USS Galileo :: Episode 07 - Sojourn - Family
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Posted on 19 Dec 2014 @ 3:28pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eva Kovalev

1,815 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 07 - Sojourn
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 4, Section 19, Room 16 - Lt Mercy's Quarters
Timeline: MD 40, 1100 hours


Several days had passed since the revelation that Eva was pregnant with Lt Mercy's child. It'd not been the easiest few days for Eva and she'd begged off sick while she took the time so sit in her quarters or go for a walk on the starbase to clear her head. It was easy to talk about accepting risks when you want to sleep with a man, but when that dice roll comes up and you lose, actually accepting the consequences becomes that much harder.

Now she had no choice. She was pregnant, she was keeping the baby, and Naois wanted to care for her and the child, no matter where she ended up. And today was another step along that pathway. Earlier she'd sent a note to Naois asking if she could meet his family. Now she was just waiting for his response.

Seeing the notificator blink on the desk in his quarters, Naois arched an eyebrow and told the computer to activate the message. He smiled as he read the contents, then went to assemble his children. "Wait here," he told them, without really telling them why then went back to his computer. Meet me in my quarters in ten minutes. Or tell me an alternative on where you want to meet. He sent.

Your quarters would be fine. See you in ten. Sending and closing the screen, Eva went to go find a little more dressy then what she was wearing.

[10min later]

Eva stood at the door to Naois' quarters, the irony of the same moment nine weeks before, not lost on her. When the door opened, Eva smiled at him, giving his a discreet peck on the cheek as she entered. When the door finally closed, Eva wrapped her arms around Naois. "Thank you for giving me some space the past few days Naois. I needed the time to think about everything."

Carefully returning her hug, afraid he might break her, Naois nodded and returned her smile. "You are welcome Eva. Please, make yourself at home." He gestured towards the couch, then beckoned his three children forward.

"Eva, I would like you to meet my oldest son, Revan."

A boy with dark hair and the blackest of eyes stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Ma'am," he greeted politely, while he searched her face, studying her without any intrusion.

"My second son Delon..."

A Romulan boy, roughly the same age as Revan though looking younger given his Vulcanoid genetics, stepped forward. "Ma'am," the boy replied, without really looking at her. For all purposes, the child seemed either uncomfortable, or shy.

"And my daughter Laura."

A small girl with blonde hair stepped forward, her piercing blue eyes staring right at the visitor. She was obviously a lot younger than the boys and she waved shyly. "Hi," she said, then moved to hide behind her tall father.

Eva smiled at each one in turn. She felt almost as nervous about meeting his children as his daughter looked at meeting her. Someone had to break the ice and she was it. "Hi Laura. I'm a friend of your father's and he wanted me to meet you, *smiling at the others,* all of you."

"Why?" the Romulan boy answered stonily, "dad's never brought any girlfriends home before."

Eva paused. Now for the moment of truth. "Your father and I are having a baby together, and as I'm going to be around more, he felt you should meet me so we can get to know each other."

"What?" Delon turned towards his father, his face a mask of betrayal. "You didnt have any with mom, and now you're having a baby with someone you barely know?"

Taken aback by his son's rebellion, Naois shrugged. "You are too young to know the full details, but in time as you grow older, you will understand. Either way, Eva will bear you a brother or sister, and I am the child's father. Therefor, she will be here more often as time passes, and I want you all to grow accustomed to her presence."

Contrary to his brother's rebellion, Revan walked up to the young woman and touched her hand. "If my father is happy, then I'm happy too," he whispered to her. "And father has been unhappy for very long, so I'm happy to see him more alive again. Thank you."

Eva clasped Revan's hand. "Thank you Revan." Letting go she turned to Delon. "Delon. I know this may be hard to accept right now but you three are here because your mother couldn't have children. What your father told me of her, she was an incredible women and I'll never take her place in your hearts, nor do I wish to."

Delon just gave her a look of defiance, crossing his arms over his chest. Laura on the other hand inched forward, joining her oldest brother. Unlike Revan, she wasn't a telepath but she was young enough to know sincerity when she saw it. "I don't remember my mommy," she confessed, "she died when I was a baby."

Eva offered her arms to the little girl. "From everything you dad says, she was an amazing women. Tell you what. You can call me Aunty Eva if you want. Maybe someday, if your father and I get married, you'll call me Mom but for now, Aunty is just fine."

"What about Miss Eva?" Revan offered, almost diplomatically, sensing his brother's fury about it all. "I think Delon would like that better. Mom had no siblings and dad doesn't have any either. Can we call you Miss Eva?"

"Miss Eva would work fine too Revan. If that's what you'd prefer."

"It is."

"I agree," Naois suddenly interjected, "I believe 'Miss Eva' is an excellent term to call you for now. At least until they get to know you better." He smiled encouragingly at them. "Is it not?"

Eva quietly nodded. She knew she'd have some walls to break through if the children were to accept her as part of the family, but that would come in time.

Naois reached and drew her up, circling his arm around her waist. "This will take some adjusting on all our parts, but eventually, I would like for Eva to come live with us, if she agrees. So we can all be one, single unit." He turned to face Eva, gently touching her cheek. "Would you like that?"

Looking at Naois, she smiled. "Of course I would."

"Then we shall work towards that. We should probably also see a counselor about we may get questions about motivations and may get sent to see her regardless."

Eva nodded. "We will." Leaning in against him Eva smiled at Naois, before giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Together," Naois promised. "We will do this together."

Eva closed her eyes for a second, taking in the feeling of Naois on her side. She knew in her heart that more then likely she was going to become a part of this little family unit and somehow the idea, scary as it may have seemed a week or even a month ago, was growing on her. Call it a mothering instinct but the idea of becoming a parent was growing on her.

"Naois. Can we talk somewhere in private?" She smiled at the kids. "I need to discuss a few things with your father then I'd like to spend some time with the three of you, get to know each of you."

As if on cue, Revan herded his siblings away, casting her a parting smile.

"What is it?" Naois asked softly.

Eva sat back down on the couch, drawing Naois down with her. Holding his hand she began. "Thank you for giving me time to think things through. It was a shock to find out I was pregnant and I needed some time to absorb it. I had a chance to speak with counselor Miir about this and with his help, think through everything."

"Do you want me to speak with him too? Or shall I turn to another?"

"I think we should go together as a couple, whomever we chose. I just went to Miir because I needed to talk alone with someone, and he was available."

Eva continued. "I really just wanted reassurance that what I was feeling and thinking was normal. It's easier for Vulcans, even half-Vulcans, in some ways, being able to suppress emotions and let logic dictate what should be done. I can't do that."

"But," Eva smiled, "after speaking with Miir, I am comfortable with the idea of committing myself to you, and moving in with your family, if that's what you wish. We just need to be sure."

"It is what I wish." He didn't even need to think of that; Vulcan marriages were often based on convenience at first. Children bonded at the age of seven, something his parents had chosen not to do. But convenience often did turn into great caring and even love and he was certain that his might be that way too. Without another thought, he held out the middle and index finger of his right hand out to her. The Vulcan way of being affectionate in public. A way of not quite holding hands.

Eva raised her hand, pressing her fingers against his. "Then we are to be bonded."

"Again..." He brushed his fingers past hers, watching her intently. "Is that what you wish?" he asked seriously, "for once it is done, it cannot be undone. We would be bonded, mated, for life."

Eva repeated the gesture, this time running her fingers over Naois'. "I am sure."

Nodding, Naois raised his hand and gently touched her face, closing his eyes. "My mind to your mind," he intoned, initiating the deep, intrusive meld. His whole life flashed by as he twined their minds together, forging the waning temporary bond into something solid, nearly unbreakable. It was an exhausting endeavour for him but he persevered.

After several minutes, he lifted his hand. "Now it is permanent, and I will always be aware of you, somehow. An echo of you will be in my mind, to draw strength from in times of need. You are mine, and I am yours. Forever and always, touching and touched."

Eva could see through the meld, Naois' thoughts, the memories of his first wife, the joy of their first child, the pain of his loss both of the child, and later his wife. Images of Eva mingled in with his children, the desires of his heart laid bare. As he pulled away, Eva took a deep breath. "Now I am yours, husband. "

"My wife," Naois replied quietly, drawing her into a loose hug.

Lieutenant j.g. Naois Mercy
Medical Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC T'Vanna]

PO2 Eva Kovalev
USS Galileo
[PNPC Min]


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