USS Galileo :: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls - What boyfriends do...
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What boyfriends do...

Posted on 28 Sep 2014 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Tuula Voutilainen M.D. & Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton

1,281 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 06 - Legend of Souls
Location: USS Galileo, Deck 3, Sickbay
Timeline: MD 07 - 1520 hours


While updating the medical database, Tuula paused for a minute to look out at the door to the recovery ward. In there, she knew her patient was going through some severe mental anguish. She wanted to stay with her and keep telling her it was going to be all right, but it would be little help. Abbey had already decided to be miserable, and once a patient makes up her mind like that, no amount of convincing can bring her around. It's usually something from the outside -- a visit from someone, a religious experience, or even something as simple as a passage in a song being played on a radio. It could be the strangest thing that creates that little spark that can get the patient moving. For Tuula, it was being teased by Jaana as she learned to use a wheelchair that convinced her to start living her life again. She began smiling just thinking of how Jaana stood by her side the whole time she was in recovery. Jaana meant a lot to her, and sometimes Tuula wondered if she even knew how much she helped get her through those tough times.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the whoosh of the sickbay doors opening, revealing a tall, heavy-set, athletic man. "Mr. Pendleton, I presume?" asked Tuula as she wheeled herself out into the reception area. "I'm Dr. Voutilainen; Ms. Wyatt has requested you."

The massive man looked at her. He bowed deeply to her. "Dr. Voutilainen, I presume?" He smiled at her, "I am indeed Lieutenant Pendleton. Pleasure to meet you, Doctor." He did not even look at nor acknowledge her wheelchair. "I got here as quickly as I could, what is the prognosis to this point?"

"We've stopped the bleeding and repaired her organs, but she had damage to her spine." Tuula looked up at the very tall man. "I'm predicting that she will make a nearly full recovery, but I'll have to do multiple surgeries, and there could be weeks, even months of rehab and physiotherapy before she recovers her full range of motion." She took a deep breath. "As for her emotional state, it's bad. She really needs someone to talk to."

Jacob nodded. "Then I am glad I am here Doctor."

"Me too," replied Tuula. For some reason, she just couldn't get through to Abbey, and thought maybe a friend might help. "She's right in there," she added, pointing towards the recovery ward.

Abbey was still sulking, she laid on her left side facing away from all the commotion of the medical bay and her mind ticked over what could have been. It would have been easier if she had died down in the mine for everyone, it was her fault in the first place she should have not disobeyed order not that there were any really given. She carelessly put her life on the line for other and for what? To end up crippled, she wish she had died.

A tear rolled down her cheek and dripped onto the damp patch that was already formed. Everyone would have been able to have got on with their lives if she had died, the crew would be one less reckless teen, her dad wouldn't have to deal with her rebellious nature and Jacob could go back to flirting with his holonovel girls.

Jacob walked over to her and gently touched her shoulder. He whispered in her ear, "I am here Abs." He gently kissed her cheek. "I took off the rest of the shift to be here with you... can I get you anything?"

Abbey shook her head a sense of security running through her as Jacob kissed her cheek, she still couldn't get used to it. "No, I have everything I need now" She said turning and stroking his cheek with her free hand. "You didn't have to take of all afternoon," she protested, feeling guilt from dragging him away from his work.

Jacob whispered in her ear, "I'm your boyfriend. That's what boyfriend's do: They are there for the woman.. or significant other.. in their life. Besides, if anyone needs me, they will send a message through the Commbadge." He kissed her ear gently. "So now to you sweet love. I am here for you, and I am going to be with you through this entire time. No matter what." He gently kissed her ear again, "I love you," he said in a whispered voice.

Abbey giggled, she couldn't quiet get used to them being a together nor could she believe he was risking their privacy in sick bay "Jacob," she said biting her lip, "we should be careful."

Jacob whispered, "Yes you are correct." He stood up and turned back to Doctor Voutilainen knowing that his massive body had blocked any visuals of his kissing Abbey from anyone else in the room. In a professional voice he asked, "So Doctor, how long do you expect Ms. Wyatt to be in rehabilitation? She is steadily becoming a better scientist and will be needed back on the team as soon as possible."

Tuula pondered the question. She wanted to give Abbey enough time to recover, but she knew that the worst thing for Abbey right now was to feel useless. "She'll be in the recovery ward for the next week, but if you have any documents for her to review, you can bring down some PADDs for her, so long as she's up for it. After that, sedentary duties only until I clear her for regular duties."

Jacob nodded, "That can be handled without issue." He turned his head enough to project his voice to Abbey, "Ms. Wyatt, would this arrangement be acceptable to you? I will make sure your reading materials will keep you up to date as well as assist you with any part of your rehab as best I am able." He maintained his professional veneer despite the fact that he simply wanted to take Abbey back to their quarters and dote over her until she was well enough to come back to full duty.

Abbey looked to Jacob and smiled "That would be great thanks, I have left some notes on my bed before leaving could you bring them too? They're kind of on paper." She gave a shy grin.

"Excellent, Ms. Wyatt, I shall retrieve them immediately. I will also be adding some scientific research notes that I want you to look into when you are able." He nodded to her and then to the doctor and walked out of the room.

Abbey couldn't help but watch him leave and smiled as a hot flush flew over her body like a wave. She looked to Tuula trying to hide her red cheeks and hot flush. Jacob often left her like this.

Tuula just smiled at Abbey as she came over to her; she knew that look. "He's cute," she said, "not really my type, though."

"Oh shush!" She said going a million shades of red as her heart throbbed. Were they that obvious? She thought confused. It had only been a few days since she actually kissed him and everything spiralled out of control though Abbey had a small voice in the back of her head telling her the very thing she didn't want to hear. Laying back down she turned over burying her head into the pillow and drifted back into a restless sleep she had grown accustomed to.


Lieutenant Jacob Pendleton
Chief Research Officer
USS Galileo

Lieutenant (J.G.) Tuula Voutilainen, M.D.
Medical Officer
USS Galileo

Crewman Apprentice Abbey Wyatt
Scientist Mate
USS Galileo
(Pnpc Jake)


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