USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Another Doc, Another Day
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Another Doc, Another Day

Posted on 19 Dec 2014 @ 1:02am by Lieutenant Benice Gyce Ph.D. & Lieutenant Prudence Devin Ph.D.

2,623 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: Starbase 84 - Deck 84, Deck 22, Office 11
Timeline: MD 4: 0830 Hours


Gyce had procrastinated on the psychological evaluation, only until she could locate one of the counselors that had yet to go on their shore leave. And for Gyce, this was just another interrogation training session. Act cool, understanding, but do not reveal anything that would place a target on her head.

So it was she found the counselor's office and chimed the door. Ready to face the typical questions all Starfleet doctors typically asked to a former Bajoran internment camp resident.

Prudence put down the teapot, looking to the door. "Please enter," she said and poured the green tea. She wore her hair slightly curled, styled, her uniform impeccable. She smiled to the woman who entered, motioning to the chair. "I am Prudence Devin. Please, have a seat."

GYce straightened her tactical vest before she did so. "I'm Benice Gyce," she spoke with a warm smile and her eyes danced around the room, as if she was trying to get a read on the new counselor.

Prudence nodded at that, sitting down as she held her eyes. "And how do you prefer to be addressed for these things?" she asked, half out of politeness and half out of curiosity. She was learning about the different people's...likes and dislikes. It was important for coexisting on a ship.

"Gyce, for informal settings like this," the Bajoran answered with a bright smile. "Lieutenant Benice, if it's duty-related. Helps to relax people when they don't have to salute you."

"I have never saluted in my life," Prudence admitted, shaking her head at the words. But then again, she was just a straight-forward counselor and never been in a saluting situation. "Would you like some tea, Gyce?"

"Yes, please." Gyce watched as the counselor fixed her tea. Like a wise owl that watched nature blossom in front of her. "So are you planning to go on shore leave? Or are you, like me, spending most your time reading up on the crew?"

"I don't read up on the crew," Prudence admitted as she took the teapot and carefully poured the green tea. "But I have had my shoreleave, so I have been busying myself with working here on base as a freelancer in addition to seeing the members of the Galileo who wishes an appointment." She put the pot down and sat down again, taking her cup to sip as she met Gyce's eyes.

"Same... The XO seemed insistent though, that I have more shoreleave," Gyce laughed lightly at that. "Spent almost a month waiting for the ship to dock, so I'm eager to get started."

"Of course. But taking time for shoreleave is also important. Being on a ship during a mission can be stressful, it is important to take the time to take care of yourself, as well as doing things you would not usually do. So I understand where the XO is coming from," Prudence said, giving the other woman a small smile. "And you are looking forward to your new posting?"

"It's just another assignment. What I look forward to, is solving the cases others cannot," Gyce admitted indifferently. "When I was younger, we were always on the move. Else the Cardassians would find our cell. But I knew my job, no matter what cell I was assigned to. So for me, it's just another basement for me to work in. Conditions changed, but my job has not."

"I hear that the Gallileo is a science ship. I doubt will have many cases to solve," she said as she watched Gyce, considering it. "Will you be able to find other things to occupy yourself with if there's no cases to solve?"

"I have other projects to keep me busy," Gyce assured guardedly. Her cold cases were a personal chore, after all. "But solving cases is just one of many of my duties."

"What other projects do you have?" Prudence asked with a smile, placing her cup down. "To keep yourself busy? I am afraid I do not know much about your role...not that many investigative officers on ships as far as I have seen." Her previous postings never had them anyway, although she had in her past been with someone who made a living solving crimes.

"I keep myself busy," Gyce both answered and evaded. "My job is to look for flaws, for whatever situation that threatens security with this ship. And my personal projects are my own."

"What sort of flaws would that be?" Prudence asked, sitting back and crossing her legs as she studied Gyce's face. The woman before her...well, was hiding something. Actually, she was hiding herself, answering and yet not answering, putting a firm line that her personal projects were none of Prudence's business. It was...interesting. It was like watching a dancer.

"There is no such thing as a perfect security system," Gyce reminded the counselor very simply. "I find lapses where people would not normally spot them. And I give recommendations to fixing them."

Prudence met her eyes at the words and gave her a small smile. "A skill in itself. You must find it very fulfilling. And off duty, how do you occupy yourself then? Any hobbies?"

"I swim," Gyce answered instantly. It was as if it were reflex, though really it was just a half-truth she had told over and over to counselors. It was something prescribed as part of her exercise routine, rather than an actual hobby. "Though with a ship like this, I will probably cut that back to twice a week, to coincide with my weekly holodeck allotment."

Prudence was good, there was no denying that. Interrogators and psychologists were two sides of the same coin, though. And sometimes, they were the same thing. Trained to map out seemingly harmless questions, but gradually compiled together to form an endgame conclusion.

Gyce took that moment to sip on her tea. The XO seemed to want to be personal too. Being a small ship, Gyce began to understand the need to get along with everyone. And for the most part, she did. Having to sit through what felt like a second interrogation about her personal life, felt like she had gone from City Cop, to Country Cop.

Everyone knows each others' business, Gyce inwardly groaned as she smiled to Prudence. It took her a moment, after sipping on her tea, to counter.

"I take it you like to plant things as a way of relaxing?" the Bajoran replied.

"I find the process...interesting. Although I do not plant them, I merely maintain them to the best of my abilities," Prudence said as she held her eyes, a small smile on her lips. She offered some information, to see if the Bajoran would do the same. She doubted she would though. "What do you tend to do on the holodeck except swimming?" She herself found the holodeck a great place for her holonovels...or to fence. There weren't many in Starfleet, so she tended to have to fight holograms.

"I don't really play much in holodecks," Gyce confessed with a small smile. "I probably should. But I prefer to sit down to a good mystery." Which was sorta true. Her cold cases were indeed mysteries.

Prudence nodded at the words, watching the other woman. "If you want to do something different on the holodeck, I recommend crime holonovels...if you like a good mystery. What are your expectations of this ship?" she asked before chuckling. "I thought these questions are a bit more useful than the standard ones. I could ask you textbook questions. How are you sleeping, do you ever feel hopeless or helpless, do you ever hear or see things that are not there and so forth...but I am yet to meet anyone answer those questions truthfully regardless of what the Academy would like us all to believe."

"Textbook questions are null, when asked to folks that know what Starfleet Mental Health standards are, for active service." Gyce admitted that fairly cavalierly. And why not? Both of them knew Gyce really did not want to answer the same questions she'd been asked since joining the outfit.

"You want to feel I'm still capable of doing my job, along with adjusting to a new environment," Gyce pointed out more directly. "Well my whole life has been about adapting and living with what you have in front of you. So I have no real problems with sharing quarters and sacrificing more of my spare time to do whatever my department head wants me to do."

Which was true. Work and structured time meant she never had to decompress and reflect much on memories that deep down, wounded her. She made no attempts for a relationship. And her friendships were really forged more as a means to improve her effectiveness as a security officer.

Prudence arched an eyebrow before giving a small smile. "More of your spare time?" she asked, interested by the way she said that. She also found it interesting that Gyce, not her, had brought up her 'whole life'. After spending time in Starfleet, she would have guessed the Bajoran had worked through her issues about what she was and what had befallen her species. Clearly, she was mistaken on that front.

"That is nothing to read into," Gyce countered with an honest laugh. "I served on a station, before here. Stations have larger criminal populations along with the staff needed to catch them. And that also meant having more down time, unless there was a major emergency. Because there was plenty of staff coverage."

"It was just an interesting turn of phrase. As if you already did not have enough spare time and expect your new Chief to have you work far beyond your shift," Prudence said and shook her head. "I am sure you will adapt."

For a millisecond, Gyce almost responded. As if she might of taken the comment as a personal slight. But she quickly recovered and gave an appreciative nod. These sessions were becoming harder and harder to play chess in. And something more recent was bothering her.

"Doctor Mott has decided that the non-narcotic pain meds I take at night to help me sleep through the pain, may start to damage some of my organs. So we have stopped using them," Gyce admitted with difficulty, behind her tea cup. "...I never want to be a drug addict, and I honestly don't know how I will sleep through the night without some sort of relief. And I fear if the pain becomes too much and I start asking for narcotic drug relief, that I'll become useless."

Prudence frowned at the words, watching her for a long moment. This...she knew of. This she had seen before, the brief flash of true fear. She knew it from survivors. "There's a balance of pain medication, narcotics, that might help with the right combination and proper medical supervision. Unfortunately, it means giving up a little of your control. Did Dr Mott mention alternative medication or therapies?" She would be surprised if he hadn't. But she wouldn't assume anything. She could prescribe her something for her to sleep on, but again...would the woman before her even accept it?

"Doctor Mott promised to look at all options, including a new form of physical therapy," Gyce repeated almost verbatim. "I expect an alternative soon. But in the mean time, I'm living in fear... Thinking, even though it's a stupid NSAID, that I might be an addict."

"If you are, you'll know soon enough. I...think that it might be that you miss the lack of intense pain in comparison. It's not a's what makes you a sentient being," Prudence hold her eyes, searching them for a long moment. "Any temporary thing you can do to decrease the pain, you should do. Hot or cold compresses, herbal remedies that you haven't used before...anything. Until the doctor comes back to you."

"It's nerve damage. Heat only amplifies the problem," Gyce repeated what the Vulcan doctors had told her years ago. "I suppose I could try some cool packs."

The Bajoran began to tap the top of her cane while her brown eyes took on a look of fear. And then realization. Maybe it was fear of living through excruciating levels of pain again. Pain she had not really felt since the days of her initial rehab. Twenty years ago, or close to it.

"I've always tried hard to mask what I feel, though. Because I don't want this obstacle sidelining me," Gyce admitted quietly.

Prudence watched her for a long moment, nodding weakly. "You're a strong woman who doesn't want to show weakness. Maybe a compromise can be struck, until the good doctor gives you other options?" she suggested, watching Gyce closely. "Like...cut yourself some slack? Give yourself time. We're in a transition period; no one will notice."

"I shall try to," Gyce promised, though she was not entirely sure if she could live up to it. "Not really sure what else to say now. Not much I care to talk about, really."

"Then I will talk," Prudence said and watched her, taking a slow breath. "I am clearing you for light duty, until Doctor Mott has come back with alternatives for your pain management. Once it has been done, we will meet again and I will see about clearing you for full duty. Light duty means you take more breaks and you will not be called upon for physical activities during that period. You can also leave your shift whenever you find yourself strained." She held her eyes, knowing she might not be popular for it. However, Gyce seemed like a woman who didn't cut herself slack easily. This would force it.

Basically, it meant Gyce had to use good judgement. Which was why she did not take offence to the doctor.

"I do not have a grueling set of tasks to perform either, so it will be a good time to see how I cope, I suppose," Gyce thought aloud, rather than spoke directly to her counterpart.

"Exactly," Prudence said before moving to take the PADD. "As soon as Doctor Mott has seen you again, you book an appointment with me and we can see if we can have you on full duty. I will notify your Chief that you are on light duty. He will tell me if you do more than that and then I will have to pull you into my office for a right telling off..." she smiled at that, playful, to let her know that it wasn't meant in a bad way.

"He's actually left me in charge of the department while he is on R&R," Gyce corrected, but quickly added, "and I already know to delegate tasks when I cannot do them myself."

Prudence nodded weakly, frowning slightly. "I will trust you with it. If I hear otherwise though, you will be back in here. For better or worse." She let out a breath before accessing her file. "There, all done. And thank you for your time..." she met the other woman's eyes.

Gyce was hoping her next visit would be the last. At least, until her next mandated yearly pysch review. Thus she nodded and smiled politely to Prudence. "I shall endeavor not to push myself so much. And thank you for at least listening."

"I'll always listen. I will even answer back too if I disagree," she met Gyce's eyes and nodded. "My door is always open. Use it both ways as you please."

Lieutenant J.G. Benice Gyce
Security Investigations Officer

Lieutenant Prudence Devin
Chief Counselor


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