did a good job.

Ko'daQ returned the fist salute with one of his own, impressed by the young man's knowledge of his language. But not necessarily his long and flowing blond hair, however. "Well met, young warrior," the general's son replied. "The Empire is always in need of new medical specialists to further our bio-weaponry division. Perhaps you will join us after our battles are complete!"

To Be Continued...



General JataQ
Commanding Officer
IKS CharghwI'
[PNPC Saalm]

Commander Ko'daQ
First Officer
IKS CharghwI'
[PNPC Saalm]

Petty Officer 2nd Class Rebecca Williams
Commanding Officer's Yeoman
USS Galileo
[PNPC McCarthy]

Lieutenant Commander Norvi Stace
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo

CA Sigrid Thelin
Scientist's Mate
USS Galileo
[PNPC Beaumont]

LT Prudence Devin
Chief Counselor
USS Galileo

Lieutenant Olsam Mott, M.D.
Acting Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Petty Officer 2nd Class Rebecca Williams
Commanding Officer's Yeoman
USS Galileo
[PNPC McCarthy]


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